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Sewerdog's log

MakingAComeback said:

You are REALLY putting the work in

So proud of you

I want you to be an epic KYIL success story



Thank you man, our capacity to change as humans is far greater than we think, just takes time.

Physique is back to pre holiday levels, another couple weeks and I will have exceeded it.

More thoughts on women: Had some drama with fwb and basically had to reinforce my boundaries. Had really good sex three times last week and it doesn't really affect my mood unless I practice gratitude. For her it seems to carry a lot more emotional weight to the point she's telling me she loves me. Casual sex really seems like a massive source of trauma for her and gives her feelings about being used but also seems to be the main way she validates herself (through male interest). Makes me feel a bit conflicted as there is something really vulnerable about the feminine and I get glimpses of it sometimes.
Feel less redpilled now and this has served another lesson that happiness really is internal, I only want mutually beneficial relationships but don't feel a need for them either. Maybe my mood and energy is great as I'm on cycle but I feel so chilled out about this stuff that would have bothered me a few months ago.
Work: picking up, progressing in my role, gaining skills and looking at more upskilling opportunities.
Started flirting with a STUNNER at a career development event yesterday and she gave me some strong ioi's today, will make a point to talk to her but try to take it chilled in the workplace.

Resolved drama with fwb, just came down to 'do we make eachothers lives better or worse? Y/N' and the answer was yes. Keeping it casual she's just a really cool person and I respect how she accepts my boundaries. She seems to respect my bluntness/transparency.
I've never used game and basically just affirm and cheerlead myself, I think I would benefit from learning some.

Working hard in the gym, starting to pop out my shirt in the mirror, PE is going well, skincare routine has been upgraded with pharma grade tretinoin and Hyaluronic acid. Haircare is still ongoing. Diet healthy, defecit maintained.

Keeping on top of these processes is what makes me happy, my mind needs to work on things. I enjoy socialising and sex with fwb but these are ways I empty my battery, my daily routine is how I charge it up.

Arranged socials for this weekend and will tidy and plan holiday on Saturday.
Sewer, new to the forum but reading up on your log.

I am in a similar place as you on day 1, im glad someone similar to me is going on this journey and I can learn from.

Keep up the good work.
dinsr4 said:
Sewer, new to the forum but reading up on your log.

I am in a similar place as you on day 1, im glad someone similar to me is going on this journey and I can learn from.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks man, its all possible, this place has a wealth of information and inspiring people. As someone who was hiding too, one of the best feelings is looking back and seeing the gradual but definite progress you make on this journey.
Thoughts on money:
Remote working.
Something I can train up on in my own time.
Something where I can get paid more for extra skills I gain.
Be able to work extra for more money when I want/need.
Able to cover all my expenses.
My own effort to be my ceiling.

All processes moving forward but I want more freedom to be able to do what I want to do in life and live well too.
Spent some time talking to my mate who works remote doing something that I Absolutely could do while also earning more money than me haha.
If I could do something like this then set up a couple passive income streams and side projects I could live well while having complete freedom over my location.

Women: going on a date with the girl from New years on Thurs, my main concern is sleeping with two girls who have mutual friends from the same social circle and causing jealousy with fwb, thus destroying my easy source of sex. I also think this will upset her as she has been clear about wanting something more. But there's no reason they should find out about eachother unless they start fighting for my attention smh.

Gym gains are going great, I'm going to start circuit training using excercises to support performance/stability muscles instead of the ones in the mirror, this will burn calories, improve cardio and allow heavier volumes for the show muscles without injury.
PE stalled but in a good place

Talked to one girl on Saturday, seemed responsive, didnt press for more as she was drunk
Dialed in routine to save time. Meal prepped did pe and went to the gym all before work.
Noticed my energy is really high but drops in the afternoon at work due to boredom, will dedicate more time to job searches this weekend.
In terms of side hustles I already have a good skill I can teach and this seems more tangible than something like drop shipping ect. Gonna have to start grinding to get my skills back and at a good level, no shortcuts.

One of my friends gets paid 6k mote than me working remote basically playing xbox all day, this has pissed me off and motivated me to find something better.

Gym progress coming along well
Not much to update.
Spent the weekend clearing my grans flat to pay for her care home.
Organised everything for sale and found some old letters/things that are worth much more than money.

Fwb has been less and less responsive and is super stressed because her cars been broken down so struggles to get to work. Just been nice but will leave her be now as she leaves me on 'read' which is not the best.

Cancelled the date on Thurs because this girl just kept venting about her ex still, even after three months lol.

