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Snippets from my daily performance coaching in my private group:





-FOCUS is what gets outcomes. FOCUS. When people have a distraction problem, this creates a range of negative downstream effects. Maximising the ROI from what you're invested in, is a skill. Being FOCUSED on it, really extracting MAX VALUE from it. And sticking with it, and sticking with it, and MAKING IT WORK HARDER for you.

I have a body recomp coach. I have a biz coach. I have a dating mentors. And I have a therapist.

These, I am a long, long term user of. We get outcomes, so we just keep working, and we do not avoid the uncomfortable work.

We do not fail to confront where I suck.

If I am not implementing in diet, and I am not effectively resisting temptation, I do not give myself an out of saying, well, this just isn't working for me right now......

Rather, I think strategically.

How can I get MORE from this? How can I commit even fucking harder? How can I be a better student? How can I learn more, and be more dedicated?
How can I bring more energy?

What problem am I trying to solve?

What, specifically, is the problem I am trying to solve?

How can I put that problem FRONT AND CENTRE so I can focus on that, think positive about it, and solve it effectively, so it is DONE. Its handled. It's
sorted and no longer in my life. I've obliterated it.

I've done this with a bunch of things in my life. I FOCUSED on them. Gave them full attention, resolved them, and moved onto taking on other challenges and achieving other goals.

It's this, that no one wants to confront.


So, ask yourself honestly, man - what is the problem you want to resolve?

We want to get that consistent income?

Then, where is the actual roadblock.........?

Is it, your approach is ineffective? What is going wrong, and what can be improved?

Is it, you are not aligned with your approach? If so, how can it be more aligned with you?

Is it, you're not feeling connected to what you're doing, you feel resistance, you don't feel inspired or feel scattered and fragmentred internally?

is it, that you just feel something is off.............?




Can I say this is you for sure?


Because people are complicated, ever changing, ever shifting, and are multi dimensional beings. We need to nourish ourselves emotionally, spiritually, work through a lot of our beliefs, and actually change the thunderous and insane spirals/narrative in our own heads.

When the head clears up, we have the right mental models, and our biology is running pretty f**king good

We tend to thrive and implement like hell

As such, when people have good support in place, when they are using proven commodities, where outcomes should be created, I am remiss to add additional complexity to the equation.

Because, dude, often, the problem is actually US.

A thought experiment I used to do a lot:

"If I was truly David Goggins level driven, and threw all caution to the wind, and worked with passion, drive, dedication and my entire soul, from a place of deeply believing in myself, and telling myself I am awesome, and that I can absolutely succeed, and gave every ounce of energy and drive that I have in my mind, body and f**king soul to becoming GREAT, do I truly think greatness would be elusive for me? Do I believe that the Universe or God would be so cruel as to not reward a truly deserving person?

No. I do NOT believe that.

So, Ravi, how can you DESERVE the outcomes you seek? What can you do to EARN IT?"
Mental Models For Joyful & Consistent AF Performance

Let the f**k go, be still, peaceful, and learn to live in that state. You and I both have a head full of ideas from all we’ve read and watched. That’s all well and good. What matters, is if you’ve taken it to heart or not.

(1) Self Belief: Above all else, decide you’re going to win. Do the work on that. Daily. Brainwash yourself, be delusional, allow it to seep into your self talk and just will yourself to believe that you’re going to make it. I did that with several of my own “impossible goals”, and geuss what? They happened. See, if you don’t, in your core, believe you can get what you seek – it’s done. DONE. Can you allow that? If the answer is no, which it should be, then we’ll both need to keep living in delusion land, showing up for ourselves daily, and convincing ourselves that we’re gonna be OK! No being can direct sincere and continuous, ongoing effort towards something they don’t really believe they can do.It’s too much cognitive dissonance to withstand. So, let’s both step off the hamster wheel of struggle now, and work on silencing that noise in our own heads.

(2) Anti-Perfectionist Philosophy: A superbly life changing idea. Simple, but effective. Ready for it? Here it goes - just show up and try…..! Look, nothing ever really goes entirely to plan, there’s chaos, ups and downs, and “fuck it” moments are always going to happen. Things often take 10 times longer than we think. All good, right? So……..why suffer? There’s no need. Embracing every element of our journey, and enjoying every day, whilst trying to move the needle, should be our ethos for life. There are many ways up the mountain. It’s OK. Go at your own pace. Show up. Don’t overcomplicate things. And just do. Over and over. Refine and iterate over time. This produces outcomes. Inner tension, does not. Choose one. We find our own answers, over time. Starts with giving ourselves permission to be imperfect.

