TimmyTurner said:
MakingAComeback said:
Looking to head to London this Sat. The chick I met in the club last Friday hasn't responded to my text, so she's probably ghosted, which is fine. I had another girl I was texting who is in London, hit her up and she said she has plans this weekend. There is one chick, however, who said she may be free this Sat. We shall see.
Hit me up when you're here. Getting my hair done during the day but I'll be around in the evening/night.
Hey man. Of course! I obv would have dropped you a line immediately and we would get to work. So right now, I texted the girl I met in the club on Sunday, and she hasn't responded yet, however, if she replies tomorrow and is open to a date, I'll put that in the schedule. If there's no response tomorrow, I will basically ask one of my other London girls to see if they would be down to meet for a drink, or otherwise, I will do a multiple hour approach session in the day! Will make things happen, it will get better, weight is coming off too.
However, that said, regardless, we are definitely hitting the night venues together and hammering out many, many approaches - I'll do 50, you do your thing bro you are already decently successful with women, but myself, I need to get in the trenches. Will see you either way, got a meeting shortly but will send you my number and we can start CRUSHING!
SamJ_ said:
MakingAComeback said:
COLD APPROACH: Out for 1hr, 0 approaches, saw a grand total of 1 girl the whole time, she was pretty, but I couldn't say a single word to her lol.
Day time approach is just difficult for me. Nighttime and in venues, I can approach effortlessly. Why? Because I built that muscle. This one, I haven't....yet.
Back out tomorrow.
That's awesome you're still getting out there. I know how it is with hardly seeing any girls, low population sucks. That's why you gotta approach the first attractive girl you see. I know how hard it can be though. What worked for me is basically telling myself in my mind "you HAVE to do it and there's no backing out now" once I see a girl I want to approach and then just doing it. Idk if that would work for you but it usually helps me. I definitely still miss too many opportunities too though.
For sure Sam, low population makes it fucking hard to get good, but that is a motivator, fuck it, I will keep hammering.
Thebastard said:
MakingAComeback said:
Will upload the one I shot today, which was on Cranial Sacral Therapy.
Keep attacking,
Thanks for sharing man. Therapy is something I never did so I will be following your progress closely.
Thanks big man, I will be 100% honest and open and really give it all I have, and will document the whole thing. I have also booked a 3hr float tank session, and from there, I will go to Bristol and spend a few days there, and get lots of approaches done!
Busy with work today, but got gym done, core work done, movement and stretching done, diet has gone well and got a therapy session tonight.
Will keep hammering,