Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

D4vidDG said:
pancakemouse said:
- I think you're in a Latino country, yeah? Girls there are highly flaky and it's possible this could be more normal. Still, two in one day is uncommon.

I live in Colombia. Do you speak Spanish? That's cool.


Thanks @pancakemouse for your awesome feedback dude. Appreciate it a lot.

All you had to say was Colombia for this story to make sense. Colombian women are some of the most flaky in the entire world. Two girls standing you up is still uncommon, but if I'd expect it anywhere it would be Colombia.

Your second conversation is ideal. More than logistics, you're chatting with her and giving her an insight into your life (though she made it easy for you by chasing you).

For Danna, you rushed it a bit by pitching the date when her "buying temperature" wasn't receptive enough.

Read this, it may help you:


I had a date today. The girl showed up. I bought ice cream for both. She seemed worried or disturbed by something. I asked what happened. She said that she had a lot of things to think about. Anyway, the date went excellent in my opinion. We talked a lot, we laughed, and I did a lot of physical contact. In the end, I was embracing her with one arm and caressing her arm.

She didn't seem to bother my escalation until the end when I was hugging her. She stopped talking. Then she asked for the time. (Did I escalate too fast?)

I asked her to come back to my place. She said she didn't know me enough. She said she had to leave. We both left.

I'll try to set up a second date and try again.


I was feeling more AA than other days.

I approached two girls. Good conversation. Got her numbers.

Then I went back to my house. I wrote down some positive affirmations I'll be repeating before going out from now on. I really want to stop making up excuses and wasting time.

Then I went out again. I did 3 approaches faster. Sadly, 2 ignored me and the other one had a bf.

Selling a game

I worked 2 hours on the project.
pancakemouse said:
All you had to say was Colombia for this story to make sense. Colombian women are some of the most flaky in the entire world. Two girls standing you up is still uncommon, but if I'd expect it anywhere it would be Colombia.

Hahaha really? Well, I guess I'll play this in hardcore mode :)

pancakemouse said:
For Danna, you rushed it a bit by pitching the date when her "buying temperature" wasn't receptive enough.

Yeah, sometimes I feel I rush it with girls. I was trying to follow Andy's advice of keeping thigs short and to the point. But anyway, this is all just a big experiment, I guess.

I got a date though hahaha.

pancakemouse said:
Read this, it may help you: ... text-game/

Thank u, will do.


I messaged the girl 2 hours before the date to see if she was still down to meet. She didn't give any response, so I thought she wasn't coming.

Apparently, she did wait for me in the spot and I was the one that stood her up. We were talking through Instagram because she said she didn't have a phone when I approached. So the reason why she didn't notify me she was there was that "she forgot her Instagram password". She told me that through someone else Instagram.

Anyway, too complicated, I'll move on.


I felt really bad yesterday. I didn't want to approach.

I did 2 approaches with no results. Then I started walking around, passing by every opportunity I had because I was making up excuses for not approaching. I felt horrible for falling back into the same patterns. I don't know why I still struggle with this. I decided to take the day off and do better today.

I think sometimes I feel a bit impatient for not getting results from approaching. Not even seeing changes in the way I face fear and anxiety. Then I tell myself it's a waste of time and that I should not do it.

Also, sometimes I feel fed up of rejection and girls cancelling the last minute.

Anyway, that's pretty normal I guess. Getting laid from approaching is difficult. I'm trying to find a job and save some money to buy new outfits and a quality camera to take photos. This way, I can get more results from online apps.

I'm not giving up. Not this time. Not anymore. I'll try harder. That's the only way

Selling a game

Lazy day. I didn't make progress.


I had a nice date with a girl and she came to my house.

But, bad news guys, I didn't even kiss her. Idk why I didn't do it, I knew I had to, but, I just didn't.

I have to say that I didn't feel totally attracted to her. She was pretty average. Maybe that plays a role in why I didn't put effort into trying to fuck her.

But I feel guilty. I feel I should have tried to get laid anyway.


I did 6 approaches today. I got no numbers. They ignored me or had a bf.

For some reason, I don't feel the same confidence as before. Approaching isn't making me feel more confident.

Anyway, no excuses. 6 approaches more tomorrow.

Selling a game

I worked on the project for 1 hour.


