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Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch

Radical thanks for making those video replies. It's really inspiring how quickly you started seeing results once you committed. Really helps keep me focused on my journey.

Was there any value in my arts degree?

I got called out on Andy's latest pod for not being a nerd with an engineering/computing job so im delving into why here lol

The main value of my history degree was that I really enjoyed it - i chose that subject to go for very early on
Learnt a lot about researching, writing and philosophy on top of the actual subject matter

*Btw, damn that video about whether girls care if you are bald got like 2x my usual views in no time at all
Being bald is a choice. If I wanted I could get a VERY excellent hair replacement system. Maybe I'd widen my lay fishing net by 20-30% maybe? But I've been bald so long I prefer it that way. More aerodynamic haha
Thinking about this, most of the bald guys that I know get laid quite well. Could be wrong but isn't it usually a sign of higher test.?
Dunno man

But there's some girls that specifically like it. One I met at rave in Sydney literally approached me and said 'OMG I love bald guys'

Isnt holding KillYourInnerLoser back either
Yeah man. Oh 100pc. I think KillYourInnerLoser is one to watch, if he knuckles down and really starts applying himself over the next 1-2years he'll have no problem getting laid.
If you look good, you look good. I think being bald is mostly a problem guys make for themselves and you can't please everyone even with hair anyway. That said, hair can help with facial aesthetics etc so you are indeed more limited on that front.
myownglory said:
If you look good, you look good. I think being bald is mostly a problem guys make for themselves and you can't please everyone even with hair anyway. That said, hair can help with facial aesthetics etc so you are indeed more limited on that front.

That was really my main point
Insecurity holding someone back from action is far more damaging than the actual impact of whats making them insecure

I called this video Information Addiction because that was the original topic

But it turned into a chat about avoiding analysis paralysis


- addiction to information has been a big topic in the mainstream - social media, 24 hr news cycles etc
- i used to end up in wikipedia rabbit holes when i was younger - literally lost days to that shit
- relates to self improvement in two forms

- first where you replace the main interests in your life with self improvement material
- you consume that material too much for its own entertainment value rather than using it as the methods/tools to succeed
- comes from laziness as you are doing the easy stuff (consuming content) and avoiding hard stuff (taking action)

- second you take research and planning way too far
- mostly comes from fear and insecurity, you dont think you'll ever be good enough to start
- fear is insidious in this way by convincing you to stay in the planning phase instead of actually taking action
- https://killyourinnerloser.com/give-yourself-permission-to-suck/ <-- drink this article from Andy into your soul if you do this a lot

lemme know if you guys have any further thoughts
Did you ever do those “Wikipedia races” at school like you just had to use the links to get from a random page like I dunno Henry VIII to Hoover or some shit? Those were the days
The Beast said:
Did you ever do those “Wikipedia races” at school like you just had to use the links to get from a random page like I dunno Henry VIII to Hoover or some shit? Those were the days

Lol yeah

Hit random page and then how fast can you get to Gandhi or Hitler were are main ones

KillYourInnerLoser beat me to this one the bastard man
He made me realise its something worth recommending that we both did

When you are consuming information via audio or video put your playback to 1.5x speed

Obviously dont do this with things you are watching for entertainment

I realised this on a course I had to do back in the day which was 40 hrs of video. On 1.5x speed I saved 13 hrs
Radical said:

@KillYourInnerLoser beat me to this one the bastard man
He made me realise its something worth recommending that we both did

When you are consuming information via audio or video put your playback to 1.5x speed

Obviously dont do this with things you are watching for entertainment

I realised this on a course I had to do back in the day which was 40 hrs of video. On 1.5x speed I saved 13 hrs

I like how you made it interactive and told the viewer to put the video at 1.5x. Nice touch.
joe_ronimo By my maths that saves every viewer over a minute of their time

Im such a giver

Delete instagram
Unless you need it for business or you get laid from it
Unreal time sink for me - app is optimised to keep your attention so well
Lifes been better since

Vloggin from my noggin
This camera angle makes my head look massive, megamind style

- this shit was easier and more fun early on
- feel like ive stalled creatively and with the editing skills
- my ideas drought is real
- moved onto other projects as well on the side
- i need to break out of treading water and work on progressing my videos to the next level
- once i finish my side project in about a week my December goal is entirely focused on videos

This is something between a PSA and a cry of frustration
You guys have to have put like 6 months of grinding in here before I really take you seriously
I love you all and I will offer advice but i've seen so many turn up and disappear after an enthusiastic 8 weeks of 'giving self improvement a go'

The process works. Have some faith and tough it out over the long term

*on a happier note we are coming to the end of this run of shit bedroom selfie vids

Looks way better doing these outside

- early on you are going to struggle to see the road ahead at times and know what waits at the end is worth it
- the feeling of 'is this even worth the effort' is definitely something you will have to contend with. The answer is yes
- the other thing is you dont know what paths you will go down on the way
- you wont follow Andy's path for instance exactly even though he's laid it out in detail, you will innovate in new ways and go in the directions that suit you.
- sort of take the journey as it comes and try not to overthink it

I recently read this book. I too am shooting videos for my business, although not as frequently as you are.

Good luck on your project.