(3) The Letting Go Technique: Thank David Hawkins for this one. Letting go, and really doing the work to be still in life, is a major productivity hack. We’re quick to reach for caffeine and stimulants, tense ourselves up, grit out teeth and try to white knuckle it. When there’s a thorny inner world, and our biology is running at high stress, what do you think will be the outcome of pushing through this all the time? Battling our flight or flight mechanism, and setting off our bodies alarm system every day, is not smart, sustainable, and will make you a miserable f**king human being. So don’t do it. It’s not worth it. Instead, learn to sink into the process, learn to find flow states, learn to really release your tension, and be still.

(4) Baby Steps: Our job is just to show up each day, and do our best. That’s it. Doing what we can, to the best of our ability, and not judging ourselves, is a cheat code. It means you’ll stay with it, and stay with it, and stay with it. For not just months, but years. This is a really well developed idea, though it sounds quite simple, and is explored in detailed in books like The Slight Edge. Micro habits, and repeating things for long periods of time, is quite a simple and easy way to produce qualitative improvements in outcomes over time. I’ve done this, with so, so, so many things in my life, and I just wouldn't be who I am today if I didn’t start doing this stuff 3 years ago.

(5) Acceptance: It’s what’s going on between our ears that will either take us to greatness, or make us suffer. Sometimes, people just aren’t ready to stop suffering. They’re not ready to confront the real issues yet, and address what’s really going on within their mind. Doing the work on this, processing it, working through the limiting beliefs and various toxic ways of thinking we’ve absorbed, takes courage, commitment, dedication, and strength. It is a deeply admirable thing to admit that the way you’ve seen things, be it people in your life, or indeed, our society and our world, were flawed. Cliche incoming: your best thinking got you where you are. Persistently, when my outcomes sucked, it was due to no one other than myself. No one else. Me. Doing the deeper inner work in processing that, using structured approaches like journaling, therapy, coaching, or other modalities, starts taking away the emotional charge, and starts to bring us to acceptance, clarity, and being in control of our destiny.



[Details redacted, post is coaching for a private client]

I am truly sorry you are suffering, brother.

But I have your back all the way.

[name], survival mode, ends.

When you do the right things, for long enough, you turn things around.

So many times, I thought it was the end of the line for me, my journey at times was pure punishment. Pure, unadulterated human suffering. Many sleepless nights staring into the abyss, into the void, just defeated to the absolute core.

Without hope.

Without any seeming prospect of a brighter future or better day.

I don't say this to be dramatic. I say this, because it is true: I tried for 12 years, consistently, to just lose my virginity. before I finally did it at 30. That experience, was 5,000 cold approaches dude, that experience, was so many nights out, I mean, I did 3-4 nights out a week for years.....and I would end up in the pit of hopelessness, my entire health on the floor, chronically fatigued, brain fog, depression, anxiety, my god it got so bad I was bed bound for 2 years at one point

So I make this point, to be fucking clear with you:

I have already been damn near clinically dead twice, and have suffered to a ludicrous extent

Traumatic childhood, abusive father, the lot dude.

I would have had ever excuse to become a statistic. And the only reason I did not, [name], was even when it was more fuckin' bleak and hopeless than you could fucking begin to imagine

When all the walls were caving in and even the hardest men on earth would say fuck me this is miserable




...Today, I am writing this coaching message to you, on the most idyllic and perfect beach I have seen in my life. Not because I have super human ability or resilience. Its not that at all. I am normal, average, regular.

I just kept going.

And I got better at the things I sucked at over time.


[name], it is NOT hopeless. It may feel it. Because it pulls at your fucking wounds which are tender as hell, dude, which have caused you deep, raw, emotional pain in your life. To such it became a soul wound, a trauma.

Those feelings are valid, you can feel them, you can express them, and the more you are open with me, the more you share, the more we can allow you to work through this chapter in your life, and get to the next.

How do we solve problems in IronWill, [name]?

We give them a name, a description, and give the big scary tiger with all it's teeth a name we can understand

Maybe for you, we are just working on solving a money problem

And when you look at it like that, money problems, have solutions - no?

Of course they do, [name], otherwise, everyone who went into debt, ever, would be vaporised by some sort of universal self correcting beam, and be sent into a worm hole or something.

