Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game


Sep 28, 2021
Hey guys. It's been quite a long time.

So after traveling to Miami and doing the challenge of approaching a girl every day, I came back to Colombia and I wanted to keep approaching with renewed energy.

Before Miami, I was trying to complete the AA program. But after I made 18 approaches or so, I thought I could use my time better by going all-in with the approaches and expecting my AA to decrease gradually.

What I've done

Here I am after 2 months. Long story short, I've made approximately 90 approaches and got ~40 numbers (some from online dating apps).

I use a template similar to the one Andy mentions in an article:

“Hey, I know this is random but you’re cute and I had to say hi.” *smile*
[She’ll say something, usually a smile and a thankyou]
“I’m David. What are you up to today?”
[Small talk]
“I wanted to ask for your number so we can have a drink someday”

The amount of small talk depends on if she seems into me or not. If she seems annoyed or if she isn't paying attention, I ask for the number directly and I leave.

Here are the results:

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From those numbers, I've gone on a date with 4 girls.

I've had sex twice with a punk girl called Andrea. She seems to have low self-esteem, so I guess she is craving love. I haven't messaged her again cause I don't want to spend time with someone that has depression issues, I feel that could affect me energetically. However, that's the only girl I could keep having sex with for a long period. I could also help her to deal with her problems. Idk if I should text her again or just move on.

I've managed to have foreplay sex with a girl called Sofia. We didn't reach penetration cause she was on her period. She has 17 years old. We clicked since the moment I approached her. I really have a good time when I'm with her. She already knows I'm looking for something casual and that I see other girls. She seems to be ok with that. The last time we met she said we were going to bang the next date. Before she went back to her place, she said she loved me. I made a face of surprise. I didn't know what to say. She said she was joking shortly after that. I have invited her twice to my place but she always seems to be busy. Idk if she has lost interest. I'm going to try again today and decide to delete her number if she says no again.

The last girl is Camila, we have hung out twice. We've already kissed, but she always refuses to go back to my place. I'll invite her again today and delete her number if she says no.

What I've learned

  • Approach anxiety never fully goes away. I still pass by some girls without approaching . Especially with girls that are hot or girls that have a serious/angry look on their face. They intimidate me the most.
  • Approach anxiety always increases when you stop approaching.
  • Approaching from the back sucks cause you don't get to see the girl's face. Face masks don't help either.
  • Rejection hurts and burns like fire, but you get used to it with time.
  • Getting laid is definitely a numbers game.
  • Most girls get nervous when you approach them. They won't listen to your first sentences. They are shocked. I live in an insecure city, so sometimes they think I'm going to hurt them. But none of them have screamed and run away. You just need to maintain your distance and say you're not going to hurt them.
  • Social freedom kicks in after the third approach.
  • Girls that have a serious/angry look are usually super friendly once you approach them. I guess that's her default face.

What I should work on

  • Approaching groups of girls
  • Do approaches when the girl is surrounded by a lot of people around and stop caring if those people see me.
  • I usually don't approach women that seem older than me. I feel I'm not enough for them. Maybe I should change that.
  • Spend less time doing approaches. On average, I approach 5 girls in an hour and a half.
  • My mindset. I often feel I shouldn't waste a girl's time because I don't deserve her. This ruins some approaches because I project that in my body language and tone of voice.

My Goals

  1. Have sex with 10 girls that are really hot before the year ends (I still need to define what a "hot" girl is)
  2. Sell a game on Steam before the year ends

I'll be posting here my day-to-day progress on these goals.
D4vidDG said:
Long story short, I've made approximately 90 approaches and got ~40 numbers (some from online dating apps).

Insanely good conversion. Do you approach in college campuses and malls?
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Insanely good conversion. Do you approach in college campuses and malls?

Hey man, thanks. I approach girls in the street, usually in a commercial area that is near my house and is really populated.

I approached 4 women today.

The first was standing in an open area and I approached her from the back. She was kind of ugly and she didn't seem excited to meet me, so I asked for her number and left.

