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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [DISCIPLINE]

That's what I'm talking about big Jacob!!!!!!

Life does not know who the fuck it put on the canvas, what is gonna get back up from there will be some pissed off motherfuckers. 2022 WILL be the breakthrough year, if it is possible for human beings in this world to change themselves enough to get outcomes they have never known before, it MUST happen next year.

I am ready for all that will come, and I expect it will be medieval.


Went back to my kit lens, the other lens is super high quality and so fucking harsh with the output it makes my skin and stuff look terrible when its not even that bad IRL.

Grinding away boyos and must shed these last 20lbs, if I shed my facial fat and ascend..........hallelujah. If not, we will need to get J-J-J-J-JACKED because I will get 10 lays in 2022 somehow man. :O




(1) Gym: Legs (DONE)
(2) Moving: Action Plan – Create list of actions, things to buy, processes to go through in order to ensure move on Friday is smooth. Flat is unfurnished so there’s gonna be a lot of assembly taking place! ;-) (FAIL)
(3) Shoot The Phoenix Project Week 5 Vlog D (DONE)
(4) Core Work, Breathwork, McKenzie Ext, Guitar, Movement & Stretching (DONE)
(5) Read You Can’t Afford The Luxury of A Negative Thought for 3hrs (FAIL)

Good day overall, applied myself, worked hard. Got a fair bit done! Trained hard, diet was good.

Didn't read like I was supposed to. Running out of steam now.

Tomorrow will shore it up.

MakingAComeback said:
I have some keto test strips, and will remain in ketosis.
Don't waste your money on buying any more test strips. All it's measuring is if your'e producing ketones. Keep lifting and even cold showers. Forcing your mitochondria to put more energy out will use those ketones instead of literally just pissing them out. It takes months to become fat burning or keto adapted. If you were using all those ketones at that time your adapted and you peed on that strip it would be a low to none reading because you're using the ketones.
If you're serious about keto there is a thing i can't remember what it's called but like a glucose monitor for diabetics but it'll tell you your keto levels. Honestly though I wouldn't bother. If you feel good and are hitting your goals don't go chasing the keto number dragon. There's more important things to worry about.

200lbs is awesome bro and I'm super proud of you. Also slightly unpopular opinion on this site, but don't let it dissuade you from losing more weight; women will still fuck you if you're fat. In that regard guys have it a little easier and can be a fat guy and date the super hot chick. Getting leaner, stronger, and overall better looking does help. Just know that there are still tons of girls who will fuck you at 200lbs. Your fashion is killer, your photos will be on point, and you do workout so even though you might not be elite world class physique you are still fit and healthy: what women look for in a mate. You are absolutely gonna slay when those pics come in bro good luck.
Dewm said:
MakingAComeback said:
I have some keto test strips, and will remain in ketosis.
Don't waste your money on buying any more test strips. All it's measuring is if your'e producing ketones. Keep lifting and even cold showers. Forcing your mitochondria to put more energy out will use those ketones instead of literally just pissing them out. It takes months to become fat burning or keto adapted. If you were using all those ketones at that time your adapted and you peed on that strip it would be a low to none reading because you're using the ketones.
If you're serious about keto there is a thing i can't remember what it's called but like a glucose monitor for diabetics but it'll tell you your keto levels. Honestly though I wouldn't bother. If you feel good and are hitting your goals don't go chasing the keto number dragon. There's more important things to worry about.

200lbs is awesome bro and I'm super proud of you. Also slightly unpopular opinion on this site, but don't let it dissuade you from losing more weight; women will still fuck you if you're fat. In that regard guys have it a little easier and can be a fat guy and date the super hot chick. Getting leaner, stronger, and overall better looking does help. Just know that there are still tons of girls who will fuck you at 200lbs. Your fashion is killer, your photos will be on point, and you do workout so even though you might not be elite world class physique you are still fit and healthy: what women look for in a mate. You are absolutely gonna slay when those pics come in bro good luck.

Solid points and your input is much appreciated as ever bro!!

Haha, thank you so much man. It was such a grind to lose it, lol, 50lbs is a fair chunk of weight! I am happy about it but I would be so fucking proud if I got shredded abs.

I'll respectfully stay silent on the second part. That is so far from my own personal experience in life that it is slightly painful. I wish it was different, but it is what it is.

I am, however, glad you have this perspective Dewm because it will serve you and for this I am glad. :)



Went for a 3hr walk, listened to David Goggins. Sunday is a recharge day when in my hometown.


