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What up, I'm Taylor. Alaska based. Will post a longer version elsewhere. Short version:

I love self-improvement, mindset, coaching, BDSM, among other things. I help Andy, Cam and Ed with the group coaching program.

Current Goals:
--Improving the health of my body
--Create Financial Abundance

I, Taylor, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Taylor said:
What up, I'm Taylor. Alaska based. Will post a longer version elsewhere. Short version:

I love self-improvement, mindset, coaching, BDSM, among other things. I help Andy, Cam and Ed with the group coaching program.

Current Goals:
--Improving the health of my body
--Create Financial Abundance

I, Taylor, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.



I, ProgressEvolution, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 25 with a "lay-count" of one. Been on a dry spell for six years now. No experience with serious long-term relationships.

Making progress on my fitness, finances, and social life has been relatively straightforward. I'm making close to my goal income, I know how to get in the shape I want, and I can meet new friends through activities and bring people together and connect...but for some reason, I keep slipping up in the dating area of my life and I want to address it once and for all.

Short-Term Goals:
- Secure 100 Dates from Online Dating
- Increase Lay Count to 50
- Build a lifestyle that attracts and retains the right partner

End goal:
- Get into a healthy long-term relationship

Edit (Nov. 2, 2023): Wow, looking back, my end-goal is pretty unambitious. I'll come back here and post updates once I've achieved my "short-term" goals lol. Not easy to achieve those so I understand pancakemouse's reaction. Once I do though, I'll start addressing the end goal and even surpassing it.

Edit (April 2, 2024): Looking back on this again, I was overestimating where I was at with my fitness, income, and social life. I have a long way to go still and I'm looking forward to aiming even higher in each those areas. A lot of the skills in dating are transferrable to these too and vice versa. Also the dry spell portion is irrelevant since my lay count was technically 0. What was I even on about lmao. You can see my log for more context. Also, once again, these are NOT short term goals. Besides maybe the dating one. Could knock out half of that in maybe a year. I see that I fixed that below though so all good.
ProgressEvolution said:
I'm 25 with a lay-count of one. Been on a dry spell for six years now.


Short-Term Goals:
- Secure 100 Dates from Online Dating
- Increase Lay Count to 50


pancakemouse said:
ProgressEvolution said:
I'm 25 with a lay-count of one. Been on a dry spell for six years now.


Short-Term Goals:
- Secure 100 Dates from Online Dating
- Increase Lay Count to 50



Lmao. Fair point. Most of the goals I set are for every five to ten years, so my concept of short is skewed.

Maybe I could do...

Short-Term Goals (one year):
- 10 dates from Online Dating
- Increase Lay Count to 4 (or 1-2 repeats)
What's up guys!

I, TJ, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is to become the version of myself I need to be to achieve my goals. I believe all else comes from that. I'm in a good place personally from working on personal development and self-help for the past few years. I discovered Andy recently via his podcast and resonated with a lot of what he said so decided to join up with a view to eventually taking some coaching if the vibe is right.

Specific goals:

1. Feeling confident in myself to meet and date women on Tinder or via BDSM apps, I kinda of discovered that side of me back in 2018 but due to a long dry spell I don’t have the confidence or the game to approach women so I stay firmly in my comfort zone…but I want to explore nonmonogamy and open relationships within the BDSM community. Essentially, kind of what Andy has done himself…

2. As above, I need to get myself in shape and sort out my appearance, style, and image, not just for dates but also because I want to be taken seriously in my career and my personal. I want to be firing on all cylinders in all areas of my life.

3. Somewhat related; financial abundance. I want to be self-reliant and have control over my life to have the freedom to do what I want and go where I want. I want to be financially independent but I’m far from it atm. I’ve met girls online that live in other parts of the world but I’ve never been in a position to go and meet them and I want to travel and see the world while I still can.

LifeTwoPointZero said:
What's up guys!

I, TJ, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is to become the version of myself I need to be to achieve my goals. I believe all else comes from that. I'm in a good place personally from working on personal development and self-help for the past few years. I discovered Andy recently via his podcast and resonated with a lot of what he said so decided to join up with a view to eventually taking some coaching if the vibe is right.

Specific goals:

1. Feeling confident in myself to meet and date women on Tinder or via BDSM apps, I kinda of discovered that side of me back in 2018 but due to a long dry spell I don’t have the confidence or the game to approach women so I stay firmly in my comfort zone…but I want to explore nonmonogamy and open relationships within the BDSM community. Essentially, kind of what Andy has done himself…

2. As above, I need to get myself in shape and sort out my appearance, style, and image, not just for dates but also because I want to be taken seriously in my career and my personal. I want to be firing on all cylinders in all areas of my life.

3. Somewhat related; financial abundance. I want to be self-reliant and have control over my life to have the freedom to do what I want and go where I want. I want to be financially independent but I’m far from it atm. I’ve met girls online that live in other parts of the world but I’ve never been in a position to go and meet them and I want to travel and see the world while I still can.



Just need you to upload an avatar of yourself. Your face can be blurred.

Happy to have you - now my friend, time to work.

Give 'em hell ;-)

MakingAComeback said:
LifeTwoPointZero said:
What's up guys!

I, TJ, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is to become the version of myself I need to be to achieve my goals. I believe all else comes from that. I'm in a good place personally from working on personal development and self-help for the past few years. I discovered Andy recently via his podcast and resonated with a lot of what he said so decided to join up with a view to eventually taking some coaching if the vibe is right.

