Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 9: 19/10/2021 ✅

Some good progress today. Had a telephone job interview which I have been assured I passed and will be put through to the next stage on. It was a pretty full on interview and lasted 45 minutes, but he said I scored high and did well which I'm happy with.

A small step on the path to getting my career sorted :arrow_up:

That was the main success for today. I have also:

- Prepared for the interview this morning (This and the interview took up most of my time)

- Read some Manga (Berserk)

- Bought another Berserk book

- Written a character reference for a buddy of mine for a job.

- Checked to see if suit is in stock (will go tomorrow to pick up).

- Swiped on Tinder - Couple of timewasters mostly, but one or two numbers I'm exploring leads on. Stuck to my rules.

Time waster 👎 Unmatched straight away.

That's pretty much it for today . Few things achieved, but the interview was a bit of a bitch! Will post again tomorrow.

Photos attached for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!

Day 10: 20/10/2021 ✅

Another day down and pretty happy with what I've achieved today.

- Tinder progress: Managed to get a chick's phone number from Tinder. Pretty cute looking and very, very receptive. Made it feel like she's putting in the effort and actually wants to meet (unlike 98% of girls on Tinder). Turns out she's very kinky and a self-confessed masochist - has a Daddy kink. Has sent nudes and wants to meet. Sticking to the plan and going to grab a coffee first. If things work out from there, might do Brother_Tucker's spontaneous hotel room plan. She definitely seems up for it, but just need to make sure she's cool in- person before making that commitment - definitely learning from my past mistakes here!

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Have been talking to a few other chicks and some have given me their numbers, but have either left me on read or just fizzled out. One might want to meet me Sunday night, but just waiting to hear back. Reckon she's gonna ghost, but worth a try. Used to beat myself up in the past about getting ghosted, but I'm taking an abundance mindset over a scarcity mindset. Always more to swipe right on.

- Job interview from yesterday: Bit of a let-down on this one unfortunately. It's gone 6 P.M here now and I've yet to hear back. Was informed that I would be told of a decision either yesterday or today. Guy seemed quite positive on the phone and said I did well, but who knows. Might be a no-go on this one. Oh well, shit happens :cool: Move onto something else.

- Berserk Manga - bought another one yesterday (Deluxe Volume 5.) and it arrived today. Looking forward to reading it! Might have to hold off on buying these as they aren't cheap, but I'm pretty hooked. Keeping me off the Xbox too.

- Suit shopping - Went a bought a decent suit. I'm going to need one for any future interviews anyway, so glad I bought it. It's a decent quality one and I actually enjoyed the experience of visiting a professional tailor.

- Got my haircut and had a shave. Not really a big achievement, but smartened myself up a bit for my next interview (whenever that may be).

- Listened to Andy's Podcast episode no. #10 regarding the 365 day project. I'm currently on day 10/365 of my challenge of posting on here every day for a year.

Photos have been attached for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!


Day 11: 21/10/2021 ✅

Back again with update 11. Main piece of good news today is that I have been offered a face-to-face interview for the job I previously had a telephone interview for! It seems these days that jobs have a lot of hurdles they want you to overcome before you get to the actual position. For this particular job alone, I have had to do the following:

- Fill out the full application form
- Have a telephone interview
- Complete an online assessment
- Have a face-to-face interview

The fact that I have been offered a face-to-face interview however is something I am trying to take as a positive :arrow_up:

I'm also feeling much better lately despite still coughing and being congested. A bit more time and I should be good to go and I can start hitting my fitness goals. When you have a really bad cold, you just don't want to do anything and fitness goals are the last thing on your mind which is why I have been trying to capitalise and take advantage of the bed rest these past few weeks and I have been doing what I can and giving myself permission to suck.

Today I have:

- Confirmed my attendance for the job interview next week. The guy called me whilst I was in the bathroom. Lol.