(1) Positivity: Listen to positive messages, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Dr Joe Dispenza.
(2) Breathwork 2hrs – while listening to Dr Joe Dispenza
(3) Apartment: Order mattress & bed frame, make action plan for the move, plan items to purchase for furnishing the place. Go to IKEA after photoshoot on Thursday and get sorted.
(4) Light Therapy: Sperti Red Lamp 15 mins / Red Lamps 1hr
(5) Read You Can’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought (2hrs)

SUN 12/12/2021

Evening check in

Today was a mixed bag. Have been hammering in the gym after some time off while in London, and got a 3hr walk in this morning. All the activity caught up with me today, I felt smoked for a couple of hours. Couldn't find my copy of the book above, so went for something else on my bookshelf, which was How To Win Friend's And Influence People. A good read. Read it for 2hrs.


(1) Positivity: Listen to positive messages, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Dr Joe Dispenza. (DONE)
(2) Breathwork 2hrs – while listening to Dr Joe Dispenza (FAIL)
(3) Apartment: Order mattress & bed frame, make action plan for the move, plan items to purchase for furnishing the place. Go to IKEA after photoshoot on Thursday and get sorted. (FAIL)
(4) Light Therapy: Sperti Red Lamp 15 mins / Red Lamps 1hr (50% DONE, didn't use the Sperti but did red light therapy for a few hrs)
(5) Read You Can’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought (2hrs) (As stated above, couldn't find it, so read the Carnegie book instead)

Recharged well. I have had really weird sleep this week since coming off topical dutasteride. There are a lot of hormonal changes when you come off things like that. Sleep will need to get back to where I need it before I can perform at my best. But I will keep grinding.

Will plan out my day tomorrow and try to get some sleep tonight.

I will also add to the above, I quit smoking 1 and a half weeks ago.

Smoking I did a bit years ago, quit for like 5 years, and started up when I was in the Canary Islands this year!

Knocked it on it's head, so there are quite a range of hormonal changes going on. Hence, the weird sleep issues.

Totally understandable, and I shall ride it out.


Will tighten up the diet for a few days, gained about 3lbs since being at my parents, which can happen but isn't ideal. Photoshoot is on Thursday :)

MON 13/12/2021

(1) Gym / Core / Stretch
(2) Work
(3) Life Admin: Returns, Move action plan
(4) Others: Light therapy, read The Daily Stoic, Affirmations, Visualisations, Read Dane Carnegie book, guitar, and relax/watch Andy’s videos.

My deep research in brain optimisation continues, my doc gave me brilliant insight into a range of things to think about and of course gave advice in supplements and diet.

I think B1, particularly supplementing in it's active form, could be very useful for the person seeking excellent mental performance and happiness / brain energy


Regenerating and building high brain performance IMO is a very important investment for the male in self dev.

I love learning, reading, thinking, performing highly. So I work on this stuff hard.

I was quite optimistic about iodine therapy and any potential brain gains that could bring. It is definitely super healthy, and I consume a dropper of lugols solution in my coffee every morning, but it didn't have the effects I was looking for.

B1 in it's active form, however, has been very interesting. We shall see.

MON 13/12/2021

Evening Check In

(1) Gym / Core / Stretch (2/3 DONE, smashed gym, smashed core, only did part of my stretching routine)
(2) Work (DONE)
(3) Life Admin: Returns, Move action plan (DONE, packaged returns, made action plan - parents have offered to let me take a bunch of stuff they don't need for my move, which is sweet <3 I love them dearly and I will definitely see them once or twice a month when I move)
(4) Others: Light therapy, read The Daily Stoic, Affirmations, Visualisations, Read Dane Carnegie book, guitar, and relax/watch Andy’s videos. (In process. Did all of it up to reading Dane Carnegie's book and watching Andy's videos. I am going to do that now)

A solid day. I felt good today, mood was quite bright and mentally I'm feeling replenished. A bit of chill time has probably done me good and may have supported processing some subconscious crap.

Plan for tomorrow:


(1) Gym / Core / Stretch
(2) Move: Complete final tasks
(3) Work
(4) Others: Light therapy, affirmations, read the Daily Stoic, visualisation, read Dane Carnegie’s book, watch Andy’s videos.

Looking forward to my photoshoot on Thursday. Should be ready as I can be right now Regardless, I will push forward and keep gymming, looksmaxxing and taking photos. Give it a further 4 months in the gym following this shoot and I'll get another professional one done.

I will figure out how I could get my first lay. Where there's a will, there's a way.


