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Sam's AA Program Log (Day8)

Day 10 was tough at first. I did that drill the day after the Oscars got like 17 views and hadn’t seen a movie in years but my good mood allowed me to blast through it. Don’t worry if it’s weird, only 1 girl gave me a recommendation.
I HIGHLY suggest you not to skip day 10

Thoughts like "skipping cuz its weird" will only harm you in the future and create bad habits where you may skip things because of similar thoughts. Just because previous drills took you a week is not an excuse to skip a drill.

You are doing the AA program to become socially free. So it makes sense that you think its hard.

Because you think its weird or hard to do is even more reason to do it. Anything that you think is difficult will only benefit you more to try. AA is not a race. Take as many days as necessary to complete the program. The more time you sit and feel the anxiety the more you will overcome it in the end. Everyone's progression through the program is different.

Other days do not make sense as well with the context of the pandemic, situation, etc. Follow the drills to the T, and do not deviate from the plan. High-5's for example are something that is seen as improper during the pandemic. Several people have already proved its possible.
Day 10:

Went out twice today, one time in the morning, one time in the evening, thanks guys for the tips and the encouragement, in the end I did day 10 and it was not difficult at all this time.

In the morning did 2 sets, people looked at me weird and didn't really want to talk but I didn't care I just wanted to be done with this day, the girls were not really attractive and not super nice

But in the evening I found some more attractive girls, they also seemed to not understand why I was asking about movie theaters but they went along with it, only 2 were talkative enought to give me recommandations (Or I should show a better mood I don't know, I really didn't want to do that day haha)

Anyway I'm happy to finally be at day 11 and to keep goiinngg !
Atta boy! Great job doing day 10 even though you thought it was weird. In the end it probably wasn't as crazy or weird as you thought it might be. Generally its all in your head and you are just catastrophizing the situation.
Day 11a:

Went out, did only one set of drills, all the girls were nice, but still I could feel that something was off like they didn't understand why I was asking for a phone store, so yeah it's perfect to get used to it and enhance social freedom, still I have a hard time going out every day and I'm not sure if I see any improvement.

Also I feel that it's taking me too much time and that I'm not consistant enough so I don't build momentum and I don't feel change.

Are there people than finished the program after a lot of time and stayed on the same day for a week a couple of time and finished the program slowly without momentum ?
Any tips to be more consistent ?

Also, my lack of consistance in this program, is due to the lack of motivation in my studies in computer science, it takes me a lot of time and I procastinate a lot and then it pushes the program also, I have to find a solution.

Anyway, I keep pushing :)
Hi everyone, sorry I didn't post for so long (wow I just saw the date and I didn't know it was that long), as I said in one of my last post I entered in a huge rut due to lack of motivation in my degree and that spread into every area of my life I wasn't doing anything anymore, no gym, no studies, no eating healthy, no going out, nothing, now I had to pick myself back up because I entered exam period so I'm trying to work out again and go to the library to study but I don't have any time for the AA program.

I didn't stop the program because I don't like it but because of that. So as soon as I finish my exams, beginning of August I'll be back, and I'll be on vacation so 100% focused on the program.

Good luck with your goals everyone and see you in one month ! :lol:
Finally that's it I finished my exams !
So as i said I'm going to do the program again as of tomorrow.
I will start again from day 4 as I was only on day 11, and I want to build momentum again and not have a really hard time straight from the beginning.

There is one problem it's that I failed 2 exams so I will have to do them again this month so maybe it will stop me for the program. And also when I'm done I will go on vacation so not sure that I'll do the program there, but maybe it will be even easier there, we'll see.

But anyway I said 1st of August I'm starting again so I will start again tomorrow and hope for the best, and even if those things make me loose time I will never give up the program.

Let's go !
Day 4

Started again today on day 4, felt good to be back !

Nothing much to say about it, it was easy to ask girls for the time as I already did it last time, but I want to start slowly and create the habit of going out every day before going back to the day I was at.

Something great happened, as a sign of the AA Gods, as soon as I left my apartment, the first girl I saw was a super hot girl in yoga pants heading for her workout, I asked her for the time, she looked at me with a big smile, and said very slowly 9:20. I know it's nothing and I sound like a noob but it instantly made me happy I was back on the program.