- Completed the online assessment ahead of my interview. I hate doing these things and they always seem to try and trip you up. No matter what you pick it's always somehow the worst answer every time! :|

- Applied for another job as a backup - might take this one over the one I've already got an interview for if the opportunity arises.

- Back on No-Fap. See how I get on this time.

- Read some more Berserk Manga

- Ordered another Manga (Berserk Deluxe, Volume 6). Hooked on these and it's a positive hobby.

- Have started listening to Andy's interview with Black Dragon he released recently. Will carry on after this post.

- Did some more work on my diet/meal plan.

- Chatted some more to the kinky Daddy's girl from Tinder after getting her number. Still sending nudes and keen to meet. I'm hoping to hang out with her soon (maybe this Saturday) but will see how things play out. I shall update on here going forward. First lay since joining may be on the horizon due to me following my new Tinder/Online dating rules.

- Have been swiping and talking to a couple more girls on tinder/online dating, but it's fizzling out and others don't seem to keen. Nothing of note to post on here about but will post as soon as there is.

Photos have been posted for accountability purposes.

thanks for reading!


Day 12: 22/10/2021 ✅

Watched Andy's interview with Black Dragon last night and I was completely blown away. Absolutely great, quality content with many insights from both Andy and Caleb. I found this so valuable and interesting that I went back and re-watched it this morning and made notes in my dating book for future reference.

KillYourInnerLoser Thank you so much for the quality content. Really hit home a lot of concepts and ideas and enhanced my understanding around them.

Here is what else I have been up to today as regards moving towards my goals:

- Bought 2 more Berserk Manga books. These are going to be out of stock soon due to various COVID shortages in the run up to Christmas. Saw that the stock was low and jumped in whilst I could. Would've regretted it in a few weeks/a month's time. One arrived today, just waiting on the other one now.

- Re-watched Andy's interview with Black Dragon and made notes. Some very interesting concepts/mention of additional content I will check out such as The Tom Leykis Show, different terminology on the various relations, the no-sexting or kissing on first dates rule etc. Used to listen to the Tom Leykis show myself and found some useful insights, so will re-watch. I now see the importance of working on my dating life at the same time as my other goals. This is something I had not originally planned to do.

- I have conducted further research around Black Dragon's blog particularly around 'Soft Nexting'. I found this a really interesting concept as a guy who usually gets walked all over by girls, so have watched the YouTube video and read around this on the blog. Very useful indeed.

- I have been doing more posts on Instagram to assist with online dating - dropping my Instagram has helped me as regards to Social Proof every now and again - thanks to Holden for the tip on this!

- I have chatted more to the Kinky Daddy's Girl today. Plan is to grab coffee next weekend and take it from there. She wanted to get a hotel, but I'm insisting on coffee first so I don't get Fucked about like I have done in the past and been left out of pocket (as well as feeling like a complete and utter twat). Coffee first means an hour or 2 of my time and 5 bucks spent. Logical option. Brother_Tucker Think I'm learning from my mistakes. Will try work out the logistics of things for the date after and see about getting a lay with her. She seems cool, but we'll see how she is in person. Still seems eager and has been sending nudes to me and texts back ASAP.

- Have been swiping more on Tinder, Bumble and Hinge but not much in the way of prospects. Girls all giving shitty attitude or low-effort responses. I don't spend too much time on the dating sites now and only get after the eager girls like Kinky Daddy's Girl. I'll keep trying, but I've definitely learned here and no Fucking way will I be up until 03:00 A.M swiping for validation and blowing money on boost after boost!

- Did some more work on my schedule surrounding diet/gym etc. with consideration I'm going to be working soon.

- Did a shopping list and schedule for my bulking diet - not quite finished yet, but will carry on with it either tonight or tomorrow.

- No-Fap: Day 2. Gonna keep going after a rocky patch.

And that's pretty much it for today. Quite productive and I'm happy with what I've gotten achieved.

I'll post some photos for accountability purposes shortly.