(1) Gym / Core / Stretch (2/3 done - didn't stretch but otherwise solid work)
(2) Move: Complete final tasks (Did more work on this, will complete more tasks for this tomorrow morning)
(3) Work (DONE)
(4) Others: Light therapy, affirmations, read the Daily Stoic, visualisation, read Dane Carnegie’s book, watch Andy’s videos. (DONE)

Otherwise, had to do some bits for my car, packaging returns, among other things.

Photohoot on Thursday! :)


(1) Gym: 1 hr Cardio / Core / Stretch
(2) Work
(3) Life Admin: Complete final actions for move / Work out packing plan, clarify what I will take, what my parents will give me, and what I will need to buy during my post photoshoot trip to IKEA
(4) Other: Guitar, Affirmations, Vis, Read The Daily Stoic, read other book for 3hrs.

Friday onwards, The Phoenix Project is back in full swing and we break down AA, go ham on dating apps, and keep pushing for dates with a view towards working out the part about the sex ;-D


(1) Gym: 1 hr Cardio / Core / Stretch (2/3 done - did 1hr cardio, core work, and didn't stretch as was working on stuff, notes below)
(2) Work (Done, solid and fun day)
(3) Life Admin: Complete final actions for move / Work out packing plan, clarify what I will take, what my parents will give me, and what I will need to buy during my post photoshoot trip to IKEA (DONE)
(4) Other: Guitar, Affirmations, Vis, Read The Daily Stoic, read other book for 3hrs. (Partially done , no guitar but did the other stuff)

OK so flat move is sorted now. We're all set. Packing will be done tomorrow, then gotta figure out the broadband situation. Will be able to work in a local coffee shop for a few days if need be, work won't be too intense next week and doesn't look as though I've got many meetings booked.

Photoshoot tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will execute the squinch to the best of my ability and will upload the output of the shoot here, will get it all uploaded to my profile following consulting the coaching group and the forum, and then we carry on hammering Friday onwards on The Phoenix Project.

Am now going to read for like 2hrs, the book Unscripted by MJ Demarco.


THURS 16/12/2021

(1) Professional Photoshoot (3hrs)
(2) Packing
(3) Reading (1hr30)
(4) Work

Photoshoot was really fun, I had a great time. I'm in positive spirits, was a lovely experience.

3 hrs, few different locations, used a range of props, and we did some solid work. I am happy with how it all went. I know it was a good investment in myself and it will push things forward for me in terms of OLD.

Plus, having good pics of yourself is just nice.

She was a wonderful photographer and wonderful person, she said she wants to keep in touch and follow me on YouTube, social media, etc. Lol. Wonderful human, her husband is a lucky bloke. I will def give her all my contacts, she was pretty awesome in really pushing me to continue vlogging as much as possible as she said I have a great personality for it. Lovely compliment :)

Was a great time honestly. I know she was being professional but she was super lovely, honestly.

The last time I did pics, I was 15lbs heavier. This time, when she was showing me the outputs on the screen, I could tell my hard work is paying off man. I have come so, so far.

I should get the previews on Saturday.

Just going to work on move related stuff now, fill my car and then I'm gone tomorrow.

Great stuff Mac. The more photoshoots you do the better. This is the best way to ultimately kill it with online dating. By getting regular photoshoots and finding those winning shots
Thebastard said:
Great stuff Mac. The more photoshoots you do the better. This is the best way to ultimately kill it with online dating. By getting regular photoshoots and finding those winning shots

Thanks man, really I feel great about this. I will keep looksmaxxing and hammering the gym and I will get more and more shoots done.

I will push forward in the gym for another 2 months and get my housemate Timmy to do some of me, and I can do some for him. After another 4 months of hard work in the gym I will get another professional shoot done bro.

There will be a day where I have maxed things out properly and I have a profile that brings me dates. I know it'll happen.

Also, you will crush the biz stuff man. I have been listening to a fair bit of ra-ra self help type stuff in the car lately, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, you know the sort of cringey stuff I mean lol. I love it to be honest. They have all sorts of examples of dudes you crushed it in making money and they all had the mindset you do, the mindset of "this is going to HAVE to work". I know you WILL make big money man. You were killing it financially on the boats and when you figure the online biz side of things out, it's game over, truly it is. Ellite money and elite sex life.

I am so stoked for you and I absolutely know beyond any shadow of a doubt you can do it.


There may be the odd lurker who I have no idea about who has followed my journey from the start, hahaha, how cool.


MakingAComeback said:



Any way to get these uploaded to Drive as individual images? The contact sheets are tough because they're low resolution.