That isn't quite how physics works 😉

Rather, [name], you need to just have an action plan, put it front and centre, really dig into your why, feel it, feel your vision for what you want and the family life you want to have, and use that why to f**king push you to the next level, dude

Let it push you to stick to your process harder, focus even more, generate even more business, deliver even more value, and literally through forward motion and income generating activity, bring tonnes more money into your business, allow that to just keep your finances coming together, and just focus on making progress

Baby steps

The money you make, we f**king celebrate as a profound gift from the Universe

We rewire our brain, our beliefs, and we lean into being badass at making money and changing our entire financial future

Make it a game. Make it fun.


-How can we see this as an opportunity for growth?
-How can you truly, and I mean, truly, viscerally, palpably, from your soul, connect with your why?
-How can you find passion, vigour, and drive to move higher in life?



You Are One Tool Away From Having A Completely Different Life (14/90 days of consistent performance)

5 years ago I was really struggling and my life was not working at all

I am not an example of a born winner

I am an example of someone who built an awesome life from absolute rock bottom

From the absolutely depths of the sewer of life

And had it gone on like that, it would have been a tragedy

I suffered like that for so many years

Until I hired my first mentor at 29 and he took me places I could never have imagined I could go

And I built the unbelievable performance methodology that is The IronWill Method

The method that solved The Consistent Performance formula

And now me and my tribe can get and achieve whatever the f**k we want

And have a happy, joyful life while we do it

With a smile on my face

Because we know the deep game of performance

And basically no one else understands it the way we do

We are blessed



The shit you’re reading in books and watching on YouTube works for maybe 1% of people and they know it

If you want to stop being a fucking victim of your ignorance and take your power back LEARN NATURES PERFORMANCE LAWS

I am a very normal dude

I just did not accept that I couldn’t have an incredible life

And kept being open minded to new and different ideas

Tested and experimented like hell

And now I am here







-Ravi, IronWill Coach

The Audacity of a Goal... and FINALLY Going ALL IN​

Goal achievers were just people I was drawn to. I resonated with them. I connected with them. And I found my tribe. At my core, it's who I am—a self-improver.

I find it fascinating, it makes sense to me, and it supports every facet of human flourishing.

Most people don't really understand goal achievement. They live in delusion land, thinking it's tough, difficult, or complicated. But if you're smart about it, you can make it easy, simple, and joyful. The issue is that people don't tend to understand how to actually accomplish their goals.

In my opinion, you can have two major goals a year. That's two areas you want to address. Whether it's building your body and health, growing your business, or improving your relationships, focus is key. Your life has to become entwined with your objectives, and from Monday to Friday, your energy must be palpably directed towards your goals.

What you focus on will level up. Always.

But if you're trying to do five different things, you'll get to the end of the year having accomplished nothing. That's why most do not attain their goals. Those who do aren't better than you; they're just better at performance and goal attainment. These are skills with a deep inner game. If this isn't you at present, it's all fixable, solvable, and can be changed.

The biggest value I can give you in today's post is to get you to think differently around this subject.

An average year is nothing to write home about for many. Their income, body, health, and relationships are about the same as they ever were, if not a little worse, with each passing year. Yet a year of total swashbuckling goal achievement turns your reality on its head. By the end of the year, you're making more money, have a better social and romantic life, and are living at a higher quality of life.

For all of us who are experienced and proven self-improvers, we know this. And for those of you looking to make this year a breakthrough, the biggest thing you can do is understand that when you go ALL IN and put everything else on the back burner, you WILL go places.

It won't always be easy or fun. You may have to push yourself a lot, invest in yourself, change your environment, and put other desires on the back burner for now. That's the game, and we have to respect those rules.

However, for the few who decide to be DEAD SERIOUS, they are the ones who will stand up, raise their head above the parapet, and blast through wall after wall after wall until they obtain what they seek.

If that isn't you right now, understand that it can be. That is what we are about here—solving YOUR puzzle so YOU can kick ass this year, stand up and be counted, and take a seat at the winner's table.

It CAN be done. I did it myself.

And if anyone has a problem with that, fk 'em. You go succeed and give them something to be mad about. I do this day in, day out, and take what I want out there. I don't ask for it. I go and fking TAKE IT.

That is the energy that will transform your life. And that is what we want to inspire within you.

In my opinion, you can have two major goals a year. That's two areas you want to address. Whether it's building your body and health, growing your business, or improving your relationships, focus is key.
Seconding this. While we are only approaching the end of month 5 of this year, I can tell that I've set too many different goals this year and spread my focus too thin. I'm changing the goalposts and will still be working to achieve them all this year, but adjusting my approach to allow myself to go all-in on fewer goals next year will yield better results I think.