Gym going well still, work is dull and haven't had time to search for anything new this weekend.

Spent time with friends on Sunday and had a great evening just unwinding.
This is the final weekend we clear my gran's old flat before it goes on the market.

I've been going to the gym, doing pe, eating healthier, adding cardio into my routine, seeing friends and fwb.

After researching, my current job is uncompetitve and pays too poorly for the area I live in.
The area I live in is really expensive for no reason and lacks the population size/demographic for abundance with women or to operate a business from (that isn't online)

Thoughts and things to try:
Next month I would like to try and make an extra £500 with this one to set up my methods to do so.
Proof reading freelancing
Guitar lessons- I've been practicing consistently again so will be back to a very high level soon.
Reselling return crates
Cold calling handyman type jobs - inspired by one of Andy's podcasts

Skills to develop:
More specialised handyman type work that requires investment in terms of tools/van
Keep building guitar skills
Anything that gives me passive income

These are just ideas and I'll see where I can gain traction

Additionally I will complete 5 job applications a week to more populated areas with equal or better pay.

Long term I want to be wealthy which will mean owning property and being self employed.
Getting some interviews coming in and refining my resume.
Applied for an internal vacancy which is a big step up in pay too.
There are plenty of better jobs out there the more I look which is encouraging.

My guitar playing is getting back to where I want it to be to teach, still not hitting my 1hr a day target but getting it done about 5/7 days a week.
Long term it would be fun to stack some lessons back to back on a weekend to supplement my income. Using social media and local adverts I could set this up and eventually up my prices as demand rises.

Got a Turkish barber to cut my hair and beard which I'm pleased with, will get this done every month.
Booked in with derma again to discuss dermapen and laser treatments to so if these could benefit me going forwards, would be nice to improve and maintain better skin health and a fresher look from it.

Gym going well as always, slowly dropping weight and improving my cardio in time for holiday.

Sleep: trying to learn to sleep on my back so I can use noise cancelling headphones and a sleep mask. This has been difficult so far but it's just a matter of changing my habits.

PE at maintenence for now, just using a pump to keep gains and boost eq.

Feeling very productive. I'm going hard at work, exploring new opportunities, applying for better jobs, working out, developing a rewarding side hustle, improving my looks and health while seeing fwb and friends too.
Started looking at Bristol, one of the biggest cities in the UK and still cheaper than where I am currently. Ten times the population and job opportunities look promising.
An added bonus is it's still in range of my current circle.

After looking I think a good goal is to get 30k from my 9-5. This is looking at jobs in my field and ones that I have a decent shot of getting.
Then another 5k from my side-hustle and I'll be in a good place for now.
To make serious money I'll need to
A) start a business
B) learn a high paying skill
My Grandma's flat is now on the market and cleared which is a relief.
The clearance has left us with a fair bit of money but I feel very frustrated. My job is okay and has been very rewarding and the first time I've really fitted in and got along well with colleagues, I've learnt a lot being here but with our cost of living increasing in the UK and the shit pay rise structure here I need to move on. This morning I got up to be in work for 6am just to make less money than my friends do.
I feel frustrated because the money from the flat feels like a hand-out and its an amount that I would really have to bust my ass to make.
Going back to my job, I don't like the feeling that someone else in a HR department who has never met me and is restricted by company protocols dictated from another continent gets to decide my financial destiny. I want to own my own business so that all my effort goes into something that I care about and the amount of money I make is based off of the quality of the good/service I provide.

The plan for this week:
10 job apps for decent paying jobs in Bristol.
Hammer out more guitar. Build a teaching website.
Look at freelance writing gigs as an extra source of income.
Figure out a business/skill I can aquire to get rich long term (ongoing)

This time next year I can be living in an abundant area on at least 10k more than I am now. I will have to work harder than I ever have before and break a lot of new ground to get out of my mum's house but it is very doable if I put the work in.

Other than that I am grateful, I received some resources I can put to good use and had a great time with fwb this weekend.
Worked, had an interview and played guitar today. Another interview tomorrow, them gym then taking my guitar to get set up for the type of songs I want to play after which I'll generate more leads by applying for more jobs.
These are jobs I can definitely do and do well I just don't have a degree behind me so my results will depend on the competition.
The best solution for this is just to up my output.

A long term dream of mine has been to play some really challenging songs in front of a live audience and each day I can feel myself getting closer.