Hey guys. Yesterday I was a lazy boy and I didn't go out :( . So today I crushed it.

I did 12 approaches. I got 4 numbers and 1 Instagram. One of them seems to be fake, or she doesn't use WhatsApp for some reason, or I wrote the number wrong. :(

Some girls ignored me.

Some girls had a boyfriend or were married (haha it's so funny when I hit up a married woman).

But most girls were really nice even though they didn't give me her number.

If I'm honest, I felt renewed energy and more confidence after having a lazy day. I think sometimes you can suffer from burnout when you approach on a daily basis. I was certainly suffering and thinking I wasn't enough from girls.

Anyway, a pretty good day. 6 approaches coming down tomorrow.


- I'm running out of money. I need a backup plan in case I meet someone this week. I know it's not ideal but I shouldn't miss any opportunities. What are your best options for dates with no money?
- I'm planning to increase my approach count to 10 by the end of March. Idk what comes after that. I'll be busy with university and trying to earn money. Are 10 approaches too much or just enough to keep doing on a daily basis in a short period of time?
-There's just one place near my house where there're usually a lot of girls. I go there every day. Sometimes I feel I'm "overusing" that place and that people will notice me, or that I will end up approaching the same girls again and again. Does the same happen to you? How do you deal with that?

Selling a game

I worked 6 hours on the project between yesterday and today. Not the most productive hours cause I always look for the "perfect" code and I end up wasting time just thinking. Anyway, tomorrow will be better
pancakemouse said:
Read this, it may help you: ... text-game/

Hey pancakemouse , I just read your post. It's pretty good. I've been making a lot of mistakes that I would try to correct in future interactions.

I just have one question: Does this also applies when you're approaching? Because usually, when I'm making small-talk with the girl I'm approaching, I feel I do a lot of this stuff (asking lots of questions, being friendly, caring, etc). Then I ask for her number.

Is this counter-productive? Should I change my strategy?

Thanks for your feedback :)
D4vidDG said:
pancakemouse said:
Read this, it may help you: ... text-game/

Hey @pancakemouse , I just read your post. It's pretty good. I've been making a lot of mistakes that I would try to correct in future interactions.

I just have one question: Does this also applies when you're approaching? Because usually, when I'm making small-talk with the girl I'm approaching, I feel I do a lot of this stuff (asking lots of questions, being friendly, caring, etc). Then I ask for her number.

Is this counter-productive? Should I change my strategy?

Thanks for your feedback :)

Small talk is more acceptable on the approach than over text. But the same general rules apply:

Daygame topics, in order from least to most optimal:

4. objects/ideas/things
3. you
2. her
1. you and her


4. "do they serve good food at that restaurant"
3. "I've been known to be a little bit of a cook"
2. "you seem like you can't handle spicy food ;-)"
1. "so if I cook you my spicy Nepalese curry you're not gonna complain? ;-)"


I went to another location in the north part of the city. Generally, there is a lot of high-value girls there. I went to a mall and got really disappointed. There was none.

So I started walking to another mall near there. As I was walking there, I saw a cute girl walking towards me. I approached here.

She said, "Not now. I'm feeling pretty bad". Understandable. I said goodbye and I left.

However, after I walked a short distance, I looked behind and she was walking towards me again. That had never happened before.

When she reached me, she apologized for being rude (though she wasn't really) and offered to come with me to the mall. I took the chance and I invited her directly to drink something.

We had a pretty nice conversation while we were drinking a beer. She told me about her career, her hobbies, her worries, and her current emotional state. Apparently, she had to let go of a friend that treated her like shit. Also, some months ago, her bf left her to travel to Spain. She felt horrible because her bf didn't seem to care.

She says she's tired of people. Should I be worried about this?

It was moving, indeed. She started to cry in front of me even though we barely knew each other. She really needed someone to listen to her. I'm glad I could be that person. It felt good.

Anyway, I thought I shouldn't take advantage of her emotional state, so I didn't ask her back to my apartment. I pitched a date (I rushed things a bit tbh) by text some hours after the date.

I understand that trying to be her psychologist is manipulative and not ideal if I'm looking to bang her. So I'll definitely invite her near my house the next time and not spend a lot of time talking about her problems. That could go after we bang I guess.

