
Jun 18, 2020
Heey, what's up!
I'm back from the dead after a year of not posting/not going towards my goals.
So what has happened?

Back in 2020 during the summer I was doing the GLL Approach Anxiety program, cutting weight, learning to code and improving my online dating profiles.
Things were going good until I moved to Oslo in Norway last August to begin my new job as an IT consultant (web developer).
Back then I wanted to give "normal" jobs one last chance before deciding if it was the right path for me or if I should start going fully online and according to my own schedule.
Well, turns out I really don't like coding/office jobs even if the company, pay, colleagues and the tasks were good. I was bothered by the thoughts of not being able to fully prioritize the gym, girls and long-term future income. I knew that I would never be free if I continued to work.
Since then, I have moved back to Gothenburg, Sweden and I am quitting my job in 2 weeks.

So, what has been good during this one year period?

I improved my lifts immensely (10-40kg+/20-80lbs+) after following the Naturally Enhanced program since March last year.
I could have added 10kg/20 lbs on each of the lifts but I started cutting a bit too early and lost strength.
However, I am happy with the strength and I am now focused on cutting down to 10% bodyfat for once in my life.

I learned a lot about coding (both backend and frontend) which will help me further with my real goals of having an online based income through affiliate/e-commerce sites.

And the best thing was that I saved a ton of money through my salary and investing in crypto.
During Nov/Dec I invested all of my savings in BTC and later transferred everything to COTI which made my net worth 5x at the top (~ $100k).
However, I did not sell and got back where I was in January ( roughly 1.7x my networth ~ $40k) .
Although, it will be more than enough to gain more during the next 6 months and also help with personal and future business expenses (probably for ad traffic) for the coming 12 months. I am very optimistic about crypto due to all of the inflation happening!

So what will I do for the remainder of 2021? Here are my goals:

Main Goals 2021
-Create an affiliate/e-commerce web page and earn 1$
-I can go from being unfamiliar with a girl to sex within a week (I'm socially free)
-Cut down to 10% bodyfat.

This time I have the means to completely dedicate my time from the time I wake up til I go to sleep.
What I am currently doing:

Finishing the AA programe, although I will need to repeat some steps quickly.
Learning about affiliate marketing.
Doing my -1000kcal deficit diet.
Speeded through Week 1 and Week 2 of the AA program by doing each day on a couple of girls.
Focused mostly on the high-fives (day 14) since the previous days were quite boring to do and easy.
I am glad I still have it in me.
Freaking ridiculous how anxious I was when I did it last year. Everything is in the head, I freaking asked the time and where to buy a phone while having earpods in my ears and listening to music. Last year, I would've thought she thinks I am some form of total creeper or that she somehow knows that I am doing some kind of social anxiety therapy (yes, your mind really fucks with you in very creative ways).
Will try to pull week 3 tomorrow after work and perhaps week 4 as well since there will be quite some traffic on a Friday afternoon.

Gym and diet going well, managed to keep it in check even after going on BBQ with friends.

Started to read up on affiliate marketing. Lots of information to consume so far. Anyone here that has had any success with it?
Walked a ton yesterday and did a couple of high fives.
However, I was a bit disappointed by the amount of hot girls outside yesterday.
Went out later to an outside bar with a guy that I randomly met at a gym last year. He's mostly into maximizing his Tinder game and beating loneliness.
Him and his brother asked me to go up to two girls and ask them if they wanted to join our table (We still have table seatings only due to Covid)
They were literally the hottest Swedish girls there. I walked up and asked them, but they said they kind of had a re-union and would maybe join later.
My friends were quite surprised that I did it and bought me a drink. I was thinking fine, but cmon dude, that's nothing compared to what I want and can do.

Regarding my diet, I am taking it a notch further and I am going to start meal prepping. I bought a mixer and all ingredients needed and will start to prepare and cook 10 meals to begin with.

Was a bit disappointed in overall since I didn't have time to dedicate for reading more about affiliate marketing due to my normal developer job.
Hopefully in two weeks after I quit I will maximize all my effort towards my goals.
Sprezza said:
Freaking ridiculous how anxious I was when I did it last year. Everything is in the head, I freaking asked the time and where to buy a phone while having earpods in my ears and listening to music. Last year, I would've thought she thinks I am some form of total creeper or that she somehow knows that I am doing some kind of social anxiety therapy (yes, your mind really fucks with you in very creative ways).

