Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game



I had a date on Saturday with a cute chick. She laughed a lot and she was really talkative. We had a really good time. I went for the kiss but she rejected it. After that, she seemed uncomfortable with my attempts to touch her. Anyway, I'll invite her again near her house and try to bang in her house. Not ideal, but I think it's the best gameplan.

Selling a game

I worked 4 hours on the project this weekend. I completed the code for the Game Loop. Now, I just need to do a few tweeks. Then I need to create the whole content: 3D models, puzzles, music and FX's.
D4vidDG said:


Here's some audios of some approaches:

They are in Spanish.

I'll be recording more tomorrow.

Audio 1:
- Asking too many questions without having any compliance from the girl. "Where are you going? Where do you live? What do you study?"
- This doesn't feel flirtatious really. It's boring.

Audio 2:
- You deliver your opener is wayyy too fast, the girl even says "what?"
- Try to make assumptions instead of asking questions
- All you are doing is either complimenting her or asking questions. There is no sexual tension here

Audio 3:
- Again, opener is way too fast and the girl doesn't understand at first
- Platonic boring conversation

Audio 4:
- She seems interested right away
- Decent flirting here seemingly with nonverbals even thought he subject matter is menial chitchat
- This was the best set out of all of them

You really need to look at some daygame content on YouTube and study structure and "how to run a good daygame set". You are going after it which is great, but you are doing a lot of work for nothing because you have no structure and are missing key elements to get a solid number.

Next time if you edit these down to just the set itself (like the fourth audio) I will be much more motivated to critique any future recordings!
pancakemouse said:
Next time if you edit these down to just the set itself (like the fourth audio) I will be much more motivated to critique any future recordings!

Yeah, I actually edit them. I don't know what happened. Maybe I uploaded the incorrect ones. I'm sorry.

Your help means a lot to me man. Thanks.

pancakemouse said:
Audio 1:
- Asking too many questions without having any compliance from the girl. "Where are you going? Where do you live? What do you study?"
- This doesn't feel flirtatious really. It's boring.

Audio 2:
- You deliver your opener is wayyy too fast, the girl even says "what?"
- Try to make assumptions instead of asking questions
- All you are doing is either complimenting her or asking questions. There is no sexual tension here

Audio 3:
- Again, opener is way too fast and the girl doesn't understand at first
- Platonic boring conversation

I get it. All I've been trying to do is following Andy's advice. You know, start the approach saying right away "you're sexy/cute", having small talk before asking for the number, and generally not worrying too much about what I say during the approach.

I don't want to discredit Andy's word. He's been the person that motivated me to try to get laid and I owe him everything I've accomplished. But all these feedback makes me think KYIL''s advice is outdated nowadays; or maybe it's not applicable in my region; or maybe it is useful for beginners that have AA, but not useful if you're on an intermediate level like me. I believe the last reason is my case. I believe I need to put more effort on my game and the strategy I follow when I approach.

pancakemouse said:
You really need to look at some daygame content on YouTube and study structure and "how to run a good daygame set". You are going after it which is great, but you are doing a lot of work for nothing because you have no structure and are missing key elements to get a solid number.

Any recommended channels? I saw on a recent KYIL article that PlayingWithFire might be a good reference.

Thanks again.
Here is a decent approach framework I found that makes sense to me, never paid for any of his content but the free 20 minute video does a good job giving you a framework to start with.


I approached 6 girls today. No numbers.


12/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


I'm having a date tomorrow.

Selling a game

So I've been working 3 hours on the project since Saturday. Thursday is my deadline to finish it, so I'll be working on it tomorrow during all day. I won't sleep if I haven't finished.
D4vidDG said:
pancakemouse said:
Next time if you edit these down to just the set itself (like the fourth audio) I will be much more motivated to critique any future recordings!

Yeah, I actually edit them. I don't know what happened. Maybe I uploaded the incorrect ones. I'm sorry.

Your help means a lot to me man. Thanks.

pancakemouse said:
Audio 1:
- Asking too many questions without having any compliance from the girl. "Where are you going? Where do you live? What do you study?"
- This doesn't feel flirtatious really. It's boring.

Audio 2:
- You deliver your opener is wayyy too fast, the girl even says "what?"
- Try to make assumptions instead of asking questions
- All you are doing is either complimenting her or asking questions. There is no sexual tension here

Audio 3:
- Again, opener is way too fast and the girl doesn't understand at first
- Platonic boring conversation

I get it. All I've been trying to do is following Andy's advice. You know, start the approach saying right away "you're sexy/cute", having small talk before asking for the number, and generally not worrying too much about what I say during the approach.

