R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

~6 hours working on insta-lay goal today.

Short update.

It's now been nearly a month and I'm still coughing at nights. Think it might be a sinus infection. I got tested for covid the first week and a few days ago both negative.

Silver lining is I went all out with work - submitted my third paper July 29th, had a successful dissertation defense July 30th, and fully revised my paper yesterday. My advisor just submitted an outstanding form today so I should be all done.

I'm in Hawaii so today I grabbed a few bottles of wine, placed condoms in both nightstand drawers and walked through how it would go down from when I'd bring a girl into my place. Successfully uncorked a wine bottle this time and I'll do another practice run tomorrow and then I'd say I'll be pretty confident about that.

Went to lunch at a bar and besides from the bartender and other wait staff the only eligible lady was 40+ y/o divorced but not good looking.

Went surfing after that and I did chat up one surfer girl seemed promising. Asked her what she was doing here, she mentioned she was there with her swim team. Asked if it was college and she said nope she's actually 112.

I went to another three bars but no eligible girls. Stayed until close (9pm here) but no dice.

So it seems like this tiny town is ideal for family trips but not for getting laid. Good to know for future reference. But hey, tomorrow's a new day and I'll be looking super sharp for the wedding. Might have some fun.

Holden, Rags2Bitches have either of you got laid at bars/clubs while traveling solo or only at the places you've greased for weeks on end or been with wings you know really well? I won't have a regular spot (will be in a new city every day or few days) for the next 2-3 months. It might be harder to get laid while traveling as I'll obviously not have the social proof Holden was talking about but I'm sure I'll get it figured out and will be fun.
RogerRoger I have gotten laid while travelling solo, but only a handful of times. And while I was travelling solo, I didn't go out solo. It was always when I went out with people from the hostel that I've gotten laid (most of the time with people from that group too).

So I'm not really the best guy to ask about this.
RogerRoger said:
@Holden, @Rags2Bitches have either of you got laid at bars/clubs while traveling solo or only at the places you've greased for weeks on end or been with wings you know really well? I won't have a regular spot (will be in a new city every day or few days) for the next 2-3 months. It might be harder to get laid while traveling as I'll obviously not have the social proof Holden was talking about but I'm sure I'll get it figured out and will be fun.

yes, 10+ times.

It's not much harder than in your own city (easier sometimes if the demographics are more favorable). There's some built in social proof if you look like a somebody.

Pay attention to venue selection (should have a rough idea of the bars/clubs you want to go to ahead of time) and logistics. If your logistics are trash, you can still have a fun night/get some makeouts/meet cool people but it's a lot harder to get laid.

Venue selection: obviously want somewhere that's pretty full, good ratio (groups of single girls go there), and where the music is not too loud to talk
1) ask locals if you know any or party people who travel a lot
2) on insta look at 2-3 local insta models and see what bars/clubs they've posted themselves in the past year. Look at the people they follow...some of the attractive girls on that list will be their friends. For the ones with public instas, look at where they've posted themselves in the past year.
3) pipeline a bit with tinder ahead of time and ask your matches-- stopped doing this a couple of years ago cause I felt bad asking girls where to go with no intention of meeting them

Ideally get a hotel or airbnb in walking distance or less than a 15 min uber ride away
Maybe I'm just not going out late enough.

Met up with greenfavor today - super cool guy. Definitely the kind of person who achieves whatever he aims for -- like me, maybe just a bit quicker :)

Anyway, we went to the mission district in SF. Hit on 5-10 girls/groups I guess. Had a decent shot with the last group since her friends were pushing for it but the girl was lame.

A couple girls -- including the first one -- I was able to hold their hand for a while, even spin them around but they copped out with bf / dating someone.

Bummer but at the same time I probably need to hit on 100 girls in a night to bang one. Or maybe I'm just not going out late enough to pull the drunk girls.

I have an early morning tomorrow but will aim for midnight - 2am approaches tomorrow ideally and put my best shot on pulling a girl.

Feel like the hotel room I got tonight is kinda wasted but I definitely didn't want to drive back tonight. It still makes sense and hopefully good motivation to try harder tomorrow.
Also a short itinerary post (basically my Tinder profile now which is generating way more convos from matches recently, we'll see if it ends in the mile high club as expected).

Now - Aug 24th: Bay Area
Aug 24 - Sep 4th: WI - IL - MI - OH - PA -WV - IN
Sep 4th - 9th: Bay Area
Sep 9th - 16th: NY - PA - MD - DC
Sep 17 - 23: LA
Sep 23 - 27: Bay Area
Sep 27 - Oct 2: SD - WY - MT
Oct: South America TBD

Possibly Seattle Oct 3 for the last baseball game of regular season.
Tentatively Peru for Oct 5 - 12.
And then my choice South America Oct 12 - 23 (maybe a few days later).