Time will pass either way.​

Some will be further ahead by the time the end of this month creeps by​

Others, will know in their heart of hearts, they could have been so, so much better​


The outcomes you're looking for, are possible. You're not making them happen, because you've not gone ALL IN just yet, and are not fully connected, fully recharged, and joyfully executing like it's all an abundant, adventurous, exercise in flourishing and bringing excellence and joy into every area of your life​


A few of my questions for you to ponder:​

Let’s find ways to make this a 10 X month​

What is ONE thing that if you implemented daily this week you’d set yourself up for success?​

What is one thing you’ve been putting off and piling up that you know you need to address?​

What is the highest leverage action for your income goals right now?​

What is the highest leverage action for your biology right now?​

What is the highest leverage action for your inner world?​

What is something you’re struggling with, what is your current weak link, what is one aspect of your overall game you need to make stronger?​

How can you make that weak link stronger this month?​

What would be one MAJOR WIN if you could hit it this month?​

What is one high leverage moon shot you could go for this month?​

What is some low hanging fruit for your function, health, and happiness you could do this month?​

What is one thing you’d like to do for YOU and YOU only?​

Describe how this could be a month that you’d be happy you lived ten years from now. How can we make this the month that changed your reality?​

Ponder them​

And I mean, really ponder them​

And actually take it to heart​

Feel free to post below, the forum is for you to truly live an abundant life, joyfully, and without inner tension​

I've got your back​

So let's make it happen​


You know how much I tested and how I tried damn near everything. I made a promise to the Universe that when I figured it out, I would share it with the world, and I signed that promise in blood, sweat, and tears.

Most follow me because they have a vision. A vision that, if they really, really went for it, would make their life so spectacular and abundant that the thought alone brings a tear to their eye...

But you're not where you want to be and, frankly, don't know when it will really happen.

The principles that led to The IronWill Methodology truly work.

These ideas are field-tested, proven, and completely changed my entire f**king life.

You know where I was:
-100 lbs overweight
-Housebound agoraphobic with extreme anxiety, too scared to live, too scared to die
-Didn't leave my room for 2 years at one point
-Severe brain fog, constant fatigue, it felt like my body was just shutting down

I systematically overhauled every facet of my life, building the machinery it took to WIN, and reached new and abundant levels across every area of life:

From a broken biology to robustness:
-Lost 100 lbs
-Optimized my brain and body
-Built a machine that can play the game of life and win, with focus, motivation, drive, energy, clarity, and effortless ease

From underachieving to peak performance:
-Made great strides as a project manager, earning promotion after promotion
-Turned down a Senior Manager position to start my own business, IronWill
-Served clients for years, producing superb results, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue, and creating a space for deep inner healing and transformation

From lonely, isolated, obese, and anxious to an abundant life of connection, joy, community, and impact:
-Went from a wallflower who didn't go on his first date until 30, to a confident, grounded, massive action-taker who transformed his destiny
-Enjoyed dating and connecting with new people, going on over 200 dates before closing that chapter
-Overcame anxieties and inability to speak to people, approaching more than ten thousand people
-Now have a life full of friends, community, and connection, living joyfully and impactfully, reaching level 10 for myself

Why do I keep achieving my goals, and why do IronWill clients keep achieving theirs?

Honestly, it's because we use a framework that makes it easy for us to win.

That's it.

We work SMARTER.
We do LESS.
We BUILD our energy levels, mental and physical health.
We enjoy MORE connection, love, friendship, and community.
And we keep going further and further, together.

Because we have a human-centred approach that works for actual human beings, rather than machines. People who value happiness, a good quality of life, and who are not willing to sacrifice their mental and physical health. People who recognize that to reach the next level, they have to invest in themselves and optimize themselves.

That's it.

It's NOT hard, complicated, or an effortful, agonizing grind.

I post this for you today as a reminder, and to serve you.


I see a frustrating trend in my community of entrepreneurs, agency owners and executives, and it's a recipe for inner tension if there ever was one...
I call it Habitual Ingratitude
This is where you move the goal posts, and pour anger, tension, and self-hate over the progress you're making.
And you pour self-laothing and comparison over all accomplishments and work you're putting in.
You never celebrate your wins, and you run the same old stories in your head:

I should be making more money
I should be further ahead
I should have clients
I should be working harder
I should be happier
I should be able to travel more
I should be more like him/her/themetc etc
…until you burnout, meltdown and get sick from an overdose of shoulds.
Well, here’s the truth:
If you’re reading this, you’re already successful. You’re uniquely privileged compared to most of the rest of the world.

You are here, rising to become the best version of yourself, and there is no more admirable task a human being could engage with.


