Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

D4vidDG said:
Regarding the title of this post, today I met the teacher of one of my classes. She's really hot. She is studying for a master's degree and probably has between 23 and 25 years old. Probably this is just my belief, but I think I grabbed her attention today.

I'm considering seducing her and trying to get laid. That would be really epic u know, something I won't regret when I'm dying. But u guys think is a good idea? If so, how would you do that?

Not that I have any advice on this but holy fuck you would be a legend. Really hope you can come up with something haha.
IMO, don't hit on your teacher as long as she is still your teacher. Some people may disagree with me on this but I honestly don't think it's a good idea, she could get into a lot of trouble, and there are plenty of other girls.

If you really want to, you should probably wait until the class is ending.
Don't hit on your teacher. Not because she's your teacher, but because even entertaining this thought is indulging in an impossible fantasy that will do nothing but distract you from what you actually should be focusing on: approaching, going on dates, and getting laid with normal women in normal situations.
Thanks for your feedback guys.


8 approaches. Got 5 numbers and 1 Instagram.

I like the fact that campus girls are more friendly when you approach. I guess it's because the university is a safe environment so they aren't defensive all the time. Also, it's a space that is socially meant to meet new people.

I'll meet one of them tomorrow (finally ;) )

Selling a game

Didn't work today either. I could have spent an hour but I was exhausted after university and procrastinated a lot.

AWESOME DAY. 7 approaches. Got 7 numbers.

My results are definitely better on campus. Girls are everywhere and they're usually nice.

I'm happy cause I'm facing some "abundance problems". Sometimes I won't remember a specific girl cause I approach a lot. That also happens with phone numbers. I save only the first name and end up with many girls with the same name, not knowing if I've already talked to one. I need to start putting more details on those contacts.

These problems suck, u know. But at least these problems mean I'm playing the numbers game.

Now the question: How can I try to get information from the girl when I can't remember her? Should I tell her the truth directly?

This is happening to me with one girl. She is down to have a date on Friday and I told her we should meet where we met (hoping she would say something about it). But I'm absolutely clueless about where I met her. And Idk how to ask her that. PLS HELPPP

Selling a game

Worked an hour and a half. Everything is starting to take shape and the main mechanics look fun. The game looks promising and that feels great!
D4vidDG said:
This is happening to me with one girl. She is down to have a date on Friday and I told her we should meet where we met (hoping she would say something about it). But I'm absolutely clueless about where I met her. And Idk how to ask her that. PLS HELPPP
"Can you send me the address again?"

If you ask for the address it'll sound like you need it for google maps/navigation purposes so it makes more sense IMO.

Also damn man, 100% success rate, that's fucking solid.
D4vidDG said:
: How can I try to get information from the girl when I can't remember her? Should I tell her the truth directly?

Tag your contacts like this in advance:

I do date - name / description
Squilliam said:
"Can you send me the address again?"

If you ask for the address it'll sound like you need it for google maps/navigation purposes so it makes more sense IMO.

The thing is that maybe I met her at my university so it would be illogical that I'm asking for directions. I guess I'll ask her "Do you remember how is that place called?" or "Do you know if there's an ATM near there?". I hope she gives any hint that is useful. Man, it would be sad if I lost a date because of this.


4 approaches. 2 numbers.

Good news. I got a job and I will be able to earn money for more clothing and accessories. Also, I want to earn money to buy a DSLR camera.

Bad news. It consumes most of my time. I had to sacrifice some approaches today. But hey, I'm working to earn money I'll spend on reaching my main goal so I guess it's fine.

Selling a game

Couldn't work on it because I was working. I'll try to reserve an hour for this every day in the morning.
D4vidDG said:
This is happening to me with one girl. She is down to have a date on Friday and I told her we should meet where we met (hoping she would say something about it). But I'm absolutely clueless about where I met her. And Idk how to ask her that. PLS HELPPP
Hahaha man that's actually funny. Just tell her "Hey, let's we meet at X Place instead" and don't make it a big deal (because it's not).
D4vidDG said:
I hope she gives any hint that is useful. Man, it would be sad if I lost a date because of this.
It's not a big deal tbh. You just got 7 fucking numbers in a day, dude. You will get another date soon enough, even IF you don't go on this one.

7 approaches. 3 numbers and 1 Instagram.

Selling a game

Couldn't work on it because I was working.
Hey guys. I was feeling down cause I'm not seeing results from approaching. I've been approaching for the last month and I've just been able to have 2 dates.

I had two horrible lazy days yesterday and today. Today, near the afternoon, I decided to read my goals again to renew my motivation and also look backward to identify my mistakes and areas I should improve on.

My Goals

  • Have sex with 10 girls that are really hot before the year ends
    Sell a game on Steam before the year ends

How do I define "hot"? Well, this might sound weird, but I've collected a bunch of images of girls from Tinder that I consider hot. I check this collection every once in a while when I need the motivation to keep going. A hot girl will be similar in hotness to these girls.

But, to put it in words, "hot" means for me a girl that at least has a cute face, a decent style, and a huge ass or tits. Not very specific but I'm positive that when I get laid from hot girl, I'll know it.

Getting Laid

So this is my plan:

1. Do 10 approaches per day for a week.

In this way, I get used to high-volume approaching.

By now, I'm can easily approach 7 girls a day, especially on campus. I get numbers from most of these girls.

