Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Oct 11, 2021
Day 1: 11/10/2021

Hopefully this is the first of many posts ✅

Looking to post on here once a day for accountability purposes and to keep myself on target whilst working on my goals and sub goals.

My main goal is to bulk up. I've always been slim due to previous medical issues and have tried in the past to get bigger, but to no avail. Now I'm back and I am serious about hitting this goal.

My second goal is to get a decent career.

In order to reach these main goals, I have come up with a number of rules and plans of action - some of which I have already started to implement. Others I have had to put on the back burner for a little while whilst I am currently suffering from the cold from hell :roll: e.g. going back to the gym - wouldn't exactly be welcomed with open arms with a cough and a cold!

My rule list/plans will likely change and evolve going forward, but here's a summary and why each rule is personally important:


1. No porn - Causes E.D, lethargy, gives unrealistic expectations in the bedroom, mentally damaging.
2. No jacking off - Depression, E.D, Destroys confidence with women.
3. No dating sites - Spend too much time, effort and money with little reward. Will come back to this.
4. No dating - Spend too much time, effort and money with little reward. Will come back to this.
5. No sex - Too much focus on getting this taking away from other goals. Will come back to.
6. No screens 20:00 - Destroying my sleep!
7. No lie-ins - Earlier I get up, more time I have to hit my goals.
9. Limit YouTube - Spend way too much time dicking around on there.
10. No T.V - Time killing box used to spread fear pornography (COVID-1984!).
11. No Alcohol - Quit drinking 5 years ago, aim to keep this up - Hangovers = goal killers!
12. Xbox Sundays - I still want a couple hours to blow off steam once a week.

I have also come up with a list of healthier focuses and habits


1. Sleep optimisation
15.Dental Health

Progress so far:

In order to meet these goals/stick to these rules I have taken the following actions so far:

- Paid for a C.V writing service. Cost me 200 Bucks, but they do a LinkedIn business profile and a professional C.V.

- No Fap - I have a tracker app I have reset and committed to. Just coming up to 24 hours.

- Purchased an online gym programme.

- Renewed my car insurance and protected no claims (I need to start driving for my career!).

- Bought some Manga books - Berserk. A positive healthy hobby I have recently taken an interest in.

- Designed a diet plan - help me gain weight.

- Designed a sleep schedule using my Iphone Health/sleep schedule app. Looking to be in bed by 21:00 Hrs and up at 05:00 Hrs.

That's it for now and I think it's a good start.

Once this cold from hell starts to clear up, I shall be able to tackle more of my goals e.g. Re-joining the Gym and getting to sleep and up in line with my sleep plan (Currently up coughing my bollocks off all night, so that's a no-go at the minute!).

I am also keeping track of these goals/rules on my phone Notes application - I keep opening up and checking to ensure I'm on track a couple of times a day.

Will also look at leaving at least one comment and giving one 'thanks' on this Forum once a day to help/encourage others along. - UPDATE: Done!

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!

Massive respect man!

You've got a lot of goals!

If you're successful at these, awesome! I suggest if you begin to falter, it might be a good idea to ramp up to this current list over time. Even one thing on this list would be a feat. Definitely supporting you achieving ALL of them, I'd just suggest a ramp-up since it's a lot to take on at once.

I lost 100 lbs, went from fat to fucking ripped, got off a ton of psych meds, got laid with over 100 girls etc. by taking small steps that compounded over time. You can and will achieve all of this, I just suggest being more gradual.

That said, if you stick to it and sustain it, go the fuck ahead. The above only applies if you find it's too much to take on at once.

Cheers man, you're def. the type of person we welcome on the forums here. Welcome.

P.S. super unique name. I'm curious if it means something specific or just sounds cool

Hey Joe!

Thanks very much! Really appreciate your kind words - really made me feel welcome and means a lot to me considering I'm coming back to the Forum after a break due to family and mental health issues.

I agree as I've made the mistake of taking on too much at once, so I'm going to try to tackle one or two at a time and see how I go :cool:

Congratulations on the progress you've made also - Looking at your photos on here you look great and like you've really turned shit around for yourself - mad respect to you :arrow_up:

Spider Jerusalem is the main character from the alternate comic 'Transmetropolitan' (My favourite graphic novel series) - I'd definitely recommend checking it out if you like raw, gritty dark humour literature! (See the photo attached).

I'm a bit funny about having an online presence, so I try and use fake character names where I can!

Thanks again!


MILFandCookies said:
Massive respect man!

You've got a lot of goals!

If you're successful at these, awesome! I suggest if you begin to falter, it might be a good idea to ramp up to this current list over time. Even one thing on this list would be a feat. Definitely supporting you achieving ALL of them, I'd just suggest a ramp-up since it's a lot to take on at once.

I lost 100 lbs, went from fat to fucking ripped, got off a ton of psych meds, got laid with over 100 girls etc. by taking small steps that compounded over time. You can and will achieve all of this, I just suggest being more gradual.

That said, if you stick to it and sustain it, go the fuck ahead. The above only applies if you find it's too much to take on at once.

Cheers man, you're def. the type of person we welcome on the forums here. Welcome.

P.S. super unique name. I'm curious if it means something specific or just sounds cool
Day 2: 12/10/2021 ✅

For Day 2's update, I thought I'd post a little bit about my decision to give up dating, sex and dating sites.

I discussed doing this briefly the last time I was on the forums and a couple of members tried to discourage me from being out the game on this for too long which I can understand, but I have decided now to take a long break and go Monk Mode. I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm aiming for a year whilst I focus on my other goals.

When thinking of my dating experience over the last year, the phrase 'comedy of errors' comes to mind and seems highly appropriate. I thought I'd leave you all with a few brief stories below - posting these also helps reinforce why I made my decision to go Monk Mode:

- Was dating a girl for 6 months who I really liked. Very pretty, slim brunette. This guy we went to college with was jealous and liked her: This guy text her from his brother's phone pretending to be my 'secret other girlfriend' and wanted to be the 'shoulder to cry on' after. Made up that I was violent, abusive and a rapist. Fucking Creep. He got found out and dealt with and it all came out in the wash as bullshit, but this girl wouldn't sleep with me as she 'still didn't trust me'. Despite being a good boyfriend and taking her away on holiday, buying presents, travelling to her, looking after her, nothing was good enough. Didn't last and ended in heartbreak. Could've also lead to me losing my career and reputation.

- Got stood up after travelling 3 hours on a train sent a load of abuse and blocked. Shoulda spotted the red flags (psycho bitch), but it was just after lockdown and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. Got stranded in the middle of Bum-Fuck nowhere until I get get home later that night and lost 50 bucks travelling in rush hour. Crazy bitch.

- Met some chick for a coffee date. Travelled to her and made the effort, bought her coffee. After about 10 minutes of giving me 'Not interested vibes' realised it was a no-go, but wanted to finish the date anyway out of politeness. She began to take the piss out of my weight and called me 'Mr. Scrawny'. I have been seriously ill in the past in hospital and lost a lot of weight. Lockdown had not been kind to this girl and she had put on a lot of weight. I could've been very critical back and given her as good as she got, but decided to be the better man and just walked away. My self-esteem and confidence however wasn't exactly great after this one.

- Dated a chick and went back to hers. Another psychopath. She jumped on me when I didn't have a condom on despite me telling her not to. Shook her off, lost my shit and walked out. Get a text out of the blue a couple of weeks later 'You've given me the clap'. Panic attacks for 1 week until I get the negative result test back from the clap clinic. Still panicked for months after over the possibility of her getting pregnant and trying to baby trap me. Technically I was sexually assaulted here. She thought it was really funny. Psycho bitch from hell.

- Went round a chick's place who said I could stay over. Sex was okay until after she said 'Oh I've got work tomorrow you need to leave'. At 9 O'clock at night. Bearing in mind I caught the bus to this place and this chick knew she had work the next day when she said I could stay over. Again ended up stranded, but this time in a very rough part of the city. Lots of shady characters around and druggies. Thought I was being followed a couple of times. Made it home without being stabbed/mugged surprisingly. She wanted to meet again but that ain't Fuckin' happening!

- Talking to this chick which was going really well and arranged a date. Travelled an hour on the train, got soaked in the process and met her. She looked okay. Bought her a coffee and went for a walk for an hour. Date went okay and had good conversation. Asked if she wanted to hang again and she very sarcastically said 'Sure'. and Walked off. Got the 'didn't feel a spark' text on my way home. Another wasted day.

- Cute German Girl - Met for a walk for half an hour then went back to mine. Got into bed and down to underwear. Wouldn't go any further. Turns out she has a boyfriend back home in Germany :| Ghosted for a week and now she says she's 'starting to really like me'. Not interested.

