Sprezza said:
Also one girl asked me if I was flirting with her and I just played along. Asked for her number and if she wanted to go out on a date tonight, but she already had some beer but counter-offered to go out on Sunday.

Awesome stuff dude.
DAY 36
Completed. Wasn't difficult, actually quite fun since some girls got really happy after showering them with compliments :lol:
One approach was a bit hectic, so I went up to this girl from Chile and did the drill.
She just stood there and later said that I should take her IG. I did and invited her to hang out with my friend for drinks in the evening.
Later she declined since apparently she didn't drink and blocked me :lol:
In general, I feel much better now in terms of approaching, definetly going full-on soon!

In the evening I went out with my friend and some girls including the girl he fingered under the table :) She wanted my snap and openly told me she wants to get laid, but she mentioned that she didn't want drama between me and my friend.
Told her it's chill, we already talked about it :lol: (like we already adressed the issue way before :) :) )
The girls is probably not so stable in her mind, but has a nice body ( deadlifts like 405)

Read about 100 pages today of Unscripted. Wish I could start immediately with something tangible but I need more knowledge. Will stay patient and keep going at it!
Also didn't know that my friend had his own e-commerce shop. Asked him a ton of questions and I am definetly glad to know someone more experienced personally.

He did also show me that he buys like 10 SIM-cards that he fills with the cheapest alternative of 3$ just to receive the message codes for Tinder. Only uses Tinder Online and switches out his SIM-card every week so he can have a fresh profile and number.
Also he uses slightly different nicknames and different web browsers. Never uses app since they track you which I already knew.
Will definetly try this today since it will save me a lot of time instead of switching phones, credit cards and other stuff just for using the app.
And the final tip was to swipe on selected profiles only. Apparently on Tinder Online you can see who matched with you (not Tinder Gold) and just swipe until you find the person. Nets him around 10-15 matches/week and he already got laid with 14-15 girls only in July month!
Fucking G!
AA: DAY 38 2/40
Yesterday was kind of impossible to do for day 37. It would simply take too much time. I'll save this one for post-Covid at either a EDM festival I will attend in the beginning of September or Marbella (Spain) starting on Thursday ;)
Was busy as usual on Sunday due to cleaning, washing, prepping food and volume workout at Gym which practically means that I am busy between 13-19 in the evening. Going out early to approach girls is definetly not efficient on a Sunday. So I went out around 20 and tried to approach the girls I could find. Must admit it was a bit harder than I thought to just say they are cute straight away, so I hesitated for a couple of girls but managed to the drill on 2 girls. One laughed and the other didn't say anything.
However I did hear one of her friends commenting "This guy was really good looking", so made me feel good.
I am focusing on embracing the mindset that Chris mentions where I have to imagine that my compliments actually matter.
In a sense, it's a bit difficult to embrace since I haven't got as much exposure to giving compliments directly yet.
Exciting week ahead nevertheless!

Bought SIM-card and cheapest data plan for an upcoming Tinder profile. Will take awesome pics every day while in Spain and build up a nice roaster of pics I can rotate among.

Barely managed to do anything today. Was busy ordering stuff from darknet and doing stuff for AA/Online dating. Dissapointed to be honest. Feels like I am underestimating the time needed to do all of my daily tasks. However, I am kind of prioritizing AA first since I can finish it in short and have approaching incorporated in my lifestyle. Therefore, I will have more time available later when I get this system of approaching and online dating up and running and also optimized/automated as much as I can.