Specific goals:

1. Feeling confident in myself to meet and date women on Tinder or via BDSM apps, I kinda of discovered that side of me back in 2018 but due to a long dry spell I don’t have the confidence or the game to approach women so I stay firmly in my comfort zone…but I want to explore nonmonogamy and open relationships within the BDSM community. Essentially, kind of what Andy has done himself…

2. As above, I need to get myself in shape and sort out my appearance, style, and image, not just for dates but also because I want to be taken seriously in my career and my personal. I want to be firing on all cylinders in all areas of my life.

3. Somewhat related; financial abundance. I want to be self-reliant and have control over my life to have the freedom to do what I want and go where I want. I want to be financially independent but I’m far from it atm. I’ve met girls online that live in other parts of the world but I’ve never been in a position to go and meet them and I want to travel and see the world while I still can.



Just need you to upload an avatar of yourself. Your face can be blurred.

Happy to have you - now my friend, time to work.

Give 'em hell ;-)

Thanks MAC! I appreciate the welcome. :)

I've been trying to upload an avatar for the past few days though, but I'm having a world of a time, As you can see above my pic loads sideways or edited ones won't upload at all. Any tips? I want to post on the forum but I'm stuck on this.

I, DP, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 32 and have never had a girlfriend. I was depressed for the longest time, but I'm getting back into the game. Perhaps once and for all. My goals right now are to get laid through dating apps with hot chicks, get proficient in Spanish, and hold a handstand properly for 1 minute (currently at 30 seconds).


1. I want to have sex with young and hot girls (18-25), and that's about it. I feel that I need to make up for lost time. I've never experienced it for myself when I was younger.

2. I live in Madrid, so being able to speak Spanish fluently is a must. Otherwise I'd be a social outcast.

3. I moved from weightlifting to bodyweight training almost a year ago. It has been working well for me. And I've been very dedicated to learning the handstand ever since, and by the end of this year I want to reach the 1-minute mark of holding it, with perfect form.

I, secondheat, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

about me

from melbourne
self employed
guitarist/ 80s techno music producer
hit the gym 6 days a week
just got out of a 2.5 year relationship with a 21 year old


gain more lean body mass in the gym
start a new online business
move to the gold coast
get over approach anxiety
have sex with lots of 18-21 year old ladies and eventually find one for a long term relationship
take professional pictures for my tinder profile
nofap till the end of time

if anyone is in the melbourne area and wants to approach together reply to this or send me a DM im 100% down to meet up
I, Fullpower, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to be free to pursue personal goals. Right now I am quite hindered by my family situation.
I, Refrays, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

23 from the US East Coast.
Currently studying accounting in college
Programmer and Music Producer
I love melodic genres like Hands Up, Hardstyle, UK Hardcore, and Progressive House.


Get down to 10% BF(currently around 18% as a skinny-fat person)
Build muscle
Overcome my approach anxiety
Cold Approach 100 women
Have sex with 50 women
Find an awesome girlfriend who is kinky and can match my high sex drive
Save up for the EOS RP and RF 50mm f1.8 lense to take high quality photos for Tinder
Move to a more densely populated city
Finish college and get a job that allows me to accomplish my goals faster
Hi everyone!

I, lachy874125, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Just turned 26, born and bred in Sydney. Currently living in the inner west.

I'm pretty happy with where I'm at in most areas of my life but would really like to overcome my massive fear of cold approach.

My initial intent with this forum is to
- log my progress towards achieving that goal
- get advice from those further along in their cold approach journey
- connect with like-minded people who understand how hard this shit is
I, trying, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

30 yo, from Europe.
I want to do the AA program within 6 months.
Sup, it's Marco, I deleted my account a couple months ago(?) and am back for that delicious anti-cope. My goals are only a bit different this time but the process requires an overhaul. Thank you for everyone that's supported my journey and for those that called me out on my bullshit. This time I'll work harder to get to where I want to be and stay hungry.

Looking back at it, my year was trash, directly related to how I used my time. The next few months and year will be different because I will focus on taking action and getting out of my head, and using my time better.

No today isn't a journal day and no I haven't come up with a cooler name than GTTNL, fuck off september.

I, Ehbeeseedee(formerly mac0), commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hi everyone, I am LetsGetSerious. I am 33, been into pickup and self improvement a long time. I'm proud of how far I've come, from being a scrawny awkward virgin incapable of talking to girls (to the extent that I actively avoided them) or even socializing with regular people, to an above average guy in decent shape who has had 16 lays and 2 LTRs. However, if I am being honest with myself, I have settled for comfortable, mediocre success and haven't taken the action necessary to reach the levels of success I truly desire. I want to have sex with girls I consider hot, rather than merely cute. I want to have a social circle of cool people who are actually pursuing what they want in life and inspire and teach me to be better, rather than my current circle who are passive and content with the status quo, and where I feel like I am always the one pushing for more. I want to have a career I am excited about and can be outstanding in, rather than something that I am merely ok with and pays well. To be honest, I'm not sure I can do this alone. I've been working at this for a long time and while I have made progress, the pace has been too slow. I'm in my 30s already. But it's really hard to keep going on my own, without anyone else who cares about or can even witness what I'm doing. Sometimes it feels like my motivation is fading. I need a group of guys where we can all push each other to go further. I'm hoping I can find that here.

I, LetsGetSerious, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals are:
  • Get a 6 figure full time remote job where I can live overseas
  • Get to 15% bodyfat
  • Date and sleep with girls I consider 8+/10
Warm welcome all bros!

Glad to have you here.

Start a log, please, and get to WORK.

I love to see the GRINDERS.

trying said:
I, trying, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

30 yo, from Europe.
I want to do the AA program within 6 months.

Please upload an avatar showing yourself brother. Your face can be blurred. We ban accounts that don't do this within 3 days.