Anyway, it was an awesome experience to get to know someone and make them open to you so quickly.


After the instadate, I decided to go back home and call it a day. However, I went through the mall again and there were more girls this time. I approached 5 girls in total (I'll compensate tomorrow). I got two numbers.

One of them was funny cause I passed by a woman and then proceed to look at her ass. Then I saw another girl and I had the feeling that she saw me doing that. I approached anyway and got rejected. Not my best idea but worth trying XD.

Seven approaches more tomorrow.


- I'm running out of money. I need a backup plan in case I meet someone this week. I know it's not ideal but I shouldn't miss any opportunities. What are your best options for dates with no money?
- I'm planning to increase my approach count to 10 by the end of March. Idk what comes after that. I'll be busy with university and trying to earn money. Are 10 approaches too much or just enough to keep doing on a daily basis in a short period of time?
-There's just one place near my house where there're usually a lot of girls. I go there every day. Sometimes I feel I'm "overusing" that place and that people will notice me, or that I will end up approaching the same girls again and again. Does the same happen to you? How do you deal with that?

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the project.
D4vidDG said:


I went to another location in the north part of the city. Generally, there is a lot of high-value girls there. I went to a mall and got really disappointed. There was none.

So I started walking to another mall near there. As I was walking there, I saw a cute girl walking towards me. I approached here.

She said, "Not now. I'm feeling pretty bad". Understandable. I said goodbye and I left.

However, after I walked a short distance, I looked behind and she was walking towards me again. That had never happened before.

When she reached me, she apologized for being rude (though she wasn't really) and offered to come with me to the mall. I took the chance and I invited her directly to drink something.

We had a pretty nice conversation while we were drinking a beer. She told me about her career, her hobbies, her worries, and her current emotional state. Apparently, she had to let go of a friend that treated her like shit. Also, some months ago, her bf left her to travel to Spain. She felt horrible because her bf didn't seem to care.

She says she's tired of people. Should I be worried about this?

It was moving, indeed. She started to cry in front of me even though we barely knew each other. She really needed someone to listen to her. I'm glad I could be that person. It felt good.

Anyway, I thought I shouldn't take advantage of her emotional state, so I didn't ask her back to my apartment. I pitched a date (I rushed things a bit tbh) by text some hours after the date.

I understand that trying to be her psychologist is manipulative and not ideal if I'm looking to bang her. So I'll definitely invite her near my house the next time and not spend a lot of time talking about her problems. That could go after we bang I guess.

Anyway, it was an awesome experience to get to know someone and make them open to you so quickly.


After the instadate, I decided to go back home and call it a day. However, I went through the mall again and there were more girls this time. I approached 5 girls in total (I'll compensate tomorrow). I got two numbers.

One of them was funny cause I passed by a woman and then proceed to look at her ass. Then I saw another girl and I had the feeling that she saw me doing that. I approached anyway and got rejected. Not my best idea but worth trying XD.

Seven approaches more tomorrow.


- I'm running out of money. I need a backup plan in case I meet someone this week. I know it's not ideal but I shouldn't miss any opportunities. What are your best options for dates with no money?
- I'm planning to increase my approach count to 10 by the end of March. Idk what comes after that. I'll be busy with university and trying to earn money. Are 10 approaches too much or just enough to keep doing on a daily basis in a short period of time?
-There's just one place near my house where there're usually a lot of girls. I go there every day. Sometimes I feel I'm "overusing" that place and that people will notice me, or that I will end up approaching the same girls again and again. Does the same happen to you? How do you deal with that?

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the project.

Nice job on approaching and that must've been an interesting experience. To be honest, I wouldn't get too invested in that girl tho. She sounds a little unstable. But cool you were able to be there for her and have that happen after an approach.
D4vidDG said:

- I'm running out of money. I need a backup plan in case I meet someone this week. I know it's not ideal but I shouldn't miss any opportunities. What are your best options for dates with no money?
- I'm planning to increase my approach count to 10 by the end of March. Idk what comes after that. I'll be busy with university and trying to earn money. Are 10 approaches too much or just enough to keep doing on a daily basis in a short period of time?
-There's just one place near my house where there're usually a lot of girls. I go there every day. Sometimes I feel I'm "overusing" that place and that people will notice me, or that I will end up approaching the same girls again and again. Does the same happen to you? How do you deal with that?