- Hot Latina - Went round hers had wine and she invited me to stay the night. After we got into bed (She stayed clothed) tried to make a move and she told me she 'needs to sleep alone'. I got up and delta'd straight away. Got ghosted the next day. Was stressing for some reason that she'd make up something happened that didn't and try to land me in the shit (You never know).

*A worrying trend that I have begun to notice not just with me, but from speaking to other men: This was the third girl that has gotten into bed with me and refused to do anything. I think this is a very stupid and dangerous thing for girls to do: Me personally I'm a decent guy and if a chick says no, I stop and leave. The next guy might not be a decent guy and won't stop and leave. If a girl says 'stop' the guy should absolutely stop, but putting themselves in this situation is still a very silly and dangerous game for these girls to play. I have now learned from this and I refuse to get into bed with a woman unless she understands that if she gets into bed with me, I will be wanting (and expecting) physical intimacy to occur. If she says no she's not ready, I don't get into bed and leave. The accusations you leave yourself open to here are just not worth it at all*.

- Cute Thai Girl. Long story short she flaked on me 3 times. Gave up and didn't bother texting her back.

This isn't even all of the dates that I've been on. I will come back to dating at some point and I would like to give thanks to Holden - I have been reading through his logs and have been making notes from his experiences. Some very useful insights and ideas which I may try once I get back onto the dating scene (Likely in a year's time). It's just for me at the moment I can go Monk Mode and avoid:

- Pregnancy Scares.
- False rape accusations.
- STD scares.
- Angry boyfriends I don't know about.
- Psycho bitches from hell who might ruin my career/life.
- Getting stood up.
- Getting ghosted.
- Constant flakes.
- Jealous 'Pussy-men guy friends' causing issues.
- Spending Time.
- Too much effort little reward.
- Spending money.
- Endless swiping and the resultant depression.
- Focusing on nothing else but trying to get laid so other areas of my life depreciate e.g. my sleep pattern.
- The Fucking drama!

'At first I thought my dating life was a tragedy, now I realise it's a comedy' 🎭😂

So for those reasons, I'm out the dating game :cool: Gonna try take a break for a year and go Monk Mode. During which time, I will bulk up, get a job/career and focus on developing my 'Zero-tolerance for shitty behaviour from women Don't-Give-A-Fuck attitude' for when I am ready to date. At the moment? The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.

I'm still sick, but have done some work towards my goals today:

- Deleted all of my dating profiles

- Put together a Gym workout playlist (Some base tracks for now, but will add music going forward).

- Reviewed the first draft of my C.V from the consulting company. Got a consultation call with them later today :arrow_up:

- Requested this company design me a Linked-In profile and a cover letter which they will do from next week.

- No-Fap still going good. Coming up to 2 days. Bad dating experiences really do well to put you out of the mood!

Bit limited as to what I can do due to still being sick, but I'm doing what I can for now and I'm starting to pick up.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!

Spider Jerusalem said:
Day 2: 12/10/2021 ✅

For Day 2's update, I thought I'd post a little bit about my decision to give up dating, sex and dating sites.

I discussed doing this briefly the last time I was on the forums and a couple of members tried to discourage me from being out the game on this for too long which I can understand, but I have decided now to take a long break and go Monk Mode. I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm aiming for a year whilst I focus on my other goals.

When thinking of my dating experience over the last year, the phrase 'comedy of errors' comes to mind and seems highly appropriate. I thought I'd leave you all with a few brief stories below - posting these also helps reinforce why I made my decision to go Monk Mode:

- Was dating a girl for 6 months who I really liked. Very pretty, slim brunette. This guy we went to college with was jealous and liked her: This guy text her from his brother's phone pretending to be my 'secret other girlfriend' and wanted to be the 'shoulder to cry on' after. Made up that I was violent, abusive and a rapist. Fucking Creep. He got found out and dealt with and it all came out in the wash as bullshit, but this girl wouldn't sleep with me as she 'still didn't trust me'. Despite being a good boyfriend and taking her away on holiday, buying presents, travelling to her, looking after her, nothing was good enough. Didn't last and ended in heartbreak. Could've also lead to me losing my career and reputation.

- Got stood up after travelling 3 hours on a train sent a load of abuse and blocked. Shoulda spotted the red flags (psycho bitch), but it was just after lockdown and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. Got stranded in the middle of Bum-Fuck nowhere until I get get home later that night and lost 50 bucks travelling in rush hour. Crazy bitch.

- Met some chick for a coffee date. Travelled to her and made the effort, bought her coffee. After about 10 minutes of giving me 'Not interested vibes' realised it was a no-go, but wanted to finish the date anyway out of politeness. She began to take the piss out of my weight and called me 'Mr. Scrawny'. I have been seriously ill in the past in hospital and lost a lot of weight. Lockdown had not been kind to this girl and she had put on a lot of weight. I could've been very critical back and given her as good as she got, but decided to be the better man and just walked away. My self-esteem and confidence however wasn't exactly great after this one.

- Dated a chick and went back to hers. Another psychopath. She jumped on me when I didn't have a condom on despite me telling her not to. Shook her off, lost my shit and walked out. Get a text out of the blue a couple of weeks later 'You've given me the clap'. Panic attacks for 1 week until I get the negative result test back from the clap clinic. Still panicked for months after over the possibility of her getting pregnant and trying to baby trap me. Technically I was sexually assaulted here. She thought it was really funny. Psycho bitch from hell.

- Went round a chick's place who said I could stay over. Sex was okay until after she said 'Oh I've got work tomorrow you need to leave'. At 9 O'clock at night. Bearing in mind I caught the bus to this place and this chick knew she had work the next day when she said I could stay over. Again ended up stranded, but this time in a very rough part of the city. Lots of shady characters around and druggies. Thought I was being followed a couple of times. Made it home without being stabbed/mugged surprisingly. She wanted to meet again but that ain't Fuckin' happening!

- Talking to this chick which was going really well and arranged a date. Travelled an hour on the train, got soaked in the process and met her. She looked okay. Bought her a coffee and went for a walk for an hour. Date went okay and had good conversation. Asked if she wanted to hang again and she very sarcastically said 'Sure'. and Walked off. Got the 'didn't feel a spark' text on my way home. Another wasted day.

- Cute German Girl - Met for a walk for half an hour then went back to mine. Got into bed and down to underwear. Wouldn't go any further. Turns out she has a boyfriend back home in Germany :| Ghosted for a week and now she says she's 'starting to really like me'. Not interested.

- Hot Latina - Went round hers had wine and she invited me to stay the night. After we got into bed (She stayed clothed) tried to make a move and she told me she 'needs to sleep alone'. I got up and delta'd straight away. Got ghosted the next day. Was stressing for some reason that she'd make up something happened that didn't and try to land me in the shit (You never know).

*A worrying trend that I have begun to notice not just with me, but from speaking to other men: This was the third girl that has gotten into bed with me and refused to do anything. I think this is a very stupid and dangerous thing for girls to do: Me personally I'm a decent guy and if a chick says no, I stop and leave. The next guy might not be a decent guy and won't stop and leave. If a girl says 'stop' the guy should absolutely stop, but putting themselves in this situation is still a very silly and dangerous game for these girls to play. I have now learned from this and I refuse to get into bed with a woman unless she understands that if she gets into bed with me, I will be wanting (and expecting) physical intimacy to occur. If she says no she's not ready, I don't get into bed and leave. The accusations you leave yourself open to here are just not worth it at all*.

- Cute Thai Girl. Long story short she flaked on me 3 times. Gave up and didn't bother texting her back.

This isn't even all of the dates that I've been on. I will come back to dating at some point and I would like to give thanks to @Holden - I have been reading through his logs and have been making notes from his experiences. Some very useful insights and ideas which I may try once I get back onto the dating scene (Likely in a year's time). It's just for me at the moment I can go Monk Mode and avoid:

- Pregnancy Scares.
- False rape accusations.
- STD scares.
- Angry boyfriends I don't know about.
- Psycho bitches from hell who might ruin my career/life.
- Getting stood up.
- Getting ghosted.
- Constant flakes.
- Jealous 'Pussy-men guy friends' causing issues.
- Spending Time.
- Too much effort little reward.
- Spending money.
- Endless swiping and the resultant depression.
- Focusing on nothing else but trying to get laid so other areas of my life depreciate e.g. my sleep pattern.
- The Fucking drama!

'At first I thought my dating life was a tragedy, now I realise it's a comedy' 🎭😂

So for those reasons, I'm out the dating game :cool: Gonna try take a break for a year and go Monk Mode. During which time, I will bulk up, get a job/career and focus on developing my 'Zero-tolerance for shitty behaviour from women Don't-Give-A-Fuck attitude' for when I am ready to date. At the moment? The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.

I'm still sick, but have done some work towards my goals today:

- Deleted all of my dating profiles

- Put together a Gym workout playlist (Some base tracks for now, but will add music going forward).