Current weight is at 118kg/260 lbs so I am down about 7kg/15lbs which I am very happy about.
Although, It's getting a bit harder to stay disciplined to diet and have gotten the urge to just skip prepping and eat a cheat meal :lol: :lol:
Hopefully I am done by the end of September :cry: and can start to bulk (moderately)/achieve new strength goals again.
AA: DAY 38 5/40
Going forward but still slow. Skipped less girls but still not so many today around due to bad weather. However, I should step it up and go to malls, bus stations and train stations. I can only tolerate this taking 2 hours now when I need to do some walking due to my cut and to relax a bit from doing business stuff on the laptop. One irritating thing is that half of the girls wear earbuds which makes it harder to get their attention, especially when I am starting out with a new drill. Will try go for the "Hey, wait a second, you're cute" immediately.
The 3 reactions I got today were varied. One said thx and smiled, others passed by.
Will try to go for at least 10 girls tomorrow!

Made 1/5/10 year goals or rather improved/clarified the ones I already had but in journal form. It is much easier to have a glance at them in a book than in some page on Evernote where I store all of my notes/knowledge (commonplacing).
The main 10 year goal is to reach at least 10$ million. That will ve enough for my desired ultimate lifestyle.
I did also make a 1-month goal and the goal for August is too research enough information to start with operational steps towards my goal and being less in the research phase.

MAAAN, was I hungry today. The meals I made for this week weren't as filling as previous ones. Went to BurgerKing and took a chicken burger with 2 extra chicken fillets. Went overboard with roughly 500kcal but still in deficit. Cooked some thilapia with asparagus for the coming days to offset the hunger. Should be more filling.
AA: DAY 38 15/40
As said, I complimented 10 girls today. Was easier this time and I got happy responses. Felt like I made some girls day :D
Unfortunately, I would love if I could have more traffic of nice girls and better weather, but I'll keep pushing it!
Will activate my new Tinder account to try it out and hopefully it will work when I travel to Spain on Thursday! Very excited :D

Have read half of the book now. Its about 270 pages out of 543, quite long but I am happy for putting in time today. about 3-4 hours. Should have put in more but my friend wanted to meet. I should have said no and continued with my work. Next time!

Crypto going well. My stack is around $55k now. Let's goo!
Morning weight 117.1 kg (down 8kg since start!)
Amazing bro! I was in Gothernburg working in an office for 2 months a year ago. I think there were quite a few 'puas' doing approaches on the streets. I remember tinder being diabolically bad. Got 1 lay but nothing to boast about.

Anyway, its good you can see the good in these women and that you have a strong drive to approach as a result :twisted:
Hello guys, been some ten days since I wrote something :/
Well, I was on vacation in Spain for a week :)
Was great but got the covid-19 unfortunately. I don't feel bad but my sense of smell is completely gone.
Hopefully it recovers fast although I did read that it took a couple of months for some people.
On to the progress areas

AA: DAY 38 40/40
I can say that I definetly killed this day throughout the week I was in Marbella.
Probably got Covid due to the amount of handshakes I did with different girls.
However, one thing that bothered me was that none of us ( me & 2 friends) got laid despite the effort of approaching.
In my opinion several reasons for that:
-Mostly Spanish/Latina girls where most of them didn't know/want to speak English
-COVID-most places closed at 2 while usually Spanish people party until 05-06
-Buying a spanish SIM-card for Tinder turned out to be bad. According to my friend, he got plenty more matches back in Sweden.
-One night we went out with some Swedish girls that seemed down to fuck and were about to go to a nice club, but the club was closed all of a sudden and it killed the whole vibe.

The place was great though. Good food, nice boats and sick cars. Also the Latinas take dancing to a whole other level with their ass twerking. Jesus man!

Read Unscripted for a total of 3 hours while flying back and forth. Will focus more on this until I get better from Covid and start to approach once again.

Crypto is being amazing. Currently sitting at $80k.
One thing that surprised me was that I actually lost weight during vacay.
Weighing at 114.9kg now (down 10kg/20lbs since start)!
One positive thing about losing my sense of smell is that I can now eat very healthy without complaining since every kind of food feels the same right now. :lol:
Quick daily update.

Sat all day today and read through the remaining 150-200 pages of Unscripted (total of 540 pages). What a great book! Hopefully one of the few I needed to read to get going. Nevertheless, I will introduce myself to the FastLane forum and start exploring different areas of online business as of tomorrow.