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the project.

Best option for a date with no money: taking a walk. I'm guessing you don't have your own place, or you could invite her over directly.

You should aim to 5-10 approaches per hour minimum.

I approached on Lincoln Road in Miami for 3-5 hours a day, every day, for three months, and no one seemed to notice. Though I did reapproach a lot of girls. Here's something I wrote on reapproaching:
I literally got laid yesterday with a date that consisted of walking around town and buying a $5 bottle of wine and sitting on some public square sipping it like teenagers and then she drove me 30min. to her place and dropped me off again after the lay.

It's always possible.
Holden said:
I literally got laid yesterday with a date that consisted of walking around town and buying a $5 bottle of wine and sitting on some public square sipping it like teenagers and then she drove me 30min. to her place and dropped me off again after the lay.

It's always possible.

Wow man, that's insane. I guess I just need to try harder. I tend to give up really quickly after perceiving any negative response.


6 approaches. I got 2 numbers.

Most of them reject me and it hurt, But I keep my mindset that it's not personal and there are millions of women out there.

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the project.
Every rejection gets you one step closer to getting laid. It's a game you can't lose unless you quit. None of the girls reactions are related to one another.


8 approaches. I got 1 number.

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the project. It's starting to take shape now. My team congratulated me on the good work. I feel it's going to be an awesome game.
Hey guys. I'm back. I did nothing (literally) the last 3 days because I was feeling frustrated. It seems that I'm approaching and not getting results from it.

I know it's a numbers game, but I also believe that at least I should have been on a date with a girl that I considered attractive. It hasn't happened in a while.

I was reflecting today on what I am doing wrong. Maybe I need to be more physical in my approaches. I'm not scared of being physical, but I usually leave that for a date. Touching a woman I just met seems inappropriate to me.

Maybe I need to state my intentions early and try not to waste time in building rapport, asking questions, and "working on" girls. But some time ago I was being really direct, and it didn't seem to work either.

I'm trying to flirt and tease women early and more often, but I'm not good at it. I never come up with something good in the moment. It always comes to my mind after the interaction. And sometimes I force it and I think it's obvious I'm not acting naturally.

Maybe I'm just being impatient. I'll keep trying anyway.



6 approaches. I got 2 numbers. Most of them were pretty nice so that lifted my spirit today.

I'm finding it easier to approach 6 women in one hour. I'll increase it to 7 approaches the next week.

Selling a game

I worked 2 hours on the project. I wasted most of the time trying to come up with the perfect code again.
I figured out that the best way to avoid that is to ask my team how they would do it or what they consider would be better. Another person's feedback will definitely help me be less indecisive.


No approaches. I procrastinated and ended up doing nothing.

7 approaches coming tomorrow no matter what.

Selling a game

I worked 5 hours on the project to compensate for not approaching today.
Hi guys.

So today was awesome because we are going back to in-person classes at my university after two years of virtual classes. The campus was full of people and that made me feel really excited.
The best thing is that you can see beautiful women everywhere. This is a perfect environment to chase for high-volume approaching.

Regarding the title of this post, today I met the teacher of one of my classes. She's really hot. She is studying for a master's degree and probably has between 23 and 25 years old. Probably this is just my belief, but I think I grabbed her attention today.

I'm considering seducing her and trying to get laid. That would be really epic u know, something I won't regret when I'm dying. But do u guys think is a good idea? If so, how would you do that?

Of course, I'm not looking to trick her or something. If she's clearly not interested, I won't go beyond that. But the bare existence of a possibility makes me be willing to try.

Let's go with the journal:



7 approaches. Got 4 numbers.

Coincidentally, I got a number from antoher girl that is also studying for a master's degree. Idk if it's because she's really mature, but it's the nicest, most friendly response I've got so far.

I also reapproached a girl today. She recognized me, but I didn't until later that I saw her whatsapp profile. I asked her out again. She ghosted me the first time and she'll probably do the same. But, meh, I find it funny.

I could have approached more girls. I didn't put a that much effort. I could have done better. And tomorrow I'll definitely put 100% and stop passing by pretty girls.

Selling a game

Didn't work today. Got really busy with university stuff.