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Sam's AA Program Log (Day8)

Day 9b:

Took me a lot of time to finish this day like I said I didn't like it but now that I'm done I'm super motivated to do the next ones !

Some funny stuff happened:
I think there is a girl in my street that I asked her for the time twice this week so she laughed when telling me the time but in a nice way and she is very hot
When I asked a girl about a restaurant she answered me she didn't know it then when I asked if she liked it she looked at me weird and told me yeah yeah its very good.
Another one just laughed and told me that she didn't know it.

I had a date from OKCupid this week, it was nice but too friendly I have to learn to be more sexual, I kissed her in the end, then another day I went to her place but couldn't do the move to have sex and all the conversations were just friendly again.

Also I listened to Andy and Manganiello podcast about their AA program, I felt a bit of anxiety listening to what they had to do to finish the program but overall it gave me a lot of motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sipj01DTWw4

Total number of interactions since day 1: 76
Sam Jeu said:
Also I listened to Andy and Manganiello podcast about their AA program, I felt a bit of anxiety listening to what they had to do to finish the program but overall it gave me a lot of motivation:

Honestly 90%+ of the time it will feel like how today and yesterday went.

It slowly builds up day after day. What seems crazy on week 5, ends up putting you to sleep once you get there.
Day 10a:
I didn't do the program since 3 days already because I partied too much this week end.
I forced myself to go out today but I couldn't do anything, I don't think it was because of anxiety, maybe lack of motivation, or both of them. Anyway it was weird. I will show up again tomorrow and hope it will be better. I hate losing time on the program I want to finish it fast.
Sam Jeu said:
Yesterday night was Saturday night, I had to go to a club with friends which was 40 min by walk from my place so instead of taking a cab I decided to go by walk and do my drills during my walk. It felt great to know that now all my walks are going to be super fun and that I can go everywhere by walking and do my drills. Also it's nice to walk and leave his phone in the pocket

I'm glad to hear your enjoying the drills. When you get 'in the zone' and get that social momentum going, it's an amazing feeling. Keep it up!
Sam Jeu said:
I will show up again tomorrow and hope it will be better. I hate losing time on the program I want to finish it fast.
Everyone has some hiccups, Nothing to worry about as long as you get right back into it. No need to rush, in fact I would advise you take it slow. The more time and thought you put into maximizing the results of the program the better.
Day 10a:

So, yesterday I said I couldn't do any drills and I thought it was more because of a lack of motivation and not because of anxiety.
Today I understood it was anxiety... It's crazy the length the brain is ready to go to find excuses...
I bitched out of 5 girls straight in 5 minutes so I punished myself by stopping. And tomorrow I'm gonna start again from day 9 instead of day 10, and if I bitched out again, then from day 8, etc.

I was thinking weird things such as: what if I already asked the time to this girl this week, or what if they all have a facebook group where they wrote that a weird guy is asking the time to everyone..
It's so crazy, why does my brain make all those weird excuses, I'm a normal guy, polite, good looking, why do I have this kind of thoughts ? Does anyone have a technique to stop thinking during the drills ?
Time constrains and mini goals were something that I did to try and motivate myself.
Like 5 approaches in 10 min. You can also add on penalties if that helps motivate you as well.
I would say even if you bitch out, keep trying until you literally have no more time in the day. Some days id be out for hours and just get so frustrated with my self for being in my own head and bitching out that I go into a "fuck it" mode. Where I don't really care about the results or approach, and was just trying to finish the drill and go home.

This shit is hard man. Everyone always has weird thoughts so that's normal. I've done the same myself. Just keep trying. Some days are hard and some are easy.
Progress was lookin good dude. Don't let a little hiccup along the way stop you. I'd encourage you to post just to keep us in the loop even if its just life shit, if ur comfortable saying that stuff. So we know ur not falling off the wagon.
I've been procrastinating the program for a week, and also some other stuff in my life, so I'm writing here to be accountable, that I will finish a day of the program tomorrow, see u !
Sam Jeu said:
I've been procrastinating the program for a week, and also some other stuff in my life, so I'm writing here to be accountable, that I will finish a day of the program tomorrow, see u !

I've been following your AA log here and it's exciting and motivating me to keep up what I'm doing although I'm not exactly doing the AA program. Excited to see you're not quitting.
Soooo, I know I said yesterday that I was going to do a full day today, I did only one set of drills and then it started pouring rain and we don't have mall or anything like that here so I guess I have to procastinate one more day, tomorrow even if it rains I will have to find a solution
Still a success in my book. U got out there and did something rather then procrastinate. Glad you are back 👍
Stuck on day 10:

I went out 2 days ago and again managed to do only one set of drills.