- Reviewed the first draft of my C.V from the consulting company. Got a consultation call with them later today :arrow_up:

- Requested this company design me a Linked-In profile and a cover letter which they will do from next week.

- No-Fap still going good. Coming up to 2 days. Bad dating experiences really do well to put you out of the mood!

Bit limited as to what I can do due to still being sick, but I'm doing what I can for now and I'm starting to pick up.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!


So there is a lot to break down here. The first thing that comes across in your post is that you have a type. That type seems to be "Psycho bitch".

The first step to stop finding yourself in these situations is to ask: why do you keep putting yourself in these situations?
I also have to ask, what do you want from dating?

I assume you're looking for casual ongoing situations and not a more serious relationship. So using that lenses I have to ask what are your boundaries? What are deal breakers that you will end a date and stop talking to these people. Seeing as you repeatedly have the same problems, I get the impression that you let these girls walk all over you because you want some pussy and will trade anything for it.

For each girl, lets look at where you fucked up: -

Situation 1
"- Was dating a girl for 6 months who I really liked. Very pretty, slim brunette. This guy we went to college with was jealous and liked her: This guy text her from his brother's phone pretending to be my 'secret other girlfriend' and wanted to be the 'shoulder to cry on' after. Made up that I was violent, abusive and a rapist. Fucking Creep. He got found out and dealt with and it all came out in the wash as bullshit, but this girl wouldn't sleep with me as she 'still didn't trust me'. Despite being a good boyfriend and taking her away on holiday, buying presents, travelling to her, looking after her, nothing was good enough. Didn't last and ended in heartbreak. Could've also lead to me losing my career and reputation."

So here you have a situation where you allowed random drama caused by someone else to actually mean something in your relationship. You reacted in a way where you had to be a detective to prove your innocence rather than laughing at the accusation and saying something like "Why would I be bothering with hoes when we are having so much fun" with a smile and a kiss. For her to flip into super suspicion mode, it sounds like you were perhaps not super honest in other parts of the relationship. She didn't trust you and this seemed to bother you to the point where you had to prove yourself rather than brushing this off as a teen movie shit that you had no interest in. The bolded part tells me the frame of this relationship. You thought you were building emotional equity by buying her affection. You then go on to complain that it was never enough because you weren't getting what you wanted (sex and validation) from this girl. You sound needy and desperate for affection and the truth is the girl lost attraction for you. Rather than giving her confidence in you by being a secure man, you let her define the relationship and you were needy and unattractive. The not trusting you part may have been part of it but from the way you were running the relationship you thought of her as an escort who would give you sex in exchange for non-cash based rewards.

Situation 2

"- Got stood up after travelling 3 hours on a train sent a load of abuse and blocked. Shoulda spotted the red flags (psycho bitch), but it was just after lockdown and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. Got stranded in the middle of Bum-Fuck nowhere until I get get home later that night and lost 50 bucks travelling in rush hour. Crazy bitch."

Why are you investing 3 hours of your time into a person you have never met? If you have read this site, the main advice is coffee or drinks close by to see if the girl is investing in you enough to invest back. You only have yourself to blame putting yourself in a situation where you could get stranded and spent a bunch of money on a girl you have never seen before. The reason you did this is because you're thirsty. We have all been there, but you should never let your thirst dictate your actions or you will find yourself in this kind of situation. Also don't bother texting abuse, it does nothing and she will just be talking to 10 other guys anyway so it just makes you look foolish.

Situation 3

"- Met some chick for a coffee date. Travelled to her and made the effort, bought her coffee. After about 10 minutes of giving me 'Not interested vibes' realised it was a no-go, but wanted to finish the date anyway out of politeness. She began to take the piss out of my weight and called me 'Mr. Scrawny'. I have been seriously ill in the past in hospital and lost a lot of weight. Lockdown had not been kind to this girl and she had put on a lot of weight. I could've been very critical back and given her as good as she got, but decided to be the better man and just walked away. My self-esteem and confidence however wasn't exactly great after this one."

So the further down I go the more I learn about you. Basically you put others ahead of yourself at your own determent. You value your own time less than how a girl might feel about you. If the vibes were off, call the end of the date and just say, "It was nice meeting you, I hope you find what you're looking for" then leave. If you don't value your own time why should she? In regards to the mocking, there are so many ways to deal with this. The first part is that you're not comfortable with your body, so do something about that to fix it or be ok with it. If you were confident, you would have made a joke like "I haven't found a girl that can cook well enough for me to grow the hwat dad bod". Some call this a shit test, but if your not confident you can always do what Andy recommends which is, assume the girl is socially retarded and leave because you don't owe rude people any of your valuable time. I suspect you thought the date was going well until the mocking came up and now you're looking back for an excuse of why you didn't like her. Sometimes the vibe is off and you can call it that's OK.

Situation 4
"- Dated a chick and went back to hers. Another psychopath. She jumped on me when I didn't have a condom on despite me telling her not to. Shook her off, lost my shit and walked out. Get a text out of the blue a couple of weeks later 'You've given me the clap'. Panic attacks for 1 week until I get the negative result test back from the clap clinic. Still panicked for months after over the possibility of her getting pregnant and trying to baby trap me. Technically I was sexually assaulted here. She thought it was really funny. Psycho bitch from hell."

Why were you even on a date with a girl like this? Not having sex without a condom was a good call for you. But I find it hard to believe a small girl over powered you in the way you have written it here. I've had girls try and put it in without a condom and I just laugh roll them off and put one on and say "you're trying to get us into trouble, I know your greedy little pussy needs me but you will wait a minute". I approach it all from a BDSM frame so this kind of language is congruent with how I portray myself on dates and outside of the bedroom. I have to bring this up again, you picked this girl to spend time with and have sex with, why did you pick such a broken person to spend your time on? This comes back to your overall lack of self respect and thirst.

Situation 5
"- Went round a chick's place who said I could stay over. Sex was okay until after she said 'Oh I've got work tomorrow you need to leave'. At 9 O'clock at night. Bearing in mind I caught the bus to this place and this chick knew she had work the next day when she said I could stay over. Again ended up stranded, but this time in a very rough part of the city. Lots of shady characters around and druggies. Thought I was being followed a couple of times. Made it home without being stabbed/mugged surprisingly. She wanted to meet again but that ain't Fuckin' happening!"

This was your fault. Why didn't you have her come to yours? why are you making excuses for why you don't have your shit together? It's not her fault she kicked you out, yea it's kind of shitty if you made plans to stay over, but she's not responsible for you. You have no value for your time or boundaries, honestly this one made me roll my eyes pretty hard. Where's your accountability here?

Situation 6
"- Talking to this chick which was going really well and arranged a date. Travelled an hour on the train, got soaked in the process and met her. She looked okay. Bought her a coffee and went for a walk for an hour. Date went okay and had good conversation. Asked if she wanted to hang again and she very sarcastically said 'Sure'. and Walked off. Got the 'didn't feel a spark' text on my way home. Another wasted day."

This is super needy. You again travel a significant way to spend time and energy on a person you've never met before. The fact that you see this as another wasted day tells me that you are not learning from your actions at all. This is such a defeatist attitude and shows that you are no where near ready to be dating and a monk mode isn't going to solve this. I literally had a date with a charming girl, really smart and funny super attractive that I took out for drinks locally. I lost track of time and the date ran over to 2:30 hours. I had a lot of fun talking to her but I could feel the vibe was off and when I went to kiss her at the end of the date she pulled away and I got a text which basically said not feeling it. I actually learned a lot from my one:
1: I'm looking for more sexually available girls. When it was clear that she wasn't I should have ended the date
2: Actually set a silent timer to end dates after an hour, you don't need to be out all night to know if you like her even if the conversation is fun
3: I sat in a place where it was difficult to escalate and gauge if there was desire there, I've gotten better at this but didn't plan for it on this date
4: A rejection means nothing, there are 100s of other options nearby and I got to have a cool chat for a few hours on a evening.

All of these things are areas I can improve on for future dates, so by that metric my time wasn't wasted. Try to learn from your actions and stop being a victim.

Situation 7
"- Cute German Girl - Met for a walk for half an hour then went back to mine. Got into bed and down to underwear. Wouldn't go any further. Turns out she has a boyfriend back home in Germany :| Ghosted for a week and now she says she's 'starting to really like me'. Not interested."

Again what do you want from dating? It's hard to say why she wouldn't go further when she had gotten to that point, maybe you were failing to lead, maybe she had no intention of having sex with you, it's hard to say from what you have written. The bolded part feels like a humble brag where you finally got to turn a girl down. Did you just want sex from this situation? If so just bang the girl and have fun with it, you didn't commit to her boyfriend back in Germany, you're not wearing his promise ring where he's going to walk you down the isle in your beautiful white dress in front of his friends and family. If your morals say you want to put the other guys feeling ahead of your own, that's honorable but your not getting anything for carrying that cross. If you're dating with the intent to have a relationship (which you shouldn't be doing that's a role she earns before you put her on your team) then sure this was one to turn down. As your intentions are unclear, it surprises me that this bothered you so much.

