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Sam's AA Program Log (Day8)

Sam Jeu

Apr 19, 2021
This is a crossposting from the website Goodlookingloosers:
Day 4:
So, as you can see, it took me a lot of time to do only day 4 hahah that's crazy how our brain works, the first time I went out I couldn't even ask for the time to one girl I have no idea why, I'm not THAT shy.
Luckily I didn't stop there, some days after I found the strength to go back in the street, I watched some motivation video on youtube and went out.

What helped me was:
-Setting a time constraint of 30 minutes and if i didn't finish the drill I had to pay for the food next time I go to eat with a friend.
-Repeating my self this phrase: "If my brain find an excuse to not ask, there is no excuse I just ask anyway" again and again.

It's nothing but I'm very happy that I did it and the feeling to cross a day on the list is nice, I'm looking forward to succeed the next day and then the next afterward !

Thank you to the people that are responding on the log it gives a lot of motivation !

*First girl 6/10, told myself the first girl I see, when I'm in the street, I do the drill, I did it, and I immediately congratulate myself and telling myself that I'm on a "Winning streak" so it putted me on a good mood to succeed the next one straight after that
*Second girl 7/10, was sitting in a bus stop so was very easy (But unfortunately she wasn't the first girl I met after the first drill, I bitched out like 2 times)
*3rd girl, asked a group of two 7/10, was easy, girls were hot, felt nice
*4th girl, was pressed by the time constraint so asked a grandmother (It's ok i just asked 2 girls at once in the last one haha)
*5th girl, was very pressed by the time constraint and had a lot of motivation thanks to the fact that I already did 4 girls, so I interrupted a girl that was on the phone (6/10) to ask her the time, then went home and opened a beer to congratulate myself on making the first day of drill of my life and set me on a good path for the next ones
Day 5:
-Ask the time to 5 girls + Ask the time to 5 girls in less time

Part 1:
Chris says to do a break between the 2 parts, so did one now in the morning and will do another one tonight.
So, went out in the morning, again told myself first girl I see outside my building I do the drill.

* First girl (4/10) she was weird about it so it made me laugh when I left her, she looked at me from head to toes like she was thinking why do you ask me the time, then told me the time really low, maybe she also has social anxiety haha.
* Second girl (6/10) took me a lot of time so I had to sat to focus, and put myself a time constraint like I did yesterday, again, helped me a lot I think I will do it everyday.
* Third girl (6/10) we were at a redlight so was easier. I didn't know but she was on the phone so I interupted her, felt good to see that she was happy to help
*4th nothing special
*5th I smiled when i said thank you and suddenly her face lit up with a smile (Note to myself: very important to smile).
Did all this in 40 min so I will have to do less time than that tonight.

Will update the second part later

Part 2:
Went out with a time constraint of 20 min, I wanted to be 2 times faster than this morning. I finished in 30 so it's good.
I bitched out a loott it's so weird I only need to ask for the time and I already did it to 10 girls before, weird how our socialy anxious brains are working but I guess with the consistency of the program it will get better, overall I'm stoked that I finished my second day of drills.

*First girl I saw was a grandmother, so, easy start, I promised myself that the next 4 girl would only be above 6/10.
*Second girl (8/10) blue eyes, was walking in workout outfit, beautiful smile
*3,4,5 nothing to add

Went home, put some music to congratulate myself, and wrote here in order to stay accountable, and to get a memory of this nice program, I will try to enjoy more the journey of beating AA, see it as a game in this simulation we're living in, and have fun.
Congrats on starting the AA program!

Sam Jeu said:
weird how our socially anxious brains are working but I guess with the consistency of the program it will get better
This is 100% true. I felt exactly like you seem to be when I first started. I had trouble asking for the time and bitched out as well even though in general I don't find myself to be that socially awkward. Or so I thought until I started doing the program.

It's a good thing you're setting a time constraint on yourself. Throughout the program this is probably something that helped me the most.
Day 6a:
(Ask the time + Ask the time and direction + Ask the time and direction and have you been there) all that x5 (Total 15 girls).

Unlike day 4 and 5 I didn't have a fixed time during the day to do my drills but still I wanted to stay consistent with the program so every time I had a litlle break I would go out my building and do some drills.
I managed to do 8 girls, so I'm a bit sad that I didn't finish the day but I'm happy that I did more than half and that I'm staying consistent even on the days I don't really have time.

Nothing much to say about the drills beside smiling makes it better and asking more than just the time is fun to do, girls were happy to help with the directions, a girl even showed interest and wanted to talk more but I left as the drills said (and as my brain was telling me to do because of this fucking AA haha).
Sam Jeu said:
Went home, put some music to congratulate myself, and wrote here in order to stay accountable, and to get a memory of this nice program, I will try to enjoy more the journey of beating AA, see it as a game in this simulation we're living in, and have fun.

Love it man.

It definitely gets easier. Like a billion times easier. You'll see incremental changes in your confidence every few days, and then after a few weeks you won't even recognize yourself. Literally the most life-changing thing in the world. Andy said he would never be a coach/have a company/have threesome/ have a healthy relationship it wasn't for the AA program.