However, as I implied before, I'm finding it difficult to turn those numbers into dates. Some of them won't respond before or after pitching the date. Some others might accept a date and then disappear the day we scheduled. And others put last-minute excuses to avoid meeting.

I know it's a numbers game and stuff, but I also feel I'm doing something wrong. So here's an honest evaluation of what I think I should improve on:

- Try not to forget the name of the girl
- Be more sexual during the approach (physical proximity, Slow, masculine tonality, Physical touch)
- Text game (Flirting, showing them slices of my life, sending them photos). Stop rushing dates
- Not reschedule a date more than once after she cancels over text. I've done this twice and yeah, it looks like I don't respect my time.
- Be more patient in general

After writing this and looking at some of my chats, I feel my problem is that I'm too impatient and that shows neediness over text and maybe during the approach. After all, it's my main goal and I spent most of my time thinking about this, which might be counteracting my efforts.

I'll try to focus on other parts of getting laid now that I've kinda built a habit of approaching consistently. I'll organize my diet first so I can build some muscle in the following months.

2. Buy another outfit including accessories.

I got a job at the university. They are going to pay me in 1 month and I'll spend it on this. I asked a relative to lend me the money so I can buy it before March ends.

I'll save the rest of the money for the next step or maybe buy some gym equipment.

3. Buy a DSRL camera (including the lens)
4. Take cool photos and upload them to dating apps and Instagram
5. Spend on Boosts and Tinder Gold until I reach my goal.

Sell a game

I'm currently working on a project I started last year. We have delayed it a lot so we're trying to finish it off
and launch it before April 10. This isn't the one I'm going to sell.

We have made a good amount of progress but we're way behind schedule. I'm starting a new semester and my teammate have things going on with his life. So we'll need to put off the deadline for the end of April. It's not ideal, I know, but it's realistic. I'll keep working everyday to make as much progress as I can.
Hi guys.


6 approaches. 3 numbers and 1 Instagram.

I'm trying to do 1 approach every 6-7 minutes. In this way, I can do 10 approaches in 1 hour. I was successful today.

I didn't forget any name. That's something good cause it makes me be more present in the interaction.

I flirt a bit with some girls instead of asking for a date asap. One of them responded positively. Let's see how the others react.

I realized flirting and game are easier when the girl is receptive and likes you. I read somewhere that game is meant for girls that like you. Doing game on girls that aren't interested is like climbing a steep hill.

Selling a game

I worked 2 hours on it.
Hello guys.

Hi guys.


10 approaches. I got 7 numbers + 1 number from a dating app. Pretty good day.

I had a date today but she canceled last minute.

I feel stuck but I can't identify a crucial flaw or mistake.

I got some work tomorrow. Also, I need to keep up with the university. I won't be able to approach a lot.

But I'm still trying.

Selling a game

I worked 1 hour on it.
Hi guys.



I had lunch on campus with one girl yesterday. We had a fun conversation and she keeps sending me messages, so that's good. I'm not 100% attracted, but I liked being with her. She accepted a second date so I hope I can escalate to a kiss and maybe a lay.

Also, I have 2 confirmed dates for this week, and I'll message some girls and see if I can schedule a date every day.

I did 1 approach yesterday and I got a number. I did 5 approaches today and I got 4 numbers.

Today, a girl and I kept strong eye contact. I approached her and she said she "noticed me", which kinda confirms that looks attractive to girls. She asked for my number first actually. I went blank for the rest of the interaction while she was saving my number. I wrote her soon after apologizing and saying I was nervous. I also told her she looked really cute. She hasn't responded yet. Haha probably I fucked up for some reason but it's too soon to tell.
So yeah, I'm attractive but I just struggle with reaching the date.


I've gotta do 10 approaches in 1 hour for a week before March ends. Yeah, I'm running out of time. As Andy says, I've gotta shut up and push forward. Next Monday is a holiday here, so I'll definitely take advantage of that to complete all university work and start approaching tomorrow. I can rest for one day maximum between days I approach, and no more than two times. I consider that a valid "week".

I will neither look for the hottest girls nor keep long conversations. I'll be as efficient as possible.

I'll take my word seriously.

Selling a game

I worked 1 hour on it.
Have you tried inviting the girls directly to your place on the 2nd or 3rd date? If you only care about the sex part, this will definitely expedite the process.
Squilliam said:
Have you tried inviting the girls directly to your place on the 2nd or 3rd date?

The problem is that I'm not getting to the first date. Either they ghost when I pitch the date or they cancel close to the hour of the date.
D4vidDG said:
Squilliam said:
Have you tried inviting the girls directly to your place on the 2nd or 3rd date?

The problem is that I'm not getting to the first date. Either they ghost when I pitch the date or they cancel close to the hour of the date.
You said some girl agreed to a second date though?
Squilliam said:
You said some girl agreed to a second date though?

Yeah, but that happened after a lot of approaches, my conversion from number to date is really low.
Hi guys.


5 approaches. 2 numbers.


Regarding my goal, I'll be approaching 10 girls in 1 hour tomorrow and on Wednesday. Then rest on Thursday. Then go again on Friday and Saturday. Then rest on Sunday. Then again on Monday and Tuesday.

Selling a game

Didn't work on it this weekend. I always put this activity last in my schedule, so I'll always work on this in the morning.