You do not have to be anywhere other than where you are right now. You're doing perfectl. Each day you show up and do what you can, you've already done enough.
All we ever have to do is:

1: Show up consistently
2: Enjoy your journey and be grateful
3: Ask questions, listen and learn
4: Do not give up
If you do the above, you will definitely be OK.

It's just how the world works.

So, less stress, more joy and gratitude, alright?

Love you all,


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I hesitated to share this, but it’s vital for you to know.

A few years ago, I reached a breaking point. For three relentless years, I battled brain fog, anxiety, and low energy, trying every possible solution without success. I was determined but felt utterly stuck. It was a frustrating time. Imagine showing up daily, testing new processes, gathering data for months, only to hit a dead end each time.

Despite the struggles, I was learning crucial truths about human function and performance through trial and error. My journey taught me that to solve my problems, I had to address the root cause and elevate my overall function and performance.

It was either figure out a way to do that or continue to underachieve, never actualizing my potential or seeing my vision come to life.

During my research, I discovered a holistic program based on solid evidence, blending various healing approaches to enhance function.

While I had seen some progress on my own, I couldn’t grasp the deeper intricacies needed to truly transform my biology and achieve consistent mental clarity, drive, and motivation.

At the time, I was working as a project manager and had saved enough to invest in myself. I knew I had to make a change and was ready to break free from the chains holding me back. It was my state of mind and body that prevented me from reaching my full potential, becoming an entrepreneur, and living the life I dreamed of.

After meticulous research, I found a program led by someone who had endured a similar challenging journey but emerged victorious. We had a deep, insightful conversation, and his knowledge and passion were undeniable. He understood every nuance at an astonishing level, and I knew he could guide me to my transformation.

He said, “If you feel called, I invite you to join me. But only if you feel called.”

Taking a leap of faith, I knew another year of brain fog, anxiety, and low energy was not an option. I couldn’t continue to see that version of myself in the mirror, a man I didn’t even recognize. Staying stuck, struggling without progress, and not living a life of passion, impact, and purpose was no longer acceptable.

So, after some deliberation, I signed up and went ALL IN.

Two months into the program, my brain fog lifted significantly. I started sleeping well, feeling revitalized in both mind and body, and was supremely motivated to turn my situation around for good. I pushed even harder, and over the course of a year, I completely transformed my destiny.

Since then, my achievements have been remarkable. I hit goal after goal, earned promotion after promotion, launched my own business, and generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for entrepreneurs, agency owners, and executives. I’ve witnessed my clients build powerful personal brands with thousands of followers and watched their lives soar into new, exciting directions.

That pivotal moment when I decided to change ME, to address and eliminate each symptom holding me back, set me on a path to success. I’ve learned that you can achieve almost anything you want. You just need to be open to new ideas, testing, and the scientific method, and dream big enough to keep going.

My transformation was nothing short of stellar. I’ve accomplished things I once thought were impossible. Now, “impossible” doesn’t exist in my vocabulary because I’ve seen so many people create extraordinary outcomes. This is possible for everyone. It takes the right blend of factors to converge so your consistent performance formula can be solved.

That’s why I created the formula, the problem-solving framework, and the IronWill methodology to make performance joyful.


What are you waiting for right now? What excuses are you telling yourself that keep you moving slowly? Are you waiting to learn enough to fix the problem yourself? Do you think trying harder this time will be different? Do you believe no one apart from you can fix this?

In my experience, if you were competent enough in performance and function-based problems, you wouldn’t be where you are. Every day, I help smart, capable, successful people unlock their next level by optimizing themselves, their habits, and their biology.

Whatever your excuse, it’s a distraction and a lie keeping you from moving forward. If you don’t wake up and tackle the problem directly, you’ll be left behind. Stop waiting. Do it now. Rethink how you operate. Get clear about your vision and how you want to feel. Create an action plan. Optimize it and use my ideas to ensure each layer of your game is nailed down. Shore up all holes in your regimen and go on the attack.

The longer you wait, the worse it gets. But the moment you’re fully aligned with how you feel and show up as the version of yourself the Universe wants to see, is the moment you completely change your destiny.

Here’s what I’d love to know from you:

1. What specific challenges are you currently facing that make you feel stuck or hinder your progress?
2. What is one goal you’ve been postponing due to fear, uncertainty, or lack of clarity? What would taking immediate action on this goal look like for you?


Thoughts on consistent motivation & connection to mission:

Will write a lot more about this, and get my website up for IW, start really fleshing out my ideas.

This shit helped me become a monster of massive action from zero, from being a literal procrastinating lurking fat fuck, lmfao.