The second talked to me for a bit but she kept her distance and seemed uncomfortable. I got her number

The third went away as soon as I approached.

The fourth one was a blast. We talked for a bit and she radiated awesome positive energy. I got her number.

I noticed today that social freedom didn't appear at all. Maybe social freedom is more like emotions, that appear and disappear spontaneously. Of course, approaching helps a ton, but sometimes anxiety won't go away even if you approach a couple of girls. However, I must admit that I didn't approach a couple of women between the other approaches, so maybe social freedom kicks in if you approach consistently almost every girl you see.

Selling a game

I had a meeting today with the other guy that is making the game with me. We took decisions about how the game would work and we decided to make a schedule. This way we can focus on finishing the game and stop delaying the deadline.

A bad day. I split my attention between returning back some stuff my cousin left at my house and doing the approaches. I won't ever do that again, you end up putting more excuses for not approaching.

I set up a date with Sofia. She said she didn't know if she could make it to the date, and she responded at the hour we arranged. She said we could meet tomorrow. I promise I'm giving this the last change cause I feel too over-invested in her.

I approached 1 girl. She went away when I did.

Selling a game

Today I created the timeline the team should follow to finish the project by April 10. After that, I'll work on the game I'm going to sell before the next year.

Today I worked 3 hours on it.
Is this girl wasting my time? Or am I going too fast?


I've managed to have foreplay sex with a girl called Sofia. We didn't reach penetration cause she was on her period.

She has 17 years old. We clicked since the moment I approached her. I really have a good time when I'm with her. We laugh, we play with each other, we flirt, etc. She tells me she feels the same

She already knows I'm looking for something casual and that I see other girls. She seems to be ok with that.

The last time we met she said we were going to bang the next date. Before she went back to her place, she said she loved me. I made a face of surprise. I didn't know what to say. She said she was joking shortly after that.

I have invited her to my place three times. She always seems to be busy. She backed out at the last minute two times. Today, as I promised, I told her things weren't going anywhere and that we should move on. I deleted her number.

Her Respone

Then, she responded this:

"Hi. I'm really sorry. Really, I wanted to meet you, but it was a friend's birthday and, yeah, ..., we're invited. And, I don't know, you know I like hanging out with you, but it makes me uncomfortable that you only want that from me"

She is young and probably inexperienced. I don't know if she's just scared and I should slow down.



A great day. I approached 11 girls, not sure ;) . I got 4 numbers.

Some of them ignored me as soon as I approached.

I asked for directions from two of them, cause they were significantly older than me. Don't count.

One of them kept strong eye contact with me and acted friendly when I approached. She had a bf, unfortunately.

The same happened with another. We kept a cool 3-minute conversation, and at the end, she said she had a bf. She enjoyed the conversation, though. I liked that.

(Gosh, why do cute friendly girls always have a bf :( )

I got numbers from two girls that were waiting for the bus.

Another one from a girl that was walking. Pretty nice girl

The last one from a girl waiting outside an English academy. It was the LAMEST conversation I've ever had. She just nodded to whatever I said. She gave me her number though. Probably a lost cause.


- Andy's trick of putting time pressure helped me to take action. Thanks Andy :D
- My mind makes up a lot of excuses, which sabotages the approaches. Gotta work on that.
- No sign of social freedom.

Selling a game

I worked 2 hours on the project. I prepared the code to be integrated with other systems later.
D4vidDG said:
Is this girl wasting my time? Or am I going too fast?


I've managed to have foreplay sex with a girl called Sofia. We didn't reach penetration cause she was on her period.

She has 17 years old. We clicked since the moment I approached her. I really have a good time when I'm with her. We laugh, we play with each other, we flirt, etc. She tells me she feels the same

She already knows I'm looking for something casual and that I see other girls. She seems to be ok with that.

The last time we met she said we were going to bang the next date. Before she went back to her place, she said she loved me. I made a face of surprise. I didn't know what to say. She said she was joking shortly after that.

