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Sewerdog's log

Workout was good again

A couple songs on my acoustic are coming along nicely.
Feel like I needed more sleep for better focus
Recorded the songs but that tempted me to try and speed them up and make mistakes.
The played super slow which is actually a lot more difficult as I'm not able to do thing automatically, kept struggling to focus but got through. Other problem is my mind will drift when playing this slow but this is a learnable skill as well.

I think this is the best way to make sure the motor patterns are practiced. It needs to get to the point where its difficult to hit a bad note.

Developing a lot as a musician doing this and my baseline speed and dexterity have improved. Everything except these two songs now feels very easy.

I'd like to take a week off work when I get the time and do two a day practice sessions. I'm not sure what the cool down period is but I feel like playing twice a day 5 hours or so apart could potentially double my rate of progress.
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Every guitar plateau buster:

1.Play ultra slow and ultra clean.
To improve where mistakes are present throughout the piece.
Goal is to ingrain proper motor patterns before building speed - ultimately it should become difficult to play it wrong

2.Loop a section.
To overcome problem sections, start ultra slow to where you can play 100% cleanly. Loop and gradually increase the speed, rest and start again once you make a mistake

3.Play throughout the day.
To accelerate learning and get more quality repetitions on a piece when you are mentally fresh.
Play ultra slow and clean as you will not be warmed up and the exercise will be pointless if you practice mistakes.
The idea is to program and reprogram correct playing

4.Separate both hands.
Play the song with each hand - strum/pick with no fretting, fret with no strumming.
Very challenging, will improve coordination and knowledge of the piece as you will need to ‘play it in your head’ to follow along without the feedback from the guitar. It also allows complete focus on each hand’s job.

5.Play everyday.
There is no way to know if you will succeed at playing a piece properly or not than to play it over and over again and wire yourself to play it correctly. This takes time and consistency to build the proper muscle memory and to stop it from deteriorating.

6.Listen to each song and each section.
Make Sure you are playing the same way a
nd picking up each detail.

With this in mind I have a problem section in each song, general accuracy (clean playing) issues and could know the songs on a deeper level, where I'm not following the structure (melody or bass) but I know without feedback what comes next, this will really put the songs on auto and free up each section.
For each song I'll apply the following:
Three ultra slow play-throughs
Play each hand separately
Play through each problem section with the loop method.
Play ultra slow once more
Push the speed

This will be very mentally taxing so I'll have to take breaks but will push me in a more structured way, addressing my sticking points.