Situation 8
- Hot Latina - Went round hers had wine and she invited me to stay the night. After we got into bed (She stayed clothed) tried to make a move and she told me she 'needs to sleep alone'. I got up and delta'd straight away. Got ghosted the next day. Was stressing for some reason that she'd make up something happened that didn't and try to land me in the shit (You never know).

So looking back through the other situations, your escalation in bed game is non-existent or as tantalizing as Edward Scissor hands running his hands over you. I'm sure there was more to it than "Needs to sleep alone", did you come across as needy and unattractive? probably, if she's not into it that's totally fine that's her choice. You can still leave on good terms and not worry about a charge. A lot of guys massively overblow these types of charges and others are just being stupid to put themselves into situations where this could happen to them. If a girl isn't into you, be cool accept and leave and you shouldn't have any real problems.

Situation 9
- Cute Thai Girl. Long story short she flaked on me 3 times. Gave up and didn't bother texting her back.

You let this happen to you 3 times. The first, sure it happens and you move on. You gave her 3 opportunities to waste your time because you have no self respect and are too needy. People flake so often that its not even worth including in your post above, this obviously hurt your ego so much that she made the list and further portrays you as a victim.

Your whole monk mode thing is a cope for your ego because your not getting the results you want. You can work on your goals while still dating but you need to sort out your boundaries and mental modals to stop ending up in these situations. You are not a victim and you have to stop acting like you are and looking for sympathy from people on the internet. All of your problems are fixable, otherwise I wouldn't have spent my valuable time commenting on your post. So stop crying, pick your self up and look in the mirror at how you are failing and work on fixing it.
Brother_Tucker said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
Day 2: 12/10/2021 ✅

For Day 2's update, I thought I'd post a little bit about my decision to give up dating, sex and dating sites.

I discussed doing this briefly the last time I was on the forums and a couple of members tried to discourage me from being out the game on this for too long which I can understand, but I have decided now to take a long break and go Monk Mode. I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm aiming for a year whilst I focus on my other goals.

When thinking of my dating experience over the last year, the phrase 'comedy of errors' comes to mind and seems highly appropriate. I thought I'd leave you all with a few brief stories below - posting these also helps reinforce why I made my decision to go Monk Mode:

- Was dating a girl for 6 months who I really liked. Very pretty, slim brunette. This guy we went to college with was jealous and liked her: This guy text her from his brother's phone pretending to be my 'secret other girlfriend' and wanted to be the 'shoulder to cry on' after. Made up that I was violent, abusive and a rapist. Fucking Creep. He got found out and dealt with and it all came out in the wash as bullshit, but this girl wouldn't sleep with me as she 'still didn't trust me'. Despite being a good boyfriend and taking her away on holiday, buying presents, travelling to her, looking after her, nothing was good enough. Didn't last and ended in heartbreak. Could've also lead to me losing my career and reputation.

- Got stood up after travelling 3 hours on a train sent a load of abuse and blocked. Shoulda spotted the red flags (psycho bitch), but it was just after lockdown and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. Got stranded in the middle of Bum-Fuck nowhere until I get get home later that night and lost 50 bucks travelling in rush hour. Crazy bitch.

- Met some chick for a coffee date. Travelled to her and made the effort, bought her coffee. After about 10 minutes of giving me 'Not interested vibes' realised it was a no-go, but wanted to finish the date anyway out of politeness. She began to take the piss out of my weight and called me 'Mr. Scrawny'. I have been seriously ill in the past in hospital and lost a lot of weight. Lockdown had not been kind to this girl and she had put on a lot of weight. I could've been very critical back and given her as good as she got, but decided to be the better man and just walked away. My self-esteem and confidence however wasn't exactly great after this one.

- Dated a chick and went back to hers. Another psychopath. She jumped on me when I didn't have a condom on despite me telling her not to. Shook her off, lost my shit and walked out. Get a text out of the blue a couple of weeks later 'You've given me the clap'. Panic attacks for 1 week until I get the negative result test back from the clap clinic. Still panicked for months after over the possibility of her getting pregnant and trying to baby trap me. Technically I was sexually assaulted here. She thought it was really funny. Psycho bitch from hell.

- Went round a chick's place who said I could stay over. Sex was okay until after she said 'Oh I've got work tomorrow you need to leave'. At 9 O'clock at night. Bearing in mind I caught the bus to this place and this chick knew she had work the next day when she said I could stay over. Again ended up stranded, but this time in a very rough part of the city. Lots of shady characters around and druggies. Thought I was being followed a couple of times. Made it home without being stabbed/mugged surprisingly. She wanted to meet again but that ain't Fuckin' happening!

- Talking to this chick which was going really well and arranged a date. Travelled an hour on the train, got soaked in the process and met her. She looked okay. Bought her a coffee and went for a walk for an hour. Date went okay and had good conversation. Asked if she wanted to hang again and she very sarcastically said 'Sure'. and Walked off. Got the 'didn't feel a spark' text on my way home. Another wasted day.

- Cute German Girl - Met for a walk for half an hour then went back to mine. Got into bed and down to underwear. Wouldn't go any further. Turns out she has a boyfriend back home in Germany :| Ghosted for a week and now she says she's 'starting to really like me'. Not interested.

- Hot Latina - Went round hers had wine and she invited me to stay the night. After we got into bed (She stayed clothed) tried to make a move and she told me she 'needs to sleep alone'. I got up and delta'd straight away. Got ghosted the next day. Was stressing for some reason that she'd make up something happened that didn't and try to land me in the shit (You never know).

*A worrying trend that I have begun to notice not just with me, but from speaking to other men: This was the third girl that has gotten into bed with me and refused to do anything. I think this is a very stupid and dangerous thing for girls to do: Me personally I'm a decent guy and if a chick says no, I stop and leave. The next guy might not be a decent guy and won't stop and leave. If a girl says 'stop' the guy should absolutely stop, but putting themselves in this situation is still a very silly and dangerous game for these girls to play. I have now learned from this and I refuse to get into bed with a woman unless she understands that if she gets into bed with me, I will be wanting (and expecting) physical intimacy to occur. If she says no she's not ready, I don't get into bed and leave. The accusations you leave yourself open to here are just not worth it at all*.

- Cute Thai Girl. Long story short she flaked on me 3 times. Gave up and didn't bother texting her back.

This isn't even all of the dates that I've been on. I will come back to dating at some point and I would like to give thanks to @Holden - I have been reading through his logs and have been making notes from his experiences. Some very useful insights and ideas which I may try once I get back onto the dating scene (Likely in a year's time). It's just for me at the moment I can go Monk Mode and avoid:

- Pregnancy Scares.
- False rape accusations.
- STD scares.
- Angry boyfriends I don't know about.
- Psycho bitches from hell who might ruin my career/life.
- Getting stood up.
- Getting ghosted.
- Constant flakes.
- Jealous 'Pussy-men guy friends' causing issues.
- Spending Time.
- Too much effort little reward.
- Spending money.
- Endless swiping and the resultant depression.
- Focusing on nothing else but trying to get laid so other areas of my life depreciate e.g. my sleep pattern.
- The Fucking drama!

'At first I thought my dating life was a tragedy, now I realise it's a comedy' 🎭😂

So for those reasons, I'm out the dating game :cool: Gonna try take a break for a year and go Monk Mode. During which time, I will bulk up, get a job/career and focus on developing my 'Zero-tolerance for shitty behaviour from women Don't-Give-A-Fuck attitude' for when I am ready to date. At the moment? The juice just ain't worth the squeeze.

I'm still sick, but have done some work towards my goals today:

- Deleted all of my dating profiles

- Put together a Gym workout playlist (Some base tracks for now, but will add music going forward).

- Reviewed the first draft of my C.V from the consulting company. Got a consultation call with them later today :arrow_up:

- Requested this company design me a Linked-In profile and a cover letter which they will do from next week.

- No-Fap still going good. Coming up to 2 days. Bad dating experiences really do well to put you out of the mood!

Bit limited as to what I can do due to still being sick, but I'm doing what I can for now and I'm starting to pick up.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!


So there is a lot to break down here. The first thing that comes across in your post is that you have a type. That type seems to be "Psycho bitch".

The first step to stop finding yourself in these situations is to ask: why do you keep putting yourself in these situations?
I also have to ask, what do you want from dating?

I assume you're looking for casual ongoing situations and not a more serious relationship. So using that lenses I have to ask what are your boundaries? What are deal breakers that you will end a date and stop talking to these people. Seeing as you repeatedly have the same problems, I get the impression that you let these girls walk all over you because you want some pussy and will trade anything for it.