I have invited her to my place three times. She always seems to be busy. She backed out at the last minute two times. Today, as I promised, I told her things weren't going anywhere and that we should move on. I deleted her number.

Her Respone

Then, she responded this:

"Hi. I'm really sorry. Really, I wanted to meet you, but it was a friend's birthday and, yeah, ..., we're invited. And, I don't know, you know I like hanging out with you, but it makes me uncomfortable that you only want that from me"

She is young and probably inexperienced. I don't know if she's just scared and I should slow down.


One of them kept strong eye contact with me and acted friendly when I approached. She had a bf, unfortunately.

The same happened with another. We kept a cool 3-minute conversation, and at the end, she said she had a bf. She enjoyed the conversation, though. I liked that.

(Gosh, why do cute friendly girls always have a bf :( )

My personal vote is that you should move on from the 17-year-old. She's young and doesn't know what she wants, and you run the risk of corrupting her.

Girls with boyfriends are friendly because women will gladly milk your time for free validation. In fact, it's the best outcome for them. The longer a woman can waste your time and be validated without having to give up sex, the better deal it is for her.

You can screen these girls out by being more intentful (and sexual) in your approaches.
pancakemouse said:
You can screen these girls out by being more intentful (and sexual) in your approaches.

Any specific tip? Thanks pancakemouse , always supporting me :)
D4vidDG said:
pancakemouse said:
You can screen these girls out by being more intentful (and sexual) in your approaches.

Any specific tip? Thanks @pancakemouse , always supporting me :)

Watch this video and note:
- Physical proximity
- STRONG eye contact
- Slow, masculine tonality
- Overt sexuality (later in set)
- Physical touch (later in set)
D4vidDG said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Insanely good conversion. Do you approach in college campuses and malls?

Hey man, thanks. I approach girls in the street, usually in a commercial area that is near my house and is really populated.

Do you know many of the phone numbers are from apps and how many are from cold approach? I've gotten 40 numbers from about 110 approaches on a college campus before, but even that's extremely rare.
colgate said:
Do you know many of the phone numbers are from apps and how many are from cold approach? I've gotten 40 numbers from about 110 approaches on a college campus before, but even that's extremely rare.

Not sure really. I would say the majority is from approaching, maybe 70 - 80 %, I haven't been successful on dating apps lately. Anyway, the numbers I'm giving here are approximated, they might be lower
pancakemouse said:

Watch this video and note:
- Physical proximity
- STRONG eye contact
- Slow, masculine tonality
- Overt sexuality (later in set)
- Physical touch (later in set)

Amazing video. The sexual tension is on the clouds here. It makes me really uncomfortable tbh, but this is elite approaching.

However, I feel the guy takes forever to make a move. I feel he should've kissed her earlier, and also start touching her eariler.


Today I had a date with a girl I approached. She seemed really keen to meet me, setting up the meeting was easy.

Unfortunately, after waiting for her for 1 hour approximately, she ended up bringing a friend and ruining the date. She said she had to rescue her friend cause she couldn't enter her house and hence she had nowhere else to go. Her story seems believable, but it sucks anyway. I told her we could meet another time and I left pretty soon.


During all the time I spent going to the date, waiting for her, and then coming back to my house, I approached a lot of girls. I lost the count actually, but I guess it was around 10 girls.

Some of them ignored me, pretty normal.

Some of them had a bf, they were cute and friendly again haha :(

Today I made the same mistake twice. It was so stupid. I approached two girls that were waiting for the metro. I extended the conversation for too long that the bus arrived and both of them took it without giving me their number. I guess I should go for the number faster in those cases.

I saw a girl in the mall and I quickly approached. She was going into a shop so I asked for her number before she left. Pretty nice girl. I got her number.

I saw a girl that was going to cross the street. I approached. She was looking for a specific shop, so I gave her indications. After that, we talked for 3 min or so, she led the conversation. It was fun. I got her number.