Why a sign of the AA gods you may ask. Yesterday night I checked some techniques people have to stick to their training and not miss their workouts. One of them was to have something to look forward on, like registering for a marathon if you want to consistently go running. So now I have my marathon. As soon as I finish day 46, this girl will still be around my building, and I promise she's (let's call her the 9:20 girl) going to end in my bed. (I'm not really obsessed with her it's just for the beauty of the challenge).
So now every time I won't have the strength to go out I will think about my appointment in the future with 9:20 girl.
The program is supposed to take around 3 month so let's say from the 1st of November I will try to find her again

Total number of interactions since day 1: 5
Day 5:
Had a somewhat interesting day 5, but it's way past my bedtime so I'll update tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Total number of interactions since Day 1: 15
That’s why I said this day was somewhat interesting, for the second part I went to the campus of a private college with the reputation of being for rich people and it was a very good place to do the drill so I’ll go back there sometimes and I can’t wait for summer to be over and people to be back in class. So if anyone has something similar where he lives, I recommend.

Total number of interactions since Day 1: 15
Day 5

Did the first part in 30 minutes and then the second part in 12 but I don’t know if it counts because I was in a much better environment.

That’s why I said this day was somewhat interesting, for the second part I went to the campus of a private college with the reputation of being for rich people and it was a very good place to do the drills (the girls, just wow) so I’ll go back there sometimes and I can’t wait for summer to be over and people to be back in class. So if anyone has something similar where he lives, I recommend.

Total number of interactions: 15
Day 6a:
Time + direction + "been there?"

Observation of the day:
Mood is everything, I have to find ways to put me in the best mood possible every time

Question of the day:
when do you prefer to go out to do the drills ? How do you schedule your drills ? How do you make sure that you are going to go and do them ?

Total number of interactions since day 1: 21
Day 6b:

Managed to do only 3 drills today, I was super tired and I don't know why it made me bitched out so much, any advice ?

On a more positive note I crossed path with the 9:20 girl again this morning so she for sure lives in my neighborhood, haha I look forward for the day I'll finish the program, make the full approach on her and look back on the first day when I only asked her for the time

Total number of interactions since day 1: 24
Day 6c +7a:
Time + Direction + Been there

Wow I never noticed that week end were so much better.
I scheduled only one hour of drills but I went twice as fast as usually and did 4 set it was great, all girls super hot that I would fuck, between 7-9/10.
But it was sooo hot, 36°, after half an hour I was sweating like crazy but I had social momentum and I didn't do enough drills this week so I kept pushing, did last 2 sets of day 6 and first 2 of day 7.

Something that really helped me today is a phrase I read in someone's log (Sorry I don't remember who), He said something like: If you approach one girl, you'll approach the next one, if you bitch out on one girl, you'll bitch out on the next one.

Question of the day:
I loved this phrase and I love to find formulas to trick my brain while I'm doing the program, I'm going to ask this question everyday for 5 days so that everyone that sees it can add his techniques:
What techniques do you have to force yourself to not bitch out ?
I have:
- Imagining the girl you walk toward sucking your dick
- Repeat myself while walking "If my brain finds an excuse to approach this girl, It's 100% bullshit and I have to approach her anyway"
- "If you approach this girl, you'll approach the next one, if you bitch out on this girl, you'll bitch out on the next one."
Please add yours :)

Total number of interactions since day 1: 36
Day 7b:

I had a veeerry long day today, I was busy the entire day and couldn't schedule a time to do the drills, but thanks to a new technique to push myself, I managed to do 3 sets and finish day 7 in between everything I had to do so I'm very happy.

It's super late here and I'm dying, but I'll update tomorrow, and also I'll explain the technique/system I created for myself, in short it's a brain hack that uses escort girls, it is super fun but is a bit too long for me to write right now. I'm really exhausted.

Total number of interactions since day 1: 45
Day 8a:
Time + Directions + have you been there ? + Did you like it X4

Couldn't do the program the last 2 weeks because of a very hard exam, came back today and did 3 of the 4 sets of day 8.
I did it now on a friday night, I went out high for the first time, it was chill and nice I had fun but I was a lot slower because I didn't stress about the time, also I was a bit paranoid in the beginning that I was looking high but I managed to forget about it.
A very beautiful girl I asked for direction wanted to start a conversation and said something about my accent and got closer to me. I can't wait for the end of the program and really continuing the approches till the end.

Total number of interactions since day 1: 57