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Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch

grodmeister general that's awesome. So we're pretty similar when it comes to creating sexual tension. If you're getting results with this, you should definitely hit up Andy. We can never have too many successful people in his podcast, and not all successful people skin a cat the same way.
I do not think we are similar in creating attraction, the goal is the same but the means to the end is different ,it isnt being sexual or anything like that its getting them to admire you(attraction) then giving them hoops to earn your affection then comfort and touching then sex!
Maybe I understood it differently. I just don't have as much chances as I would right now to cold approach. All my lays are currently from Bumble and Tinder because cold approach just isn't feasible in my country yet.

I'm not knocking you. If it works for you, go ahead. Just wanted to make sure a new dude backs his talk with results. I really don't care if you get laid either by heavy screening or through game.
It is not fear its intelligence, its pretty dumb to show intent early, especially since you can tilt things in your favor! then show intent , a good boxer waits for the opening to knock you out,an amateur swings for the knock out and hopes for the best!
Not an expert in aproaching direct or indirect by any mean, but I think you are missing one important point about being direct. The numbers game - when you get rejected upfront you can just go to another girl. Literally no time wasted. When you try playing indirect games with her and in the end it turns out she wasn't interested anyway, you waste a lot of time. A time you could spend aproaching other girls and getting succeses. Do I get it wrong?
Boys lets curtail this discussion on this thread

This is just meant to be my youtube log

and im happy for a couple of comments about stuff i post but not pages of argument

Set up a thread somewhere else if you are really want to hash this out further

But at some point this becomes mental masturbation. Everyone should be out trying to get laid not arguing about best practice on the internet
Radical said:

Advice on how to hire a coach

Some insight into why I was confident in getting help from Andy before these forums existed and his blog barely did
Some mistakes I made as a dumb kid getting coaching
The main thing is PROOF as always
But i think a string of successful students might be just as good as proof they did it themselves

I can concur with a lot of what you said. The biggest issue for a lot of guys will be rushing into hiring coaches without vetting them first. It happened to me years ago when a coach who really shouldn't have been coaching caught me at the right time and the right place. Sometimes we just want the easy solution which is fine but you need to do your due diligence and ensure you are getting your money's worth.
yeah there is no time wasted per se with indirect game , if you are in a trendy night club and you go from one girl to another to another to another and another etc. You set off the loser guy looking for pussy alarm. You chill you chat you get girls laughing the room sees that too! I do not believe in wasting time if a set is a No go in 5 minutes , its 5 fucking minutes not months not days etc . You waste more time doing daygame walking around a mall looking for single sets than you do being in set with a no go, but AT LEAST you are building social capital to warm the venue up to your presence while you are doing your thing,indirect!

Night owl for life

I got one rule these days
I have to get something achieved before noon every single day
Even if i do nothing else that day it will have been a success
In the vid I also go through whether being bad at mornings is really the worst thing ever given how many gurus talk about early starts

Live lean and mean

This one is basically about how living free requires not having a lot of stuff
Im a big believer in a spartan lifestyle
Keep what you own down to the minimum necessary so you are flexible and moving is easy
Travelling for 3 years i managed to fit everything into a 70l backpack

*sorry bout the lighting again, filming outside where possible in future
Live lean. I like it. Probably not with as little as you, but it's definitely a goal that I must reach.

I have to move my things in a few months to leave my parents. I realize that I have lots of unnecessary items. All that items prevent me from living serenely (if everything is not tidy, I think only of that).

I'll have to get rid of a lot of things. However, I don't know how yet. I spent the night thinking about it. I hate to throw things away, but I don't think I could sale everything. When I think about how long it will take to put everything up for sale, it paralyzes me.

Worst scams and bullshit products ive fallen for

Sweat Vests - shitty plastic sauna suits. Obviously just make you sweat, doesnt help with weight loss
Acai berry pills - superfood craze era this one
Scamware - got caught out as a teenager and paid off some scamware

Also got my parents business computer horribly infected with malware - good times

Anyone fallen for some shit?

A vlog
Was gonna be a video entitled 'mental masturbation will kill you' but instead just did an informal video
I lost like a whole week because I was obsessed with following the US election - and im fucking British
Obviously feel a bit guilty about lost time etc, fell a few days behind schedule (currently 4 days ahead on vids when I was 2 weeks ahead at one point)

A short PSA about looks maxxing

You cannot do this alone. You need another pair of eyes
It is important that other person is experienced in getting laid and knows what it takes in terms of looks
Guys are pretty good at taking step 1 - signing up to the forum, posting their pics and asking for feedback
But bad at taking steps 2,3,4,5 - taking the feedback from experienced guys and actually fucking acting on it

Be someone that asks for help and actually follows the advice given

Radical x
True! I ended up looking worse when I heeded the advice of my close friends and sister back in the day (no offence to them). If you really want to look good when you are new, you need to throw away your ego and be prepared for some very tough love at these forums. That said GLL is kind of dead these days unfortunately.
Is what is my dude Thebastard . We have to play the landscape we have. If Chris came back and fired up the blog i think it would be busy

Im going to do more of these 2-4 minute PSA style ones

I like the idea of getting the info out in the shortest video possible. Lots of content out there waffling for a unnecessary amount of time

My video version of answering Ed_s questions. 1st part.

Already wrote the answers in short here on Ed's original thread:

If anyone has any questions that would make for a good video let me know (I need about 270 more video ideas)

In other news did 5 videos today. Inspired by Andy's 10 pods in a day challenge. Fucking tired.

One about whether or not girls care if you are bald

Answer: Obviously not the girls i've dated
Yeah no doubt its a deal breaker for some
It doesnt matter though as every guy has some sort of deal breaker for some portion of girls

Whats more impactful is if its an insecurity getting in the way of you taking action

Its a numbers game, get out there and find the girls that like you
Maybe you'll have to work harder, but as long as you get results it doesnt matter