Another girl in the mall. She asked me if I approach every girl I see. I said only the pretty ones. Idk if that's a good answer. What would u say in those cases? Anyway, we talked for a bit and then she gave me her number. We had a good conversation. Some minutes after that, I saw her again. Idk why I had the stupid idea of talking more to her. This time the conversation was really lame, she didn't open up at all. I guess the advice of not wasting time in long conversations applies to cold approach as well.

I got a number from another girl but I can't remember the approach xd.

Selling a game

I worked 2 hours on the project.
D4vidDG said:
Another girl in the mall. She asked me if I approach every girl I see. I said only the pretty ones. Idk if that's a good answer. What would u say in those cases?

Shit test.

Agree and amplify: "Yes, I have a quota. Gotta hit 1000 a day, you're number 997"
Disagree and amplify: Sarcastically: "Me? Never. I'm a shy, innocent boy. You're actually the first girl I've ever talked to."

D4vidDG said:
pancakemouse said:
you run the risk of corrupting her.

Sorry @pancakemouse , what do you mean by this?

If you're going to see a 17 year old as an older guy, you have responsibility for her emotions. Young girls catch feelings easily and if you hook up with her and later break contact, you may break her heart.


I scheduled two dates yesterday and today with two different girls. Both of them didn't show up to the date. It feels really frustrating. Am I not screening these girls properly?


Yesterday I wanted to take the day off because I approached 10 women on Saturday, and I'm currently looking to do 5 approaches per day.

Then I spent until 12AM playing video games. So, I waste today's morning.

However, after that girl stood me up, I started doing approaches.

Two girls ignored me.

I approached one girl on the back. She was kinda astonished. I got her number.

I approached two girls that were hanging out together. I was trying to do that before so I can approach more in different scenarios. I pussied out every chance I had, but today I did it. I feel proud for that.

It was awkward. I told them both looked nice today. Then I asked their names. One of them tried to walk away with her friend, so I decided I was asking the hottest for her number. I did so. She gave me her number. The other girl kept staring at me. I don't know whether she felt hurt because I didn't ask her for her number, or she simply was surprised by my actions. Hurting someone's feelings makes me feel bad.

I'm looking to approach more groups in the future. Do you guys know any useful technique to approach groups of women?

(btw I counted that couple of girls as 2 approaches)

Selling a game

I worked 5 hours on the project between yesterday and today.
D4vidDG said:


I scheduled two dates yesterday and today with two different girls. Both of them didn't show up to the date. It feels really frustrating. Am I not screening these girls properly?


Yesterday I wanted to take the day off because I approached 10 women on Saturday, and I'm currently looking to do 5 approaches per day.

Then I spent until 12AM playing video games. So, I waste today's morning.

However, after that girl stood me up, I started doing approaches.

Two girls ignored me.

I approached one girl on the back. She was kinda astonished. I got her number.

I approached two girls that were hanging out together. I was trying to do that before so I can approach more in different scenarios. I pussied out every chance I had, but today I did it. I feel proud for that.

It was awkward. I told them both looked nice today. Then I asked their names. One of them tried to walk away with her friend, so I decided I was asking the hottest for her number. I did so. She gave me her number. The other girl kept staring at me. I don't know whether she felt hurt because I didn't ask her for her number, or she simply was surprised by my actions. Hurting someone's feelings makes me feel bad.

I'm looking to approach more groups in the future. Do you guys know any useful technique to approach groups of women?

(btw I counted that couple of girls as 2 approaches)

Selling a game

I worked 5 hours on the project between yesterday and today.

The two dates:
- Did they stand you up (e.g. you showed up to the date venue and they never showed up) or did they just cancel over text?
- Did you text them day of to confirm the date was on? This is primordial.
- What was your texting like in the days before the date? Screenshots may be helpful.

I would not spend time approaching groups. I've approached 100+ groups and never gotten a single result from it.