Thanks for reading

Good call with insisting on coffee first. I've found when a girl and I explicitly agree to fuck before we've met up, she ghosts 2x as often. When money's on the line it's good to stay safe... if it was your 3rd time meeting up I'd say skip the coffee but you're thinking clearly here.

If I were you I'd reread your log here and then your log from the first few days - to show yourself how much you can grow in so little time. You're being much more even-keeled and rational! Respecting yourself and having a neutral opinion of girls... "I don't know her. She may be awesome, she may be crazy, I'm going to protect myself but go further with her and see where it goes"

Fucking awesome man. You've got this! Just keep it up! And to think you were gonna wait a year!!! I'm glad you decided to dive in now man.
MILFandCookies said:
Good call with insisting on coffee first. I've found when a girl and I explicitly agree to fuck before we've met up, she ghosts 2x as often. When money's on the line it's good to stay safe... if it was your 3rd time meeting up I'd say skip the coffee but you're thinking clearly here.

If I were you I'd reread your log here and then your log from the first few days - to show yourself how much you can grow in so little time. You're being much more even-keeled and rational! Respecting yourself and having a neutral opinion of girls... "I don't know her. She may be awesome, she may be crazy, I'm going to protect myself but go further with her and see where it goes"

Fucking awesome man. You've got this! Just keep it up! And to think you were gonna wait a year!!! I'm glad you decided to dive in now man.


Yeah definitely learned from my past mistakes here - gonna try and close the deal on the second date depending on how coffee goes. She seems eager with sending nudes and through the quick replies, but I've promised myself at least one date first when there's a risk of money being lost or her being a psycho bitch from hell. You never really know that kinda shit until you've met someone in person.

I've definitely looked back and cringed a little bit! I think a big reason was I was going through a bit of a rough time and was pretty pissed off. I went from the one extreme of putting chicks up on a pedestal and getting walked all over to wanting nothing to do with them and starting to become bitter.

I wanted to try a radical solution, but upon reflection that was the wrong path: What was actually needed was a radical mindset change which is what I'm trying to implement now with the help of the resources on here, Andy's website/podcast and the Black Dragon resources I've just started looking into after that interview I watched last night - I heard Andy gave you a shout out on there through your username!

Many thanks to you and and the other forum members for helping me see where I was going wrong. I'm trying to be more positive now and I'm working on scheduling 1 coffee date a week with different girls which will be local and for just an hour/90 minutes maximum like we discussed previously to get my game sorted and that allows me to work on my other goals at the same time

Realistically with flakes and ghosts, it's looking like it'll be one coffee date once every 2 weeks though - chicks gonna be chicks. I still think this is good to aim for as there's the potential to get 1 or 2 FWB type situations going on in rotation here or even just a few flings with girls over a couple of months. I'll try for once a week for an hour (not exactly gonna be time-consuming) but starting at 2 weeks suits me fine.

Thanks again Joe - really appreciate your continued support :arrow_up:


KillYourInnerLoser said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
kissing on first dates rule

It's not a rule - you can kiss in public on the first date. I just personally don't; it's not necessary. You can easily invite her back to your place and fuck her, without having kissed her first.


Ah I’m with you. I think it’s one of those where I have to judge the situation and go with what feels best in the moment. Plus, there’s the fact that every girl is different!

I’m still in the process of perfecting my game, so this’ll probably come with time and experience: The more dates I go on, the easier it’ll get. Just gotta give myself permission to suck in the early days.

Got a few dates I’m working on setting up at the minute, so I’ll see how they play out 📅

Thanks for the advice, Andy - really appreciated 🙏🏻

Day 13: 23/10/2021 ✅

Some of you may be thinking 'What?' when you see 'walking away' on my progress log. I am not quitting the self-improvement, rather I quit something else recently which I wanted to discuss on here for my own clarity.

