Seeking Freedom's Log - Nomad life while pursuing goals

Jan 27, 2022
Below are my goals listed in the intro post I made - this thread is to document my journey and better hold me accountable.

I'm traveling in a camper I'm not in any one place for that long, so I've found it difficult to meet a lot of women that will result in something meaningful. I've been approaching but must admit that this lifestyle isn't what I really want to do and isn't my purpose - however I decided to do it so that I can visit various places and see where I want to setup some roots potentially. I've seen a lot of the US and made some friends along the way, though.

This 'vanlife' lifestyle is suited more to those without ambition if I'm being 100% honest...there aren't any people I've met on the road that are pushing to accomplish goals - most are just subsisting. So, I think I'll do it for another month or so, then fly Mexico and finalize my residency and spend a few months down there. I have a blog and am considering a video channel so I'll work on that some more while I work towards each goal listed below.

Goals for 2022
-Lay 25 quality women. I'm approaching (stores, street, etc) and getting numbers but those aren't leading anywhere. Working remote for nearly two years and the cerveza sickness restrictions have impaired my communication skills I think so at this point I'm just trying to remove the rust by getting myself out there. I get many IOIs in public but I haven't been feeling very confident at the moment and chicken out sometimes (mainly with hotties). Online dating hasn't been fruitful either - I'm looking for local photographers to take pictures of me that I can post. I'm definitely in a rut...but I think back to women I've been with and know that I can do it again.
-Lifts for 1RMs: deadlift 405, OHP 150, bench 225, and squat 315. Currently at ~90% of these targets. Most recent 1RM estimates from my workout app are: deadlift 355, OHP 134, bench 212, squat 273. Despite traveling full-time I still hit the gym ~4-5x/week at various chain locations that I'm a member of. I'm currently 183 pounds and trying to get rid of some fat to obtain a lean and strong 175 pounds.
-Attend various Toastmaster chapters at least 3x/month as I travel. Most are online-only still which isn't what I'm looking for - the search continues.
-Attend various BJJ academies at least 2x/week as I travel. Attending a class today, and going back tomorrow.
-Build up personal business ventures to $3,000/month. No progress to report here.
-Finalize MX residency. I have two more months to do this so around March 1st I'll fly down and get it. Residency for one year then I need to come back and renew for another three years.[/list]
Some updates below.

I've been feeling discouraged with women but think it's mainly just rust. I also think I'm still too outcome dependent instead of just going with the flow and not expecting/hoping for anything. I keep thinking back to years ago when I first got into PUA/self-improvement and how much easier it seemed back then - I also think back then that I was just more on my purpose and was staying busy but now I'm kinda lost.

Goals for 2022
-Lay 25 quality women. I've been approaching on the street and in bars. I got a few numbers doing cold approaches on the street but they didn't really pan out - one girl I met at a college campus seemed interested but I was leaving too soon to set something up. I went back to a city in TX where I met a new buddy a week prior and we hit some bars and talked to a few women but nothing really panned out there - we should've gone to the clubs instead. In another city in TX I had a great first date with a girl I met via Hinge. We kissed at the bar and set up plans for that Friday night. She message me on the app that night that she had a great time and couldn't wait for Friday - then Friday comes around and she's busy with work. Tried to set up another day and think she's just not looking for a hookup (late 20s, 'good girl', likely looking for kids ASAP).
-Lifts for 1RMs: deadlift 405, OHP 150, bench 225, and squat 315. Recent lifts - deadlift 310x5, OHP 110x8, squat 235x7, and bench 175x7.
-Attend various Toastmaster chapters at least 3x/month as I travel. No updates here.
-Attend various BJJ academies at least 2x/week as I travel. I visited two different academies in the past 1.5 weeks. Trained twice at each academy and had a blast! Met some great people and befriended the owner/blackbelt of one academy. I'm staying in another metro the next few days so I'll get in another couple of sessions.
-Build up personal business ventures to $3,000/month. I published another article on my blog/substack. Looking at starting a podcast soon. Still brainstorming on other paths to take.
-Finalize MX residency. Been talking to visa consultants in MX to help me with the process. I'm driving back home to drop off the RV and will fly down to MX in the next 2-3 weeks. Plan on staying in MX for three or so months.
Svadhishthana said:
Sup dude. Will be following this. We seem to be on similar paths.

