I went to another location in the north part of the city. Generally, there is a lot of high-value girls there. I went to a mall and got really disappointed. There was none.
So I started walking to another mall near there. As I was walking there, I saw a cute girl walking towards me. I approached here.
She said, "Not now. I'm feeling pretty bad". Understandable. I said goodbye and I left.
However, after I walked a short distance, I looked behind and she was walking towards me again. That had never happened before.
When she reached me, she apologized for being rude (though she wasn't really) and offered to come with me to the mall. I took the chance and I invited her directly to drink something.
We had a pretty nice conversation while we were drinking a beer. She told me about her career, her hobbies, her worries, and her current emotional state. Apparently, she had to let go of a friend that treated her like shit. Also, some months ago, her bf left her to travel to Spain. She felt horrible because her bf didn't seem to care.
She says she's tired of people. Should I be worried about this?
It was moving, indeed. She started to cry in front of me even though we barely knew each other. She really needed someone to listen to her. I'm glad I could be that person. It felt good.
Anyway, I thought I shouldn't take advantage of her emotional state, so I didn't ask her back to my apartment. I pitched a date (I rushed things a bit tbh) by text some hours after the date.
I understand that trying to be her psychologist is manipulative and not ideal if I'm looking to bang her. So I'll definitely invite her near my house the next time and not spend a lot of time talking about her problems. That could go after we bang I guess.
Anyway, it was an awesome experience to get to know someone and make them open to you so quickly.
After the instadate, I decided to go back home and call it a day. However, I went through the mall again and there were more girls this time. I approached 5 girls in total (I'll compensate tomorrow). I got two numbers.
One of them was funny cause I passed by a woman and then proceed to look at her ass. Then I saw another girl and I had the feeling that she saw me doing that. I approached anyway and got rejected. Not my best idea but worth trying XD.
Seven approaches more tomorrow.
- I'm running out of money. I need a backup plan in case I meet someone this week. I know it's not ideal but I shouldn't miss any opportunities. What are your best options for dates with no money?
- I'm planning to increase my approach count to 10 by the end of March. Idk what comes after that. I'll be busy with university and trying to earn money. Are 10 approaches too much or just enough to keep doing on a daily basis in a short period of time?
-There's just one place near my house where there're usually a lot of girls. I go there every day. Sometimes I feel I'm "overusing" that place and that people will notice me, or that I will end up approaching the same girls again and again. Does the same happen to you? How do you deal with that?
Selling a game
I worked 3 hours on the project.