Today I travelled up north to collect my stuff from University. I dropped out of my Postgraduate Master's course several weeks ago and a week before the actual course started.

This was for a number of reasons:

- My father had a heart attack in the weeks leading up to my course starting.

- Despite assurances being made that it would not be, the Universities here are still implementing online learning yet charging full price.

- My course was put to mostly online despite me moving halfway across the country. Could've done a distance course and saved money.

- Upon reflection, I didn't really want to do the subject and could see myself quitting further down the line.

I soon found myself staring at 4 walls in student housing constantly asking myself the same question over and over:

'What the Fuck am I doing here?'

I decided there and then before my course started that I was going to leave and move back home before I got into something I didn't want to do and would be even harder to get out of the longer it went on.

At the same time, I became sick with the cold from hell which didn't help things at all. I am now almost recovered and am about 90% there despite it being 3 weeks now. These things do linger.

On top of this, the process for withdrawing from both University accommodation and a course is a complete and utter bureaucratic circle-jerk which required many phone calls, paperwork, forms and the sorting out of finances: The university tried to charge me unnecessary fees which I had to ring up and sort out.

I am now 100% convinced that University/college is a business first and educational institute second. In other words, it's a SCAM..

So originally, I did feel quite down about dropping out and the whole process. Was pretty pissed off with myself too.

However, I've recently changed my mindset to a more positive outlook. I think that I learned a valuable lesson from this: Sometimes it's best to know when to walk away..

This could be from a shitty job with a boss who's a dickhead, from an abusive/controlling relationship or from a Tinder match/conversation where the girl seems like an entitlement princess.

This is definitely something I will take forward with me as I move on with my life. At the time of writing this, I now have no regrets about my decision.

Most of my day was taken up by travelling and picking up my stuff, but I also got a few more things done:

- Listened to one of Andy's Podcasts, Episode #11: My lifestyle isn't for forever and why traditional relationships are normal. Really interesting content.

- Organised my Gym clothes for when I go back.

- Bought some Mass Gainer for my bulking diet.

- Bought some protein shakes to form part of my bulking diet.

- Went to sleep at like 03:00 this morning. Forced myself up at 07:00 and decided to a spontaneous hard sleep reset. Due to being ill and stressed, I have been waking up too late. Powered through and I'm planning on getting an early night tonight and waking up early tomorrow.

- Have set various alarms as well as my sleep schedule for tomorrow. Gonna aim for a 05:00 Hrs wake up. I'll see how I get on.

That's it for today - not too much done due to the busy morning, but still a few things on there as well as some reflection.

Photos have been posted for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

Day 14: 24/10/2021 ✅

Happy to say I got my FIRST LAY since starting my progress log/journaling on here. See below for the details:

I got talking to this girl on Tinder and we just hit it off and connected well. Good banter etc. and she seemed like a cool chick. Eventually revealed that she's just gone through a breakup and wants to have some fun.

She was really in the mood, so I did some light sexting where I teased her and explained if she wanted the rest, she'd have to meet me in person. I know that the standing advice is not to sext, so I kept it brief and found a balance: Just enough to keep her interested, but not enough/too much as to get her off 'in the moment' and Fuck up any realistic prospects of meeting.

She was non-committal about meeting for coffee at first: 'I've got a busy week ahead etc. etc. I'll let you know'..., 'I'm a spontaneous girl, I don't plan things...' etc. etc. So I played it cool, totally expected her to ghost, but offered to meet for coffee Sunday (today) and told her to let me know and chased up a few other prospects in the meantime. I've now tried to adopt this abundance mindset with Tinder/Online dating as opposed to the scarcity mindset. I feel a lot better mentally and I don't pin all my hopes on the one girl and come across as a thirsty Simp/desperate beta boy.

This morning I text her and refreshed the offer of a coffee. She said yes and we arranged for 2 as she was going to have a nap due to not sleeping well. Again, kept my expectations low here. After expecting her to flake all day, I text at 1 and asked if she was ready to rock. Turns out she overslept and asked to push back an hour. No big deal as I went down to the shop today instead of tomorrow as I had the extra hour.

