Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch


Idea that came out of Rich Coopers Before the Trainwreck Pod where he was discussing rites of passage

I suck at fighting clearly cause all the ones I could remember from school I came out worse in

Couple of good stories including an impromptu fight club me and my mates had at a college house party

Also I spent the high school years at a boarding school where fights are basically inevitable over the whole course of your time there
Radical said:
Now I gotta learn to nail the sync

I might repeat stuff you already know but either it's redundant or it'll help ya.

If you use Premiere Pro (you should) this synchronizes things super easily: https://blog.storyblocks.com/tutorials/sync-audio-video-adobe-premiere/

Ignore the "merge" crap and go straight to the "synchronize" tutorial halfway down.

If you don't use Premiere Pro, get it and start using it.

If you really don't wanna get it, clap in front of the camera and sync the spikes. Like this:

Radical said:

Improve yourself before you turn around and try and help others

1. Its hard to convince your mates IRL about hardcore self-improvement
2. Your time in the beginning needs to be focused on yourself. Time really is your most valuable asset. If you have a lot of work to do you dont have time to spare on others
3. A lot dudes really dont know enough when they first start trying to help

Totally true, solid advice.

Also I like you switching up the backgrounds and using nature. Nice bro.
joe_ronimo Have you got a story blocks sub?

I used the clap method but i do have adobe

Didnt know there was another way
Radical said:
@joe_ronimo Have you got a story blocks sub?

I used the clap method but i do have adobe

Didnt know there was another way

Dunno what a story blocks sub is.

Using the built in synchronize function is quicker and more accurate than using a clap. Try it out and lmk how it works!

Couldnt get hold of the mic for this one annoyingly so back to old quality

An unfocused vlog rambling about lockdown and how it went productively
Gotta focus on work and discipline again in a world with more options
Monk mode is still going strong
Hmmm I might need to try on these hats. It's a good addition to your ensemble I must say!

Sounds like you've not let this lockdown go to waste at all. Good call deleting dopamine blasting time-sinks like instagram also.

After the first lockdown ended in late May I had gotten out of shape and put on a bit
From May to September I lost 10 kg - its in my main KYIL log with some pic updates and calorie counts

This is a video mostly for myself to remind myself how I kept up the discipline etc
Everyone needs to figure out how best to motivate and keep themselves in line

- food diary from taking pictures of every meal - really helped my accountability to myself
- logging calories on MyFitnessPal and then posting the calorie total every day on my KYIL log
- having my own flat and controlling all the food that was in it
- focusing on high volume low cal foods (popcorn and mushrooms)
- walking 3 hrs a day minimum

Storytime - seemed the natural follow up to My Worst Social Rejection

This isn't actually like my most embarrassing or most brutal rejection
Its the one that hit me that hardest mentally

- i lost my virginity like 6 months before this story but failed to progress after
- met girl at party, swap numbers, chat non stop over text for 3 weeks
- go on lunch date then back to mine, i dont make a move except we make out as we say goodbye. Then i tell her to stay
- she ghosts me after the date
- i have a breakdown
- she messages like 2 weeks later saying I should have walked her to the station and that you shouldnt try to shag someone on the 1st date
- I like a twat send an apology back
- this whole experience made my take dating more seriously again for a year or so until i met my London girlfriend

The other day I went back onto the Inner Winner Show with Andy, my 2nd time on the podcast.

We were supposed to be talking about self awareness and how important that is to the journey of improving yourself.

But then we got sidetracked talking about simping for half an hour.

So Andy has made that chat into its own podcast and there is a 2nd one on the way where we cover self awareness

With his permission I have uploaded a clip to my YT channel
For the full podcast check it out here: https://theinnerwinnershow.com/120/

Listen on 1.5x speed and sub to my channel if you havent.

