R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club


Jun 6, 2020
Short on time, so this will simply be a month in projection. I'll fill out the rest of the year timeline next time.

Goals for August
* 163 lbs
* 280 lb DL
* 180 lb Squat
* 172.5 lb Bench
* Fix bugs in project R
* Finish draft 1 of article C
* Eliminate hair as source of insecurity (hair clips, hair spray, whatever it takes to fucking lock it in place)
* SLEEP (no more days of < 6 hours)
Repost from GLL below. Wasn't planning on updating until EOM but today was an awesome day, want to remember it when I'm doing the reflection for the month.

Hit 285 lbs this morning, 10 more lbs than last PR. And I added 5 more lbs to my bench this evening (175 lbs). Just 10 more lbs to hit my bench goal!

I have one meal left to eat to hit 4k calories today. Trying to gain a few pounds this week in anticipation of losing a few pounds this weekend (going camping for four days).

Productive day today too! I didn't do much Friday, Saturday, Andy helped me out with a productivity plan and it definitely worked today.

Once I get these two papers done I'm going absolutely mental lifting. 285 lbs came up pretty quick. I have a feeling I could hit 365 lbs by the end of the year if I went hard enough.
August in Review

* 163 lbs
Hit a peak of 163 but only one day. Current average is ~161.5.

The main issue here is I lost weight on that hiking weekend trip. And more crucially, I forgot this was a goal - I definitely could've slammed calories that past week (one day I went to bed hungry after slamming 4k).

I'll be reviewing my monthly goals with Andy every week so I don't forget in the future.

* 280 lb DL
Crushed it, advanced to 285 lbs.

* 180 lb Squat
Hit 180 lbs on August 31st, despite the fact that my tailbone is still rather unhappy. Probably not the safest thing to do but it worked out. I realized today 180 lbs is still pretty light: I hit 195 lbs squat with my trainer and then we did stand-holds and even 315 lbs didn't feel *that* heavy (stand-holds: similar to the rack pull for deadlift; just loaded the bar up and stood with it on my back).

* 172.5 lb Bench
Exceeded expectations, hit 175 lbs.

* Fix bugs in project R
I did complete a brute force fix but my supervisor didn't love it so I still need to do this.

* Finish draft 1 of article C
Finished shortly before midnight August 31st.

* Eliminate hair as source of insecurity (hair clips, hair spray, whatever it takes to fucking lock it in place)
Hair spray works for the most part. Today actually my hair was still flying around so I think I need to load it up with clay to weigh it down and then hair spray to lock it.

* SLEEP (no more days of < 6 hours)

One last thing to mention is that I realized today that the likely reason I'm feeling my squats more on my right side is I have a pernicious issue that my right foot tends to be farther back. So I need to correct that before I start squatting from now on (and whenever I'm standing/sitting ideally; I wonder if it's related to my left foot being bit bigger?)
September in Projection

* 167 lbs bodyweight
* 290 lb DL
* 185 lb Squat (exceeded today on the 2nd)
* 177.5 lb Bench
* Submit article C
* SLEEP (no more days of < 6 hours AND at least 1 day of >= 8 hours)

Submitting article C is a bit of a stretch for 4 weeks but I'd really like to get that done before applying for jobs which will start mid-October (or even potentially right now).

And to try to get me to finish it ASAP, my reward for submitting article C is I'll allow myself to gun for 100 approaches in a day.

After that, I'll push as hard as possible to submit one more paper and my reward for that is I'll allow myself to take photos 8-10 hours per day / 7 days a week until I'm getting 9.0+ on photofeeler and otherwise just much more consistently taking instagram model level photos. I'll say that's the goal for October but I'd really like to have that done my mid October more ideally.

Rest of 2020 in Projection (Tentative)
* 180 lbs bodyweight***
* DL: 305 lbs minimum, 315 lbs would be nice.
* Squat: 200 lbs minimum; NO INJURIES would be nice.
* Bench: 185 lbs minimum; 200 lbs stretch goal.
* Two articles and 20-40 job applications submitted.
* Photos: minimum one 9.0+ photofeeler photo; six 9.0+ photofeeler photos (one of them with hockey, one of them with professor/scientist vibe) would be nice.

***(but if I need to do a cut at some point, or get sick and lose a ton of weight, I'll adjust this accordingly. Goal is to continue the lean bulk there not gain 20 lbs in a month or anything counterproductive to the end goal of improving aesthetics).
Last, here's a recent look at the physique (photos in briefs taken 26 August; in shorts 1 September). I'm focused on strength over physique now but interestingly if I just add 3 inches to chest/back I'll be the same dimensions as male clothing models!