For each girl, lets look at where you fucked up: -

Situation 1
"- Was dating a girl for 6 months who I really liked. Very pretty, slim brunette. This guy we went to college with was jealous and liked her: This guy text her from his brother's phone pretending to be my 'secret other girlfriend' and wanted to be the 'shoulder to cry on' after. Made up that I was violent, abusive and a rapist. Fucking Creep. He got found out and dealt with and it all came out in the wash as bullshit, but this girl wouldn't sleep with me as she 'still didn't trust me'. Despite being a good boyfriend and taking her away on holiday, buying presents, travelling to her, looking after her, nothing was good enough. Didn't last and ended in heartbreak. Could've also lead to me losing my career and reputation."

So here you have a situation where you allowed random drama caused by someone else to actually mean something in your relationship. You reacted in a way where you had to be a detective to prove your innocence rather than laughing at the accusation and saying something like "Why would I be bothering with hoes when we are having so much fun" with a smile and a kiss. For her to flip into super suspicion mode, it sounds like you were perhaps not super honest in other parts of the relationship. She didn't trust you and this seemed to bother you to the point where you had to prove yourself rather than brushing this off as a teen movie shit that you had no interest in. The bolded part tells me the frame of this relationship. You thought you were building emotional equity buy buying her affection. You then go on to complain that it was never enough because you weren't getting what you wanted (sex and validation) from this girl. You sound needy and desperate for affection and the truth is the girl lost attraction for you. Rather than giving her confidence in you by being a secure man, you let her define the relationship and you were needy and unattractive. The not trusting you part may have been part of it but from the way you were running the relationship you though of her as an escort who would give you sex in exchange for non-cash based rewards.

Situation 2

"- Got stood up after travelling 3 hours on a train sent a load of abuse and blocked. Shoulda spotted the red flags (psycho bitch), but it was just after lockdown and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. Got stranded in the middle of Bum-Fuck nowhere until I get get home later that night and lost 50 bucks travelling in rush hour. Crazy bitch."

Why are you investing 3 hours of your time into a person you have never met? If you have read this site, the main advice is coffee or drinks close by to see if the girl is investing in you enough to invest back. You only have yourself to blame putting yourself in a situation where you could get stranded and spend a bunch of money on a girl you have never seen before. The reason you did this is because your thirsty. We have all been there, but you should never let your thirst dictate your actions or you will find yourself in this situation. Also don't bother texting abuse, it does nothing and she will just be talking to 10 other guys anyway so it just makes you look foolish.

Situation 3

"- Met some chick for a coffee date. Travelled to her and made the effort, bought her coffee. After about 10 minutes of giving me 'Not interested vibes' realised it was a no-go, but wanted to finish the date anyway out of politeness. She began to take the piss out of my weight and called me 'Mr. Scrawny'. I have been seriously ill in the past in hospital and lost a lot of weight. Lockdown had not been kind to this girl and she had put on a lot of weight. I could've been very critical back and given her as good as she got, but decided to be the better man and just walked away. My self-esteem and confidence however wasn't exactly great after this one."

So the further down I go the more I learn about you. Basically you put others ahead of yourself at your own determent. You value your own time less than how a girl might feel about you. If the vibes were off, call the end of the date and just say, "It was nice meeting you, I hope you find what you're looking for" then leave. If you don't value your own time why should she? In regards to the mocking, there are so many ways to deal with this. The first part is that you're not comfortable with your body, so do something about that to fix it or be ok with it. If you were confident, you would have made a joke like "I haven't found a girl that can cook well enough for me to grow the hwat dad bod". Some call this a shit test, but if your not confident you can always do what Andy recommends which is, assume the girl is socially retarded and leave because you don't owe rude people any of your valuable time. I suspect you thought the date was going well until the mocking came up and now you're looking back for an excuse of why you didn't like her. Sometimes the vibe is off and you can call it that's OK.

Situation 4
"- Dated a chick and went back to hers. Another psychopath. She jumped on me when I didn't have a condom on despite me telling her not to. Shook her off, lost my shit and walked out. Get a text out of the blue a couple of weeks later 'You've given me the clap'. Panic attacks for 1 week until I get the negative result test back from the clap clinic. Still panicked for months after over the possibility of her getting pregnant and trying to baby trap me. Technically I was sexually assaulted here. She thought it was really funny. Psycho bitch from hell."

Why were you even on a date with a girl like this? Not having sex without a condom was a good call for you. But I find it hard to believe a small girl over powered you in the way you have written it here. I've had girls try and put it in without a condom and I just laugh roll them off and put one on and say "you're trying to get us into trouble, I know your greedy little pussy needs me but you will wait a minute". I approach it all from a BDSM frame so this kind of language is congruent with how I portray myself on dates and outside of the bedroom. I have to bring this up again, you picked this girl to spend time with and have sex with, why did you pick such a broken person to spend your time on? This comes back to your overall lack of self respect and thirst.

Situation 5
"- Went round a chick's place who said I could stay over. Sex was okay until after she said 'Oh I've got work tomorrow you need to leave'. At 9 O'clock at night. Bearing in mind I caught the bus to this place and this chick knew she had work the next day when she said I could stay over. Again ended up stranded, but this time in a very rough part of the city. Lots of shady characters around and druggies. Thought I was being followed a couple of times. Made it home without being stabbed/mugged surprisingly. She wanted to meet again but that ain't Fuckin' happening!"

This was your fault. Why didn't you have her come to yours? why are you making excuses for why you don't have your shit together? It's not her fault she kicked you out, yea it's kind of shitty if you made plans to stay over, but she's not responsible for you. You have no value for your time or boundaries, honestly this one made me roll my eyes pretty hard. Where's your accountability here?

Situation 6
"- Talking to this chick which was going really well and arranged a date. Travelled an hour on the train, got soaked in the process and met her. She looked okay. Bought her a coffee and went for a walk for an hour. Date went okay and had good conversation. Asked if she wanted to hang again and she very sarcastically said 'Sure'. and Walked off. Got the 'didn't feel a spark' text on my way home. Another wasted day."

This is super needy. You again travel a significant way to spend time and energy on a person you've never met before. The fact that you see this as another wasted day tells me that you are not learning from your actions at all. This is such a defeatist attitude and shows that you are no where near ready to be dating and a monk mode isn't going to solve this. I literally had a date with a charming girl, really smart and funny super attractive that I took out for drinks locally. I lost track of time and the date ran over to 2:30 hours. I had a lot of fun talking to her but I could feel the vibe was off and when I went to kiss her at the end of the date she pulled away and I got a text which basically said not feeling it. I actually learned a lot from my one:
1: I'm looking for more sexually available girls. When it was clear that she wasn't I should have ended the date
2: Actually set a silent timer to end dates after an hour, you don't need to be out all night to know if you like her even if the conversation is fun
3: I sat in a place where it was difficult to escalate and gauge if there was desire there, I've gotten better at this but didn't plan for it on this date
4: A rejection means nothing, there are 100s of other options nearby and I got to have a cool chat for a few hours on a evening.

All of these things are areas I can improve on for future dates, so by that metric my time wasn't wasted. Try to learn from your actions and stop being a victim.

Situation 7
"- Cute German Girl - Met for a walk for half an hour then went back to mine. Got into bed and down to underwear. Wouldn't go any further. Turns out she has a boyfriend back home in Germany :| Ghosted for a week and now she says she's 'starting to really like me'. Not interested."

Again what do you want from dating? It's hard to say why she wouldn't go further when she had gotten to that point, maybe you were failing to lead, maybe she had no intention of having sex with you, it's hard to say from what you have written. The bolded part feels like a humble brag where you finally got to turn a girl down. Did you just want sex from this situation? If so just bang the girl and have fun with it, you didn't commit to her boyfriend back in Germany, you're not wearing his promise ring where he's going to walk you down the isle in your beautiful white dress in front of his friends and family. If your morals say you want to put the other guys feeling ahead of your own, that's honorable but your not getting anything for carrying that cross. If you're dating with the intent to have a relationship (which you shouldn't be doing that's a role she earns before you put her on your team) then sure this was one to turn down. As your intentions are unclear, it surprises me that this bothered you so much.

Situation 8
- Hot Latina - Went round hers had wine and she invited me to stay the night. After we got into bed (She stayed clothed) tried to make a move and she told me she 'needs to sleep alone'. I got up and delta'd straight away. Got ghosted the next day. Was stressing for some reason that she'd make up something happened that didn't and try to land me in the shit (You never know).

So looking back through the other situations, your escalation in bed game is non-existent or as tantalizing as Edward Scissor hands running his hands over you. I'm sure there was more to it than "Needs to sleep alone", did you come across as needy and unattractive? probably, if she's not into it that's totally fine that's her choice. You can still leave on good terms and not worry about a charge. A lot of guys massively overblow these types of charges and others are just being stupid to put themselves into situations where this could happen to them. If a girl isn't into you, be cool accept and leave and you shouldn't have any real problems.