I don't want to discredit Andy's word. He's been the person that motivated me to try to get laid and I owe him everything I've accomplished. But all these feedback makes me think KYIL''s advice is outdated nowadays; or maybe it's not applicable in my region; or maybe it is useful for beginners that have AA, but not useful if you're on an intermediate level like me. I believe the last reason is my case. I believe I need to put more effort on my game and the strategy I follow when I approach.

pancakemouse said:
You really need to look at some daygame content on YouTube and study structure and "how to run a good daygame set". You are going after it which is great, but you are doing a lot of work for nothing because you have no structure and are missing key elements to get a solid number.

Any recommended channels? I saw on a recent KYIL article that PlayingWithFire might be a good reference.

Thanks again.

Andy's content on daygame is fine for guys that just need motivation to go out and approach, but you are past that level. - Alvaro Reyes is someone I've heard of out of the Spanish world. Haven't explored him too much.

Text Game

I've been watching some of Playing With Fire videos recently about text game. I'm trying to apply some of his tips but I feel I suck. It's difficult for me to transition from building investment to set the date. Those perfect phrases that PWF displays don't appear in my mind as easily. I guess that comes with practice.

But texting is exhausting. I burn out a lot trying to come out with a nice response. I also waste a lot of time. I'll try to fix that and be more natural and spontaneous.


I approached 3 girls yesterday. Got 2 numbers. One of them was actually in my class
I approached 4 girls today. 1 number.


14/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


The girl I mentioned earlier flake.

A girl I was going to meet today rescheduled for tomorrow. Another girl said yes tomorrow, so that'll be two dates.

Selling a game

So I didn't finish on time and I'm fucking retarded for missing my deadline. I'm sorry. Today I made a new plan about the steps I'm going to take to finish it.

There's an ongoing game jam I want to participate in. Game Jams are basically events where you have to submit a game in a short amount of time. The interesting part is that they're giving away a free game dev course to anyone that submits. I'll be creating a game and posting results here.

After the jam is over, I'll finish the game I was working on.

Then I'll take the free course and I'll learn a bit about marketing and how to sell games on Steam.

Then I'll start developing the BIG game, the one I'm going to sell.


14/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


One girl didn't answer the phone.

The other one is a girl from another region In Colombia that just traveled here to study. I had to travel pretty far but I had hope that we could bang on her house. We went for a coffee and talked for a bit. I went for the kiss during the date, but she didn't open her lips. After talking for a little more, I asked her if we could hang out at her place. She agreed and we ended up in her room. After I tried to kiss her again, she kinda warned me she wasn' that easy on the first date. We talked for a bit and I tried to kiss her again three times. However, she refused to take things further. I gave up and I left.

This date was particularly exhausting. I kinda felt I wasn't being myself completely, I felt I was acting like the nice guy. After I left, I even felt that my mouth was tired because I was smiling so much. I'm wondering how I can loose up and be more relaxed so my personality comes out during a date.

I feel I showed neediness after trying to kiss her three times. I think she perceived that as well.

Anyway, lessons to learn I guess.

Selling a game

Today I did a brainstorming session to get an idea for the Game Jam.The theme of the game jam is "Death is only the beginning". After evaluating each idea I had, I decided I'll developed this one:

You are Deatch itself and you need to kill people to collect souls. You earn points the more people you kill. Some citizens might fight back, and eventually one of them will kill you. The person that kills Death will become the new Death (like in that Simpsons episode). Also, depending on the person that killed you, you'll earn an specific ability. If a skater kills you, you'll respawn with a skateboard that gives you more speed.


16/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


8 approaches. 3 numbers and 2 instagrams.

I did something really stupid haha :lol:. Some time ago I decided to uninstall instagram. So, whenever a girl gives me her instagram, I have to make a note on my phone to write it down.

Today I approached a girl that was from Italy and she spoke Spanish really well. As she was spelling out her instagram, I opened a note that had 2 or three other instagrams. She kinda noticed there was something there but she didn't mention it.

Sometimes my brain shuts off in the worst scenarios.

Selling a game

I worked 3 hours on the AI behaviour.


20/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


4 approaches. 3 numbers.

Selling a game

Finished AI behaviour, player movement and player combat. I worked 2.5 hours.
Hey guys. I had some awful days cause I got sick and I was lazy. But here I am again



22/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


3 approaches. 1 number.


Today I had a coffee with a cute girl on my campus. She was really talkative and seemed really attracted to me. It was really easy to keep the convesation going. I went for the kiss. She rejected me but it was obvious she wanted it too. She said "Next time". I didn't want to rush it again, so I took it easy. My plan is to invite her next near my house, have an ice cream, kiss her and get laid. Wish me luck.

Selling a game

So, I got a lot of work from botn my university and my job so I couldn't finish my game on time. I'll be taking a break from this, I need to do a lot of stuff I left behind because I was working on the game.
D4vidDG said:
I did something really stupid haha :lol:. Some time ago I decided to uninstall instagram. So, whenever a girl gives me her instagram, I have to make a note on my phone to write it down.