(Approaching a group just counts as one approach, by the way)
pancakemouse said:
The two dates:
- Did they stand you up (e.g. you showed up to the date venue and they never showed up) or did they just cancel over text?
- Did you text them the day of to confirm the date was on? This is primordial.
- What was your texting like in the days before the date? Screenshots may be helpful.

-They stood me up.
-Yes I did.
-I deleted the conversations. However, in both cases, I limited myself to greet and talk about logistics (place, time) for the date. That's all.

pancakemouse said:
I would not spend time approaching groups. I've approached 100+ groups and never gotten a single result from it.

I guess I'll do it if they are 2 girls and one of them is really hot.
D4vidDG said:
pancakemouse said:
The two dates:
- Did they stand you up (e.g. you showed up to the date venue and they never showed up) or did they just cancel over text?
- Did you text them the day of to confirm the date was on? This is primordial.
- What was your texting like in the days before the date? Screenshots may be helpful.

-They stood me up.
-Yes I did.
-I deleted the conversations. However, in both cases, I limited myself to greet and talk about logistics (place, time) for the date. That's all.

In my personal experience, and experiences helping hundreds of guys with dating, this is not normal. I've been on 200+ dates and only been stood up once.

However, a couple factors:

- I think you're in a Latino country, yeah? Girls there are highly flaky and it's possible this could be more normal. Still, two in one day is uncommon.

- I'd need to see your texting next time, but just greeting and texting for logistics isn't ideal. That advice may have worked a decade ago, but it's 2022 and girls use texting as an extension of talking. You need to be able to "Game" them through text as well. This means flirting, showing them slices of your life, even sending them photos.

This is an example of the minimum amount of texting I do between approach and date:

Most of it is logistics, but I'm still using a callback line (she was eating a Red Velvet Loaf from Starbucks) and teasing her a bit about making good conversation.
pancakemouse said:
- I think you're in a Latino country, yeah? Girls there are highly flaky and it's possible this could be more normal. Still, two in one day is uncommon.

I live in Colombia. Do you speak Spanish? That's cool.

pancakemouse said:
Most of it is logistics, but I'm still using a callback line (she was eating a Red Velvet Loaf from Starbucks) and teasing her a bit about making good conversation.

This is gold, I'll try to put your advice into practice. Some of my last conversations:

Girl 1 (Met her yesterday. Tomorrow we have a date)

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Me: Hello cutie, how are you
Her: Hello, all good.
And you?
Me: All good, I'm working.
We should have a drink. Are you free tomorrow in the afternoon?
Her: Let me see. I'll tell you later
Her: What time?🤔
Me: When you call me, I'll go pa'lla baby (its a reference to a song)
I say we should meet at 2 at the Restrepo station
Her: I don't know. Well yeah.
Me: Nice. I'll see you tomorrow then

I think she's gonna flake. That last "I don't know" isn't promising.

Girl 2 (Met her today. We have a date on Thursday)

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[8:40 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Hi Katherine
[8:40 PM, 2/22/2022] David: I'm Juan David. We met in Restrepo
[8:40 PM, 2/22/2022] David: How are you doing?
[8:41 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Hello
[8:42 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: All good, and you?
[8:42 PM, 2/22/2022] David: All good, resting from today's shift.
[8:42 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: What shift? Haha
[8:43 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Haha, well, I do several things during the day and I get tired :')
[8:43 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Apart from scaring a girl. (I mean the approach)
[8:43 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Hahahahaha I thought you were going to rob me hahahahaha
[8:44 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Like what?
[8:44 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Hahaha do I look like a mugger, or am I just ugly? : 'v
[8:45 PM, 2/22/2022] David: I'm Batman 🤭
[8:45 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Well, if I'm walking down the street and someone I don't know comes up to me, what do you want me to think? hahaha
[8:45 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Yum hahaha
[8:46 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Shiit, next time I'll yell at you from the distance to be sure hahaha
[8:48 PM, 2/22/2022] David: I was working on programming a video game
[8:48 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Hahahaha I guess you'll have to.
[8:49 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Ohh so cool
[8:50 PM, 2/22/2022] David: We should drink something. Are you free on Thursday afternoon?
[8:50 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: I get off work at 5 haha
[8:51 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Do you mind going out so late?
[8:51 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: No
[8:51 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: I don't have more time hahaha
[8:51 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Well, let's meet at 5:30 pm at the Restrepo station
[8:52 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Ok, I'll message you when I'm out.
[8:52 PM, 2/22/2022] David: Cool, it will be fun
[9:00 PM, 2/22/2022] z Katherine: Good ;)

