Skelly92 Log

I lost my virginity to a prostitute. One of the best decisions I ever made, it helped me kickstart my dating life, since I was no longer „held back“ by the label virgin.

Nice to see you on the self-improvement path, I wish you all the best.
Sewerdog said:
Skelly92 said:
Thanks, Sewerdog. I think I would have quite bad nerves aswell, so it is good to hear that you had them aswell and were ok with going to see one.

How long did you end up going to see the girl for? As I was wondering if an hour is long enough or should I go for a longer period of time with being nervous.

I think an hour is plenty. I went cheap so there was no foreplay ect that you'd probably get with a high class escort but even then I think an hour would be quite a long time.
I found that my brain doesn't really differentiate from paying for sex or legit lays, they both feel good and cause endorphins to be released, just bear in mind if you go cheap they won't look as good as the pics show haha.

Thanks, I will go for an hour then. It’s good to hear that there isn’t a difference in how you feel between the paying or legit lays.
So I went to the massage parlour today as I had planned on sunday!
I was really nervous when I went in initially, but as she started to do the massage I calmed down alot. After finishing the massage, she got on top of me sat on top of my belly. I was touching her legs and bum, she even let me suck on her nipples! Which I wasn't expecting at all. She then finished me off in that position.
We had some small talk afterwards and she was very complimentary about my body, calling me sexy, which was nice to hear. After we had both gotten dressed we hugged.
All in all it was great experience and I think I will do it again at some point as I was quite nervous. It was really nice being touched up by a woman sexually for the first time in my life and I felt a lot calmer afterwards.

I feel at the moment I would probably be too nervous to go see an escort and wouldn't be able to perform, but I will continue to work on my anxiety.
Nice job!
I'd say don't worry about performing, it's your first time and your paying for it, there is zero reason to worry about being nervous or not knowing what your doing ect
Sewerdog said:
Nice job!
I'd say don't worry about performing, it's your first time and your paying for it, there is zero reason to worry about being nervous or not knowing what your doing ect

Thanks, yeah you are right I don’t have any reason to worry about being nervous. I will go to the massage parlour again in the next two weeks, as I will be a lot less nervous about it.

How many dates are you getting per month?
How many girls are you talking to per week?
Manganiello said:

How many dates are you getting per month?
How many girls are you talking to per week?

Being honest I haven't been on any dates yet so far. I am not getting many matches a week, about 2 a week most if not all are coming from my boost on the weekend and outside of talking to them none. I still need to do more work on improving my dating photos, along with continuing to lose weight.
Ok sounds good.

Just to set some idea for numbers to expect with what you're doing.

When it comes to weight-loss.

I was losing 1.73 lbs on average each week. Sometimes more sometimes less. In 4 months your look will radically change.

When it comes to pictures.

I had taken maybe 2000 pictures over the span of 2 weeks.

And then I spend maybe like 2 days picking the best ones and editing them.

When it comes to boosting.

I was doing 2-3 boosts everyday around 8, 9 or 10pm.

That should give an idea of the effort needed. But like everything it's about consistency and intensity over a long period of time.
Manganiello said:
Ok sounds good.

Just to set some idea for numbers to expect with what you're doing.

When it comes to weight-loss.

I was losing 1.73 lbs on average each week. Sometimes more sometimes less. In 4 months your look will radically change.

When it comes to pictures.

I had taken maybe 2000 pictures over the span of 2 weeks.

And then I spend maybe like 2 days picking the best ones and editing them.

When it comes to boosting.

I was doing 2-3 boosts everyday around 8, 9 or 10pm.

That should give an idea of the effort needed. But like everything it's about consistency and intensity over a long period of time.

Thanks, that is good to know. I think with both my weight loss and taking pictures I could do a better job of being consistent in doing them.
I only lost 0.5 pounds this week, I haven't done a great job of sticking to my calories as only one of the days this week was equal or under my calorie target. I am going to make sure this week that the calories I intake on weekdays are at least under my target.

I got two likes this week, both from a boost on sunday morning. I matched with one of them and have sent them a message. The other person was 100+km away so I am not sure how I matched with them.

I am going to go to the Massage parlour again this week and then I might the week after go see an escort as I am off the start of that week.
I have lost 1.3 pounds of weight this week! It is slowly coming off and I have noticed this week that my belly/waist size has decreased.