Sounds good! What real estate goals do you have? I've been following Bigger Pockets for years but the numbers just didn't appeal to me in the markets I was living in, and I was hesitant to invest in other states without living there and knowing any locals (especially property managers/etc.). I was hoping to get a duplex, living in one and renting the other and upgrading every so often to bigger and better properties.
Some updates below.

I need to approach more in general, especially in coffee shops and the gym when I get IOIs. Through therapy I've realized that my self-concept is skewed, meaning I think less of myself than how others see me. I'd appreciate some tips that anyone has on how to improve this.

Goals for 2022
-Lay 25 quality women. Went out for drinks Saturday night solo and met a group of three guys that were younger than me but turns out they actually know about the red pill and manosphere - they also know how to have fun and approach women. I ended up befriending them and we played a few games of pool and approached chicks for a couple hours. I met this cute college chick and we hit it off and were having a great time. I was able to somewhat isolate her from her group of four friends and around 1:15 AM she was clearly into me (rubbing leg, touching my chest, great eye contact). Her friends were adamant about taking an Uber to another city to go clubbing so I tried to get out of there with just her and I but one of her friends totally cockblocked me! We were making out and could've sealed the deal if it wasn't for this one damn friend. I got her number and have been trying to set up a meet. Met another girl for drinks via Tinder the other night and escalated quickly to which she responded well. She wanted to check out my RV which was parked around the corner - I escalated immediately and we had some fun inside the rig if you catch my drift...trying to setup another meet this week. Otherwise there are a lot of pretentious women in this area with hugely inflated egos - I'll approach them and introduce myself but some won't even shake my hand or just look disgusted. They're mostly college-aged and I think they're just just not accustomed to being cold-approached and don't know how to react. A lot of them wear yoga pants and put no effort into their appearances which I can't stand...this is another reason why I love women in foreign countries because they know how to dress feminine!
-Lifts for 1RMs: deadlift 405, OHP 150, bench 225, and squat 315. Still hitting the gym regularly and recently went mountain biking and planning another ride today. My bodyweight is about 184 at 5'11" and two days ago I deadlifted 8 reps at 295 so my estimated 1RM is 366, basically double bodyweight which is a good goal for most guys. I also recently squatted 235 x 7 and hit a new PR of an 282 pound 1RM! I'm looking and feeling strong - the girl I mentioned above comments several times about how 'solid' my muscles are, which was a confidence boost!
-Attend various Toastmaster chapters at least 3x/month as I travel. No updates here.
-Attend various BJJ academies at least 2x/week as I travel. I'm in a new area and found some academies to train at that allow drop-ins but my ankle's been in pain so I haven't trained. Hoping to train tomorrow.
-Build up personal business ventures to $3,000/month. I published another article on my blog/substack. Looking at starting a podcast soon. Still brainstorming on other paths to take.
-Finalize MX residency. Think I'm flying down the first week of March but still working out some details such as good banks to open an account with in MX, or if I even want to. Also looking at which cities have the least beer bug restrictions to live a fairly normal life - during my recent travels I've been maskless and living a normal life full of gyms, nightclubs, etc. so I don't want to leave all of this and be forced to wear a muzzle and deal with other related theatre.
Been a while but had a fun year.
  • I obtained my MX residency and bounced around a few cities most of the year.
  • I had a goal for 25 lays and must've gotten ~40. Not all were "quality" haha.
  • I leaned out and am at about 170 pounds / 77 kgs. I just deadlifted today and hit 285 pounds for 7 reps, so that puts my estimated 1RM right around double BW at 344 pounds. Considering that this was my 3rd deadlifting session since June due to lack of equipment in my travels is something I'm happy with. I was doing Romanian DLs and KB swings when I could but heavy conventional DLs usually weren't possible. My previous best was an estimated 1RM of 375 but that was when I weighed about 185 and had better access to good equipment. Hope to hit an estimated 1RM of 405 this year. OHP E1RM is 130, bench 205, squat 250. The above goals are applicable to this year as well - I hope to slow down travels and also be able to focus on lifts more, among other goals.
  • I quit my job due to the vaxx in Dec 2021 and while traveling, started some freelance consulting. This wasn't steady but covered my living expenses and then some.
  • I started a substack as well and have about 30 articles now. is the link if anyone's interested. I have some paid subscribers and would love to grow that, potentially including a podcast.
  • I also started a jiu jitsu IG page and am doing market research on an app to accompany it, somehow. I'm also looking at some physical product businesses but that creates additional challenges given my movements.