Considering between Colombia - that model girl I approached in Chicago and banged in Orlando is still messagine me - Argentina, and Ecuador.

Ecuador looks super fun for surfing.
Argentina would be fun to see the penguins and maybe hit up Antarctica (at a weak level. I can't afford South Pole now but consider that more legit).

Main drama there is I have to forfeit my passport on Sep 8th for German work visa application. So I applied for a real ID on Thursday and should arrive in time for my Sep 9th trip. If not, I guess I'll have to get a passport card same day or some shit. Anyway, for the South America trip I'll have to apply for a second passport book, which I'll probably get.

I'm kinda fingers crossed that the german work visa takes long enough that I can't start work Nov 1st and I'll be able to hangout a few more weeks in the states - there's still so much to do and so little time.

Gotta make the most of every day like it's my last.
RogerRoger said:
Maybe I'm just not going out late enough.

Bummer but at the same time I probably need to hit on 100 girls in a night to bang one. Or maybe I'm just not going out late enough to pull the drunk girls.

LOL no. 10-20 is more than enough. “mastery” looks like pulling an attractive girl every 2-3 times you go out on average. 10 30-12 30 is the sweet spot in north america…you want to catch sexually available girls as soon as they go out, not when they’ve already found someone or got trashed.

obv you don’t have much experience in nightlife yet and your looks aren’t elite but 100 or even 50 is only useful for a masochistic kick to get likes from autists, not for getting laid.

just stay consistent with a 10 minimum approach quota per night and make sure you’ve read the relevant GLL articles
Basically a repost from GLL.

TL;DR, few airport/plane approaches - long ones, no pulls but some decent opportunites. Had the second date of my life with a girl who's a model - quality is improving. Just need to get ballsier from the get-go (hand was shaking when I first saw her).

@slick, I'll only be there a day or two but will let you know.

Just got back from the hottest (natty) date of my life. No bang sadly. But still cool the quality is going way up. This was a hinge date where literally the only response she had on Hinge was one word. Then she went dark when I was here about a month ago. So I just hail mary'd it and said add me on insta if you want to skip the small talk and get a drink.

She's the kind of girl in Tinder/Bumble/Hinge where her photos are phenomenal - and in fact she's a low-level / aspiring model - the type that typically doesn't send any response or just one message. So it's cool that that message worked and I'll try it again on girls that don't respond to the opener.

In other news I flew to Wisco today. Three solid airport/plane approaches. Got a girl's number I chatted with behind me in line. Sent her a chardonnay on the plane and she hungout with me briefly after we landed before she had to run to her connection lol.

Approached a pornstar looking girl who was walking super slow and looking at all the stores and stuff, seemed bored. Feel like I had a chance if I was more aggressive. At first I was like let's get a drink and she kind've ignored the question. Then I started walking her towards the bar and she followed. But I hesitated when we were passing a wine bar and she broke it off. Bummer but oh well.

Like a 3-4/10 girl at the bar I was thinking about lowering my standards for an inaugural airport lay. Here connection was coming up and wasn't down to join me to the wine bar. Not too big a deal.

Plan is to do some daygame in Chicago and then back to Michigan. It's pretty fun returning to cities since I have matches from there from online, some seem down to meet up but we'll see.


Anime: 153 days clear.
Video Games: 111 days clear.
No Porn: 80 days clear.

Pretty great for all three, definitely time to add something new to the mix. Tiktok has become my replacement for porn so it's time to eliminate that.

Tiktok: 0 days clear.
RogerRoger said:
Basically a repost from GLL.

TL;DR, few airport/plane approaches - long ones, no pulls but some decent opportunites. Had the second date of my life with a girl who's a model - quality is improving. Just need to get ballsier from the get-go (hand was shaking when I first saw her).

@slick, I'll only be there a day or two but will let you know.

Just got back from the hottest (natty) date of my life. No bang sadly. But still cool the quality is going way up. This was a hinge date where literally the only response she had on Hinge was one word. Then she went dark when I was here about a month ago. So I just hail mary'd it and said add me on insta if you want to skip the small talk and get a drink.

She's the kind of girl in Tinder/Bumble/Hinge where her photos are phenomenal - and in fact she's a low-level / aspiring model - the type that typically doesn't send any response or just one message. So it's cool that that message worked and I'll try it again on girls that don't respond to the opener.