Situation 9
- Cute Thai Girl. Long story short she flaked on me 3 times. Gave up and didn't bother texting her back.

You let this happen to you 3 times. The first, sure it happens and you move on. You gave her 3 opportunities to waste your time because you have no self respect and are too needy. People flake so often that its not even worth including in your post above, this obviously hurt your ego so much that she made the list and further portrays you as a victim.

Your whole monk mode thing is a cope for your ego because your not getting the results you want. You can work on your goals while still dating but you need to sort out your boundaries and mental modals to stop ending up in these situations. You are not a victim and you have to stop acting like you are and looking for sympathy from people on the internet. All of your problems are fixable, otherwise I wouldn't have spent my valuable time commenting on your post. So stop crying, pick your self up and look in the mirror at how you are failing and work on fixing it.


Hey thanks for your input!

You are entitled to your opinion :cool:

Good luck with your goals!


Spider Jerusalem said:
Brother_Tucker said:
So there is a lot to break down here. The first thing that comes across in your post is that you have a type. That type seems to be "Psycho bitch".

The first step to stop finding yourself in these situations is to ask: why do you keep putting yourself in these situations?
I also have to ask, what do you want from dating?

I assume you're looking for casual ongoing situations and not a more serious relationship. So using that lenses I have to ask what are your boundaries? What are deal breakers that you will end a date and stop talking to these people. Seeing as you repeatedly have the same problems, I get the impression that you let these girls walk all over you because you want some pussy and will trade anything for it.

For each girl, lets look at where you fucked up: -

Situation 1
"- Was dating a girl for 6 months who I really liked. Very pretty, slim brunette. This guy we went to college with was jealous and liked her: This guy text her from his brother's phone pretending to be my 'secret other girlfriend' and wanted to be the 'shoulder to cry on' after. Made up that I was violent, abusive and a rapist. Fucking Creep. He got found out and dealt with and it all came out in the wash as bullshit, but this girl wouldn't sleep with me as she 'still didn't trust me'. Despite being a good boyfriend and taking her away on holiday, buying presents, travelling to her, looking after her, nothing was good enough. Didn't last and ended in heartbreak. Could've also lead to me losing my career and reputation."

So here you have a situation where you allowed random drama caused by someone else to actually mean something in your relationship. You reacted in a way where you had to be a detective to prove your innocence rather than laughing at the accusation and saying something like "Why would I be bothering with hoes when we are having so much fun" with a smile and a kiss. For her to flip into super suspicion mode, it sounds like you were perhaps not super honest in other parts of the relationship. She didn't trust you and this seemed to bother you to the point where you had to prove yourself rather than brushing this off as a teen movie shit that you had no interest in. The bolded part tells me the frame of this relationship. You thought you were building emotional equity buy buying her affection. You then go on to complain that it was never enough because you weren't getting what you wanted (sex and validation) from this girl. You sound needy and desperate for affection and the truth is the girl lost attraction for you. Rather than giving her confidence in you by being a secure man, you let her define the relationship and you were needy and unattractive. The not trusting you part may have been part of it but from the way you were running the relationship you though of her as an escort who would give you sex in exchange for non-cash based rewards.

Situation 2

"- Got stood up after travelling 3 hours on a train sent a load of abuse and blocked. Shoulda spotted the red flags (psycho bitch), but it was just after lockdown and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. Got stranded in the middle of Bum-Fuck nowhere until I get get home later that night and lost 50 bucks travelling in rush hour. Crazy bitch."

Why are you investing 3 hours of your time into a person you have never met? If you have read this site, the main advice is coffee or drinks close by to see if the girl is investing in you enough to invest back. You only have yourself to blame putting yourself in a situation where you could get stranded and spend a bunch of money on a girl you have never seen before. The reason you did this is because your thirsty. We have all been there, but you should never let your thirst dictate your actions or you will find yourself in this situation. Also don't bother texting abuse, it does nothing and she will just be talking to 10 other guys anyway so it just makes you look foolish.

Situation 3

"- Met some chick for a coffee date. Travelled to her and made the effort, bought her coffee. After about 10 minutes of giving me 'Not interested vibes' realised it was a no-go, but wanted to finish the date anyway out of politeness. She began to take the piss out of my weight and called me 'Mr. Scrawny'. I have been seriously ill in the past in hospital and lost a lot of weight. Lockdown had not been kind to this girl and she had put on a lot of weight. I could've been very critical back and given her as good as she got, but decided to be the better man and just walked away. My self-esteem and confidence however wasn't exactly great after this one."

So the further down I go the more I learn about you. Basically you put others ahead of yourself at your own determent. You value your own time less than how a girl might feel about you. If the vibes were off, call the end of the date and just say, "It was nice meeting you, I hope you find what you're looking for" then leave. If you don't value your own time why should she? In regards to the mocking, there are so many ways to deal with this. The first part is that you're not comfortable with your body, so do something about that to fix it or be ok with it. If you were confident, you would have made a joke like "I haven't found a girl that can cook well enough for me to grow the hwat dad bod". Some call this a shit test, but if your not confident you can always do what Andy recommends which is, assume the girl is socially retarded and leave because you don't owe rude people any of your valuable time. I suspect you thought the date was going well until the mocking came up and now you're looking back for an excuse of why you didn't like her. Sometimes the vibe is off and you can call it that's OK.

Situation 4
"- Dated a chick and went back to hers. Another psychopath. She jumped on me when I didn't have a condom on despite me telling her not to. Shook her off, lost my shit and walked out. Get a text out of the blue a couple of weeks later 'You've given me the clap'. Panic attacks for 1 week until I get the negative result test back from the clap clinic. Still panicked for months after over the possibility of her getting pregnant and trying to baby trap me. Technically I was sexually assaulted here. She thought it was really funny. Psycho bitch from hell."

Why were you even on a date with a girl like this? Not having sex without a condom was a good call for you. But I find it hard to believe a small girl over powered you in the way you have written it here. I've had girls try and put it in without a condom and I just laugh roll them off and put one on and say "you're trying to get us into trouble, I know your greedy little pussy needs me but you will wait a minute". I approach it all from a BDSM frame so this kind of language is congruent with how I portray myself on dates and outside of the bedroom. I have to bring this up again, you picked this girl to spend time with and have sex with, why did you pick such a broken person to spend your time on? This comes back to your overall lack of self respect and thirst.

Situation 5
"- Went round a chick's place who said I could stay over. Sex was okay until after she said 'Oh I've got work tomorrow you need to leave'. At 9 O'clock at night. Bearing in mind I caught the bus to this place and this chick knew she had work the next day when she said I could stay over. Again ended up stranded, but this time in a very rough part of the city. Lots of shady characters around and druggies. Thought I was being followed a couple of times. Made it home without being stabbed/mugged surprisingly. She wanted to meet again but that ain't Fuckin' happening!"

This was your fault. Why didn't you have her come to yours? why are you making excuses for why you don't have your shit together? It's not her fault she kicked you out, yea it's kind of shitty if you made plans to stay over, but she's not responsible for you. You have no value for your time or boundaries, honestly this one made me roll my eyes pretty hard. Where's your accountability here?

Situation 6
"- Talking to this chick which was going really well and arranged a date. Travelled an hour on the train, got soaked in the process and met her. She looked okay. Bought her a coffee and went for a walk for an hour. Date went okay and had good conversation. Asked if she wanted to hang again and she very sarcastically said 'Sure'. and Walked off. Got the 'didn't feel a spark' text on my way home. Another wasted day."

This is super needy. You again travel a significant way to spend time and energy on a person you've never met before. The fact that you see this as another wasted day tells me that you are not learning from your actions at all. This is such a defeatist attitude and shows that you are no where near ready to be dating and a monk mode isn't going to solve this. I literally had a date with a charming girl, really smart and funny super attractive that I took out for drinks locally. I lost track of time and the date ran over to 2:30 hours. I had a lot of fun talking to her but I could feel the vibe was off and when I went to kiss her at the end of the date she pulled away and I got a text which basically said not feeling it. I actually learned a lot from my one:
1: I'm looking for more sexually available girls. When it was clear that she wasn't I should have ended the date
2: Actually set a silent timer to end dates after an hour, you don't need to be out all night to know if you like her even if the conversation is fun
3: I sat in a place where it was difficult to escalate and gauge if there was desire there, I've gotten better at this but didn't plan for it on this date
4: A rejection means nothing, there are 100s of other options nearby and I got to have a cool chat for a few hours on a evening.

All of these things are areas I can improve on for future dates, so by that metric my time wasn't wasted. Try to learn from your actions and stop being a victim.

