READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

Warm welcome all bros!

Glad to have you here.

Start a log, please, and get to WORK.

I love to see the GRINDERS.

trying said:
I, trying, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

30 yo, from Europe.
I want to do the AA program within 6 months.

Please upload an avatar showing yourself brother. Your face can be blurred. We ban accounts that don't do this within 3 days.

Hi, my name’s zar. Im from Sydney,Australia.

Im 20; still a virgin. At the age of 17 i had an existential crisis about being a virgin and became quite suicidal. By some miracle i discovered self improvement and I’ve consistantly been meditating an hour a day; been journaling and been exercising for atleast 2 hours every single day for 3 years now.

I’ve been working out for the past 3years; tryna loose weight and build muscle; as well improve my mental health and discipline and I’ve built what i think is a pretty good physique. I’ve also got a business that’s got it’s first case study client atm; as well as university.

However; i still have massive mental blocks around girls that i aim to overcome through following what the guy in the “9 girls in 6 weeks” post did - by simply following a template that i cant fuck up; maximising my looks, style and photos; boosting and going for large volume while at the same time pulling the trigger/YOLOing it without pussying out - massive results in terms of sex had can be achieved.

i know very well the difference between understanding something theoretically and actually doing it… i seem to suck at actually doing these things. Getting laid is one of those things where brain has had alot of learned helpness programmed into it. In a way i do ahear to all of rhese logical findings, reports from other people and systems to give myself undeniable hope because without these things i would’ve fallen down the blackpill and likely would’ve ended my life. But simply not losing is not the same thing as winning.

I’m here to fucking win. To actually convert - in marketing terms. I’m here to fuck some bitches.

I’ve read some of the main posts by andy and chris from gll something like a dozen times by now. I’ve made a plan for myself similar to what the “9 girls in 6 weeks” plan looks like; except i want to have money for superboosts daily (goal number 1), have money for better clothes ( goal number 2) and to be able to rent a dslr to take very high quality photos and edit them (goal number 3).

Ultimately; on the question of why anyone joins any forum - it’s because i need feedback. I’ve been trying to do this on my own; trying to rely on my own self awareness for the last 2 years; gotten no real results except for like 2 dates with some extremely unattractive women. I could’ve had sex too but (and perhaps its a porn addiction thing - goal number 4 is to quit this btw) the thought of fucking her made me feel like i was raping mysef. I don’t think my standards are too high; just don’t be completely fucking ugly and don’t be morbidly obese. But i guess considering just how fucking competitive tinder is; i really do need to go the extra 10 miles; take paparazzi tier photos, run superboosts 12 hours day; swipe on as many girls as possible and aim to get like 10 numbers/snapchats a day and around 2-3 dates.

I need to be able to progress further down the list of sexual milestones until i actually get laid; i also wanna learn how to not be a pussy and be myself with girls; to get to a point where i don’t feel like being myself and being attractive are two mutually exclusive things. However; i understand that at the moment; just fucking a bitch would do wonders to make me get progress towards building a self exteem. In all honestly; i’ll likely mostly be here to post photos; outfits ; profiles for feedback as well as posting reports for analysis and feedback so i can improve quicker and speed up my learning process.

Also - should mention this - I have a fucked up combination of ADHD and gifted level intelligence (137 IQ on the WAIS-V) . I don’t mean to boast; in all honestly i’ve found nothing but shame in having so much alleged potential that’s been ruined by the neuroticism that is inevitably incurred through being intelligent. Some of the most succesful friends i have are just average intelligence people who have balls; don’t give a fuck and just take action.

Even by making it my purpose to become more like them; this is the only progress I’ve made so far; two dates with some fat drug addict girls. Even worse; from most of my friends point’s of views - i am decently attractive and masculine. Most people rate me as an 8/10; citing a strong jawline; low body fat percentage and decent grooming as reasons. Almost all of my friends who didn’t know in childhood were in geniunely disbelief to know that i was a virgin; i’ve even had girls chase me and ask me out (and they always manage to be the exact OPPOSITE kinds of girls I want). My sex life; rather the utter lack of one is nothing but a source of shame. Here i am; with gifts that some incels would kill for - with virtually no genetic flaws and several good features utterly inable to attract a girl. Even if a girl is into me physically it is as if every word i say manages to just turn her off. I have no issues in any social circle and used to be one of the most popular people in my high school due to non neediness, authenticity; intelligence and humour etc. but it’s like girls see me as 4 foot tall and inbred. The girls i repell the most are the ones i want the most - those intellectual emo type girls.

All of these problems; i assure myself; will solved over time SO LONG as i stick to my plan; get the “get girls” of life out of my system and rack up several boddies before i trust myself and find my own way to where i want to be and the kind of girls i want to be date (and how to interrwct with them). I know that noneediness will be achieved only through actual sexual abundance; thus this now the primary purpose of my life.

This is the first thing i think of in the morning. And the last thing i think of before i go to sleep.
I, LoserNoMore, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi all, I am a 29M from Ottawa, Canada on the autism spectrum. I am still living at home (although I hope to move out in the near future) and still a virgin.