Side note here: Wore my height-increasing shoes. I bought some a while back on recommendation from Andy's blog. Tried the insoles, but these were a bit too uncomfortable for me, so I spent a bit of money. These put me at just over 6ft (closer to 6 and a half feet) and I feel this was an excellent investment even if just for the first date. Also rocked my good leather, my magnetic earring and looked pretty decent.

Ended up meeting her at just after 3 and man, she was actually pretty cute. Went and grabbed coffee and had really good conversation. She laughed at my jokes/playful teasing, was really receptive and warm and just an overall sweetheart. I've been quite bitter about women lately, so it was nice to hang out with someone cool who actually put the effort in.

Turns out she had a free house until later this evening, so I ended up going back to hers and she offered to give me a tour of the house. Got upstairs and into her room and I just grabbed her and kissed her. Things went from there.

She wore really nice underwear, had a perky chest, a good figure with a slim waist and a great ass. I popped a Viagra just before (I couldn't get it up once and I now just take one before sex as insurance whenever I'm with a girl) and we must've Fucked for 4 hours.

For my own peace of mind when I re-read this, would like to state I Kept safe and rubbered up the whole time. This is something non-negotiable for me with dating, even if they claim 'to be on the pill' - condom on or I walk. I've had a few scares and Fuck-Ups in the past I may discuss on here if appropriate.

She was VERY submissive and it was probably up there with the best sex I've had. Definitely in a long time. We did a lotta stuff that ticks my boxes and the pillow talk was good too. She's a sweet girl. She is looking for something casual but semi-regular and to explore, but doesn't have much free time (I genuinely believe her on this one) so will test it and see how it goes.

I left and we've text each other thanks for a good time and goodnight. Left it open for if she wants to meet again - she said she does when she's free, so I'll see what happens.

Had a pretty good time today and just want to say a big thank you to:


For commenting, advising and steering me in the right direction. These tips definitely paid off today.

Today I have also:

- Posted a few posts on Instagram (Social proof for online dating).

- Been active on Tinder and explored a few prospects. More to follow on this.

- Got up (05:00 A.M) in line with my sleep schedule.

- Listened to Episode #12 of the Kill Your Inner Loser Show regarding age gaps, mentoring women etc. As an older guy (almost 27) who sometimes matches with 18/19 year olds on Tinder, this I found was a very useful episode which I hope to put into practice if I establish anything regular in the future.

- Made notes on the above podcast.

- Did some gardening/helped out around the house.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!


Spider Jerusalem said:
Day 14: 24/10/2021 ✅

Happy to say I got my FIRST LAY since starting my progress log/journaling on here. See below for the details:

I got talking to this girl on Tinder and we just hit it off and connected well. Good banter etc. and she seemed like a cool chick. Eventually revealed that she's just gone through a breakup and wants to have some fun.

She was really in the mood, so I did some light sexting where I teased her and explained if she wanted the rest, she'd have to meet me in person. I know that the standing advice is not to sext, so I kept it brief and found a balance: Just enough to keep her interested, but not enough/too much as to get her off 'in the moment' and Fuck up any realistic prospects of meeting.

She was non-committal about meeting for coffee at first: 'I've got a busy week ahead etc. etc. I'll let you know'..., 'I'm a spontaneous girl, I don't plan things...' etc. etc. So I played it cool, totally expected her to ghost, but offered to meet for coffee Sunday (today) and told her to let me know and chased up a few other prospects in the meantime. I've now tried to adopt this abundance mindset with Tinder/Online dating as opposed to the scarcity mindset. I feel a lot better mentally and I don't pin all my hopes on the one girl and come across as a thirsty Simp/desperate beta boy.