Gym, cardio, diet, hair and skincare going well. Working on sleep but I think I'll crack it soon.
Interview brought up some great questions.
For context I work in a lab with no scientific background.
The interviewer caught me out with some very technical questions, going into the science behind what I do and I had to be honest that I only had surface level knowledge of the test procedures that I run.
I'm not a scientist and I've never been that interested in science (chemistry) beyond its practical applications.
If they get back to me I'll still ask for the top end of their pay scale otherwise it won't be worth it.
You can be highly qualified in this industry but still earn about as much as a courier - something you only need a van and decent work ethic for.

This reminded me I need to gain a valuable skillset.

Gym went really well - set a new pr
Been working pretty hard which feels good.

Next actions:
Apply for more jobs targeting Bristol.
Copywriting - this sounds really fun and seems to pay way better than my current industry. I'm going to invest in a course and put some time into studying this field.
Guitar - going well, working in some very difficult songs to put on ig, will take some time to get them to a good level but really pushing me to develop as a musician, will slap up a quick website this weekend.
Early shift tiredness really hitting today, will go to the gym and start reading through material on awai today for 1hr after work then sleep super early.
I'll play guitar for 30mins just to build some muscle memory for the songs I'm learning. Pretty excited to get my nice guitar back once it's been setup too.

I'm having more success with my sleep setup, learning to sleep on my back.
For as long as I can remember even very slight noises will wake me up - wide awake too.
Might be some sort of autistic noise sensitivity/anxiety issue.
If I can learn to sleep on my back it let's me wear an eye mask along with noise cancelling headphones playing white/pink noise so that I can sleep through people moving around the house.
I'm slowly getting used to it which I'm very happy about.

The next step is to deal with my broken sleep.

Some thoughts on PE: I've hit the 8 month mark and really stalled.
I think the best methods to make gains here are loosing bodyfat and building EQ. Manual stretching techniques have given me modest gains.
Obviously using test has massively boosted my sexual function: I didn't even get morning wood before going on. Similarly nitric oxide supplements and daily cardio are pretty good and pumping helps too (for EQ), nothing works as well as building a nofap streak though. Size insecurity was a massive issue for me growing up as a porn addict but now I'm way over on the right side of the bell-curve and fwb is giving me compliments too.
I'm happy to just maintain from here on out, keep loosing bodyfat and mark this bodymaxxing process up as a win.
Had a productive talk at work: I will be able to aquire some useful skills (data analysis) for as long as I'm there so I can make the most of the 37.5 hrs a week I'm there for now.

Got an accountability parter - my mate who's a dietician and looking to build his business and end his similar sub-par financial situation.

Next week if I stick to a good routine getting up at 6 sleeping by 10 I'm gonna try to hit 2hrs studying copywriting every day bar Friday.

Here is my goal/plan:
Study this stuff --> Work on two friend's websites for them --> get freelance work on sites like Fiverr --> gain more skills and xp --> level up clients --> make good money and quit my day job

Guitar: I've still got time to do 1hr a day of this which is all I need --> website this weekend --> RGT accreditation--> start advertising to gain and stack clients in a block on Sundays --> build social media following --> launch an online course.

Curve ball: I might get the significantly better paying secondment opportunity I interviewed for this week but have no idea what to expect here.
Sewerdog said:
Obviously using test has massively boosted my sexual function: I didn't even get morning wood before going on.

Are you on injectibles?

I'm currently on a clomid/anastrazole dosage, and while it's helping, I still don't feel like I'm quite there yet. Any insight/advice if you are on injectibles? I'm meeting w/ my doc next week to discuss changing over.
natedawg said:
Sewerdog said:
Obviously using test has massively boosted my sexual function: I didn't even get morning wood before going on.

Are you on injectibles?

I'm currently on a clomid/anastrazole dosage, and while it's helping, I still don't feel like I'm quite there yet. Any insight/advice if you are on injectibles? I'm meeting w/ my doc next week to discuss changing over.

Yes, I'm using an insulin pin to administer every other day. This makes me feel very level, with a high drive relative to what I'm used to.
If I come out of my calorie defecit, nofap for more than 2 days and get good sleep the drive becomes a bit of an issue to where I'll feel pent up.
I can't recommend my course of action as I'm using non pharma grade test enanthate without medical supervision but it's been great so far.
In terms of 'getting there' I really think positive conditioning and dopamine are really underlooked when it comes to getting your body/brain to respond in the way you want, more test just reduces your 'recharge' window.
A good day:
2hrs copywriting
1hr guitar
Big push workout
Defecit maintained
Looksmaxxing processes maintained