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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [HAPPY NEW YEAR]

Yesterday, after the post, I had a health event that became an ordeal.

I had a reaction to something I experimented with, which led to my respiratory system almost shutting down.

Cue a several hour battle in full fight or flight, survival mode, monitoring my breathing, hanging on for dear life.

Each moment, so focused on survival, on the fight.

It was a strangely sobering and focusing experience. Had I panicked, stuff could have gotten real, fairly quickly.

Instead, I was able to be deeply present, and engage with the issue, and deal with it like a man. Stare hell in the face and endure this state of fighting for my life, for hours, with a steely determination. At no moment was I negative or prepared to quit.

And at about 4am, it began to subside, and I was able to breathe without severe coughing.

To be clear - this was bad. Coughing up blood bad. I've never experienced anything like this before, and it came out of nowhere. A bit like in Zug's log when he randomly broke his spine!

Incredibly adverse event, out of nowhere.....

But a show of strength and a developed Self. It was not an issue for me. Like all life throws at me, I can rise to all challenges, in any and all conditions.

Now, I am back to working on myself, and on my purpose.

And will have a positive and needle moving day!

Checkin to come.......

Sat 5th October


(1) Admin: Pharmacy, Groceries
(2) Shops: Outfits – White Tee / Vest
(3) Inner Game: Journaling / Meditation / Talk Therapy
(4) Buy laptop
(5) Gym: Shoulders & Triceps
Sat 5th October


(1) Admin: Pharmacy, Groceries
(2) Shops: Outfits – White Tee / Vest
(3) Inner Game: Journaling / Meditation / Talk Therapy
(4) Buy laptop
(5) Gym: Shoulders & Triceps
Today was SO LONG!

We put hours and hours into shopping and nailing down outfits for Carl. I bought two bits - black Uniqlo tee with a V-Neck, and a cool graphic tee

Carl dropped about a grand on some really high end fashion, which looked unbelievable. The store some of the guys we know here like is called Ksubi, a few pairs of jeans, some outerwear, solid stack on just that.

We put together some really good looks, and I think Carl is gonna get some killer output.

For myself, I've got two looks that I think will be positive additions to my profile.

One, a more formal look. Black blazer, black tee, black trousers.

The printed graphic tee and probably black trousers again.

And then just a fuck boi type outfit of some sort.

Concepts wise:

-Public speaking / podcast type shot
-Group shot
-City shot

Shoot will be for 5-7 hours tomorrow!

Today, was a good day. I enjoyed being out with the boys and running around NYC. There are so many beautiful women in this city of all descriptions. A lot of Asian girls, which is new for me after 6 months in Latam. I find them pretty hot and I noticed plenty of them give me glances in the street. I've never had an Asian match on the apps, but I can definitely tell things changed this year and from the approaches I did, I do have some market with Asian women which I never had before in my life.

This is still going to be quite a journey for me. There is a lot to come in the next year years.

I did notice, as my energy and vibe got better the past few weeks, I began getting more attention just walking around the streets, and will get the occasional chick locking eyes. This, is cool, but ultimately meaningless. It's an ego validation thing for some of them I think, they want to see if you give them attention back.

One that that was cool, was when Carl was getting his clothes, a really gorgeous girl who worked in the store came up to me and we got into a good, solid 5 minute conversation. He introduced herself, did shake my hand, and was curious about me, my life, and asked me a bunch of questions. She chatted a fair bit and this is part of what happened with me when I changed more. Interactions which used to be just fleeting, actually became more substantive. You can tell when you've entered a slightly different reality. Women also do this with men like Dante. He'll be in a basic customer service interaction, but the chick will start asking him, so where ar you from, what do you do, etc. The women can't help it I suppose. I've had that happen to me, myself, several times now. I've been had two women ask me out on dates from these kind of interactions. Very cool.

The market is very weird today. Looks I believe are the most important thing in dating in 2024. I think, if you haven't maxxed your looks out, it's super hard to get any form of quality and retention. Before apps, women would value substance and character a lot more, less competition, and generally a more human experience. Their decision making is incredibly aesthetic based now, archetype based, and relationships are more fluid and fleeting. Sad. But it is the perspective of everyone who has truly done the work and lives in the real world. Note: Guys on Just Exist mode will always be fine and none of the subject matter explored in this log will affect these dudes. I steer clear of these people. I don't need that energy.

This is good news really, because my image is far from dialled in. BF% isn't low enough, not enough muscle mass, not enough edge and no archetype.