This morning I text her and refreshed the offer of a coffee. She said yes and we arranged for 2 as she was going to have a nap due to not sleeping well. Again, kept my expectations low here. After expecting her to flake all day, I text at 1 and asked if she was ready to rock. Turns out she overslept and asked to push back an hour. No big deal as I went down to the shop today instead of tomorrow as I had the extra hour.

Side note here: Wore my height-increasing shoes. I bought some a while back on recommendation from Andy's blog. Tried the insoles, but these were a bit too uncomfortable for me, so I spent a bit of money. These put me at just over 6ft (closer to 6 and a half feet) and I feel this was an excellent investment even if just for the first date. Also rocked my good leather, my magnetic earring and looked pretty decent.

Ended up meeting her at just after 3 and man, she was actually pretty cute. Went and grabbed coffee and had really good conversation. She laughed at my jokes/playful teasing, was really receptive and warm and just an overall sweetheart. I've been quite bitter about women lately, so it was nice to hang out with someone cool who actually put the effort in.

Turns out she had a free house until later this evening, so I ended up going back to hers and she offered to give me a tour of the house. Got upstairs and into her room and I just grabbed her and kissed her. Things went from there.

She wore really nice underwear, had a perky chest, a good figure with a slim waist and a great ass. I popped a Viagra just before (I couldn't get it up once and I now just take one before sex as insurance whenever I'm with a girl) and we must've Fucked for 4 hours.

For my own peace of mind when I re-read this, would like to state I Kept safe and rubbered up the whole time. This is something non-negotiable for me with dating, even if they claim 'to be on the pill' - condom on or I walk. I've had a few scares and Fuck-Ups in the past I may discuss on here if appropriate.

She was VERY submissive and it was probably up there with the best sex I've had. Definitely in a long time. We did a lotta stuff that ticks my boxes and the pillow talk was good too. She's a sweet girl. She is looking for something casual but semi-regular and to explore, but doesn't have much free time (I genuinely believe her on this one) so will test it and see how it goes.

I left and we've text each other thanks for a good time and goodnight. Left it open for if she wants to meet again - she said she does when she's free, so I'll see what happens.

Had a pretty good time today and just want to say a big thank you to:


For commenting, advising and steering me in the right direction. These tips definitely paid off today.

Today I have also:

- Posted a few posts on Instagram (Social proof for online dating).

- Been active on Tinder and explored a few prospects. More to follow on this.

- Got up (05:00 A.M) in line with my sleep schedule.

- Listened to Episode #12 of the Kill Your Inner Loser Show regarding age gaps, mentoring women etc. As an older guy (almost 27) who sometimes matches with 18/19 year olds on Tinder, this I found was a very useful episode which I hope to put into practice if I establish anything regular in the future.

- Made notes on the above podcast.

- Did some gardening/helped out around the house.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!




This is all because you decided to take the leap a week ago! Any time you feel overwhelmed about something and want to call it quits remember how you wanted to wait a year before talking to girls again LAST WEEK, and how in JUST ONE WEEK you got this experience!

I love when Andy says this bc it's so true - you'll get there [anywhere you want to go] if you just don't quit.
MILFandCookies said:
Spider Jerusalem said:
Day 14: 24/10/2021 ✅

Happy to say I got my FIRST LAY since starting my progress log/journaling on here. See below for the details:

I got talking to this girl on Tinder and we just hit it off and connected well. Good banter etc. and she seemed like a cool chick. Eventually revealed that she's just gone through a breakup and wants to have some fun.

She was really in the mood, so I did some light sexting where I teased her and explained if she wanted the rest, she'd have to meet me in person. I know that the standing advice is not to sext, so I kept it brief and found a balance: Just enough to keep her interested, but not enough/too much as to get her off 'in the moment' and Fuck up any realistic prospects of meeting.