I've become a bit better at flexing for the pics, just need to fix up the facial expression :twisted:

I'm also wondering if my rib cage will ever go away; I still feel like it looks anorexic/gross but supposedly I'm 15% so I'll have to drop fat later...maybe the "muscle sweatshirt" of another 20 lbs will hide it?

(photos expunged)
Idk if it's just these specific pictures, but to me it looks like you're carrying a lot of fat in your face still? And where did you get the 15% body fat percentage number from? 15 percent is getting close to the limit for where you want to END a bulk, not START it.
Hey man, appreciate the concern. Yeah those pictures were definitely not flattering on the face. It's also possible I carry fat more on my face than average. In any case, when I'm looking in profile, my cheeks jut inward so I'm not too fat yet.

15% bodyfat percentage: from my current coach, from my current coach, from an average of Radical + S3nga + Homeskills, others on GLL.

Yeah 15% is supposed to be on the upper side of a bulk, but let's be real, strength gains are going to come faster in a bulk than in a cut.


Week in Review:
Changed Pillowcase: 11/11
Spray Tan: 8/9 (I'll do two sessions in one day at some point to make it up)
Night Skin Routine: 1/1
Shave: 7/7
1st Minox: 7/7
2nd Minox: 7/7
Read Paper: 14/14
New Script Version: 7/7
Clay Mask: 1/1 (every saturday)
Bed Laundry: 0/0 (start on Sunday)
Exfoliate Sunday: 1/1
Exfoliate Wednesday: 1/1
Whiten Teeth: 0/0 (start on Saturday)
Gym: 5/5
7 fruits/veggies: 0/0 (start tomorrow)

Goals for the 2nd week
* night skin routine: increase the streak!
* 163 lbs by Sunday
* Complete analysis task 1
* Complete analysis task 2
* eliminate back pain / recover
* start day between 5am - 6am
* 2nd draft methods section
* +3 script versions per day
* rate every day; post how many pomodoro periods / hours I worked
Week in Review:
* night skin routine: increase the streak!
Very solid with the checklist stuff again this week - I'm at 8/8 for night skin - haven't had any acne since I got that going.

* 163 lbs by Sunday

* Complete analysis task 1
Didn't complete it but I incorporated it into the simulations (brute force method) and got a script working (tho it's only marginally fast enough on my local machine and doesn't work on the cluster).

So although it's not complete, it's definitely on it's way.

* Complete analysis task 2
Didn't even get to.

* eliminate back pain / recover
Not fully eliminated but definitely improved. I moved my fancy chair to my room, since that's where I mostly work these days and that definitely helped. I also realized doing a strict squat out of the chair avoids aggravating my back. And possibly my foot rest is partially at fault so I should really go back to using a stack of magazines until I buy another one - or perhaps more ideally just a bunch of 2x4s.

* start day between 5am - 6am
Accomplished, this morning, woke up at 6am. Didn't love it. For future reference, I should move my sleep schedule by changing when I go to sleep prioritized rather than when I wake up.

* 2nd draft methods section
Didn't touch. This is actually counterproductive at this stage I think.

* +3 script versions per day
Didn't track but definitely didn't accomplish every day - likely even on average. Hit +3 one day and +4 another but most days 1-2.

* rate every day; post how many pomodoro periods / hours I worked
Didn't do this. I need to write my weekly goals down if I'm going to accomplish the things I can't do at the last minute.


Week 3 Goals:
* 165 lbs on Sunday
* 40 hours work (minimum)
* Accomplish all OOP tasks I currently have.
Week 3 Review:
* 165 lbs on Sunday
-> hit 164 lbs so not quite.
* 40 hours work (minimum)
-> hit 60+ hours, definitely in the flow now.
* Accomplish all OOP tasks I currently have.
-> priorities changed but I've accomplished a lot of those OOP.


Week 4 Goal.
This week I only have one goal. Submit my paper to my advisor. Ideally with enough bells and whistles he'll be down for it to be submitted within the following week.

Tomorrow I'm going to finally do analysis that's been a long time in coming. Going to make as many plots as possible. Friday will be a writing = #1 priority day. So I'll spend ~6 hours writing, 30+ minutes on sim dev, and 1.5+ hours on analysis / making paper ready plots.