I saw your old vlog on the GLL forum recently when I was looking up Day 36 experiences (U mad bro?). It seemed like you were blasting through it with a smile on your face but I guess that can be deceptive.

You must be doing multiple Days in a day. Good job dude… even redoing the phone day would feel unpleasant for me. Chris would recommend restarting with Week 5 but some of the physical stuff helps too. I warmed up my last nighttime drill with hi fives, really helped. Tapping on the shoulder, on the other hand, that was too much.

Jag kan ocksa prata och forstar lita svenska. Lyssna pa mykket musik fran Sverige som Uno Svenningsson, Patrik Isaksson, Kent…
offwego said:
Sprezza said:
Freaking ridiculous how anxious I was when I did it last year. Everything is in the head, I freaking asked the time and where to buy a phone while having earpods in my ears and listening to music. Last year, I would've thought she thinks I am some form of total creeper or that she somehow knows that I am doing some kind of social anxiety therapy (yes, your mind really fucks with you in very creative ways).

I saw your old vlog on the GLL forum recently when I was looking up Day 36 experiences (U mad bro?). It seemed like you were blasting through it with a smile on your face but I guess that can be deceptive.

You must be doing multiple Days in a day. Good job dude… even redoing the phone day would feel unpleasant for me. Chris would recommend restarting with Week 5 but some of the physical stuff helps too. I warmed up my last nighttime drill with hi fives, really helped. Tapping on the shoulder, on the other hand, that was too much.

Jag kan ocksa prata och forstar lita svenska. Lyssna pa mykket musik fran Sverige som Uno Svenningsson, Patrik Isaksson, Kent…

Well, the videos come after the drills so I am usually very happy about it :) :) however I did get a lot of negative irrational/anxious thoughts before the drills. After I get social momentum after a couple of 1st tries/warm-ups it gets much easier.
I did multiple days back then and now.
Also bear in mind, I am a bad communicator and probably fail to mention some of the hard points I had.
One of the reasons I want to be more socially free as well.

Kom till Sverige så raggar vi lite på tjejer ;)

OK, time for the daily update!

I decided to go for week 4 since I didn't have any issues saying something funny/easy/goofy previous week even though I am a serious guy on a default basis :lol:
I picked DAY 27: Where is the beach and I can honestly say it was difficult to jump into touching girls after not touching a stranger girl since last August. Fucking walked around for 90 minutes full of bull shit thoughts before doing my first drill. Managed to get 5 and plenty of them without tapping the girls shoulder.
Should have warmed up to make it easier, but I was too determined to make it.
It was fun though especially since I am huge now and made some girls scared :lol:
I am going to fucking complete this program i dont give a fuck, no more being average aka shit.
Will continue with the remaining ones of day 27 tomorrow and will go for day 28 as well. I believe this is a good restart point even though I don't have a habit yet of doing the days and the gradual positive momentum of previous days. So far so good with the AA.

Diet going as scheduled. Did my first ever meal prep consisting of chicken meat balls with forrest mushrooms, chicken tenders with kale and smoothie packs. Took me 4-5 hours on the first try but so worth it. No more dishes and less time being wasted on shitty meals. I enjoy making healthy meals now.

Man, I am so motivated to become socially free, get rich and get really fit. Nothing stopping me. 9 days left of work and I am 110% on dedicating some more time to affiliate marketing!

Took some photos with my friend some day ago as well. Will try to upload on my Tinder thread soon.
I was busy with family stuff the last day so couldn't manage it.
Today I went out to complete the remaining "reps" of day 27. Managed to get 3 after two hours of walking.
I don't know what it is but I had such a negative mindset today. Defintely wasn't in the mood.
It felt as everyone was too stiff and wasn't as approachable.
Also not so many nice girls around today.
I am afraid of doing the drills in the mall since it is completely packed all the time being in the centre of the city.
There is like a main avenue as well but I just don't dare to do the bold drills there.
So much BS in my head today, tired of my job (luckily 7 work days left), diet taking time (ofc it does!) and feelling like I need to go back in the AA program.
All in all small progress, will continue tomorrow after the gym or on Friday.