She was non-committal about meeting for coffee at first: 'I've got a busy week ahead etc. etc. I'll let you know'..., 'I'm a spontaneous girl, I don't plan things...' etc. etc. So I played it cool, totally expected her to ghost, but offered to meet for coffee Sunday (today) and told her to let me know and chased up a few other prospects in the meantime. I've now tried to adopt this abundance mindset with Tinder/Online dating as opposed to the scarcity mindset. I feel a lot better mentally and I don't pin all my hopes on the one girl and come across as a thirsty Simp/desperate beta boy.

This morning I text her and refreshed the offer of a coffee. She said yes and we arranged for 2 as she was going to have a nap due to not sleeping well. Again, kept my expectations low here. After expecting her to flake all day, I text at 1 and asked if she was ready to rock. Turns out she overslept and asked to push back an hour. No big deal as I went down to the shop today instead of tomorrow as I had the extra hour.

Side note here: Wore my height-increasing shoes. I bought some a while back on recommendation from Andy's blog. Tried the insoles, but these were a bit too uncomfortable for me, so I spent a bit of money. These put me at just over 6ft (closer to 6 and a half feet) and I feel this was an excellent investment even if just for the first date. Also rocked my good leather, my magnetic earring and looked pretty decent.

Ended up meeting her at just after 3 and man, she was actually pretty cute. Went and grabbed coffee and had really good conversation. She laughed at my jokes/playful teasing, was really receptive and warm and just an overall sweetheart. I've been quite bitter about women lately, so it was nice to hang out with someone cool who actually put the effort in.

Turns out she had a free house until later this evening, so I ended up going back to hers and she offered to give me a tour of the house. Got upstairs and into her room and I just grabbed her and kissed her. Things went from there.

She wore really nice underwear, had a perky chest, a good figure with a slim waist and a great ass. I popped a Viagra just before (I couldn't get it up once and I now just take one before sex as insurance whenever I'm with a girl) and we must've Fucked for 4 hours.

For my own peace of mind when I re-read this, would like to state I Kept safe and rubbered up the whole time. This is something non-negotiable for me with dating, even if they claim 'to be on the pill' - condom on or I walk. I've had a few scares and Fuck-Ups in the past I may discuss on here if appropriate.

She was VERY submissive and it was probably up there with the best sex I've had. Definitely in a long time. We did a lotta stuff that ticks my boxes and the pillow talk was good too. She's a sweet girl. She is looking for something casual but semi-regular and to explore, but doesn't have much free time (I genuinely believe her on this one) so will test it and see how it goes.

I left and we've text each other thanks for a good time and goodnight. Left it open for if she wants to meet again - she said she does when she's free, so I'll see what happens.

Had a pretty good time today and just want to say a big thank you to:


For commenting, advising and steering me in the right direction. These tips definitely paid off today.

Today I have also:

- Posted a few posts on Instagram (Social proof for online dating).

- Been active on Tinder and explored a few prospects. More to follow on this.

- Got up (05:00 A.M) in line with my sleep schedule.

- Listened to Episode #12 of the Kill Your Inner Loser Show regarding age gaps, mentoring women etc. As an older guy (almost 27) who sometimes matches with 18/19 year olds on Tinder, this I found was a very useful episode which I hope to put into practice if I establish anything regular in the future.

- Made notes on the above podcast.

- Did some gardening/helped out around the house.

Photos have been posted below for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading!




This is all because you decided to take the leap a week ago! Any time you feel overwhelmed about something and want to call it quits remember how you wanted to wait a year before talking to girls again LAST WEEK, and how in JUST ONE WEEK you got this experience!

I love when Andy says this bc it's so true - you'll get there [anywhere you want to go] if you just don't quit.


Thanks Joe! Really appreciate your ongoing support.

When I feel pissed off, I’m now going back and re-reading my log 📖 as you suggested to see that if I keep going, I get the results.

It’s really motivating and puts things into proper perspective.