I missed this, but instead, get her phone, open IG and follow yourself on it:


23/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


5 approaches. 5 numbers.
I have a good story and a bad one.

The bad story is that I approached a gorgeus chick with blonde hair and light green eyes. She looked at my lips A LOT while I was talking to her. There was definitely attraction between us, even though my approach sucked. The thing is that a previous girl gave me her number and I forgot to exit from the phone app. When I was typing the blonde girl's number, the fucking phone app showed that the previous girl's number was recently written and added. The blonde girl noticed it and she made a small silence, then she proceeded to give me her number. I felt so fucking dumb I wanted to punch myself. But this doesn't happen to me that often and it happened precisely with this girl, that is bad luck.

The good story is that soon after that happened, I went to a dance class at my campus. When we had to find a couple to dance with, I brought with me a girl I saw alone. We danced and we laughed a lot. Then we talked for a bit and there was tons of teasing and flirting. Damn, she even opened me after I got her number.

I'm having a date tomorrow with this girl.

I want to thanks pancakemouse for sharing this video:

I've been doing what's explained there and the difference is noticeable. I realize following a structure and stop improvising is really important when approaching.


25/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


6 approaches. 2 numbers.

I had a date with the girl I met yesterday. I can tell she's really into me. We had a coffee and we talked for a bit. There was a lot fo flirting. Before she left, we kissed. She said I took her by surprise, but she liked it. I invited her to come near my house. I hope this turns out right.
So, I have 3 dates tomorrow. Almost 4, but logistics became impossible.

I've been chatting with the first girl for 3 weeks and we couldn't figure out a schedule. We are finally meeting tomorrow. I told her I had dirty things in mind, and she said we would talk about that tomorrow. So that's probably a lay

The second girl is the one I met at the dance class. She accepted to come to my house and she's really into me. So that's probably another lay, the one I'm most excited about.

And the third girl. We already dated once, and it didn't end up smoothly but she accpeted to see me again tomorrow. The last time, we were on her house but she said she wouldn't be that easy in the first date, so that makes me thing she will agree to do something tomorrow. That'd be the third lay.

If I don't get laid tomorrow, I'll fucking kill myself. Hahaha I'm joking. But seriously I'm nervous about what's going to happen. I hope it turns out to be fucking epic.

It's weird how everything aligned so well. I like to think it's life opening doors for me.

Wish me luck ;)

Edit: I don't know if my dick will bear this. Should I get Viagra or smth? Anything you guys recommend?
D4vidDG said:
Edit: I don't know if my dick will bear this. Should I get Viagra or smth? Anything you guys recommend?
I wouldn't. I'm personally against it because I am afraid of getting priapism.

But my irrational anxiety aside, you're a 21 year old dude. You shouldn't need viagra to get it up.

If you have any trouble with performance, then i would suggest just taking a break, go down on her or cuddle and grind on her for a bit. The anxiety can create a negative feedback loop so it's crucial to relax.

I'd say just listen to what Andy said: "My only job is to have fun". He nailed it. Tell yourself this now: my only job tomorrow is to have fun. If you have fun with her, it's a win.

Good luck man. You got this!
Hey guys.

Nothing went as expected. The first girl was a catfish. I give my best to make the date fun anyways. The second girl flaked. That dissapointed me, I was really excited to meet her. The third girl flaked as well.

I did 4 approaches, but I was feeling really down and I think that was noticeable, cause all girls rejected me.

I arrived home feeling exhausted and I watched a video on text game. I had this stupid idea of texting girls in this emotional state. The result was weird and needy messages.

I know I need to relax now and just stop thinking about dating in general. Just for what's left of today at least.

I will start again tomorrow with new batteries. I'll do approaches this week to complete my goal before next Monday. I also have some dates on the upcoming days.

Anyway, this could've happened, nothing was guarenteed. It happenned and that sucks, it's frustrating. But at the very least, I can say I was really close to have three dates (and get laid three times) on the same day. That's progress for me and I'm happy with that.

I guess that's why it's important not to be attached to results. That's difficult for me but I'll improve on that.
Hey man, it happens. I think success and failure seems to come in waves. Progress isn't linear.

Frustration is very normal. This game requires a lot of mental fortitude and willpower to get through.

As the Giga Chad™ Holden once said best himself:
"You could have a threesome with two girls who adore you one day, and the next day a girl who is uglier than them will flake on you for a bullshit reason."

What's important is that you keep going. Success is inevitable as long as you don't quit.


28/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


6 approaches. 4 numbers.

Selling a game

I started reading "Code Complete", a practical handbook on software cosntruction. I plan to read on this month and I put a deadline to do it on July 9th. I really want to learn some techniques and concepts about clean programming before tacklin gthe bigger project: selling a commercial game on Steam.

25/826 pages read