To being a hustling mofo.

That is enough to obtain a shit tonne of positive life experiences and create a cool life tbh

Thanks for reading and helping me refine my core ideas by experimenting with y'all and of course myself

I genuinely live for this shit, too driven, too hard working, can't stop man, want that body, want the business, want to create a community and a movement

More people I serve

The more I SUCEED

No Excuses For Agency Owners & Entrepreneurs: 90 Day Business Accountability -For Hardcore Results

00:00 Meet Brian & Ali: 90-Day Sprint Success Stories
08:41 Brian’s Breakthroughs: Tackling Business Challenges & High ROI Focus
14:27 Ali’s Transformation: Boosting Work Habits & Career Connection
19:41 Celebrating Ali: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Unique Values
26:12 Alastair’s Leap: Building a Full-Time Service Business
31:39 Financial Freedom: Overcoming Struggles & Boosting Productivity
38:32 Team Wisdom: Beating Task Resistance
44:23 Success Strategies: Proof of Concept & Persistence
49:33 Sprint to Success: Benefits & Goal Setting in 90 Days

A great 90 day sprint with 2 fantastic men, a service based biz owner, and the owner of a digital marketing agency.

Both got unstuck.

Both got clarity, direction.

Increased their revenue, made important biz breakthroughs, and importantly, did so with joyful, stress free performance, without task resistance.

You're not going to really reach level 10 drowning under inner tension.

Never happens with any goal.

Which is why we do this work.

For those who encounter high anxiety as a performance blocker, this ones for you:

"My Anxiety Has Shut Down My Content Creation" - Rescuing A Creator From Anxiety Hell [LINK IN COMMENTS]

Ever feel like your dreams are slipping away, strangled by the relentless grip of anxiety?

In my latest video, I confront the harsh reality of a content creator whose anxiety has derailed his passion and left him retreating from life.

I know that darkness all too well. I was once trapped in the same vicious cycle—anxiety spiraling into severe agoraphobia, leaving me disconnected and paralyzed by fear.

But I didn’t let it win.

I fought back, broke the cycle, and rebuilt myself from the ground up.

This isn’t just a story of survival—it’s a battle cry for anyone who’s tired of being controlled by anxiety.

Anxiety is a brutal enemy, but it’s built on lies.

You have the power to tear down those lies and reclaim your life.

This video will show you how. It’s time to stop hiding and start living again.

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You're only as strong as your weakest link. The pain and resistance you’re avoiding? It’s going to be amplified by life until it consumes your mind, becomes your world, and dominates your narrative.

But here’s the brutal truth: You can either confront it head-on, with focus, structure, energy, and a solid plan—or let it own you.

Because what you give your power away to becomes your master. And when you’ve got a master, you’ve handed over control of your destiny.

IronWill is about one thing: INDIVIDUAL AGENCY.


Listen up, the way I run IronWill isn't for the faint of heart. I don’t want half-hearted people in my program. If you can’t check in several times a week, hop on two calls with me every month, and fully immerse yourself in the environment I’ve built—it isn’t for you.

This, is truly what it takes to get a person out of their comfort zone, and stretching themselves to their next level.

Would you rather take a comfortable, sweet lie?

Or the bitter fucking truth?

The cavalry isn't coming

If you want to WIN, this is on YOU, and NO ONE ELSE but your monkey ass

But if you’re willing to put in the work and face your weak links, we will unlock your high performance and outcomes. That’s why we win.

And let’s get one thing straight—you’ve got to confront your THINKING. It’s the breaking point stopping you from fucking KILLING IT.

Why did I go from an obese, anxious virgin at 30 to absolutely crushing life?





It will never be anything else.

When you create a container, and hold the mirror of accountability up, we'll find the real answers, the truth will stare you in the face, and I will not let you off the hook.

Face it.

Confront it.

Do the work on it.

And rise to your highest potential.


Grind Culture Doesn’t Work And What Will Replace It​

Enjoy your weekend BROS
IRONWILL REMINDER: Slowing Down & Achieving More

In life, we are all constantly course-correcting, finding our way back to balance. Even in the midst of hustle, there are moments when the body sends subtle signals, reminding us to pause and listen.

Yesterday, after a week in New York City, I felt the weight of stress building, my own body calling for a reset.

So, I did the minimum required, stepped back, and allowed myself to recover.

No pushing, no forcing. Just stillness and the simple joy of conversation with a friend.

Now, I’m back—centered, flowing, and creating with ease.

