Woke up feeling fucking great. I spent 20 mins in bed just visualising. This was Andy's first bit of coaching with me, and btw, he has used visualisation a lot in his achievements. So, for me, it was just visualising the development of a great dating life, an elite body, having great people around me and loving life together.
Now, gotta jump on a train to London, where me and my friend from the coaching group will do photography and cold approach all day!
Manganiello said:
Radical said:
The journey to dating success is not something i would describe as 'healthy' tbh
Look at the suffering thebastard went through to meet his success
Define "Healthy" cuz this has been probably one of the healthiest things I've ever done. And I'm grateful for the 'suffering'.
All worthy goals require some form of suffering. Not achieving a goal is also suffering.
Pick your pain.
I absolutely love the latter point.
The feeling of not realising your potential is the darkest, scariest, most painful feeling I've ever felt. I hasn't happened too often, but I had a moment where it really hit me, and it scared the shit out of me so bad that I found Andy, watched his videos over and over again, and joined this forum where I will either make it or die trying.
The religious traditions have all said to live is to suffer. Many of us are fans of Dr Jordan Peterson here. His work on finding meaning in life, amidst the suffering that is being human, resonates with people so broadly because it's a defining aspect of human existence.
I am obsessed with David Goggins, dude is my idol tbh, and he really went through this process. He gave up Navy SEALS training when he was 23, took a military job where he was comfortable (he had a fear of the water), gained 120lbs and over 3 years, a voice began to build that he was not the man he knew he would be. So he went ALL the way in, went through 3 Hell Weeks, went through training with double pneumonia, stress fractures, had to get up every day at 3am for months and months to tape his shattered legs up so they'd go numb enough for him to complete the days training etc.
So, we can all relate can't we? We have to find it in ourselves to get to that point. I had the realisation a while ago as you'll know.
It took quite a bit of pushing from everyone here, but I did agree to move, I did agree to cold approach every day, and I did agree to restructure my days to devote the MAJORITY of my time to dating. That will be me going all in. That set up will bring it out of me. Just need to get this remote contract sorted which will only be a few more days now, and it's happening. The daily check-ins I will be posting will reflect where my energy is going.
Note: Because Radical does know me, his point above has a bit of nuance, he knows I do a fair number of health practices and he explained to me in person that things like this will have to take a backseat when it's time to get to a decent level in my dating life. When it's a priority to square away the dating stuff, he explained there may be days where I don't get to work on my biz, have to get to bed super late, or make other sacrifices. It's the price we will have to pay, and I'll pay in full ;-)
Keep hammering,