So, if I am getting some chicks stealing glances, I am getting laid fairly well, and I am far from the finished product, things should come together a lot at some point and start clicking.

Quality & Retention is the only worthwhile experience for me. I will crack that.

During my upcoming monk mode experience, I am focusing on getting lean. Muscle gain is so painfully slow it isn't even funny. I could train my ass off for years and probably barely look like I lift. Worked with a coach for like 9 months man and made progress but it didn't make any difference to my SMV at all. I actually think it made it worse. So, going the other way and getting lean now.

Plus, changing up the archetype a tonne.

Full sleeves. Pushing the image to break stereotypes.

Women judge men they see as Low SMV / Lower in desirability, very differently to men who have a pass from society. You have to do things to make yourself so polarising that they stop for a minute, and say, wait a minute......I think this one may be different......

That is where I need to get!

Approaching + The apps will eventually work for me. I don't think optionality and choice will ever be an option, because for that you need different chicks interested in you, which as a very niche product just isn't gonna happen.

But, we know this now as a community, and for that reason, it's good.

Back to it tomorrow.

Yesterday, was super fun. We got up early, had all our stuff prepped the night before, showered, shave, breakfast - out!

Arrived at the spot on time, loosened up, got the ideas and concepts down.

The photographer, was solid. He didn't have the same ability to pose and adjust expressions as I've seen elsewhere, but I hope what I've unconsciously absorbed myself would be enough to obtain one or two winners for my online profiles

The day itself, was just a lot of fun. It was a group shoot for 5 guys, and we put a lot of planning and preparation into it. 3 outfits each, and the big picture concepts we put a lot of thought and energy into. Group shoot, NYC skyline, podcast, poker.

Even had one walking the most gorgeous little dachshund, who a super chill Aussie bloke let me lead for a bit.

Day was long, but great fun with the guys. I enjoy being around dedicated and aspirational men with commitment and drive to excel in life.

Shoot was about 830-3pm. We were exhausted, and went for dinner after at the usual spot.

Wrapped up, said goodbyes, and went home to Carl's. He had a date, which he went to. I crashed for a while. Chatted to Dante a little. And then just did deep inner reflection.

Inner Game.......

That will be strengthened. I'd give my Inner Game a 3 right now.

Taking it to a 6.5, with 6 months of focus and effort, will see me slay.

In life, we need delusional self belief, strong self love, deep drive and motivation, and to feel like we deserve, that we are enough, and that we are entitled to the fruits of our labours and efforts.

When we get into our head that we belong at the top

That is when brighter avenues and vistas are known to us

Time to crush this week

Mon 7th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Biz Dev
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: Partnership Project
-Block 5: Content

(2) Body:
-Gym: Shoulders & Triceps / KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game Work


Great weekend. Good times, with good people.

Another week to move the needle. And continue the ascent.

Mon 7th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Biz Dev
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: Partnership Project
-Block 5: Content
-Block 1: Coaching [done]

Hit the gym.

And then, the work on my partnership project was legit 5 hours straight! My biz partner in the project, came over to Carl's, and we got some great work done. VSL, done. Landing page, basically 90% there. Just need a case study video, which we'll shoot Wed, and we're launching.
(2) Body:
-Gym: Shoulders & Triceps / KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game Work

Done but barely.............It was later by the time we started.


Tue 8th April


(1) Business:

-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Biz Dev – 25 Dms,
-Block 3: Biz Dev – Social Media
-Block 4: Content – 1 Reel, Plan 1 Long Form
-Client Call: Free Consult – Offering a free hour-long consult to an agency owner here in NYC

(2) Body:
-Rest Day

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game: Developmental Work

-Get shrooms.
-Withdraw cash


Time to focus & work.

And move the damn needle.

We're seeing some output from the photographer. I feel some pessimism. He takes a scattergun approach, and wasn't deliberate enough in posing. In particular, he didn't coach us in facial expressions at all. Some of the shots I've seen from myself, had very poor facial expression, and looked quite bad.

It's estimated there will be 7,000 photos of us to review.

I am confident that there will be approximately 5 that will be “useable” for social media & brand building purposes

And if I'm lucky, there will be ONE which is a winner for my dating profiles.

Looks wise, I look quite fat...!

The tough thing about my recomp efforts this year, was that while I gained size, and no longer have the stick arms that were such a concern for me, with that, came ample fat gain, too....

This, I am mentally not going to dwell on. The muscle, is valuable. I am in NYC for 8 more days, and then when I go to stay w/ my family in California, I will do some deeply deliberate thinking on diet and training, and will hold myself accountable here. I will set a goal to decrease my bf % in that month.