I’ve dated several girls over the years, but didn’t sleep with any of them. Currently my dating life is on hold until I move out. In the meantime, I am prioritizing becoming independent as well as working out and getting an ideal body.



Happy to have new blood. Keep the signups coming!

All people, from all over the world, are welcome in this brotherhood, we just ask you work hard.

I, rohanp, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I, 19 years old, want to get out of the rut that I forced myself in early this year, and turn my life around for the better. After rotting on incel forums for months, I decided last week that I want to change.
Short term goals for rest of 2023
1. Beat depression
2. Hit the gym consistently
3. Finish invisalign treatment
4. Get my GPA grades back on track
Yo Yooo,

I'm Mexican Carnivore.

I, Mexican Carnivore, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

40 years old, born in Mexico, lived in USA most of my life.

I want to find a long term GF.
Going to use online and approaching.

Current short term goals:
- drop to 170lbs. / 77kg (started at 215lbs. / 97.5kg)
- reach 5 lays this year (currently on 0 for the year)
Im balko
I, balko, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 28 and living in Croatia. No college degree, working in the auto industry.
I want to be normal, relaxed and confident around girls I find attractive.
I want to sleep, have sex and fuck as many girls as possible, preferably hot.
I want to be attractive to as many girls as possible.
I want to have the ability to just go out and get laid when I get the need.

Avatar coming soon...
Hey Guys,

Im Shiv,
I Shiv commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

32 years old, and
my goals are:

-Find a sense of purpose
-Improve my self confidence, and generally improve my mental health.
-Make friends who are also into self improvement
-Stop drinking alcohol (i dont think moderation will work for me)
-I want to get my body fat under 20% (not sure but currently around 28%
I have been a depressed alcoholic all the way through my 20s and still now. I have started therapy and also i am going to the gym 2 times a week (will work my way upto 5 days).

Currently in an LTR with a partner who i see a future with, however im a pretty insecure person which makes it difficult to deal with any challenges that come up in a relationship.
Building an amazing life outside of he relationship will help this i believe.
I Carl commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

My goal is to genuinely become good enough not only for myself, but for others too.
I was a member here and due to very bad life circumstances, took a break. I was here under different name. Carl is my middle name and I think some of the people here will know who I am.
Hey guys. It's an honor to join you here. Im committed to improve myself, work on my goals and win at life. Hope to be able to help you guys in your journey as well.

My main goals are:

1. Stop watching porn
2. Rebuild my business back to $10k profit/month
3. Attain social freedom (currently doing the GLL AA drills)
4. Get to 80kg 10%BF (currently at 75kg 14%)

I'm 37 live in Brazil, divorced with a small kid, currently going through a tough period looking to get back on track.
Hey guys, im john
I, john, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

After being an observer in this community for a year ive decided to finally jump into the forums and connect with those who have gone through and are going through the same experiences as me, i really hope to learn as much as possible from you guys.

Last august i lucked into finding KYIL through a google search and through Andy and this awesome website i found GLL, the approach anxiety program and the entire community as a whole.

Im 27, i just returned to school after leaving in 2016 and i live in the hudson county area in NJ.

My Goals:
10 lays by the end of may through cold approach (mostly daygame) and online dating (mostly hinge)
Save up for an apartment for when i leave school
Continue to grow socially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
Continue to strive towards looks maxing in all areas

Longerterm Goals:
100 plus lays
move to NYC
Hi guys,
I, Anthony, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I discovered KYIL via a French seduction forum last June, and my primary desire is to lose weight.
Since June I've lost about 10kg, I think I need to lose another 10-15kg to see my abs (I work out 5 days a week).

I also want to overcome my shyness and meet more people in my area.

I will not show my face as I wish to remain anonymous on the forum.
Magic_BR said:
Hey guys. It's an honor to join you here. Im committed to improve myself, work on my goals and win at life. Hope to be able to help you guys in your journey as well.

My main goals are:

1. Stop watching porn
2. Rebuild my business back to $10k profit/month
3. Attain social freedom (currently doing the GLL AA drills)
4. Get to 80kg 10%BF (currently at 75kg 14%)

I'm 37 live in Brazil, divorced with a small kid, currently going through a tough period looking to get back on track.

I've never been divorced but that must have been a pain.
'I, David, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

22, cs student, polygloth (5-6 languages), ultra runner, love singing.
I want to lose my virginity and then make sex and eventually a serious romantic relationship a part of my daily/weekly life.
Currently working with the tinder guide.
davideiaco said:
'I, David, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

22, cs student, polygloth (5-6 languages), ultra runner, love singing.
I want to lose my virginity and then make sex and eventually a serious romantic relationship a part of my daily/weekly life.
Currently working with the tinder guide.

Hey man!

Sounds great.

Can you do me a favour and upload an avatar as per the first post?

We have to ban accounts who don't.

Thanks bro and good luck with your goals

I'm Jim
I, Jim, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

28 from New York
I want to sleep with 100 different girls
Going to use online, approaching and social to do it
Current short term goals
- drop to 150lbs (currently 190lbs, down from 300lbs)
- get at least 1 lay with a woman by the end of 2023 (had 2 lifetime)