Very promising.

Girl 3 (Met her some days ago. We had a date today)

I'm lazy to put the screenshots xd

[8:25 PM, 2/18/2022] David: Hi Danna. I am Juan David. We met near Restrepo.
[8:25 PM, 2/18/2022] David: How are you doing?
[9:11 PM, 2/18/2022] z Danna: Hello, how are you? Of course, how could I forget the way you scared me?
[9:13 PM, 2/18/2022] David: Hahaha sorry, disadvantages of being ugly (bad move ugh)
[9:13 PM, 2/18/2022] David: It has never happened to you or what?
[9:16 PM, 2/18/2022] David: By the way, where do you live?
[9:28 PM, 2/18/2022] z Danna: Not on the street and out of the blue
[9:28 PM, 2/18/2022] z Danna: Ummm over there near Restrepo
[9:37 PM, 2/18/2022] David: Cool. We should have something to drink. Are you free on Sunday afternoon?
[9:49 PM, 2/18/2022] z Danna: Umm no. I really would have to know you more before seeing you
[9:05 AM, 2/19/2022] David: Well, it is more fun to meet in person, chatting is boring. We can meet in a public place if you have doubts. And if not, that's fine, it was nice meeting you.
[4:20 PM, 2/19/2022] z Danna: Can you meet during the week?
[4:46 PM, 2/19/2022] David: Yep.
[4:53 PM, 2/19/2022] David: Let's meet on Monday afternoon.
[5:32 PM, 2/19/2022] z Danna: That's fine

[8:54 AM, 2/21/2022] David: Hi cutie, I'll see you in Restrepo at 2

[3:23 PM, 2/21/2022] David: Hello
[3:24 PM, 2/21/2022] z Danna: Hello
[3:24 PM, 2/21/2022] z Danna: Hey it's raining. Do we leave it for another day?
[3:25 PM, 2/21/2022] David: I don't mind a bit of rain. If you want I can pick you up near your house. I have an umbrella
[3:26 PM, 2/21/2022] z Danna: I don't like going out in the rain. I live about 3 neighborhoods away. Tomorrow?
[3:26 PM, 2/21/2022] David: Ok

[9:43 AM, 2/22/2022] David: Hey Danna, so how about we meet at 2 at the Restrepo station?
[10:42 AM, 2/22/2022] z Danna: Hello
[10:43 AM, 2/22/2022] z Danna: Could we meet later?
[11:11 AM, 2/22/2022] David: Yeah sure. How about 4?
[3:05 PM, 2/22/2022] David: So, will I see you later? It's making a beautiful day to meet you :)
[3:07 PM, 2/22/2022] z Danna: Yeah.

(I commented about the horrible weather)

[3:42 PM, 2/22/2022] z Danna: Hahaha yes I think, where will we meet?
[3:51 PM, 2/22/2022] David: At the Restrepo station
[3:57 PM, 2/22/2022] z Danna: I'm here

[5:46 PM, 2/22/2022] z Danna: Thank you and sorry if I wasn't in my best mood, it was nice meeting you.
[5:51 PM, 2/22/2022] David: It's fine, thanks to you too, I had a great time.
[5:56 PM, 2/22/2022] David: I would like to see you again another day.

Not sure if she'll be down to a second date. Will see.

Thanks pancakemouse for your awesome feedback dude. Appreciate it a lot.