Thanks again, man

Day 15: 25/10/2021 ✅

Just a quick one for today as I've mostly been doing interview prep for this job interview I have tomorrow:

- Woke up early again this morning (05:00 Hrs)

- Listened to 3 Podcasts:

- Episode #13: Overcoming porn addiction - Working my way through NoFap, so this was helpful.

- Episode #14: The Red Pill is a bit crazy - Definitely agree here. Has some useful concepts, but RedPill can be retarded sometimes.

- Episode #15: Dealing with a lack of motivation - Helpful as some days I can't be Fucking bothered! Reward is the key.

- Another Berserk Manga came (Volume 6.). I now have Volumes 6 and 7 of the Deluxe edition.

- Read some more Berserk - Hooked!

- Did some interview prep.

- Cleaned and tidied my room.

- Got my car road-ready for when I start driving soon.

And that's it for today - Got the job interview tomorrow, so just gonna see how I get on. Fucking dreading it like, but we'll see.

Photos have been posted for accountability purposes.

Thanks for reading

Day 16: 26/10/2021 ✅

Bit of a downer today - went for a job interview, but won't be taking it due the toxic work environment. Read on if you're interested :arrow_up:

So I went for this job interview today as I have mentioned in my project log previously. The interview itself went really well, but ultimately I have decided to turn down the job.

During the interview, a couple of things one of the managers said to me who was interviewing totally put me off:

- Informed me that it was a heavily target-driven role which I was cool with. Stated that if he felt I wasn't working hard enough and meeting these targets, he would be, and I quote, 'sat on my shoulder breathing down my neck'. He used these words EXACTLY. Was he presuming that I was gonna be a lazy Fucker or something?

- Informed me that I would be required to travel with the job and made no mention of reimbursement of expenses. This isn't just gas: In my country, you are legally required to have business insurance if using your vehicle for work purposes which is more expensive than the standard insurance. This was not mentioned at all on the initial job advert on the job site. Very misleading.

- Informed me that if the phone rang late at night or early morning, there is the expectation that it gets answered and dealt with to retain clients. Work/life balance practically non-existent leaving pretty much zero time to work on my self-improvement goal of sleep optimisation as well as the other things on my list e.g my main bulking goal.

- Despite him saying he does not micromanage, everything he said during the interview hinted to me that he sure as shit WOULD micromanage.

- Finally, when asked if I was happy to take the job if offered on the spot, I politely requested that I'd need a day or two to consider as I never make big decisions on the spot - which is the truth. I was however pretty much 90% decided that I wasn't taking the job, but wanted to think it over anyway.

This guy then said 'Oh is that because you've got other job offers then? What are they?' With a smug tone.

That 90% very quickly became 100%. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying 'Yeah actually, I got a job offer from a company called 'How about mind your own Fucking business?.'

Despite fantasising extensively about uttering the aforementioned expletive, I stayed polite, shook hands and delta'd outta there quick as I could.

I could tell that this was a very toxic work environment and for the workload, bullshit and likely bullying behaviour from middle management, this job was not on par with the pay.

I am looking forward to ringing up and telling this guy that I won't be taking his shit job tomorrow a hell of a lot more than I probably should be.

I don't need his attitude or his job at the minute. Not that I'm picky about work - I've done cleaning jobs on toilets when I needed the money. I just know when someone is taking the piss.

The one positive I can take from this is that I got some interview experience from it I suppose. I guess I could kinda throw in here that it's made me realise that I know when a shitty deal is on the table and that I have the self-respect to say 'no'' and walk.

It can be your biggest power.

Felt a bit down about the whole thing today. Broke my No-Fap streak which Fucking sucks, but it's one of them.

I'm chalking up today as experience and I'll carry on tomorrow with the self-improvement :arrow:

I did however get a few things done:

- Got halfway through one of Andy's podcasts - will update tomorrow.

- Applied for 5 jobs - gotta keep trying even after a knock-back.

No photos today, but will get back on it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading
