Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

D4vidDG said:
Hey guys.



No approaches today.


I had a date today with a 17 year-old girl. We went for a coffee and we had a nice conversation. She wasn't very talkative but I was able to keep the date interesting. Then I created sexual tension by looking at her eyes and her lips and touching her arms. Then we kissed, and things got more smoothly from there. We made a lot of physical contact.
I asked her some sexual questions. I ask her for sex and she kinda wanted too, but we dodn't agree on a date.
I'm inviting her to my house the next time in a few days. I hope this is it.

I think its a forum rule, but only discuss girls 18+ even if its legal where you are.

Hey guys. This is a log from Tuesday and today.



No approaches.


8/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Still no progress here.


TUESDAY: Meet an 18yo girl somewaht far from my house. We had a nic converstaion and we ate ice cream. She was kinda a bully but in an amusing way. We talked a bit about relationships and I mentioned that I've never had a girlfriend before cause I was looking for something casual. I don't know if I shouldn't have said that cause she looked impressed and told me I should've got a girlfirend by my age. She said that she didn't like guys who only wanted casual sex. She knew that were my intentions but that didn't affected the rest of the date. I'll see if she's DTF in a couple of days.

TUESDAY: Meet an really hot 23yo girl near my house. We had a nice and funnny converstaion and we drank coffee. I perceived sexual interest from her side, but she refused to come to my house and to give me a kiss. Before leaving, she said "she wasn't that easy". I asked for a small kiss and she said "not yet". I guess she might be DTF in the next date.

TOMORROW: New date tomorrow. I hope the third one is the charm.


I bought a denim jacket today. I'll be arriving until end of April

Selling a game

I haven't worked on this. I feel kinda clueless what to do with this game and that makes me lose motivation. I don't know how the puzzles should be. We created so many mechanics that the possibilities are now endless. But it is like having a blank sheet of paper, I don't know where to start. I'll give it a try tomorrow anyway. I msut finish this project.

For girl 1, you were honest, if she chooses to spend more time with you then she is very much on board. The key is to not change your intentions if she is trying to push you towards a relationship you don't want.

Girl 2, don't ask for kisses, it always comes across weird unless you're really nervous and even then its not a great play. How I would read this one would be based on context of the date. I get the impression that this girl wants you to jump through hoops. I would wouldn't be spending my time on a second date with somebody who isn't on the same page as me. That said I wasn't there, it's up to you to read the vibe of the date. Just use the lens of abundance and don't spend more time because this is your only option.

For your game, who are you making it for? What's your target audience and why would that group of people buy your game? You need to have a clear idea of who you are building for and how you offer value to that demographic. So you have a puzzle game, is that a match 3 mobile game or a Monkey Island puzzle adventure? My day job is in the video game industry so this advice might help you: You have ran into the age old trap of building the product backwards. Go from the other direction, who is it for and why do they need this and you will build much stronger concepts.
Brother_Tucker said:
I think its a forum rule, but only discuss girls 18+ even if its legal where you are.

Sorry about that.

Brother_Tucker said:
For girl 1, you were honest, if she chooses to spend more time with you then she is very much on board. The key is to not change your intentions if she is trying to push you towards a relationship you don't want.

Girl 2, don't ask for kisses, it always comes across weird unless you're really nervous and even then its not a great play. How I would read this one would be based on context of the date. I get the impression that this girl wants you to jump through hoops. I would wouldn't be spending my time on a second date with somebody who isn't on the same page as me. That said I wasn't there, it's up to you to read the vibe of the date. Just use the lens of abundance and don't spend more time because this is your only option.

Actually I believe the second girl is more likely to have sex with me than the first one. I feel that she wants it as much as I do. But I guess I'll figure that out the next days.

And just to clarify, I didn't ask for kisses during the date. I came close to her and she turned away twice. Then, before she left, I asked for a kiss literally . I'll follow your advice anyway.

Brother_Tucker said:
For your game, who are you making it for? What's your target audience and why would that group of people buy your game? You need to have a clear idea of who you are building for and how you offer value to that demographic. So you have a puzzle game, is that a match 3 mobile game or a Monkey Island puzzle adventure? My day job is in the video game industry so this advice might help you: You have ran into the age old trap of building the product backwards. Go from the other direction, who is it for and why do they need this and you will build much stronger concepts.

It's nice to find someone related to the industry here :). Yeah, right now we have developed a lot without thinking what our target audience is. We haven't even let other people outside the team playtest it. By now, I'm just looking to finish the project this month and start with a new fresh game.

Thanks for your feedback Brother_Tucker


No approaches.


8/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Still no progress here.


We put off the date for tomorrow.

Selling a game

Today I designed some puzzles in a Miro board. I know they won't be in the final game, but they picture the way the game is going to introduce each mechanic and ramp up in difficulty.
Hey guys. Today I didn't do that much. Just some progress at the end of the day.

Selling a game

Today I worked on a way to preview how an ingredient is going to affect the movement in a color wheel.

Some context if you are interested: My game is about a witch that crafts potions in a store. The way the crafting works is mixing ingredients on a cauldron. Each ingredient creates a trajectory on a color wheel that your cursor will move across. The goal is to reach certain color on the color wheel by using the correct ingredients which crafts a type of potion.
Hey guys.


1 approach.

Yeah, I didn't approach at all this week and I noticed that today. AA was huge again. However, I could force myself to approach at least one girl. That lifted my spirit to keep going and crush this week. I'll also continue with the goal I had previously. I'll start just saying sexy once, then twice, and so on, until it's not complicated to me.

Selling a game

I finished what I started yesterday. Now I'm adding some UI to the crafting system. I worked 1 hour and a half on the game.
Hey guys. Today was an amazing day,



6 approaches. Got 4 numbers.


0/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Still no progress here. I'm fucking repeating this drill and I swear I'll do it twice tomorrow. Idk why I'm procrastinating this so much, But it's been enough. I'll complete this mark before April ends.

Previous girls

One of the girls I had a first date with ghosted me after pitching a new date near my house. Guess she wasn't into me.

Today I pitched a date for Wedenesday woth the other girl. I feel this one wanted to bang but not in the first date. I hope this leads to something. We'll see.

Selling a game

Today I finished adding the UI for the crafting and now the cauldron changes the color of the water depending on the position of the cursor in the color wheel.

Pretty productive day. I worked an hour and a half on the project.
Hey guys. Today was an amazing day,



2 approaches. Got 2 numbers.


1/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

I said I would do it twice but I missed one. I'll do it 4 times tomorrow to compensate.

Idk how to tilte this

Just wanted to write that today I felt a lot of doubt and uncertainty. Hopelessness, I guess. I felt approaching isn't taking me anywhere and that all my efforts are for nothing. I cried a bit out of frustration for not being able to attract the type of women I like. Most girls that like me aren't attractive to me and that sucks. I'm trying to stick to the idea that I'm enough for women, but reality keeps punching my face over and over. Why is it so easy for other people to keep girls around, and why is it so difficult for me? Feels really unfair cause I'm definitely puttin gmore effort into being a better person than they are. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong that make girls escape from my intentions. I tell myself that I just need to keep looking and be patient, but rn it feels like something is not in the right place.

Well, sorry if I'm being too negative. I just wanted to let my frustration go a bit with these words. I still have a clear goal
for this year and I'll keep trying, there's still a lot of time left and a lot of things to improve. I read Andy's article about hopelessness and it helped me. I'll try to respond the questions he gives there. What I take from that articles is the idea that there's a chance I'll bang hot women if I just keep trying. I'll keep that image in my head and push forward.

Selling a game

Today I added some FX's when the player casts a spell.

Here's a video if anyone is interested:

I worked an hour and a half on the project.
Hey guys.



5 approaches. No success.


2/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

I did it once today.

I plan to finish this challenge by May 30th . I fucking promise I will.

Selling a game

No progress. I'm waiting to meet my team to define how the puzzles will work.
Hey guys. I'm back.

Last week was not really productive. However, I've had made some progress this week, so I'll briefly describe what's been happening. I also expect to continue logging on a regular basis.



I just had one date with a girl on Monday. We met near her university and we had a coffee. I wasn't attracted to her at all but I let the date continue. The I went for the kiss but she rejected me. Anyway, I'm not interested in that girl so I haven't texted her since then.

Other girls flaked during the rest of the week

Hopefully, I'll have two dates tomorrow.


I've approached approximately 30 girls this week and most of them gave me their number.


6/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

I was struggling with these but I'm making slow steady progress.

Need help

So I've been approaching a lot and I've made some upgrades to my style, but I haven't got laid for the last 3 months or so. I know this is a tough process that requires patience, but I feel there's something I'm not doing right. I'm willing to post photos or conversations for some time just to get some help on what I might be doing wrong.

Selling a game

So there's going to be a really cool game dev competition on May 19th, in which they're giving away free game dev courses for people that submit a game made in a week. I want to participate on that event, so I plan to finish the project I was working on before that.