Situation 7
"- Cute German Girl - Met for a walk for half an hour then went back to mine. Got into bed and down to underwear. Wouldn't go any further. Turns out she has a boyfriend back home in Germany :| Ghosted for a week and now she says she's 'starting to really like me'. Not interested."

Again what do you want from dating? It's hard to say why she wouldn't go further when she had gotten to that point, maybe you were failing to lead, maybe she had no intention of having sex with you, it's hard to say from what you have written. The bolded part feels like a humble brag where you finally got to turn a girl down. Did you just want sex from this situation? If so just bang the girl and have fun with it, you didn't commit to her boyfriend back in Germany, you're not wearing his promise ring where he's going to walk you down the isle in your beautiful white dress in front of his friends and family. If your morals say you want to put the other guys feeling ahead of your own, that's honorable but your not getting anything for carrying that cross. If you're dating with the intent to have a relationship (which you shouldn't be doing that's a role she earns before you put her on your team) then sure this was one to turn down. As your intentions are unclear, it surprises me that this bothered you so much.

Situation 8
- Hot Latina - Went round hers had wine and she invited me to stay the night. After we got into bed (She stayed clothed) tried to make a move and she told me she 'needs to sleep alone'. I got up and delta'd straight away. Got ghosted the next day. Was stressing for some reason that she'd make up something happened that didn't and try to land me in the shit (You never know).

So looking back through the other situations, your escalation in bed game is non-existent or as tantalizing as Edward Scissor hands running his hands over you. I'm sure there was more to it than "Needs to sleep alone", did you come across as needy and unattractive? probably, if she's not into it that's totally fine that's her choice. You can still leave on good terms and not worry about a charge. A lot of guys massively overblow these types of charges and others are just being stupid to put themselves into situations where this could happen to them. If a girl isn't into you, be cool accept and leave and you shouldn't have any real problems.

Situation 9
- Cute Thai Girl. Long story short she flaked on me 3 times. Gave up and didn't bother texting her back.

You let this happen to you 3 times. The first, sure it happens and you move on. You gave her 3 opportunities to waste your time because you have no self respect and are too needy. People flake so often that its not even worth including in your post above, this obviously hurt your ego so much that she made the list and further portrays you as a victim.

Your whole monk mode thing is a cope for your ego because your not getting the results you want. You can work on your goals while still dating but you need to sort out your boundaries and mental modals to stop ending up in these situations. You are not a victim and you have to stop acting like you are and looking for sympathy from people on the internet. All of your problems are fixable, otherwise I wouldn't have spent my valuable time commenting on your post. So stop crying, pick your self up and look in the mirror at how you are failing and work on fixing it.


Hey thanks for your input!

You are entitled to your opinion :cool:

Good luck with your goals!



It's your life, but I'd take a second look at what this man is saying. I gave it a detailed skim, and he's giving you real tough love that most other people might not be willing to, or care enough to say to you.

You might not be ready to hear it, but man, that's some useful shit he took the time to write out. I wouldn't brush it off and move on. He's got the solution to your problems man. I'd read it over and over until it clicks.
MILFandCookies said:
Spider Jerusalem said:

Hey thanks for your input!

You are entitled to your opinion :cool:

Good luck with your goals!



It's your life, but I'd take a second look at what this man is saying. I gave it a detailed skim, and he's giving you real tough love that most other people might not be willing to, or care enough to say to you.

You might not be ready to hear it, but man, that's some useful shit he took the time to write out. I wouldn't brush it off and move on. He's got the solution to your problems man. I'd read it over and over until it clicks.


On reflection and after speaking to him, that is some very useful advice - even if I'm not quite ready to hear it yet as you say. Thank you for helping me see the right path in this man's wisdom.

Thanks to Brother_Tucker for taking the time to make a detailed reply.

Shouldn't have brushed you off so quick. This is something that I did need to hear and will take under my belt for when the time is right and I am ready for it. Will consider this for when I start dating again (Whenever that may be).

Thanks again for your input both of you


Spider Jerusalem said:
I discussed doing this briefly the last time I was on the forums and a couple of members tried to discourage me from being out the game on this for too long which I can understand, but I have decided now to take a long break and go Monk Mode. I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm aiming for a year whilst I focus on my other goals.

wrong place bro, this is not a MGTOW forum.


but seriously... If every girl you date brings you problems... than means YOU are the problem.

my advice to you:

1) read ALL of kyil articles... all of them. you have a lot to learn
2) talk to Andy, pay him some coaching, he will help you
3) get a therapist, a cbt one

take care
Mack said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
I discussed doing this briefly the last time I was on the forums and a couple of members tried to discourage me from being out the game on this for too long which I can understand, but I have decided now to take a long break and go Monk Mode. I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm aiming for a year whilst I focus on my other goals.

wrong place bro, this is not a MGTOW forum.


but seriously... If every girl you date brings you problems... than means YOU are the problem.

my advice to you:

1) read ALL of kyil articles... all of them. you have a lot to learn
2) talk to Andy, pay him some coaching, he will help you
3) get a therapist, a cbt one

take care

Mack Hey man thanks for the advice

Not going MGTOW - just taking a break for a bit until I can get my shit together and focusing on other goals in the meantime.

I'll keep reading the articles on KYIL, listening to the podcasts and getting my head right.

Brother_Tucker and MILFandCookies Have been very helpful already in giving me a push in the right direction and helping me to confront my ego and bad behaviours - I am grateful to both.

This is quite new to me but I'm willing to learn and get back out there when I'm ready.


Day 3: 13/10/2021

Made some progress today on a few things. Still suffering from the cold from hell, but it's starting to ease. Another couple of days I'll look at re-joining the gym and fixing my sleep pattern (now I'm not up all night coughing my ass off!). Will also look at getting my diet into gear.

Managed to get a few things done today:

- Reviewed my final C.V Draft with the consulting company. Have now made arrangements to design a LinkedIn profile and Cover Letter so I can get a decent career.

- Bought a cheap Xbox Game for my Xbox Sunday and installed it (10 Bucks pre-owned - can't complain!). I don't usually play Xbox as I've been very busy in the past and rarely schedule time out for myself to relax. Hopefully this helps beat the stress.

- No-Fap - Day 3. Feeling very committed this time round.

- Bought a notebook and started making notes on Holden's Game techniques. Very interesting points about Social Proof and using Instagram to sell yourself rather than focusing on committing to individual girls.

- Have started to note down the advice from Brother_Tucker to help me confront my past bad dating behaviours which have contributed to my bad dating life. I am very grateful to him for taking the time to detail a reply. It has helped me confront my own ego and accept that tough advice has been needed.

- I have been on YouTube and designed a Sleep playlist to help me relax and unwind - my sleep pattern is awful for various reasons, so hopefully this helps.

- I have been looking at and pricing up Gym memberships. I have a plan in mind which I am going to go for once I am better.

That's it for today's update. In the progress of laying the foundations and very grateful to the members who have helped me out so far.

Everything is a learning a curve and I'm willing to learn to improve my life.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.


Day 3: 13/10/2021

Made some progress today on a few things. Still suffering from the cold from hell, but it's starting to ease. Another couple of days I'll look at re-joining the gym and fixing my sleep pattern (now I'm not up all night coughing my ass off!). Will also look at getting my diet into gear.

Managed to get a few things done today:

- Reviewed my final C.V Draft with the consulting company. Have now made arrangements to design a LinkedIn profile and Cover Letter so I can get a decent career.

- Bought a cheap Xbox Game for my Xbox Sunday and installed it (10 Bucks pre-owned - can't complain!). I don't usually play Xbox as I've been very busy in the past and rarely schedule time out for myself to relax. Hopefully this helps beat the stress.

- No-Fap - Day 3. Feeling very committed this time round.

- Bought a notebook and started making notes on Holden's Game techniques. Very interesting points about Social Proof and using Instagram to sell yourself rather than focusing on committing to individual girls.

- Have started to note down the advice from Brother_Tucker to help me confront my past bad dating behaviours which have contributed to my bad dating life. I am very grateful to him for taking the time to detail a reply. It has helped me confront my own ego and accept that tough advice has been needed.

- I have been on YouTube and designed a Sleep playlist to help me relax and unwind - my sleep pattern is awful for various reasons, so hopefully this helps.

- I have been looking at and pricing up Gym memberships. I have a plan in mind which I am going to go for once I am better.

That's it for today's update. In the progress of laying the foundations and very grateful to the members who have helped me out so far.

Everything is a learning a curve and I'm willing to learn to improve my life.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.


Day 3: 13/10/2021 ✅

Made some progress today on a few things. Still suffering from the cold from hell, but it's starting to ease. Another couple of days I'll look at re-joining the gym and fixing my sleep pattern (now I'm not up all night coughing my ass off!). Will also look at getting my diet into gear.

Managed to get a few things done today:

- Reviewed my final C.V Draft with the consulting company. Have now made arrangements to design a LinkedIn profile and Cover Letter so I can get a decent career.