Monk mode is on the horizon now.

6-7 months, of focused, deliberate work.

To get my business, where it needs to be, and to bring my physique and looks up.

And to strengthen my Inner Game, to new levels.

I deserve success.

I deserve abundance.

I will make this a legendary life.

By serving people and adding value to the world.

It will come back to me.

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Reactions: Ali
Will also be seeing Pancake tomorrow!

Pancake, the underground legend

I would say, he is probably one of the top 3 most important people who influenced and changed my life
I think tattoos for the sake of looks are silly (and you’d do way better going Shaman Guru Ravi) but we could also fake this for the apps. This was a real quick job in photoshop. I don’t understand how being covered in scribbles would change daygame results

Hey man as a guy myself who has 2 full sleeves and did cold approach and online game before getting them and of course after, this is well off the mark.

As a brown guy myself, I have to say with first hand experience tattoos make a MASSIVE effect on overall SMV, particularly on races where they are less common on.

Small tattoos not so much but having minimum the forearms completely covered immediately changes the 'category' girls put you in, from most guys who get put into non sexual 'nice guy' category to 'he's edgy, cool and probably does well with girls'.

I constantly get tattoos mentioned by girls when they open on doing apps, heavily on dates and in cold approach. The effect on the amount of leads coming through, Indicators of Interest and date conversion rate has been extremely significant for me. Of course tattoos are one piece of the puzzle and your overall look (especially style) has to be cohesive to bring the most out of them (simple: just wear mostly black and grey with some accessories) but Ravi would 100% benefit and see significant results from tattoos. Just telling people to work on inner game and stop focusing on looks is redundant where as mentioned earlier online dating has completely changed standards of girls, the Pareto principle of top 20% gets 80% is not the same now where you really you need to be top 5% on apps to get results and top 1% really to get really good results and this is really becoming the same in cold approach due to the proliferation of apps.

Standard self-improvement, and just becoming better, did not cut it for me - due to having other deficits (poor archetype).

The market changed a lot since I started at 30. Back then, there were plenty of decent women on the market, competition wasn't as fierce, and just having a good profile (above average) and being solid as a guy, was enough. The good ones, leave the market. A lot of the younger women coming up, are among the most brainwashed, shallow, substanceless creatures walking the earth. It just is what it is.

Each year, things became far more difficult, and progressively worse across all metrics, leading me to question conventional wisdom a lot. I'm not an unattractive guy, and something should have hit by now.

Looking at the outcomes in 2024, I'd say I am effectively priced out the market for now. Can't actually get any workable matches online now, and am not getting anything via approach.

Every guy is online. Everyone is maxxing out their photos. Everyone is working on their profiles. The options women have, are genuinely limitless. Thousands upon thousands of matches a day. They mentally don't even recognise male life - it's just a stream of dopamine and validation.

Forget above-average. It doesn't even cut it anymore, especially if you're at an SMV deficit due to poor social conditioning.

You have to ascend to literally great, and that is just to get your foot in the door, often with garbage-tier women....

The 6 months I was in Mexico, and not posting here, I was getting online dates, getting laid, but the quality was at an all time low. Shockingly bad. That, after hearing a lot of bluster on the forums for years about going to Latin America and unlocking the floodgates. They didn't understand the SMP. Too blinded by their own SMV, to have developed any genuine knowledge.

Getting to NYC, has been super disturbing. It's death out here. Couldn't actually get anything on Tinder, Hinge, or Bumble. I got 3 lays, due to my Feeld profile hitting very specific triggers - some women have a fetish for British accents. That was enough for me to make something happen. The quality of these, apart from 1, left a lot to be desired. I've since swept through that app, and back to crickets. Had minimal traction there, too.

So, look. When things aren't working the way you'd like, your dating life is constant ghosting, mostly low quality, and slightly depressing, what do you do?

Maxx out further.

Leverage every possible physical improvement, take risks, and do whatever it takes.

I have seen minimal improvements in quality, frame & receptivity after:

-Hair transplant surgery
-Years in the gym
-Countless dates & approaches
-Internal development

I have plenty of ground to cover in these areas, still, so there's that. But the trends here suggest, that due to my product being quite far outside of the acceptable and attractive range (if you can't get ANY workable matches online, you're not attractive enough), I have to go a lot further to win.

Heavy tattooing.


And whatever else.