Then I went out today saw only 3 girls in one hour of walking because of the rain, and bitched out from the 3 of them.

I feel like because all of those days without doing the program in the last 2 weeks I lost momentum, and in my mind I'm back at the beginning, I wonder if I should start the program again from day 4 to build momentum again, or if all this is just a trick from my brain/stupid excuses and I should just continue with brute force (and maybe getting stuck again on a harder day later I don't know how it's going to be)

What do you guys think ?

Anyway I'll go out to do drills again tomorrow I'm not ready to give up
I got stuck on this drill too. Stopped for 2 weeks as a result. Oddly it was the one I had dreaded before starting the program, even more than like Day 14 or 17. I was like, no one watches movies anymore how can I do this! Also got some apathetic responses which soured me. Which seems silly in retrospect— I can nail this now. I went back to Day 8 as Chris recommends and also day 9 and that allowed to be zoom through that drill. If you wanna restart, don’t go all the way back, do day 8 and 9.
Every day is a new day where momentum needs to be gained again. I don't think you need to start over again, just keep trying. You are out there again doing something extremely hard that not everyone can do. Even just getting out the door and starting drills is hard and still gains some progress, even if it seems small. Everyone gets stuck on random days, myself included.
Going back to day 8:

I'm back and more motivated than ever ! :)

First of all thanks RogerRoger, Cain, QTip, Ofwego, Toast and SamJ_ for the tips and encouragements this week !

So, since I felt like I lost momentum I went back to a day I'm sure I feel comfortable doing and start again from this day, I prefer to feel that the program is fun to do and to not stress too much time on a single day. If I feel stuck I think I will always go backward until I don't feel stuck anymore.

Today before the drills I did an hypnose from youtube ( Here ) to help with social anxiety (don't judge haha it really helped).
So, it really helped with the confidence but I don't know if I will do it again, I'm thinking that maybe it will make me dependant on doing the hypnosis every time before going out, like being dependant on alcool to feel more confident, what do you guys think ?

About the drills, I felt good being back on the program, smiled to every girl, every girls smiled back, and it made me happy that I didn't give up. I bitched out a couple of time but it's ok, I hope it will become less and less.

I fixed myself to do 2 sets of 4 drills in one hour and I did it, for now this will be my average, and time constraint, I will go out one hour every day and do 2 sets minimum, and with the time I will try to go faster and faster.

So that's it I'm back on track, tomorrow I'll doo the last 2 sets of day 8, good luck every one !

Ps: I saw Andy and Toast podcast about their AA Journey, was very motivating ! Here

Total number of interactions since Day 1: 84 (Feels good to see this number going up again)
Day 8b:

Today I did the rest of day 8, it took me a little more time than the other day, I bitched out a little more, but I finally finished a day after a long time without.

There is not a lot to say about the drills, I should just focus on trying to go faster next time.

Number of interactions since Day 1: 92
Day 9a:

Yesterday I did 2 sets of day 9, was very easy, got nice short interactions, nothing much to add, I have only like 20 minutes today to do some more so I will try to do the most I can.

Besides that, I wrote already about a girl I had a date with from OkCupis but nothing happened, yesterday night she sent me a message to come see her in a club even if we didn't talk for 2 weeks, I went, we talked about nothing for like 10 min then went back to my place and had sex, I did'nt have to do anything apparently she just wanted it haha.
So first lay from OkCupid, good ego boost but she was not really good at it.

Total Number of Interactions Since Day 1: 98
I've been sick since friday and couldn't go out so didn't do any drills.
I'm feeling a bit better I hope that tomorrow I will be able to go out !

Besides that: I just created a whatsapp group, for the people that are approximately on the same point as me like that we can motivate each other, so if you are between week 2 and 3 for as of right now or if you're done with the program and want to be a mentor for us, welcome, just write your name when you arrive and also your nickname from the forum
Link to enter the group
I didn't write much those last days, i was sick, then when I started feeling better it took me 2 days to do 3 sets of day 9, nothing special happened, i was a bit anxious, I'm not consistent enough those last weeks and also everytime I forget about the power of social momentum. Everytime I finish a set it reminds me of it, and it reminds me that the program is fun and that I should not give up.

We opened a whatsapp group for our AA cohort, Qtip, Cain, and Honeybadger, I hope it's going to help us and that we're all going to finish the program !

Today I went out to do day 11 (I'm skipping day 10 because movie theaters are closed and I'm not socially free enough yet to do something that weird, and last week this day made me stop for an entire week so now I just skip it), so today I was out for one hour, there were not a lot of girls I talked to only one and bitched out of 2 others, I'll do better tomorrow !

Total number of interactions since day 1: 107