Speaking of which...
Podcast where Andy & I talk about how the AA program changed us went up today:

I'm honestly completely baffled as to why more people aren't doing it. By this time in June you won't even recognize yourself if you read your old posts.

Can't wait to see how you grow & progress

Also nice work cross posting dude
Manganiello said:
By this time in June you won't even recognize yourself if you read your old posts.
Haha wow I'm really looking forward to this moment
Thanks again for the motivation man
So cool that you made a podcast about it, will listen to it for sure
Day 6b:
Just had to finish the drills from yesterday, did them without problems, some girls are nice some girls less, you can't control it, for exemple one girl took out her phone and looked for the directions to the place to help me it took her hours it was funny because all I wanted was to leave to continue to do the drill, in comparison another girl looked at me weird, didn't even stop to give me the time and had to scream it from 15 meters away I felt a litlle bit sad for her...

(Note for myself to remember this hard day: yesterday night I couldn't sleep at all, huge insomnia so this day felt very weird, like I was dreaming, still I really wanted to finish the drills. At 11pm I still had to do one more drill, I was exhausted, it was freezing and 0 girl in sight. I had to look for a girl for 45 min, I hope I won't be sick, anyway it's a good one to remember for the perseverance)

Total num of interactions since day 1: 30
Sam Jeu said:
some girls are nice some girls less, you can't control it

The more you can internalize that the easier everything gets.
Some people are amazing, other people arent. It has absolutely nothing to do with you its always the girls.
That remains true even on the crazier days.

Nice job going for the extra 45 min.
Sam Jeu said:
good one to remember for the perseverance)
This is huge man. Just pushing yourself to continue will come in handy, especially when a drill seems difficult. Its so easy to make excuses for yourself why to stop. Its much harder to continue until you finish. Great job staying out there till u got it done.
So, I did a mistake, I didn’t fix a time to do the drills yesterday so the entire day I postponed and at the end didn’t do it at all, from now I’ll chose an hour everyday to do the drills.

Day 7:
Did all the 15 in one shot, but I don’t know why took me a looot of time to do it, I will have to go faster the next days.
Something funny happened, the first girl I saw when I went out asked me for the directions to a place haha, I hope she will also manage to finish her AA program.
Nothing special to add about the drills.
Happy that I finished the 1st week, love this program, I feel that being that consistent with something has a positive impact on other areas of my life.

Total number of interactions since day 1: 45
Sam Jeu said:
Happy that I finished the 1st week, love this program, I feel that being that consistent with something has a positive impact on other areas of my life.
So true man. Staying consistent with the program almost every day really does seem to give insight in other areas of life. Just doing this every day shows u can commit to other things and complete them as well.

I like the updated total approach as well.
Day 8:
Time, Time + Directions, Time + Directions + Been There ?, Time + Directions + Been There ? + Like it ? X5

Yesterday night was Saturday night, I had to go to a club with friends which was 40 min by walk from my place so instead of taking a cab I decided to go by walk and do my drills during my walk. It felt great to know that now all my walks are going to be super fun and that I can go everywhere by walking and do my drills. Also it's nice to walk and leave his phone in the pocket.

All the drills went good, I can't understand why some girls don't even stop to tell the time but nevermind, I hope for them they become nicer one day.
I did 2 groups of girls and everytime I could see that they were happy to be approached (Saturday night mood).

Ps: My feet are hurting from all those walks I did this week haha.

Total number of interactions since day 1: 61
Sam Jeu said:
All the drills went good, I can't understand why some girls don't even stop to tell the time but nevermind, I hope for them they become nicer one day.
Some people just have shitty personalities. Its good that you seem to not let it get to you.
Sam Jeu said:
I can't understand why some girls don't even stop to tell the time but nevermind, I hope for them they become nicer one day.

It has a lot to do with how you say it. You pretty much have to demand their attention then ask for the time. I wouldn't worry about it. You'll naturally get better just from doing more days.
Day 9a:
Time, Time + Have you been ?, Time + have you been + Did you like it

Today felt boring, it felt like the first week was super fun and I was excited to begin the program but now I feel like it's always the same thing and I'm not moving forward. I know it's always like that with new project, you're excited in the beginning and then you arrive to a wall and want to stop, that's exactly why I'm not going to stop and burst through that wall.

Also today I was trying to find a way to make it smooth when I ask if she liked the restaurant even if she answered that she never been there. That's when I understood that I shouldn't try to be smooth, the opposite the program is made to learn to not give a fuck so from now on I will focus on enjoying awkward interactions.

I did only 5 girls in 1h30 today so will have to do 10 more tomorrow.

Total number of interactions since day 1 : 66
Sam Jeu said:
That's when I understood that I shouldn't try to be smooth, the opposite the program is made to learn to not give a fuck so from now on I will focus on enjoying awkward interactions.

Exactly man.
Sam Jeu said:
Today felt boring, it felt like the first week was super fun and I was excited to begin the program but now I feel like it's always the same thing and I'm not moving forward.
Its funny that your mentioned it being boring, cuz just a week ago it took you said a bit to even start day 4 and now its getting easy. Just shows that the program is working. Boring is good cuz it means your getting used to exposing yourself to situations that were once difficult.