Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch

The actual filming bit is my last favourite part

I love the planning, talking and editing

But sorting the camera out and shit sucks ass
I like your videos, straight to the point but at the same time more thoughtful/logical than the average self improvement video that just tries to motivate you. Good job :D

Yeah Im bringing the fucking drama with this one

I kind of pussyfooted around Ed_s question about 'what do you disagree with in GLL/KYIL?'

So here's 7 minutes of me lighting KillYourInnerLoser's bitch ass on fire

Btw sub to my channel if you like me. And also if you dont.

Be nice to get over 10 subscribers
Radical said:
Btw sub to my channel if you like me. And also if you dont.

Be nice to get over 10 subscribers

Ask and you shall receive.
Radical said:

Yeah Im bringing the fucking drama with this one

I kind of pussyfooted around @Ed_s question about 'what do you disagree with in GLL/KYIL?'

So here's 7 minutes of me lighting @KillYourInnerLoser's bitch ass on fire


Gotta disagree with ya about vaginas... I fucking love them. Ass/titties are a meh for me personally, vagina man all the way.

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% agree with solo traveling. I'm sure we could chat about our stories sometime.
Fuck its so basic that all i had to do for views and subs is start a feud with a bigger name
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Only watched on 1.5x speed, since you already talk pretty quickly.

You're much more confident than your early videos (I guess I'm more confident in my podcasts too).

Vaginas are so beautiful, like a dainty, wet flower. I fucking love 'em. (On a serious note, you said 'Leave something up to the imagination' - might be a good point. Tits are much less... "hardcore", which is probably a good thing. My site's already pretty fucking hardcore with the porn pics/vids.)

Travelling - I'll travel a tonne in future (and will leave Aus at some point). Building up money first. Plan on being a digital nomad, Imogen does too.

Hostels sound cool, but something I'll never try...

Thank you for your kind words. If was going to show someone how much confidence can change a person Id show them your first AA vlog video next to any of your video podcasts

Vaginas look better when you are inside one

Yeah I know you will with the travelling. Get after it sooner than later though.

Improve yourself before you turn around and try and help others

1. Its hard to convince your mates IRL about hardcore self-improvement
2. Your time in the beginning needs to be focused on yourself. Time really is your most valuable asset. If you have a lot of work to do you dont have time to spare on others
3. A lot dudes really dont know enough when they first start trying to help
Radical said:

Yeah Im bringing the fucking drama with this one

I kind of pussyfooted around @Ed_s question about 'what do you disagree with in GLL/KYIL?'

So here's 7 minutes of me lighting @KillYourInnerLoser's bitch ass on fire


Thanks for taking the time and answering all my questions. And I agree about pussies... gotta leave a little bit to the imagination.

Have you considered posting your content onto a podcasting site/app? It'd be a lot easier to consume compared to YouTube.
Im just gonna stick to youtube for now as its the 365 I chose and I'm working on other things as well

TBH I mostly just listen to stuff on youtube anyway

Saw a post from someone about struggling to make friends.

Its an area that I would consider myself fully accomplished in these days but it took me a while to get there.

This vid is the story of being openly rejected by a group of people I thought were my friends back at university(college for the Yanks).

I've thought about doing a full guide on making friends but there's no good roadmap that I can lay out. If you aren't social it really is a case of throwing yourself into the fire over and over again until you are comfortable/good at it.

The way I conquered my inability was to go travelling the world alone. When you literally have to make friends or be miserable otherwise you will figure it out. The worst thing you can do is take no action and trap yourself in a house/flat alone.
Subbed to your channel buddy. I'm digging your videos a lot. They are short, sweet and to the point.

I can relate a LOT to your latest video also. That is some brutal shit right there!!!!! I might make my own video on the subject. By the way, I am sure you mentioned already but what microphone and what webcam do you use? Or is the device both in one?
Atm its just an iphone X on a tripod but i try to make sure its close enough to me for good audio

Just got a rode lavalier mic which should make the audio way better
Yeah i got the wind mic that was in the recommended with purchase bit

It arrive today :)

Now I gotta learn to nail the sync

I got my big 100th video coming up called 'How to Start Self Improvement' GLL/KYIL style
And another video about my first fight and other violent moments

We will see what the audio is like with these
Radical said:

Saw a post from someone about struggling to make friends.

Its an area that I would consider myself fully accomplished in these days but it took me a while to get there.

This vid is the story of being openly rejected by a group of people I thought were my friends back at university(college for the Yanks).

I've thought about doing a full guide on making friends but there's no good roadmap that I can lay out. If you aren't social it really is a case of throwing yourself into the fire over and over again until you are comfortable/good at it.

The way I conquered my inability was to go travelling the world alone. When you literally have to make friends or be miserable otherwise you will figure it out. The worst thing you can do is take no action and trap yourself in a house/flat alone.

I'm in this position right now, no friends because I got out the military and moved far away in a new city. Don't know anyone. I go out often to be outside and hit on chicks etc. The problem with making friends it seems is that people perceive you as a weirdo just for not having friends. So then they hesitate to let you in. If you have 0 friends it makes it very hard to make friends, if that makes sense.
pussypounder9000 This is a hard thing to do, but you have to ignore that insecurity you hold about having no friends and thinking people can sense that. Basically keep trying at making friends until you do. Not quitting is most of the battle.

KillYourInnerLoser holy shit dude the audio quality in comparison. Theres like 0 echo

Notes for Wifty's sake ;)

Goal here is to lay out the best runway for absolute newbies to succeed. What do I want to see brand new sign ups do basically.

- Find a good SI community and create a log
- Intro yourself, tell your story, post your pics, state your goals. Then ask for feedback
- Make sure goals are achievable and have 1 priority goal. 3 max to start working on.
- In terms of picking goals. The GLL progress map was Improve Looks > Improve Dating > Make Money
- Find the best resources for the areas you want to improve - figure out the actions needed from them
- Consider hiring a coach(who has proof they are elite) if you have money - fast track to success
- Have a good fucking go at this for at least 6 months and dont fucking quit on me

This is my best video so far in my mind
Subscribe to the channel if you like my shit