New weight 121.8 (-3.2kg/~7lbs since 1st of July)

P.S Ordered a new phone number/internet SIM card for my old phone so I can use it for a brand new Tinder account. Hopefully no bull shit with shadow banning! Could need some fucking soon lol
27 and 28 were my hardest days. I redid them both. Don’t be afraid to get reps on some average looking girls. It makes no difference in my experience, it’s just more memorable when they’re hot.

I’ve done about 90% of my drills in the same busy mall. I’m sure I get judged by employees (too underpaid to give a damn) but never got any backlash. I’m still anxious about street approaches though. I live in US suburbs where there’s virtually no sidewalk foot traffic so Manhattan becomes overwhelming for me.
offwego said:
27 and 28 were my hardest days. I redid them both. Don’t be afraid to get reps on some average looking girls. It makes no difference in my experience, it’s just more memorable when they’re hot.

I’ve done about 90% of my drills in the same busy mall. I’m sure I get judged by employees (too underpaid to give a damn) but never got any backlash. I’m still anxious about street approaches though. I live in US suburbs where there’s virtually no sidewalk foot traffic so Manhattan becomes overwhelming for me.

Yeah, I'll guees I'll do some reps on average girls as well. Gets too time consuming otherwise ~2 hours at least each time I go out. Good for my daily steps but not efficient for AA. Doing it in the mall would be so much faster, ill try it. However, I do get this irrational thought of other girls seeing me approach other girls with the same drill, but I know its high BS fear. Man, can't wait to start cold approaching for real. Im so tired of waiting you know and want to take full action and responsibility.
It’s not irrational to think girls you approach would have seen you approach other girls in the same venue, if that’s what you mean. It’s inevitable, they don’t give a shit. But you should develop the ability to not worry about being seen as a creep or weirdo. That’s kinda what we all are doing AA. Like look at your signature, with all of the lifts pounds and shit. That’s not normal. It’s good but it’s not normal to list or keep track of all that.

Try spam drills, one in front of the other. They’re fun, retarded, and goose momentum like crazy! And you’ll thank yourself for finishing faster. Day 30 groups is a great chance to spam.
The time will come my man. You're closer to real approaches than you think. If your worried about girls seeing you just remember they are more concerned about THEM you are just another guy to them. And if you have to wait a couple minutes for them to pass then so be it.

If need be you could do for example drills for day 26 and 27 so girl A is day 26 drill girl b is day 27 then girl c is day 26 go back and forth and in that way you can swap drills but get both done. Just remember pushing yourself and becoming better >>>>>> the opinions of a couple random girls. I have to remind myself of that sometimes.

Best of luck to you.
Whats up guys!
Today was a great day. I was in a much better mood after working out, showering and putting on some nice clothes.
Went out and immediately approached with "Where's the beach" drill. Did it on 5 girls and it went good ( it is actually really fun to do when it feels easy). Some MILF stopped talking and just stared when I started to flex :lol: :lol: :lol:
Some were confused, some kind of figured what I was doing (i think they did when they smiled :) )
Also did day 28 which felt like a breeze compared to day 27.
However, I did not do the challenge where you have to ask if she would fuck you If you had nerd glasses.
Man fuck that, I would probably get some harassment charge :lol: :lol: but that is also probably in my head since it is a question after all.

The biggest difference today compared to yesterday was that I could definetly feel more social momentum/dont give a fuck attitude.
I was even about to try out day 29 but stopped myself since I believe it is important to restart the momentum build up more often.