This year I really want to grow my income. I might do some more freelancing, but ideally I build a business that can scale. It's just about narrowing down the idea despite my ADHD!

I also posted in the cold approach section about interacting with higher quality women. I'm fine talking to 6-7s (where I'm at a 6 or 7 is an 8 in the West...) and really getting comfortable with the local 8s and above.

Hope you all are off to a great 2023.
Do you mind talking a bit more about the process for getting MX residency? I've looked into it a year ago with the pandemic bullshit. I heard they're going to make it more difficult which makes me regret not pulling through.
Seeking Freedom

I spent a year constantly travelling whilst getting laid in a similar way, so have some insights for you.

Firstly forget having anything remotely meaningful. Whilst it could happen by accident, it’s best to not get hopes up unless you’ll be staying somewhere for at least 3+ months (even then long distance really doesn't have any pros).

When it comes to getting laid, keep doing what you’re doing but upping the efforts x10. You’ve got a camper van which means logistics, so you should be asking girls to come and chill there with you as soon as you can say the words.

Aside from the closing, when it comes to meeting girls I highly recommend you to be spontaneous (it really works with this lifestyle and is also rewarding - I spent a year travelling and pulling girls into every nook and cranny for quick sex). I met them in pretty much every context possible, so get creative man.

This log I did last year could give you some ideas on how I went about them:
Holden said:
Do you mind talking a bit more about the process for getting MX residency? I've looked into it a year ago with the pandemic bullshit. I heard they're going to make it more difficult which makes me regret not pulling through.

Sure thing. I'm assuming you're based in the US so that's what this info is geared towards.

There are a few different visa options. For people like you and I, the best way is to show economic solvency - basically that you'll be able to support yourself during the duration of the visa period. The first, and at times the hardest, step is to get an appointment with the Mexican consulate closest to you. I was traveling the country in my camper so I was talking to five different consulates in the Western US to get an appointment.

Each Mexican consulate in the US has different solvency requirements. Some say you need to show $1,500+/month in recurring income, some say $2,000. Same for assets - some say $50,000, others $80,000. Then it just depends on the mood of the person you have an appointment with. E.g. I have a few IRAs and checking/saving accounts and she only looked at one statement for one of the accounts I have, which was nowhere near the required amount, and she approved me. Perhaps it was because I came very prepared and spoke Spanish. Or she liked me haha.

If it's all good, they'll give you a sticker copy of your temp visa in your passport book. Then you have six months to visit any immigration office (INM) in Mexico for a canje (exchange) to get your physical, plastic visa.

Also, I recently wrote a post about foreign residencies. Paraguay, which was previously one of the easiest foreign residencies, has suspended new applications and is changing many parts of their immigration policy. I imagine many countries will be overhauling their policies as well. The time to act is now, amigo. I follow this stuff a lot and might start up a small gig on the side helping people get set up - in the meantime let me know if you have any other questions.
Seeking Freedom Thanks for the reply. I'm not in the US but from what I've seen the application process is the same so it doesn't matter. Interesting that the application process seems to be random. Sounds like they just want to make sure you're not going to be a leech on their economy, which is reasonable.
Holden said:
@Seeking Freedom Thanks for the reply. I'm not in the US but from what I've seen the application process is the same so it doesn't matter. Interesting that the application process seems to be random. Sounds like they just want to make sure you're not going to be a leech on their economy, which is reasonable.
Yes, most countries force you to prove you're not just going to come in and bum off their social services. They want you to spend more, much more per capita than locals. It's a win-win.