Radical x

Another clip from my two part podcast series with Andy

Full episode: https://theinnerwinnershow.com/121/
This episode was focused on self awareness but we also got onto to talking about construction workers and how to do long audio recordings

In this clip we talk about:
- how neuroticism and a lack of self awareness combine to fuck guys up
- how overly analytical guys have tons of potential
- how opening up on this forum or in a coaching call with Andy will fast track you to the self awareness you need to improve, as guys will give you feedback on the things you are not aware of


Also Andy was kind enough to let me plug my new niche content site about all things headwear related:


Anyone who signs up to my email list gets a free eBook - Style Starter Kit: A Mens Style Guide for Beginners

I realised recommending the best headwear is wasted if the rest of my reader's style is trash, so this free guide solves that problem

*give 24 hrs for the guide to hit your inbox

This one was inspired by another thread where I gave some advice on making friends. The poster asked specifically about how to get into established larger friend groups as someone who is new to that environment.

- this advice assumes you can make friends one on one ok. I know some guys struggle with that too and its where you need to start
- dont play dancing monkey trying to impress the whole group at once. It can work but I dont think everyone's cut out for the charismatic centre of attention role. Equally trying to befriend everyone in the group individually isnt the best way to go about it either
- you want to make friends with a specific person in the group
- the person in question is actually the easiest to make friends with. Its the friendliest, most charismatic person in the group and the person that everyone likes. Basically the 'glue' that holds the group together - the quickest way in is to get that persons invite and seal of approval

- I tell a story about how a met a guy who accidentally threw beer on me in a hostel stairwell, and as an apology he took me to a nearby party and introduced me to everyone. That lot became my main Australia social circle for 2 years and the dude one of my best mates.

I switched to webcam for this one but not happy with the quality of video. Will go back to my phone in future
Great video! Resonates a lot actually. I was always terrible at making friends but eventually got the hang of it just by moving out of my parents' nest and moving right beside the uni. Working on the ship and travel helped a lot too. Groups are still tough though. Glad you found some good ways to break in without looking like an idiot. Befriending the most charismatic person seems like the best course of action when I really think about it.

My 5 Biggest Flaws and How I Get Around Them

1. Laziness - circumvented with a ton of productivity hacks, setting arbitrary deadlines and bribing myself (one from Andy)

2. Consistency with mood, creativity, motivation etc - I ride the waves with this. A philosophy that comes from poker, play as much as you can when you are running hot and you will make up for the lack of output when you are not feeling it.

3. Shiny object syndrome - Similar to the above in terms of dealing with it except there are times that I just brute force myself to stay on something until its done. I do take breaks from things in hopes my passion will be reignited from time away. I dont think shiny object syndrome hits as hard when you are working on a true lifelong passion but it can be hard to keep the enthusiasm up.

4. Bad at mornings - I just work around this. Im going to actively build a life that suits my preference of working late rather than forcing myself to start early. Fuck morning people, im not catering to you and neither should the rest of my night owl brethren.

5. Carelessness - this is the negative part of my impulsivity and drive to take action quickly. I could be accused of not being careful enough and I need to strike a good balance. The workaround is learning to take a second to check around me before I jump in to stuff. Its not over hesitating to do its just being aware and taking better educated risks.

Tomorrows vid will be my 5 Biggest Strengths to balance this vid out.

KillYourInnerLoser Hey its no big deal sharing my shit with this bunch of absolute legends

Top 5 Biggest Strengths as promised

Memory - always had it. It allowed me to coast through education not really taking it that seriously. I can also speed read like rapid

Im quick to take action - this is a more recently learned strength by leaning into my impulsivity and figuring out how to swim. Instilled in me by GLL and the community there.

Empathy - Always had strong empathy and understanding but i've developed it further by meeting more people and making more friends. The quickest way to convince someone you care about them is to actually care about them.

My height - this might annoy some people this one, but i figured i needed one that was physical. But i've always been very happy that I'm a tall guy. Im 6'2 and I grew quickly so I spent most of school years as one of the tallest in the year.

I got over my ego and the idea of doing everything myself - this was actually tough. Learning to trust and rely on other people to do stuff to help you. But I consider it a great learned strength.

Factoring in self improvement, my blog, my youtube channel and my job I basically find it impossible to take days off recently.

They suck too, im more stressed out trying to avoid everything than I am in a busy af day.

I think this is great thing tbh. I've never been more fulfilled day to day work wise.

I take half days now. So I write off a morning to go hiking or something.
Having just taken a day off I can relate. But then I planned for it. The pizza, watching the mandalorian, fapping. I made a deal with myself so there is no guilt. But I do get you. Once you build momentum killing it, its hard to stop.