Many of us overlook these moments of inner wisdom. We push forward, unaware that our bodies have shifted out of alignment. If you ever find yourself struggling to make progress, despite your best intentions, take a moment to check in. Most often, it’s not your motivation that’s lacking—it’s the build-up of stress hormones, clouding your clarity, breaking your focus, making it impossible to see the bigger picture.

Understand this: when your body is flooded with cortisol and adrenaline, it’s as if your mind believes danger is near.We don't simply “push through” when your biology is in survival mode, scanning for threats instead of finding calm.

The answer is counterintuitive: slow down.

🔑 Slow is fast. Less is more.

The path forward is one of gentleness and self-care.By reducing stress, you allow the body and mind to naturally realign. In this state, everything flows more easily—there’s no tension, no resistance, only effortless action.

Frustration may arise, and that’s natural. But remember, the body holds the wisdom, and it keeps score. The key to unlocking consistent, joyful productivity lies in honoring your need for rest, recovery, and realignment.

When you embrace this, you’ll find that tasks are completed without struggle. Your motivation returns, not through force, but through an effortless shift in energy. This is a different way of thinking about performance and productivity, and one that will see you raise your game considerably, if you're able to be open minded to operating differently.

Share your thoughts below, or reach out to me if you seek guidance. I am here, as always, to help you find your way.

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IRONWILL REMINDER: Slowing Down & Achieving More

In life, we are all constantly course-correcting, finding our way back to balance. Even in the midst of hustle, there are moments when the body sends subtle signals, reminding us to pause and listen.

Yesterday, after a week in New York City, I felt the weight of stress building, my own body calling for a reset.

So, I did the minimum required, stepped back, and allowed myself to recover.

No pushing, no forcing. Just stillness and the simple joy of conversation with a friend.

Now, I’m back—centered, flowing, and creating with ease.

Many of us overlook these moments of inner wisdom. We push forward, unaware that our bodies have shifted out of alignment. If you ever find yourself struggling to make progress, despite your best intentions, take a moment to check in. Most often, it’s not your motivation that’s lacking—it’s the build-up of stress hormones, clouding your clarity, breaking your focus, making it impossible to see the bigger picture.

Understand this: when your body is flooded with cortisol and adrenaline, it’s as if your mind believes danger is near.We don't simply “push through” when your biology is in survival mode, scanning for threats instead of finding calm.

The answer is counterintuitive: slow down.

🔑 Slow is fast. Less is more.

The path forward is one of gentleness and self-care.By reducing stress, you allow the body and mind to naturally realign. In this state, everything flows more easily—there’s no tension, no resistance, only effortless action.

Frustration may arise, and that’s natural. But remember, the body holds the wisdom, and it keeps score. The key to unlocking consistent, joyful productivity lies in honoring your need for rest, recovery, and realignment.

When you embrace this, you’ll find that tasks are completed without struggle. Your motivation returns, not through force, but through an effortless shift in energy. This is a different way of thinking about performance and productivity, and one that will see you raise your game considerably, if you're able to be open minded to operating differently.

Share your thoughts below, or reach out to me if you seek guidance. I am here, as always, to help you find your way.

I like this, especially while I'm chipping away getting 3 customers a day or so. I will hit my target number but it will take a little while so it's just about getting myself out there every day I can.
Natural Systems vs. Hustle Culture: Grinding Yourself Down is Bullsh*t— Finding Joyful Performance

What I've found with a lot of people stuck in slow progress, is that they haven't done the deeper thinking to understand what is going on within themselves yet

They seem to think they need some magic switch to flip in their minds to finally break free and execute at the level they know they’re capable of.

It may reassure you to know, we CAN flip that switch.

But, it's a change of PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY, that does it.

This is called finding your joyful performance.

This isn’t about forcing yourself into a grind.

It’s about tapping into a flow that allows you to create exceptional outcomes and actually feel like you’re winning—without running yourself into the ground.

There are biological mechanisms that flick into place when you've shifted your energies to operate this way, and they're what are needed to get you on your A Game, and checking off action items like the teminator.

The noisy online world will have you believe that success comes from long hours, constant hustle, and grinding through burnout.

Here's the truth about that....

That approach, DOES NOT WORK for 95% of people, and leads to brokenness, depression, and burnout.

What you don’t see behind the “grind” culture is the human cost: relationship breakdown, loneliness and isolation, substance abuse, dysfunction in every part of life.

This is what we reject in IronWill.

Our method? It’s built on joyful performance, deep accountability, and maximizing your potential without the toxic hustle.

When you’re stressed, burned out, and feel like you’re barely moving the needle, more grinding isn’t the answer.