If you know an alternative, let me know. From what I've seen over the years, unless you have the right archetype, and are considered desirable in her eyes, they treat you like shit. Perpetual ghosting. Empty casual sex. A lack of a normal, human experience.

100%, things changed. When Andy wrote the Tinder guide years ago, he was on the money. Now, everything has shifted, and that body of thought, does not work for anyone who is considered Low SMV.

Right, so, back to work.

Meeting some excellent humans, and connecting with them. Had a few coffee dates scheduled with various high performance men - CEOs, Founders, Agency Owners. Most of my guys are making top 1% incomes.

Since I made the post recently, I did double my prices. Access to me & my program is now 1k a month, and I'm getting guys signing up.

Time to rebrand more and lean into the higher-end clientele, I think....

Going to do a big cleanup of my online image, hide a tonne of YouTube videos, and move IronWill towards a purely performance, inner game, accountability and developmental offer.

The other biz I have, with my biz partner (a truly elite coach), will allow me to fulfil my deeper core desires of walking with men, supporting their self-improvement, and unlocking their core masculinity and essence - finding ways to win as we all navigate a complex world.

All of the clients I have gotten, who are substantial to my business, I did through in person networking and building real, genuine relationships.

Internally, I want to make a shift in my business to be perfectly honest.

In 2025, I think I am going to become extremely exclusive and work with only a small, select few. I think I may be invitation and referral only, and not do any online marketing, apart from sharing my own wisdom freely and for the good of the human animal. In particular the male, a creature I love in my core.

Grateful for the outcomes that are coming my way.....!

In so, so many areas in life, I am successful. I am able to connect with elite men, effortlessly. I have an elite network. I get invited to things, barely anyone can go to. I get top tier people investing in me.

There is just going to be small, subtle things I will change, which will bring the ONE woman I seek into my life. For those close to me, who I confide in, I am clear about wanting to find a wife.

The way my brain works, is just relentless drive. My hustle is real. And it's why I win.

I will find the kinda gal I want. And the equation, will just be: (a) more success in life, (b) masculinity & core essence, (c) maxxing my looks & finding a winning archetype.

Let it be done.

IronWill, in 2025, will be invite and referral only. Only high-ticket clients. And I will have a detailed application for those who want to work with me to do if they are serious.

And I'll scale and become the best in the world in my craft. Through complete dedication.

The body, and the look, will come for me in 2025.

And I will ascend to elite over the next 3 years.

You, my reader, on this small website, are able to see the journey of a truly driven individual, who came from dirt nothing, and who will become a legendary self-improver.

My story, when I win, and win big, will change many people's lives.....

Because they will know, despite any bad card life has dealt, there is a great equaliser: fucking sheer force of will.

Checkin, to come....

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Reactions: Red
Wed 9th Oct 2024 - Morning Checkin


(1) Business
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Biz Dev – Thinking & Implementing
-Block 3: Partnership Project

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:
-See P


Morning was spent connecting with good people, and living true to my core values and mission in this world.

Let's move the needle.

Right, so, back to work.

Meeting some excellent humans, and connecting with them. Had a few coffee dates scheduled with various high performance men - CEOs, Founders, Agency Owners. Most of my guys are making top 1% incomes.

Since I made the post recently, I did double my prices. Access to me & my program is now 1k a month, and I'm getting guys signing up.

Time to rebrand more and lean into the higher-end clientele, I think....

Going to do a big cleanup of my online image, hide a tonne of YouTube videos, and move IronWill towards a purely performance, inner game, accountability and developmental offer.

The other biz I have, with my biz partner (a truly elite coach), will allow me to fulfil my deeper core desires of walking with men, supporting their self-improvement, and unlocking their core masculinity and essence - finding ways to win as we all navigate a complex world.

All of the clients I have gotten, who are substantial to my business, I did through in person networking and building real, genuine relationships.

Internally, I want to make a shift in my business to be perfectly honest.

In 2025, I think I am going to become extremely exclusive and work with only a small, select few. I think I may be invitation and referral only, and not do any online marketing, apart from sharing my own wisdom freely and for the good of the human animal. In particular the male, a creature I love in my core.

Grateful for the outcomes that are coming my way.....!

In so, so many areas in life, I am successful. I am able to connect with elite men, effortlessly. I have an elite network. I get invited to things, barely anyone can go to. I get top tier people investing in me.

There is just going to be small, subtle things I will change, which will bring the ONE woman I seek into my life. For those close to me, who I confide in, I am clear about wanting to find a wife.

The way my brain works, is just relentless drive. My hustle is real. And it's why I win.