Jacobpalmer123 offwego
Thanks for the encouragement guys, really helped me sort the negative thoughts aswell!
Will try to do day 30 tomorrow since I will go to a night club with two friends. Unfortunately it is table seatings only. I'll see if I can walk around. I don't think it will be super hard to do some reps since most of my lays are mainly from clubs where I have approached girls physically before.
Hello there!
Been about 5 days since I posted so I will try to structure it up a bit.
Last Friday
Went to a night club ( table seating only) with two friends. Good music, girls and me really wanting to do at least a couple of reps for day 30.
So we get seated at a table by two sets of girls after telling one of the hosts to be nice and get us some girls. Really friendly guy!
Took some drinks and snus (tobacco product only legal in Sweden) to get the vibe going.
Since it was table seating, we got warned before hand that we can't move to other tables or drink while standing ( yes, I was already thinking, fuck these cheesy rules :) I am not paying to do night game on hard mode )
At a table across from ours, we see 6 girls in a good mode. My friend goes over there and gets us invited to their table.
Introduced myself, squeezed 2 girls, said "Nice" and asked them if they could be my bodyguard. Loved the reactions since I like the play of me being big and still asking them :lol:
However, a couple of minutes after we get warned by the hosts to leave the table or get kicked out. Annoying!
Afterwards 3 of the girls come to our table instead (I squeeze all of them ofc) and one of them tells me that we matched on Tinder and that she knew which country I was from. I tell her I haven't had Tinder for at least 1.5 years , but that she does look familiar somehow.
Was a nice girl (6/10) and was all over me hugging, touching and shit was about to get down. Knowing this I knew she would fuck 100% if invite her back to my place. Although, I did get too pussy greedy and wanted to see if there were better girls and wanted to finish day 30 (dedication brah :) ) . Talked with two more girls and squeezed them. In total 7/10 now.
Unfortunately, the first set of girls got kicked out for dancing on the tables :cool:
Tried to snap this girl to come over to my place afterwards ( I do have great logistics, like literally in the center of everything and with 10 min walking distance to all clubs/bars), but she was already on her way home.
All in all, it was a really fun night since it was at least a year I was clubbing properly and made a show. Will try to bang this girl on Wednesday or Thursday since I am going to Norway this Friday to leave my job stuff and have some weekend fun hiking.
I was quite surprised that I could squeeze this many girls due to the restrictions and will cross this day as done since I knew I could do this easily.

Went out again with the same friends and one of my friends Tinder hook-up. Good looking girl with nice ass ( she could almost deadlift 180kg/405lbs !) .
So we went to a Hard Rock cafe on the main street to get some drinks before going to another club.
While there my friend tries to fuck this girl in the bathroom three times :) but there were too many dudes in line :lol: :lol:
What surprised was that she at some point touched me with her leg and stroked my arm. Got a bit confused thinking she wanted to fuck with me as well.
My friend later tells me that he was stroking her pussy with his leg under the table. She was really horny :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nothing much happened later, we couldn't enter club since all of the tables were booked and wasted 2 hours in line. Lesson learned to wait for softer restrictions.

Meal prep/cleaning/washing clothes/gym day. Prepped a bit faster today, about 4 hours.
Diet has been really good so far. As of today (Wednesday) I have lost about 5kg. Shooting to go down at least 10kg/20 lbs more.
Can see my body getting more shredded each week and can't wait to be around 9-10% bodyfat. All this work to be showcased along with me beating AA makes me really excited and motivated!
Went out to do day 29 with the super high fives in the evening, but brah was it freaking pouring rain. The social momentum was there though and I know exactly how I will do it (hopefully now on Wednesday).
So I went back home, tried to stay proactive and ordered African black soap, The Ordinary hyaluronic acid, The Ordinary blood mask to get some skin care routine going. My skin is not bad but not great and I would like to start early with preventative measures.
Nothing will stop my way to freedom. All about maximizing my future rate of success.

Work. Hanging out with family.
3 days left, I am so excited. Barely doing anything and I don't give a fuck, I am quitting soon.
Trying to spend more time with family and friends but its keeping me back since I have ambitious and time-consuming goals.
Hopefully they can get busy with some other stuff so I can do more AA.
By this date I have also used a new Tinder account, but I was so fucking stupid and thought I mirrored my old pictures, but I forgot to do it.
Spent money on Tinder Gold and burned my friends phone number /credit card since I got shadow banned immediately ( boosted and got 0 matches, fuck you Tinder!)
Will restart everything with new phone number, Google play account, hard reset of phone, new credit card from another friend, no use of Wi-fi (only cellular) and new pictures. In a worst case scenario I will be flipping old phones just to be sure Tinder isn't tracking me for fucks sake.

