Hired a physique coach from the private group, think I mentioned it, but we are working on the progress, he will provide oversight on everything training and nutrition etc, all that is his job now, it's my job to listen and execute everything he says.
MON 09/08/2021
-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, out for 1hr, 0 approaches)
-Digital Marketing (FAILED)
-Video Work (DONE, testimonial done for Radical)
Working with the aforementioned coach, diet and training has changed a bit, he has bumped my calories up for a while to see how my body responds, he thinks I am losing too much muscle on my crazy ass restrictive approach, so he says we need to put on more muscle and try to lose just fat. Recompositioning if you like. It’ll come together. Check ins with him and morning and night.
A low volume city for cold approach makes it so hard to get good, there was 1 nice girl in the hour I was out, and by the time I saw her, it was tricky, bottled saying anything at all. It’s OK, it’s not going to be great in this city and I am here until Oct, but I will grind it out and when I’m in London, I will work even harder…
I will savour Friday and Saturday nights, where I can finally be among women, and I will keep hammering at-least an hour of cold approach in the day 5x a week, it will strengthen my mind and it will help me get closer to the starting line.
Back tomorrow, and I will grind.