Rinse, wash, repeat until October.
Week 4 Review.
I have not submitted my paper to my advisor. It's not that close. On the plus side, my supervisor is super understanding about the situation (that is, submitting the paper before job applications) so he's offered to help writing which is super nice of him.

I've written down the next 10 steps I have to do after our meeting today. Already accomplished one. My goal is to get the remaining done by Saturday. If I do, I can carry on in this fashion. If I don't, (and that was an ambitious timeline) then I'll go into ONLY ONE GOAL mode: minimal sleeping, no showering, minimal eating (but lots of water), no gym, nothing but work until it's done. I've done this before and it's fairly enjoyable actually. Sure I'll lose some sanity but I've already lost some so that's okay.

GOAL = submit all analysis to my supervisor by next week.
(which is October Week 1 Goal)
September in Review:
* 167 lbs bodyweight
-> dropped to 161.4 lbs. Lower priority than work goal. Will resume in November.

* 290 lb DL
-> achieved on the 16th. Other DL news is I increased my 2 rep max to 255lb and tried 5x5 (but did 5x3) of 225lb on the 28th.
-> More crucially, I am lower back pain free! I started using the posture corrector but it was messing up my elbow so I stopped using it and my elbow is pain free again. Planning on not switching things up too much now that I have things pretty well set up.

* 185 lb Squat
-> 195 lb squat on the 2nd

* 177.5 lb Bench
-> hit 180 lb on my 3rd attempt on the 28th. Continued bench progress may be difficult. It seems like the "cheat" code is to bench after deadlift (after some time to recover) and to do minimal warmups so I don't get fatigued.

* Submit article C
-> didn't happen. However, I did perform 63 new simulations (generating 78 TB of new data), and developed 96 new scripts. Crucially, I revolutionized my work framework: automated job creation and analysis (I already had restarting a while ago). The realization that I could perform incremental analysis (rather than the all-or-nothing paradigm I was stuck in before) was groundbreaking. That and I finally started using jupyter notebooks to make tweaking plots more efficient (previously using vim). Cf. month in projection on finishing this.

* SLEEP (no more days of < 6 hours AND at least 1 day of >= 8 hours)
-> I had slightly more than 8 hours on of the first days of September. I think I achieved no days of < 6 hours but I'm not going to check now. (And not 100% sure I wrote my checklist every day).

October in Projection:
* #1 goal is submit article C. If I don't finish the next 9 steps I have by Saturday I'll go into ALL-IN mode (non 24 hour sleep schedule. Eat, sleep, breath this goal - the one goal - the only goal. I'd have at most ~10 days in that state before the 12th October deadline so hopefully won't damage myself too bad.

Post October 15th goals (I'll give myself 13th and 14th October to do whatever I want)
* 295 lb DL
-> to achieve, I'll do a sub-max day on 15th October to regain strength. 22nd October I'll try increasing 2 rep max as high as I can go (265lb or 275lb). And on 29th October I'll go for the new max.

* 200 lb Squat
-> Similarly, regain strength on 17th October, 24th October I'll increase my 2 rep max (wasn't previously tracked but at least 135lb), 31st October I'll hit 200 lbs if not earlier.

* 182.5 lb Bench
-> I'll bench days I deadlift. If I'm struggling I'll bench with my coach the last week.

* 7 pull-ups
-> do 100 pull-ups on 16 Oct, again on 18th; try for one set max on the 22nd. If needed, 100 pull-ups on 23rd and 25th.

* 20 push-ups (since I have done zero in the past month+; goal is to add 4-10 per month).

Rest of 2020 in Projection (Tentative)
* I'm thinking I'll go moderately "all" out lifting 15 - 31st October (still working 40-50 hours per week)

* Go moderately "all" out with photos 1 - 15 November (still working 40 - 50 hours per week)
-> I'm going to do a paid photoshoot to get a studio hockey shot I've been wanting a long time - and to try to guarantee a knock out for the 9.0+ photofeeler goal.

* 15 - 30 November: while still need 9.0+ photofeeler photo, go all out on photos. After, rest of year goal is to submit one more paper. The reward then would be gunning for 315+ lbs deadlift / going all out with gym goals.

* 180 lbs bodyweight***
-> likely only possible if I pig bulk.
* DL: 305 lbs minimum, 315 lbs would be nice.
* Squat: 200 lbs minimum; NO INJURIES would be nice (and I'm almost there!)
* Bench: 185 lbs minimum; 200 lbs stretch goal.
* Two articles and 20-40 job applications submitted.
* Photos: minimum one 9.0+ photofeeler photo; six 9.0+ photofeeler photos (one of them with hockey, one of them with professor/scientist vibe) would be nice.
I like the month in projection thing you do.
Thanks man! It makes it a lot easier to be happy with a month even if I have a bad week or so.