- Bought a cheap Xbox Game for my Xbox Sunday and installed it (10 Bucks pre-owned - can't complain!). I don't usually play Xbox as I've been very busy in the past and rarely schedule time out for myself to relax. Hopefully this helps beat the stress.

- No-Fap - Day 3. Feeling very committed this time round.

- Bought a notebook and started making notes on Holden's Game techniques. Very interesting points about Social Proof and using Instagram to sell yourself rather than focusing on committing to individual girls.

- Have started to note down the advice from Brother_Tucker to help me confront my past bad dating behaviours which have contributed to my bad dating life. I am very grateful to him for taking the time to detail a reply. It has helped me confront my own ego and accept that tough advice has been needed.

- I have been on YouTube and designed a Sleep playlist to help me relax and unwind - my sleep pattern is awful for various reasons, so hopefully this helps.

- I have been looking at and pricing up Gym memberships. I have a plan in mind which I am going to go for once I am better.

That's it for today's update. In the progress of laying the foundations and very grateful to the members who have helped me out so far.

Everything is a learning a curve and I'm willing to learn to improve my life.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.


Spider Jerusalem said:
No-Fap - Day 3. Feeling very committed this time round

did you read easypeasymethod.org ?
it will help you remove porn, and depending of your mindset, also masturbation too. forever
Mack said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
No-Fap - Day 3. Feeling very committed this time round

did you read easypeasymethod.org ?
it will help you remove porn, and depending of your mindset, also masturbation too. forever

Hey man haven’t heard of that yet, but I’ll take a look now - thanks for the tip! 👍

Still going strong on Day 4. Will post a progress update for today later

Thanks again!

Day 4: 14/10/2021 ✅

Upon the recommendation of some of the forum members on here, I have taken their advice and have started reading Andy's website. I have started listening to the podcasts as well. After the initial introductory episode, episode 2 struck a chord with me:

"Give yourself permission to suck".

When I have attempted self-improvement in the past, I've sucked and gave up within a week when my plans haven't gone well. This episode really resonated with me especially as I have very recently re-started my self-improvement journey, I have already noticed that I do already suck at a few things (e.g. accepting criticism) and will likely continue to suck at things going forward e.g. getting back in the gym after a long break and trying to drive after so long away from the steering wheel.

The trick as Andy explained is not just 'don't quit', but 'Don't Fucking Quit. I have therefore made a pledge with myself that no matter how much I suck at things first, I will not Fucking quit. I will go back to and re-listen to the episode if I need to when I do inevitably suck at first.

Here's a brief summary of what I have been up to today so far as regards to working on my goals:

- Cleaned and tidied my room. Re-organised it so that I now have a standing desk for my laptop. This helps my back and actually keeps me attentive to the work. I've found I'm more easily distracted sitting down. Feeling a lot better mentally now my immediate environment looks more organised. My surroundings get messy whenever I am ill, so now I'm back on the mend I had a quick tidy.

- No-Fap: Day 4. Not the furthest I've got, but I am feeling more committed than ever to this. What I have found works is instead of setting the tracker to '365 days', I set it to 1 day at a time. Small, manageable goals which help me when opening my tracker app every time I feel an urge. Have also checked out a site recommended by Mack which has some useful tips on there. I've set regular milestones in my notes app. on my phone e.g. 5 days, 7 days, 10 days, 14 days etc. And I am planning on carrying this on to the end of this month and then doing No-Nut November. A big challenge, but I have already found myself feeling more energetic and much less 'thirsty' through doing No-Fap.

- Listened to the KYIL Show podcast Episodes 3, 4 and 5 (Regarding sex, insecurities and open relationships). Some really good tips about confronting my own insecurities here. I have a little black book which I am using to make notes on dating and open relationships with the information taken from the forums here, website and podcasts. This is helping me to identify the bad behaviours and replace them with good dating behaviours as well as helping me to figure out what I want when I do eventually start dating. Taking a break from dating, porn and doing no-Fap etc. is so far working out well for me. I am focusing on my employment/bulking goals and have found myself feeling less needy and 'thirsty' - both behaviours that I honestly believe were Fucking my dating life up in the long run. I will return to dating, but feel that a break is needed so that I can get my head right and destroy my needy and 'beta' like behaviours and mannerisms.

- I have received my LinkedIn account details and Cover letter from the C.V writing company I hired. I have now set up a LinkedIn profile and have started transferring the information across ready for when I start job-hunting. After working shitty retail and pocket-money pay jobs, I am hopeful that with a degree now in my back pocket I can build a career with decent money.

- Bought another Berserk Manga book - Volume 3 that came today. A more positive and healthier activity than watching T.V or dicking around on the Xbox. I have already started reading it and I am hooked already.

That's it for today. Going to keep going and will post again tomorrow. Have decided that every month, I will do a Monthly review and post on here so that I can learn and make better decisions about where I want my self improvement journey to take me.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading and for those who have already helped me along so far.


Day 5: 15/10/2021 ✅

Update for day 5 - thought I'd title this one 'Running towards fear' after listening to Episode 6 of Andy's Podcast: Run TOWARDS Fear.

I definitely picked the right time to listen to this as I am currently facing a couple of obstacles on my self-improvement journey which I am admittedly quite fearful of or at the very least, nervous/apprehensive:

- I have recently dropped out of my Master's Degree at University due to family circumstances and other things: I am fearful of the future as I am unsure what the future holds and whether I will get a decent career or not.

- As part of my self-improvement journey, I have decided to start driving. It is hard for me to admit this, but I passed my test 4 years ago and got hit by a truck on one of my tests (not my fault) and since then I have hardly driven because I am fearful of driving.

- I am fearful of looking at myself and criticising my own faults as when I have done this in the past, I have just shut down and gone into a depressive state and given up on things. This is something I need to overcome in order to self-improve.

- I am looking at getting back into the gym and starting to go to Jiu-Jitsu again. I knocked both on the head due the pandemic and I now wish to pick these up to help my self-improvement. I'm not particularly fearful, but I am a little nervous.

All of these Fears are now in front of me and I have actively decided to Run TOWARDS them in order to self-improve.

Here is the progress I have made today:

- I have listened to Episode 6 of Andy's podcast. Will listen to the rest later on my evening walk.

- I have washed and cleaned my car and charged up the battery ready to start driving. I will aim to drive over the next couple of days and will set up a plan in relation to this which I will post details of on here for future self-accountability. Stay tuned.

- I have researched and chosen a driving school to do a block of refresher lessons with. Will book these soon as I have stopped coughing as you still have to wear a mask in this country when doing driving lessons or refresher courses and you are not supposed to book if you have any COVID symptoms (even if like me you don't actually have COVID :|).

- I have now received my final drafted LinkedIn profile from the C.V company I hired. I have copied across the information onto my profile and done it up with professional photos, full employment history, educational achievements and awards etc. Ready to get my career on track.

- No-Fap: Day 5 Another milestone hit on the hard reset path. The internet is unfortunately full of NSFW content even with filters on some content slips through the net - I immediately just click straight off at the first sign of anything NSFW. As I mentioned previously gonna try and go for the true challenge of getting to the 30th of November (No-Nut November) from when I started 5 days ago. After giving up Porn and Fapping, I have found myself feeling less needy and 'thirsty'. I also feel more productive which I think is reflected well in these logs.

- Replaced my watch battery - a little thing, sure, but it'll help me be on time for things like the Gym, work, job interviews etc. Plus I actually enjoyed changing it myself rather than paying 15 bucks to have it done at a repair shop. Only cost me 3 bucks and that was for the battery.

- Have started writing a dating guide for myself. Brother_Tucker has helped me see the error of my ways with dating and I have come up with a list of rules based on his advice which I will stick to them e.g. Set Tinder/Bumble/Hinge distance to a 10 mile radius and stick to it, avoid girls with red flags, don't tolerate entitled, bitchy behaviour or getting flaked on, don't be a 'nice guy', no simping etc. This is a list that I'm working on every now and again and I will print off for when I do start dating in the future so my previous bad dating behaviours can be changed. Thank you to Brother_Tucker and MILFandCookies for setting me on the right path. I am most grateful for this.

- I have now received and approved the final documents from the C.V company - my C.V and Cover letter. I am happy with the end results after several consultation meetings and initial drafts. I now have a professional looking image for when I start looking for work once I am more settled. I shall post details of my job-hunting here.

- I have found a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club near to me and have noted the contact details and website. Will contact in due course and arrange a membership.

That's it for the progress update for today - I shall do another one tomorrow and keep things rollin' :arrow:

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!


Good shit man! You're taking action to building the life you love. Much respect - tbh I didn't imagine you'd take our advice and actually take action.

Keep surprising me, and follow through with your promises! Your success will come as long as you don't quit.