Future stuff: Need to rack up the pace for AA, shitty weather is returning and I want to be approaching sooner. Will start reading up on business stuff religiously next Monday after my Norway weekend trip. Will stay one night in Oslo for some visits to bars/club? but will eventually be more of a hiking/bro trip to some nice views. Crypto is starting to go up again, very happy about that. Since I am all in with my investment savings it is nice to get some gains again.
Day 29/31
Must say this was a tough day. Took me about 30 minutes to gather myself and do the first super high five. Several girls said bluntly "No thanks". I tried to ignore it but sometimes it got to me. However, I did perform the reps needed.
All in all, I really dislike the drill because its super gay and it really doesn't fit me.
But, whatever, I got out of the comfort zone. Finally done with week 4 :) :)

Which single drill was the hardest for you?
Definetly day 27 and day 29. My mind really tried avoiding being cheesy, but after doing it, I considered them funny tbh.
How are things going so far?
Compared to day 0, I have much more will, killer instinct and motivation to approach. Even comparing to last year I have noticed that I give less fucks now. Don't know if its because i'm getting older but it feels good to be more confident.
How does the future look?
Like I said before. I am not stopping! I will either live like shit or live according to my desired lifestyle. No in between. Being average is not ok, it sucks.

Looking forward to do some real shit in week 5. Will also put up a new online Tinder account soon like I said. Let's get it! :)
DAY 32
Was really shitty weather. Luckily I found a time slot of 2 hours where it didn't rain to complete the drills. Went directly on time, directions and non-sexual compliment. Took me about 10 minutes to get going. Most reactions were positive, some of them just didn't want to give me the time or not respond to a hello. All in all a day with easy to medium difficulty.

Mood wise I believe the cutting of weight crutches me a little because It takes some time to get in to the right mood/social momentum due to the slight lack of energy. But as long as I am pushing the drills its fine.
Gym and diet going well. Tomorrow is the last day of work. Feels a bit crazy to just quit a nice job but I am confident that I took the right decision.
Yoo whats up guys!

So I've been a bit away from Sweden over the weekend. I was in Norway hiking at a place called Preikerstolen.
Fucking amazing, really worth the 4 km of walking with my 120 kg body :lol: :lol:
Like the view was fucking sick and I did take some photos. Perhaps I could put one on Tinder haha! Will upload later ;)
Before that on Friday night I went out in Oslo ( the capital city) with a friend of mine. It was a failure though because all bars didn't let people in after midnight due to covid and we went out around 11PM so no chance unfortunately. Although we did high-five some girls :)
I also had my last day at work. I can say it feels good but also a bit pressuring in a good way since I really want to focus on becoming rich through an online business.

Packed day with planning, doing laundry and picking up some new clothes I bought. Also a bit stressful since I broke my phone screen entirely and had to fork out 300 euros for a new one. All of my productivity/planning apps were in there, so I had to do shit manually. Did like one rep of day 33, wasn't hard but I had such a lack of time yesterday. Went to workout in the park for some variation.

Completed day 33 by going immediately for the last drills. Took me some time since some girls just continued to walk after the compliment. It felt a bit unusual to be this nice and also funny since I basically said that I hit my toe on the side walk. Tried to do day 34 aswell but JESUS Christ it feels so fucking weird. But on the other hand I believe the awkward day 29 prepared me good in a way :lol:
Will do it tomorrow!

Been using a new skin care routine the last couple of days and I can say my skin feels good after each time I do it. This is how it looks like:
1. Bulldog Face Wash
2. The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5,
3. Bulldog Moisturizer with SPF15 (minimum)

1. Bulldog Face Wash
2. Exfoliating (Thursday/Sunday): The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution/Bulldog Face Scrub (2nd alternative)
3. Shaving
4.The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
5. Bulldog Moisturizer

-Drink 5L of water per day
-Sleep 8-9 hours
-Eat 500g of veggies/fruit per day

Looking forward to some great results in a month or two!

BTW, two girls wanted to go out on a date with me last weekend and yesterday. One of them, I missed due to my broken phone and the other one cancelled.
However the one that cancelled actually wrote to me and said she was in a bad mood and added me on Snapchat.
Will try to ask them out this week.
However, I don't have high expectations since that Tinder account is shit anywas, we'll see how it goes basically!
Wow bro. We really are in the same boat as you say :) I was nearing 100k at the peak of crypto, now I am not far off 40k.