Week 1 October Review.
* I did indeed get all the analysis done by Saturday so I didn't go full hardcore mode.

In other news, I increased some deadlift lifts: 12 rep max now at 185lbs; 3 rep max now at 255lbs. I then went on to do 90 dimel deadlifts at 115 lbs; a fun grip-training day!

Also did overhead press for the first time in a while. Still have one rep max at 95 lbs.

Week 2 October in Projection
* Submit paper to supervisor by Monday
* Complete 8 new analysis tasks by Monday
* Finish 2 job applications by Monday
* 100 approaches in a day on Monday
* Relax on Tuesday
Week 2 October in Review
* Submit paper to supervisor by Monday - didn't happen.
* Complete 8 new analysis tasks by Monday - didn't happen.
* Finish 2 job applications by Monday - didn't happen.
* 100 approaches in a day on Monday - got it done.
* Relax on Tuesday - pretty sure I worked but took things a bit easy.

So overall, not the best week but I did accomplish a milestone. Submitted my first job application today. Technically 4 minutes late (or 3h4m late depending on definitions), but I think it was actually a pretty great cover letter. Very nonstandard though so we'll see if I get shortlisted.

Week 3 October in Review (Work, work, work)
* Analyze V68 and V69 sims (include .false. bug sims)
* Tcutoff analysis: do it.
* Contact HF mentor(s)
* Revamp analysis to deal with BC.
Might add/revise this tomorrow.
Week 3 October in Review
* Analyze V68 and V69 sims (include .false. bug sims)
-> done
* Tcutoff analysis: do it.
-> done
* Contact HF mentor(s)
-> decided not to do, procrastinated too long :(
* Revamp analysis to deal with BC.
-> have not done yet.

Week 4 October in Review
* I broken down slightly with my checklists so I don't remember entirely what I did Thursday, Friday although I recall it being quite productive. This week my #1 work goal is to get an application done and I've been having some pretty bad writer's block. At least bulking has been much more successful since I woke up earlier the past few days. Had a pound of chicken today which was delicious. I almost never eat food right after I cook it.

Remainder of October Goals
* #1 = finish application!
* #2 = average 3k+ calories this week
* #3a = If elbow feels okay, try 295 lb deadlift
* #3b = If elbow feels okay, try 182.5 lb bench
Gents, I've been deported to covid jail for the past ~week. Two of my roommates tested positive, thought for sure I'd have it too, but I tested negative.

Nonetheless, my roommates have it not too bad - one has lost his sense of smell and taste and otherwise has it like a bad cold. Other roommate has had no symptoms so far.

So I've decided that worrying about covid is nearly over for me. I'll be careful the two weeks before I go home to see my family but when I'm back in 2021 I'm resuming travel - at least one trip per month. That's when I'll really be trying to get laid.

Besides not being allowed to go outside more than once a day, it's actually been quite nice in covid jail. With no roommates I've had no distractions all weekend. I've now submitted 6 job applications (34+ to go) and have a really nice daily schedule going: workout, eat, shower, ukelele+french, work 2-3 hours, meditate, work 2-3 hours, eat + relax and sleep.

The most substantial improvement to my workflow has been eating only twice a day; it's a lot easier for me to pack on Calories than GOMAD and my breakfast is digested by the time I'm done with my morning routine.

I'm also several days into no porn (forget when that started; staying accountable with MarkVegas (not sure which Mark he is here)) and started one fap per week. Also two days into TV only once per week.

This was meant to be preamble to my month in review + projection but I'll leave it there for now. Hope you all are gunning to complete your 2020 goals!
Hmm, guess I forgot to hit submit this morning!

Long story short, did two photoshoots last week. The cheaper one I don't think I got a single usable photo from (but maybe Andy will find one that's salvageable). The ones posted below are my top 10, I get to keep 5 (which the photographer will edit). I definitely have a my top 1 or 2 but let me know your top 5.

(photos expunged)
Ayy! Finally managed to stay logged in. Think it was a firewall issue at my parents' house. Although I also have just been crazy busy for the last 3-4 weeks since getting back from there and haven't tried since I got back.

Hit 1000 pushups in a day. Next goal is 100 consecutive push-ups in under two minutes. Let's go!