Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch


May 30, 2020
Yo guys

So as my signature will tell you I took up Andy's 365 challenge and I have to upload 1 youtube video a day for the year

This is in part because I was already working on a youtube channel for my family business, I needed to get good at editing and shooting, content creation etc.

Been having a lot of trouble coming up with new video ideas to fill the days ahead.

As per Andy's suggestion I am asking you guys for random ideas to talk about for 5-10 minute videos

My latest video is literally called 'I Had No Idea What To Do For This Video' - https://youtu.be/GOIAmmIaOck

Made a few choices recently;
- focus on self improvement as its the main thing im into
- mostly focus on things i have already done: travelling, improving social circle, mental health journey etc
- stop doing football content, streamlining the channel a little bit

Ideas on a postcard boys if you have any

Quick to the point video today

- everyone has days where there mood is bad on waking up or something throws them off early
- identify when this happens
- write an achievable to do list
- the list should match your output/achievement on an average to good day
- don't aim for a moonshot (ie matching your best ever days)
- fill it with loads of small tasks you've been putting off - easy wins
- anchor yourself to the list - your day is successful if you complete it before you sleep

Pomodoro Technique review
Used it before mostly with regards to writing
It does work
Its not a magic bullet that will revolutionise your productivity forever but it does work in getting you started
Yes thats an onion. Im not an idiot. Watch the vid.

Did a vlog about lockdown coming back to the UK

My 3rd lockdown and counting. Just talk about my mindset going in and what i will do

Responding to something Pinnacle of Man said in his video reviewing Ben Shapiro's dating advice

I disagree with the idea you shouldnt be friends with girls

It was a balance I had to find in my own life, one that became much easier when I sorted my dating life

Feel free to give me your thoughts if you disagree

- It is true you absolutely should not be friends with a girl you have feelings for
- End any friendship you have where you are actually just into the girl and not being honest
- After getting my dating sorted i was able to compartmentalise my friends separate from my dating
- I see this argument coming a lot from introverts, im extroverted and I cant really stop myself vibing with girls as friends. Its also a sign you are somewhat socially inept to not have female friends in my circles
- as i learnt to make a lot of friends by travelling alone i learnt how to screen people into my life that were positive for it. This obviously included girls but they are rarer than guys
- i lived with 3 objectively hot girls in a party house for 6 months (i know Chris did this for a time too). The fastest way to get over wanting to fuck a female friend is to live with them. You see everything that is unattractive about them
Could you make an overall recap translating what you went through in your video ?
Yeah sure Wifty

Is my speaking too fast for someone who doesnt have English as their first language?
No, you're speaking is great.

I personally generally prefer to read notes in 30 secs/1 minute instead of watching a video.

Yours are generally short timed which is fine for me, but still.

I'm currently more interested in getting to the point and read your notes, get your point so I can look at your perspective.
Rather than, like a few years ago when I had MOSTLY focus onto learning from people. I would watch 45 mn longs Chris GLL videos because I wanted to understand everything.

I don't need this now. But I'm interested in what you're saying
Cheers for the feedback dude

I sometimes worry about speaking too fast or not clearly enough

Comparing myself too much to someone like KillYourInnerLoser who has a voice (and face) perfect for radio
I watched the video, but I'm not sure what exactly you do in this scenario:

1) Hot girl enters your social circle
2) You try to hit on her
3) She turns you down
4) She stays in your social circle

Do you get friendly with her?

Personally, I can't. But keep in mind I'm a hardcore introvert.

When a girl enters my social circle, I either hit on her or leave her alone because she's with someone else. But for me it's a "yei or nay" kind of thing. The "I'll be friends with her" doesn't exist.

If she's ugly/fat I'll ignore her so we won't get friendly.

Also, I'm not sure if that's a bias I have, but the most fun girls I've hanged out with, were girls I had sex with.

I believe guys are naturally more cool/funny/interesting to be around than girls. So I really don't see the point of having girls as friends. When someone tells me "my girl friends are as cool/funny/interesting as my guy friends", my first thought is "your guy friends are probably lame".