Sense of smell returned minimally today, but progress is progress :)
Perhaps 2-3 more days of rest and I will continue with the AA program.
I am having a job interview lined up on Wednesday. What? Am I suddenly going back to the 9-5 ? Not really!
A friend hooked me up with this interview and the reason for wanting it is that is well paid, remote and you barely do anything while raking in cash.
I can literally do about 5-10 hours of work/week and put the remaining time in doing what I do now while on pay roll.
If it doesn't turn out to be like it, I'll easily quit it.
With this I can put in more money in crypto while having the same near-optimal lifestyle for my goals.
Introduced myself to the Fastlane forum and bought a year of the Insider membership.
Looking through all the material on online business I have saved the last couple of months.
COVID is irritating me to be honest. My sense of smell is returning more and more but my productivity is being killed by tiredness.
Trying my best but it kind of takes over from time to time.
Really sucks not being able to go to the gym or do AA.
Some updates. Felt bad and unmotivated to do shit the last week, I am finally free from Covid though.
Also, decided to say fuck you to the job I had lined up. It will just turn me back into old habits.
I need to have some fire beneath my feet or I'll just succumb to the comfort of the job and never become independent.
Also the approaching, cooking will probably go sideways as well.
So I'm back on the new habits I had.

Gym is going ok. Im back around 115kg. Will try to go down to 110 by end of September. Signed up for a free month of MMA classes so will use that in addition to the gym.
My crypto is more or less back where it was at the top around 100k which I am happy about.
Although I do feel we are in the moments where things are about to get explosive in the coming months aka the last wave before the crash.
Really hope I can at least cash out 300k in total which is about 200k after taxes. My goal is to reach $1,5 millions but we'll see.
Would love to have about 3-4 years of savings and the rest in crypto.

Continuing with business research and AA tomorrow. Let's get it! :)
Sprezza said:
Signed up for a free month of MMA classes

dude WHAT. this soo cool, here i gotta pay hundreds per month

also what mixed martial art are you gonna be focusing on?
Shit day for AA Day 39 today. Had to hit the gym so was finished by 19:30. It was really bad traffic. Will simply continue tomorrow at 17.
Seems like the time between 17-19 is the best time to do the drills outside. Probably between 12-17 in the malls.
Figured I would upload some progress pictures while am at it:
1st of July START 125kg
View attachment 6
View attachment 5
View attachment 4
1st of September 2 MONTHS Progress 115kg (-10kg)
View attachment 3
View attachment 2
View attachment 1

Will go and shed at least 5kg more until I reach at least 10% bodyfat
I also have to say my face looks better after using my skin care routine for roughly a month now.
Been experimenting with a Tinder account I made with a new SIM card and only through the web version of Tinder.
Put up these two average pics and got about 25 matches before the "newbie boost" died so Im quite happy about it.
View attachment 1

My friend hooked me up with about 20 SIM-cards. The only cost is the one you pay to receive an SMS from TInder to confirm your number (roughly 5$ for each card I am looking for even cheaper providers so I can use several profiles on different browsers).
So far 2 girls wanted to go on a date after I asked but then the conversation just died before we could agree on a date (wtf :lol: ?)
Like you gotta be fast when their attention span is bad so will try to go for their # aswell.
Will improve my pics to be more similiar to the ones Master has. They will be temporary basic pictures until I lose enough weight and then I will go for elite standards.
Until then I will be using a new SIM card each Sunday and Thursday. Like why waste tons of money on boosts when you can just swap SIM-cards which you can get from random shops as many as you want.
I really feel like I am under performing, like cmon how hard can it be to make it online like I did at night :lol:

Continuing to work with digital marketing until midnight-2AM.
Greenranger said:
Sprezza said:
Signed up for a free month of MMA classes

dude WHAT. this soo cool, here i gotta pay hundreds per month

also what mixed martial art are you gonna be focusing on?