You live somewhere in Scandinavia I am guessing. How do you find the women there? I realise that is a very ambiguous question, especially if you have no basis for comparison but I always enjoy hearing local guys' opinions anyway!
What a fucking shitty day. Had some unpredictable shit coming up today that I had to solve. Tried to do reps but it was too fucking weird. Will continue tomorrow and try again for fucks sake :lol: :lol:

-Created account on Fastlane Forums and started reading Gold and Notable threads.
Mainly interested in information about affiliate marketing and digital marketing. Created some kind of business road map.
Will try to get one paying client by the end of Dec 2021. Just 1, simple as that.
Will also learn what I need to know to do affiliate marketing, but first things first so will go for digital marketing.
Will cold call people, read a ton and everything else to achieve my business goals.

Diet, gym, skin care, food prepping going well.
BTW, I have a party trip to Marbella booked in 10 days, so looking forward to that before Covid fucks up everything again :lol:
Thebastard said:
Wow bro. We really are in the same boat as you say :) I was nearing 100k at the peak of crypto, now I am not far off 40k.

You live somewhere in Scandinavia I am guessing. How do you find the women there? I realise that is a very ambiguous question, especially if you have no basis for comparison but I always enjoy hearing local guys' opinions anyway!

Yes bro, In Sweden, Gothenburg. I believe we spoke on the GLL forum about this :D :D !

Hehe currently at 43k and hope for the best during autumn, really eager to cash out a bit of living costs before this nasty inflation fucks up every inflated market out of the orbit. Just enough so I can focus on creating some online income for at least 3-4 years, but will probably need around 70-90k euro after 30% capital gains tax (yes, fuck me wide open Swedish government) depending on operating costs. Will try do to operate as lean as possible, but won't hesitate to spend when needed.

For reference, I have been with Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish women , so I can tell you a bit about them.
Swedish and Norwegian women are the best looking in Europe after Ukraine according to me.
Personality wise, they are chill to be with but can be a bit shy or too politically correct before you "click"/get2know them.
But all in all, not complicated like women from other cultures and definetly more open.
However, GLL principles such as looks, style, status and mostly social freedom do really apply here compared to other countries where being wealthy can be enough due to social standards.
Day game can be very rewarding since most Nordic men are pussies and never approach unless they are drunk as fuck ( welcome to Nordic culture :lol: ) Hint: That's one of the reasons I want to beat AA
All in all, I love Nordic women.
Smart, beautiful, kind, open.
However, the political correctness from some of them can be a bit too much e.g. doing the same stuff as everyone else and make em boring, but it's all about the numbers game.
DAY 34
Completed it finally but saying for the 3rd time JESUS christ this drill is either outdated or very misplaced for translation to Swedish.
Literally nobody understood what the fuck was going on and kept walking :lol:
Some older lady probably thought I wanted to steal her phone or something similar.
But in the end, its just words coming out of my mouth so I basically stopped caring and finished in what ever way I could.
Going for day 35 and 36 tomorrow. Just want to finish this so I can start complimenting girls for real in week 6.
Feels like these will be much easier to execute.
Reading Unscripted from Mj DeMarco to learn more about online entreprenuership. So far, so good but some of the concepts I already know such as taking action, barrier to entry, providing value. Just want to read it through so I can communicate easier in their forum.
Also reading a lot of stuff I screenshoted from Discord channels and Twitter accounts related to online business.
Hopefully I can start researching different digital marketing areas by tomorrow or the weekend.

Let's gooo!
DAY 35
Completed. Went directly on the longest line. Took me a while to find some girl or pair of girls, but eventually I did.
Was really fun to mess with them but the thing was that I had to translate "Are u Mad bro" to "Are you mad?" since it was pretty difficult to make them realize I was kidding. Really fun drill and kind of ice breaking since some girls started to talk about what they were actually thinking before I approached.
Also one girl asked me if I was flirting with her and I just played along. Asked for her number and if she wanted to go out on a date tonight, but she already had some beer but counter-offered to go out on Sunday.
Really chill girl from Serbia.
This was so fucking cool in a way since I didn't expect it. Like this would have never happened if I didn't do the AA program. It felt so smooth. However, I don't expect all interactions to go this smooth when I approach for real.
So looking forward so much to week 6 where I can actually hit on them as I want.

Still reading Unscripted, must say I had slept too little and my focus wasn't the best. Had some tasks I wanted to finish today but I don't know, I take all the blame on me.
Will go to sleep in 10 minutes and get some good sleep.

Will text some girls from Tinder/snap if they want to go on a date tomorrow.