What you need is more recovery, less stress, and a system that optimizes your biology, well-being, and work habits.

That’s how you get back on top of your game and go to bed knowing you’ve truly done your best.

That’s where real satisfaction lives. It’s in that space of joy, motivation, and clarity that you start creating at your highest level—thinking bigger, moving bolder, and living expansively.

Be open minded, and consider a different approach.

Slow, stagnant progress, barely growing, and letting the years slip by, is 100% avoidable, IF you are willing to confront the problem directly.



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You’re Not David Goggins – And That’s Actually a Good Thing #Motivation

We’re all drawn to extremes.

When we see someone do the superhuman, push their limits, and break through barriers, it grabs our attention. It speaks to something deep within us.

We stop and think: What if I could do that too?

I remember being completely inspired by David Goggins in my late 20s.


His intensity was unmatched, and his story rocked me to my core. Why? Because he showed me something powerful:
  • You can create something from nothing.
  • You can rise in life, against all odds.
  • If you’re willing to do whatever it takes, it can be done.
That idea hit me hard. I threw caution to the wind, started grinding like crazy, and made moves that changed my destiny.


What I didn’t realize back then was the hidden cost of that mentality.

Sure, I made progress. I got things done. I even transformed myself.

But behind the scenes? It wasn’t so pretty.

The stress. The burnout. The isolation.

I was driven by fear and insecurity, believing that if I wasn’t constantly pushing myself to the edge, I’d never succeed.

And I know you’ve probably felt the same at some point – thinking, “If I’m not grinding, I’m not growing.”

But here’s the truth I’ve learned............

You don’t have to live that way.

You don’t need to keep your body and mind locked in a state of constant tension. You don’t need to grind yourself into the ground to avoid failure.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to suffer to succeed.

In fact, living in that constant state of stress blinds you from making the real progress you need.

True growth comes from depth. It comes from asking yourself the hard questions, thinking strategically, and taking the time to reflect and learn.

Constantly pushing yourself without pause doesn’t work. It leads to burnout, poor mental health, and a compromised quality of life.

We all get as far as our mindset allows us to.

But there’s another way—a way that allows you to grow, scale, and lead with clarity. A way that lets you hit your goals without sacrificing your mental health or quality of life.

This is what I call Joyful Performance—where you can achieve extraordinary results without suffering. Where you stay aligned, connected to your mission, and on your A-Game.

This is how we think at IronWill, and you can check out the video below for more.


A message I sent to one of my private clients this morning, who is doubting himself, which I will also share here:Lets dive into this.....

"feel like making video games is kind of dorky and no-one will care about it"

Is this true that no one will care about it?

Then why are there channels dedicated to indie game development, with tens of thousands of followers, subscribers, and engaged humans who align with this?

Why is the games industry, a multi billion dollar industry?

Why are humans draw to them, as a passion and interest?

And why do they bring joy to the lives of millions of humans in this world, if no one will care about it?

Now, is it dorky................

It depends who you ask

If you ask someone who is interested in indie game development, they will tell you, it's creative, interesting, stimulating, and it broadens their intellectual horizons

Allowing to transmute their internal creativity, into the real world

Into something that matters for them, gives them satisfaction, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

Much of this journey, [name removed], as a new entrepreneur and someone who is building their offer, and building their audience, is about FINDING YOUR TRIBE

A screening & abundance mindset, helps a lot here

You are not here, on this mission, to be everyone's cup of tea

There are many people in this world who will no doubt think I'm a weirdo for shouting from the rooftops about how performance, productivity, wellness and inner game work changed my entire life and shifted my destiny

They will never understand the journey I was on, am on, and how life saving these principles were for me

And I don't care

I speak to my audience, from my heart, and I resonate with some, and wish the others, the very best in finding what will be a better community and tribe for them






Your task, is to build YOUR brand

YOUR audience

And be FIERCE in using your voice, speaking your truth, and pushing past your doubts through sheer willpower to make content over and over again

Add value to the lives of others over and over again

Until you have occupied enough mental bandwidth in the minds of other humans, that they see the value you bring to their life, and they join you in a journey of realising their own vision

The concept of 1000 true fans, is one I would like you to look into

In this game, you don't need an army of followers

For many of us, what we're doing is so niche, we are not seeking to tap into a mainstream audience anyway

All you need, is 1000 people who are interested in you, the way you see the world, and the concepts, tools and mental models you use to be effective in your own unique area of genius

That is enough to have:

And to know you have achieved success in your own life, on your own terms, and that you are in a life that is aligned and powerful for you as a human being



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