I went again to the massage parlour on Wednesday, I was hoping to see the same girl I saw last week, but it was a different girl, she wasn't as attractive or as nice as the girl from the previous week. Though she did do a full body to body massage, which was nice. I was a bit less nervous going this time than last. It was good to get some more experience of being naked with a girl and having her touch me.

I got two matches this week, one from a super like that I did to a chubby girl and another from a boost on Saturday night. The one from the super like we messaged back and forth for two messages, but she still hasn't got back to me for my latest message on Friday. She did say she was going to a wedding on Friday night, so I message her again and see if she gets back to me, otherwise I will unmatch.

I have decided that I am going to lose my virginity this week to an escort and I have had look online of what's available locally and have a read a few reviews on the girls. I will call and book in with one tomorrow.
So I booked in this morning to see an escort to lose my virginity and I did it! It wasn't the greatest experience and I think I could of picked a better escort to lose it to, but at least I have lost my virginity and I can say I am no longer a virgin. The reason for this was a mix of her not speaking much English with her being Thai and new to the country and she didn't seem to offer the girlfriend experience, that I was expecting and was a bit distant, this didn't help with my nerves.

Initially I got her to do a massage on me for a bit to help calm myself down as I was a bit nervous. She then stripped naked and I started playing with her big fake tits and sucking on them. I then went down on her and was licking her pussy for a bit, but I think it must of been too much stimulation for me I ended up cuming while licking her out. I thought initially that I had messed it all up and that I wouldn't end losing my virginity after all! Luckily I had booked in for an hour, so she did a massage on me for a bit and after her blowing me for a bit I was able to get it back up and we ended up doing cowgirl and mish and then I finished. I am now no longer a virgin and it won't hold me back anymore.

I felt a lot more calmer and confident after I had been. I feel I did a great job of calming myself down and stopping any negative thoughts before I met her, as the day before I was getting anxious about meeting up with an escort and letting negative thoughts get to me and was at one point not going through with it. I am glad that I did and I am no longer a virgin!

I think I will likely go and do it again with a different escort in the next couple of weeks, to get more experience and hopefully a better experience.
Skelly92 said:
but I think it must of been too much stimulation for me I ended up cuming while licking her out

Holy shit, wow. Teach me.
Thebastard said:
Glad you got it over with brother.

Its been over a decade since I did the same thing. Sounds like your session went a lot better than mine! I was porn addicted and so my johnson didn't work at all. And she was an abrasive glasgow woman which didn't help.

Actually the last few times I was in the UK, it seemed that getting escorts to even respond was a major ballache, at least compared to a decade ago when I was most active with scort-maxxing.

Hope your next session goes better!

Thanks Mate, hopefully the next session goes better.
Zug said:
Skelly92 said:
but I think it must of been too much stimulation for me I ended up cuming while licking her out

Holy shit, wow. Teach me.

Haha, not too sure how it even happened!
Nicee, I did the same thing, congrats on losing your virginity man! Good work
Skelly92 said:
I felt a lot more calmer and confident after I had been. I feel I did a great job of calming myself down and stopping any negative thoughts before I met her, as the day before I was getting anxious about meeting up with an escort and letting negative thoughts get to me and was at one point not going through with it. I am glad that I did and I am no longer a virgin!

I think I will likely go and do it again with a different escort in the next couple of weeks, to get more experience and hopefully a better experience.

Good shit man! This is how I lost my virginity too. My experience also wasn't that enjoyable at all. I don't even remember how it felt (it was 2 years ago by now, haven't had sex since). I hope your next experiences are better for you!
I have lost another 1.3 pounds of weight this week! I think I have got it down now of controlling what I eat, I have got 6 weeks now to hit my target of weighing 212 pounds by the 15th September, which is still viable now as if I lose 1.5 pounds a week I should be mostly there.

Now that I have lost my virginity and completed that goal my next main goal is to get my first lay with a girl, which I will accomplish by 31st October. To do this I am going to put more effort than I have been on improving my dating photos and making sure to take the time to go out and take new ones. My aim is to get 6 decent to good dating photos showing off a variety of outfits and locations.

To improve my sexual confidence I am going go see an escort again this week and maybe make it a weekly thing.

I am also going to put more focus on my other goal, which is to move out of my mam's house. If I am being honest I haven't done anything to accomplish this goal yet, but I am going to start and put more effort into it and go and see a mortgage advisor and see what I could borrow and buy my own flat/house.