In other news I flew to Wisco today. Three solid airport/plane approaches. Got a girl's number I chatted with behind me in line. Sent her a chardonnay on the plane and she hungout with me briefly after we landed before she had to run to her connection lol.

Approached a pornstar looking girl who was walking super slow and looking at all the stores and stuff, seemed bored. Feel like I had a chance if I was more aggressive. At first I was like let's get a drink and she kind've ignored the question. Then I started walking her towards the bar and she followed. But I hesitated when we were passing a wine bar and she broke it off. Bummer but oh well.

Like a 3-4/10 girl at the bar I was thinking about lowering my standards for an inaugural airport lay. Here connection was coming up and wasn't down to join me to the wine bar. Not too big a deal.

Plan is to do some daygame in Chicago and then back to Michigan. It's pretty fun returning to cities since I have matches from there from online, some seem down to meet up but we'll see.


Anime: 153 days clear.
Video Games: 111 days clear.
No Porn: 80 days clear.

Pretty great for all three, definitely time to add something new to the mix. Tiktok has become my replacement for porn so it's time to eliminate that.

Tiktok: 0 days clear.

That's awesome that you got another date with a model! Do you know if/when you're still stopping by la crosse?
Munich, here I am!

Lot's happened in the past few months. I went to 9 new baseball stadiums, visited tons of friends and had several photoshoots so I've got a nice backlog of IG posts to fire out the next few weeks.

During the photoshoot in LA I finally broke the 9.0 barrier on photofeeler! It was a cat photo of course. Another pretty bfish photo hit 8.5. It was pretty massively edited. Still can't believe how well it rated since initially it looked like I was crying (sun was pretty harsh). But also had some pretty high scoring photos that weren't edited nearly as much and which I actually like the style. That'll definitely keep improving as I keep upgrading my style and doing more photoshoots.

To keep this post briefer, I'll focus on three big events: trying out two PUA coaches, meeting up with Rags2Bitches for basically a nightgame bootcamp, and Colombia.

PUA Coaches: Low Value But Still Interesting Experiences
The first PUA coach did daygame + nightgame in NYC one of the nights I was there. Daygame was pretty similar to GLL except he liked to start indirect (but go direct pretty quickly after). And he followed a script to all his interactions. Well, he said he did but he definitely had some branching paths depending on what the girl said.

So the daygame (actually streetgame at night, but same thing in NYC basically) was interesting. Second session for nightgame he ended up bringing his other client who had pretty bad AA and basically spent all the time on him or went after girls himself...so that was money down the drain. Also seemed pretty clear he didn't treat night game any different or was a bit out of his element.

Second PUA coach was weekly coaching calls like I did with Andy since he wasn't doing bootcamps (COVID). This guy actually dates back to the time Chris (GLL) was trying out PUA bootcamps and definitely reminded me of "Mr Funny Guy" from the AA drills. This PUA coach's whole thing was to build attraction through being playful/flirty. His other thing was to build self-confidence through strong opinions (so all this is not too dissimilar to Mark Manson's epilogue in Models - except ridiculously more expensive).

If I was more $$$-conscious I would've taken the refund after the first month (although I'm 99% sure he doesn't actually give that out) since I learned all the useful stuff from the write-ups and the weekly coaching calls were basically "mean girl" therapy. Seriously, the main dude was causing more harm than good from those calls. I met up with another one of his clients when I was in NYC and I could tell he was suffering from it too. Another coach "Mr Funny Guy" employed was wayyy more human but I thought I paid was more than enough for two months worth.

Especially since this dude wasn't even on board with my goal being get an insta-lay! He transitioned his business into bf-gf (but then again, GLL bashed PUAs on not actually getting laid so maybe it's just 100% true with this crew). Way more I could say on this but not worth it now imo. This guy did my photoshoot in LA and his editing is kinda reminiscent of Andy's. The editing is really good. The style recommendations he gave were pretty trash, but it's history now.

Night Game with Rags2Bitches
It's pretty crazy just how stark of a contrast my experience with the PUA coaches stacked up compared to the Saturday + Sunday I hungout with Rags2Bitches (and honestly his whole crew). Whereas especially with "Mr Funny Guy" PUA coach I felt like I was getting leeched for $$$ at every corner and the value in return was pretty low, Rags2Bitches made it abundantly clear that he legit cared for my success.