I will find the kinda gal I want. And the equation, will just be: (a) more success in life, (b) masculinity & core essence, (c) maxxing my looks & finding a winning archetype.

Let it be done.

IronWill, in 2025, will be invite and referral only. Only high-ticket clients. And I will have a detailed application for those who want to work with me to do if they are serious.

And I'll scale and become the best in the world in my craft. Through complete dedication.

The body, and the look, will come for me in 2025.

And I will ascend to elite over the next 3 years.

You, my reader, on this small website, are able to see the journey of a truly driven individual, who came from dirt nothing, and who will become a legendary self-improver.

My story, when I win, and win big, will change many people's lives.....

Because they will know, despite any bad card life has dealt, there is a great equaliser: fucking sheer force of will.

Checkin, to come....


Fucking inspiring dude, I'm sure reading your log doubles my testosterone haha
Last edited:
Wed 9th Oct 2024 - Morning Checkin


(1) Business
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Biz Dev – Thinking & Implementing
-Block 3: Partnership Project

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:
-See P


Morning was spent connecting with good people, and living true to my core values and mission in this world.

Let's move the needle.

-Block 1: Coaching [done]
-Block 2: Biz Dev – Thinking & Implementing [done]
-Block 3: Partnership Project [done]
-Saw Pancake [done]


Was a good day yesterday.

Work wise, solid.

Spent some time with Pancake, which was great. Picked his brain on a range of subjects, and also got to see him in set. His groundedness, vibe, and overall ability did show a step change since the last time I saw him. He kept getting better. His interactions were very real human experiences. Quite a lot different from what I see going on with others.

A true self-improvement & underground legend. Probably one of the most unique humans I've met in my life. Changed how I think and operate a lot, though my mind was in a tough spot the first few years, still absorbed a lot.

Excited to see what he does next.

Back to work for moi.
  • Like
Reactions: Zug
Thurs 10th Oct 2024


(1) Business
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Partnership Project
-Block 3: Content – Case Study
-Free Consult: In Person

(2) Body:
-Gym: Back & KoT

(3) Mindset:
Thurs 10th Oct 2024


(1) Business
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Partnership Project
-Block 3: Content – Case Study
-Free Consult: In Person

(2) Body:
-Gym: Back & KoT

(3) Mindset:

Thurs 10th Oct 2024


(1) Business
-Block 1: Coaching [Done]
-Block 2: Partnership Project [Done]
-Block 3: Content – Case Study [Done]
-Admin [Done]
-Free Consult: In Person [Done]

(2) Body:
-Gym: Back & KoT [Done]
-Nutrition [Done]

(3) Mindset:


A good day.


Friday 11th Oct 2024


(1) Business
-Block 1: Coaching + Prep for calls
-Service Delivery: Calls
-Block 2: Partnership Project
-Block 3: Content
-Block 4: Biz Dev – Messaging, Branding, Socials.

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:
Got stopped in the street by someone who recognised me today in Brooklyn, which was cool.

He'd been watching my videos with Scotty GLL. He found my story quite inspiring and interesting.

How cool. Eventually, my story will really get out there.

Had a good conversation, and invited him to join this forum.

Hope I can keep ascending in life and have more people engaged with my ideas and the concepts that changed my destiny.

Had a good one hanging out with the boys last night at a IW clients place. Was a birthday party, and I was glad to let loose a bit. Been a super busy week, was pretty damn tired.

Connected with some good people, had good convos, me and my biz partner did what we needed to do.

Life’s good.

Heading to the gym now, and then have a chill day. Seeing some people, doing a free consult for one of D’s clients, and then doing dinner with my biz partner and his wife later on.

Will chill and hang with Carl too. We could do our photo selection. From what I saw I dont think I got any winners. Can use it for social media though.

I have had an intense time in NYC. I really need to cut. My SMV has been smacked by my recomp efforts and the muscle gain saga.
One thing that stuck out in my mind, that I feel indicated some inner game weakness, was when I was having a good conversation with a woman for a few mins in the party, she mentioned her boyfriend, and internally, I just shifted. My energies shifted, and my curiosity and desire to have a conversation, vanished. It was so aburpt, the gal felt it, and we just ended the convo there with "it was nice to meet you"

Shit like that, isn't good. It's about being open and social and enjoying talking to people.

That said, I connected with a bunch of different people, and had really good conversations, with depth, authenticity, and enjoyed them.

I did what I had to, to keep my connections up, especially with my awesome client J who is important to me. And had a blast with the guys, who were cracking me the fuck up.