Finally, Ben Shapiro gives dating advice? It's like Joe Biden giving health tips.
Surprisingly some of Shapiro's advice wasnt awful. He said dont be a simp basically and approach a girl honest about your intent

Yeah I dont really run social circle game much at all now. There was two times in Australia when I was on my way out of the hostel and a girls that were sort of friends suddenly showed interest. These were the exceptions as I didnt think I would see them again. And tbf I havent

All my other times i had a crush on a friend in social circle had been before I sorted out my dating. Once I had a decent amount on that side I didnt care that there were hot chicks around me. Once they came into the friend group and I realised they were chill and gonna stick around they were automatically in my friendzone

It also helps im very picky when it comes to personality, the longer you hang with chicks the more unattractive stuff comes out

The other big factor was I used to go out and do party drugs at raves
Which is fun you can have with girls without having sex, in part also because the drugs wreck your sex drive
Girls are better for going out with on these nights than guys are tbh
I believe about the getting laid theme what matters most is the boyfriend material/potential attitude.

The fact she says yes/no doesn't matter to me. If we get along as persons that's what matters to me.
Fact she's a girl doesn't interfere.

However if you want to be around one girl and befriend her only to have sex with her, that's counterproductive.

From the moment someone compromise himself to fit the other person that's not a sweet fit. To me.
That's scarcity mindset and Being afraid of loosing the girl. This sucks. And does not land sweet rewards.

The remedy is talking to other girls and have sex with them.
From this perspective you exhibit "boyfriend potential". It means that you have options.
When you have options you can break all the rules and do as you want.
I have four good female friends. They live in different cities and if i feel like going there to a party or some other event, i can always crash at their place. They also work great as wingmen spotting IOIs for me in case i miss some girl staring at me stealthly. One even has a set where if we see a hot girl that i like but the target is in a group, she goes up and opens for me with stuff like "Hey! My friend over there thinks you are cute, wanna come and hang out with us?". Now, TRP might have a field day with this being beta game, but shit works and i don't need to do anything aside from sitting on a table looking cute. I think the reason it works is because preselection and it's rather unusual for a woman to do that for another guy. It's pretty distinct and probably piques her interest. Also allows her to look at me from a distance and select me with no pressure, essentially making the interest genuine. Granted i have not been single for a long time and we only did it twice so far but looks great.

Anyway, girls can absolutely be great friends. But you gotta be clear that it's just friendship and you are not truly trying to fuck them, even if there would be opportunities.

A video I did a few days ago regarding how I dealt with losing my hair around age 21

This was my biggest physical insecurity and source of some hopelessness back in the day

Andy helped me a lot with this tbh

Pretty much my entire self improvement ideology condensed into a video

Andy and Chado talked about this on their podcast episode

Anyone whos done well in these communities has taken drastic action at some point to fix their lives

Day 71, the grind continues

DIscovering I Was An Extrovert Then Dealing with That in Covid

- had a lot of anxiety holding me back in my teens but always wanted a lot of friends
- got good at meeting people travelling alone
- learned i love big events, raves, clubs, festivals - the crazy adventures that come from that
- moved into a party house
- covid hit as i was getting a bit sick of non stop partying
- had to relearn coping with isolation
- currently just focused on building myself, enjoying time with family and ignoring my extroverted drives that hate covid restrictions
- also walking meditation helps
Seems a better time than any to put this one up given Andy is celebrating his new life in Brisbane


The ability to fucking move is a skill some of you need
I hesitated on actually switching my location up back in the day too, I know how hard it is
It gets incredibly easy to do once youve done it once or twice

See a ton of resistance to this piece of advice from guys who would pretty much solve all their issues if they did take the jump

Had a look over all the avenues you can get laid
The only required 'skill' to getting started and having success is the ability to be honest with girls about your intentions
Whether its social circle, online or cold approach

No indirect, simping pussy shit around here lads

I consider this the hardest to do in social circle (the most anxiety blocking you i think)
The next hardest is daytime cold approach
I think most guys have managed to try night approaching and be direct
Online its already kind of implied but you need to get to the point and be honest in the conversation (tell her she is sexy/cute and actually pitch dates)

* i filmed this in shit lighting. The next few are better quality