Honestly, the weekend with Rags2Bitches more of felt like hanging with a friend than paying a coach - albeit, a friend with a pretty sick lifestyle who definitely had a light of nightgame experience to pass down. I'd say the #1 takeaway is that nightgame is actually fun if you're rolling with guys who are cool, have fun, and are also looking to get laid. Sunday night was pretty quiet but Rags2Bitches's roommate got laid. I had a couple of decent chances that I just didn't capitalize on (but some improvement in Colombia). It was also really cool just seeing what putting the time in to get to know the night crew in your city is like - we were skipping pretty much all the lines and not paying covers.

Overall, the value of that weekend with Rags2Bitches was sky-high. In fact, I don't think he had that huge of a profit after paying for all the drinks. So I'm feeling a little extra pressure there to achieve my financial goal and repay the favor at some point (more on Munich goals below).

I was only in Colombia for 10 days, but it was insane how much happened in that time! I had two lays: one was ALMOST an insta-lay from day/hostel-game and the other was my first lay from night game (banged her on a date when I returned to her city like a week later).

Instagram-game didn't pan out this time (first time I've tried). It seemed like one 10/10 body, 5/10 face was pretty down but my lack of Spanish might've caused some problems. No biggie though.

There were a couple times towards the end of the trip I felt like two lays was kinda wimpy. And I'm pretty positive I could've had at least a 3rd (but she was psycho so I'm glad I left went to Armenia the next day) maybe more if I had stuck to Bogota for the full trip. Tinder was absolutely insane (only on boosts though) and Bumble was legit too. I had six dates stacked one day. Maybe I could've budgeted my time better but I had to flake on two girls (one flaked on me) so I had three dates that day.

The other kinda crazy thing is that the two girls I banged seem pretty down to stick around. Of course, if I don't return in a long time, they'll hopefully find other dudes. But a third chick I didn't bang (but ***really*** wanted to - she was my salsa teacher and apparently a virgin) is still messaging me every day and seems super cool. Ideally I'll go shark cage scuba diving with her sometime in the next month or two.

It was also pretty fun approaching girls although I didn't do a ton of approaches. Pretty much straight ignored on the street - but it makes sense since there are a ton of urchins on the street. I had a pretty good number ratio at the mall and might've been able to go on a few dates with those girls.

Aside from the bangs had a ton of fun on the dates and visiting hostels for the first time in like 18 months. It definitely seems like it's worth it for me to book a hostel (on top of a hotel if it's cheap enough) just for the very easy (but temporary) social circle development.

The other kinda funny thing is I added at least 30 IG followers from the trip, I think almost all of them girls. I imagine I'll have to grow my IG through randos at some point but it's kinda fun doing it from the ground.

1. Work
-> this will need refining but I'll start out November with a time-based goal of 40 hours at the office each week. Ideally I'll do 12 hour Mondays and taper off with the week. I'd like to take off Fridays at least once a month for trips, but they also might have enough holidays here that I'll just take trips during those. There's a holiday tomorrow apparently.

The remainder I'm not exactly sure how I'll prioritize. I have basically no cash now (I've even had to withdraw from Coinbase to pay my credit card) so I'm feeling a pretty strong financial drive now, especially since an abundance of $$$ makes everything else easier. But I also have some pretty good night-game, photoshoot and fashion momentum I don't want to just stall out. I'm much more of an all-or-nothing sprinter but we'll see if I can find some balance.

A. 20M usd, liquid (i.e., in my Schwab checking account). 3% APY would return 300k (assuming 50% goes to taxes).
B. 10k IG followers
C. Pull a girl from bar/club (insta-lay).
D. Build an awesome social circle.
E. Languages (German = top priority)
F. Adventure sports (skiing, surfing)
G. Creative shit (drums/guitar, drawing, dancing)
H. Cooking

C+D go hand-in-hand, and to some extent learning German as well. Ideally my social circle is down for ski/surf trips on weekends at least monthly.

G+H are more of stretch goals. Cooking I feel like I might as well get good at since I cook to save money and to control my diet anyway. Creative stuff is just for fun.