About my progress, I wrote the code for the puzzles and I integrated all the systems together. All that is left is designing the puzzles, creating some 3d models for the characters, create some UI, create a short tutorial, and gather all together in a well-defined game loop.
D4vidDG said:
So I've been approaching a lot and I've made some upgrades to my style, but I haven't got laid for the last 3 months or so. I know this is a tough process that requires patience, but I feel there's something I'm not doing right. I'm willing to post photos or conversations for some time just to get some help on what I might be doing wrong.
My biggest piece of advice is to record some of your dates and send it to pancakemouse. He found many mistakes from one 30 minute recording of a pretty mediocre date of mine.

If you're getting dates, it's not your looks that's stopping you, it's probably something behavioral.
Squilliam said:
My biggest piece of advice is to record some of your dates and send it to @pancakemouse. He found many mistakes from one 30 minute recording of a pretty mediocre date of mine.

Sounds cool. Idk if he'll understand spanish. I can translate them if necessary
Btw, a married woman said she's looking for an adventure with an open-minded guy. She seems DTF. Should I give it a go? I'm afraid I might get in trouble
Squilliam said:
My biggest piece of advice is to record some of your dates

Btw, any recommendation on how to record my dates? I have never done anything like that before.
D4vidDG said:
Squilliam said:
My biggest piece of advice is to record some of your dates and send it to @pancakemouse. He found many mistakes from one 30 minute recording of a pretty mediocre date of mine.

Sounds cool. Idk if he'll understand spanish. I can translate them if necessary

en español 'ta bien parce :)

record on your phone, mute any notifications so the girl can't tell you're recording.

easiest thing to start with would be by recording a few of your approaches and sending them over. but if you want to do a date that's fine too.


Both girls flaked. Unfortunate.


I approached 7 girls today, I got 4 numbers and 1 instagram.

One of them was a model. She paints and she's also a voice actress. Looks like a girl of really high-value. I hope she agrees to have a date.


8/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Selling a game

I started writing the code of the main game loop. I worked 2 hours on this.


I met a girl on a mall on Satuday. We talked for a while and we had a coffee. I saw on Facebook that she might have a kid, but she didn't mention anything. She was cute. Before we left, we kissed. I asked her to come to my place. She said she wasn't sure. I insisted but she couldn't make up her mind. I didn't want to look needy so I said it was ok. I didn't want to rush things. We kissed again and she took the public bus.

She said she would come near my house the next time. She seems to be working all day and I'm busy with university too, so I'll invite her on Saturday or Sunday again.

I hope I get laid.



Here's some audios of some approaches:

They are in Spanish.

I'll be recording more tomorrow.


Sometimes I'll inevitably be forced to schedule dates for a week later. I generally don't keep the conversation going after that until the day of the date arrives. And girls tend to cancel after I text them again to confirm the date. That made me think that it might be important to keep texting them while I wait for the date. Should I do that, or is it better not to force the interaction? Because sometimes is just talking for the sake of being there so she doesn't forget about me. Is that a wrong mindset? Should I mantain the interaction with another perspective in mind?

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the project on Saturday. No progress since then.
D4vidDG said:
Sometimes I'll inevitably be forced to schedule dates for a week later. I generally don't keep the conversation going after that until the day of the date arrives. And girls tend to cancel after I text them again to confirm the date. That made me think that it might be important to keep texting them while I wait for the date. Should I do that, or is it better not to force the interaction? Because sometimes is just talking for the sake of being there so she doesn't forget about me. Is that a wrong mindset? Should I mantain the interaction with another perspective in mind?

You should always strive for the date to be within 2-4 days of the interaction. If you can't do that you're inevitably going to lose more than you would otherwise would have. Personally I would keep in touch with her every other day leading to the meetup (maybe more, maybe less, there's no hard rule), but it's your judgement call.
D4vidDG said:
Sometimes I'll inevitably be forced to schedule dates for a week later. I generally don't keep the conversation going after that until the day of the date arrives. And girls tend to cancel after I text them again to confirm the date. That made me think that it might be important to keep texting them while I wait for the date. Should I do that, or is it better not to force the interaction? Because sometimes is just talking for the sake of being there so she doesn't forget about me. Is that a wrong mindset? Should I maintain the interaction with another perspective in mind?
I think you're doing the right thing. Girls flaking will just happen a lot. Texting her definitely does not lower the chances she will flake.

But Mark is right. You should be aiming to schedule the date within 72 hours if possible. Strike while the iron is hot. Interest will wane the longer you wait.


8 approaches. Got 4 numbers.


11/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Most reactions were positive, so I really shouldn't be afraid of saying sexy.

Selling a game

I worked 1 hour on the project today. I developed the code of the Game Loop.