E. Languages
i. German = top priority, since I'm living here.
ii. Spanish = improve (already pretty conversational but I need to work on past + future tense and LISTENING comp)
iii. Italian = pick it back up. My 2nd language from HS, not sure where it's at now.
iv. French = the hardest for me to pronounce. Also work on listening comp. I can read fairly proficiently already.
v. Portuguese = just need to learn the pronunciation. Vocab seems similar to Spanish.
vi. Polish. For when I visit S3nga and another dude in Poland.
A. 20M usd, liquid.
I have a ton of ideas here. I'll post about that (and a break-down of my time-budget for the week/month) tomorrow.
So you made it to Germany!!!! Excellent brother. May some incredible times and experiences jump your way ;)
Radical said:
RogerRoger said:
The style recommendations he gave were pretty trash, but it's history now.
Do tell

Okay, on the plus side, he did advocate well-fit clothes. I just got pretty frustrated when he couldn't express WHY he didn't like my arrowhead necklace for like 15 minutes, re-hashing different versions of "it's cliche" (okay, cliche how???) or that it "gave the wrong vibe" (which he also said for piercings or two rings on one hand) until I finally pulled from him that he thought I came across as a douchebag wearing it. Which sounds more like a good thing:

Basically, he advocated for very minimal accessories and rather bfish style in general. Probably fine for most of his clients but not elite.

Thebastard, cheers dude! Definitely looking forward to all the adventures in the fatherland - and checking out eastern europe finally too.

Now, cheers mate.

Okay, here's the plan for the week.

#1a WORK
T-F 32 work hours left.

For now thinking 8 hours per day but ideally I'll work long tomorrow or Wednesday and have a short day Friday.

1b $$$
We'll see if I actually spend more time on this or on getting laid (or something else) this week, and I'll re-prioritize accordingly.

So I currently have $X in debt. I have about $X/2 on Acorns which I'm going to close out (my performance on Schwab is way better) and the other half will have to wait until I get paid this month. Or else I'll have to scramble to earn some quick side cash. Most promising option I've seen so far is Math/Science QA tutoring. I like the concept better than regular tutoring since I can walk away at any time. Probably doesn't pay much but it might be a starting point.

Making Money
Most of my money-making ideas right now revolve around NFTs. To actually make money off of my own NFTs I'd have to either (a) create some really cool, high-value art OR (b) develop a fanbase that'll buy my stuff.

The problem with (a) is that I have very little time invested / experience in art of any kind. It's something I'd like to work on, but it'll take a while to develop.

The problem with (b) is that developing that fanbase will probably take a while. But it's also something I am planning on working on, I just don't think it'll likely pan out for 1-3 years.

However, that's for selling my own NFTs. Instead, I'm going to try creating my own business where the service I provide for my clients is taking images/videos they hand me and making NFTs for them (basically what DapperLabs is doing with the NBA, but I have several ideas for my niche).

So, I'm going to create a few different collections of NFTs on different platforms so I have the expertise built up by the time I start contacting people. My sister's company might be a goldmine. I also have an old contact in the NFL which would be huge. It's probably his last year and we haven't talked in a long time, but if that does workout, that could be colossal. And if neither of those pan out, I'll just cold-call people in my niche. Maybe even offer to pay the first few since I'm mostly hoping to collect profits from the re-selling of the NFTs and their growth of value over time anyway. I just need their audience. And they'd get most of the percentage. I'd just be taking like 1% of each sale or some royalty like that.

Anyway, time for bed. Goal is to mint at least one NFT by the end of the week.

Other news briefly
I'm planning on going out just Friday and Saturday for building social circle and pulling a girl from the bar/club this week. I worked out today, which is good. Also want a haircut this or next week.

I should be adding two posts to IG this week (they're both time-sensitive, at least in my imagining). Likely going to have to taper that off until I get some $$$ as I don't love editing myself and it's not the cheapest thing.

Going to dream about 20M tonight for sure.
My two cents as an artist:

Making money with art has zero connection with artistic or technical ability (look at most modern art in galleries, it's crap and requires 0 skill) and everything to do with your connections, the persona you create, your persuassion skills, who's your target audience and how you keep them engaged. NFTs is the same, it's not about the image that's attached to the token. It's like a pair of adidas. They may be poorly made and with cheap materials, but as long as they have the famous brand stamped on them, people will buy them. Making money with art is 5% about art and 95% business.

Passions/hobbies in general are an awful way to make money, because there are 1000s of people that want the same thing. It's a very Pareto Pyramid, only the top of the top are profitable with it, but they make really good money. But the vast majority are in a sort of voluntary slavery. And with art this is even worse, because again, it's not about technical ability, so being really good doesn't guarantee anything. No one knows what makes an artwork or a song succesful. There are a lot of super talented artists (in my opinion) that are broke because they don't know how to sell themselves, they are too introverted/autistic or just unlucky. The only way to withstand years of financial nightmare is to actually be passionate about it and don't care about money that much, which I doubt is your case. It's pretty much a gamble.

Have you checked the fastlaneforums? there are dozens of blueprints and cases of success of people becoming financially independent using very simple try and tested business models