Yeah, its a nice offer. Usually it is about 60$/month. Been thinking of doing MMA/BJJ/Boxing classes as much as I can but at least 3x week. Hopefully it doesn't fuck up my timing with the AA program.
Sprezza said:
Greenranger said:
dude WHAT. this soo cool, here i gotta pay hundreds per month

also what mixed martial art are you gonna be focusing on?

Yeah, its a nice offer. Usually it is about 60$/month. Been thinking of doing MMA/BJJ/Boxing classes as much as I can but at least 3x week. Hopefully it doesn't fuck up my timing with the AA program.

good luck with that bro
Looking good man! Great progression! You've shed a lot of fat off, in no time we should see the abs! Keep grinding brother 💪💪💪
Honestly you should already be good to go on a nice photoshoot and get tons of matches even if you are not at your peak, you can still get ton of matches I'm pretty sure!
Sprezza said:
My friend hooked me up with about 20 SIM-cards. The only cost is the one you pay to receive an SMS from TInder to confirm your number (roughly 5$ for each card I am looking for even cheaper providers so I can use several profiles on different browsers).
So far 2 girls wanted to go on a date after I asked but then the conversation just died before we could agree on a date (wtf :lol: ?)
Like you gotta be fast when their attention span is bad so will try to go for their # aswell.
Will improve my pics to be more similiar to the ones @Master has. They will be temporary basic pictures until I lose enough weight and then I will go for elite standards.
Until then I will be using a new SIM card each Sunday and Thursday. Like why waste tons of money on boosts when you can just swap SIM-cards which you can get from random shops as many as you want.
I really feel like I am under performing, like cmon how hard can it be to make it online like I did at night :lol:

How do sim card works exactly? Do they allow you to bypass the algorithm or some shit havent heard of that trick yet?
Guess we both had a hard time with Day 39. It's my second time completing it. I recommend only doing it on stationary women so you don't have the extra pressure of stopping them. Gonna do it in train stations tomorrow rather than the mall.

Where I live 1200-1700 is the best time for malls because there are more single women. After that you get a flood of couples and girls.

Sprezza said:
Shit day for AA Day 39 today. Had to hit the gym so was finished by 19:30. It was really bad traffic. Will simply continue tomorrow at 17.
Seems like the time between 17-19 is the best time to do the drills outside. Probably between 12-17 in the malls.

You should be able to kill it on the dating apps.
Master said:
Sprezza said:
My friend hooked me up with about 20 SIM-cards. The only cost is the one you pay to receive an SMS from TInder to confirm your number (roughly 5$ for each card I am looking for even cheaper providers so I can use several profiles on different browsers).
So far 2 girls wanted to go on a date after I asked but then the conversation just died before we could agree on a date (wtf :lol: ?)
Like you gotta be fast when their attention span is bad so will try to go for their # aswell.
Will improve my pics to be more similiar to the ones @Master has. They will be temporary basic pictures until I lose enough weight and then I will go for elite standards.
Until then I will be using a new SIM card each Sunday and Thursday. Like why waste tons of money on boosts when you can just swap SIM-cards which you can get from random shops as many as you want.
I really feel like I am under performing, like cmon how hard can it be to make it online like I did at night :lol:

How do sim card works exactly? Do they allow you to bypass the algorithm or some shit havent heard of that trick yet?

You basically abuse the "newbie boost" of 2-3 days that you get when you create a new account on Tinder browser version) with new/slightly edited pictures. Use 4G only and a different phone for the SMS confirmation. Log in on your ordinary phone. Rinse and repeat with a new SIM card after you see that there are no more likes coming in.
An additional benefit with the browser version is that you can actually see a name of the person that liked you in the section with matches.
So in fact the proccess becomes simpler, you swipe on the 1st and the 2nd will usually give you that person.
If not, refresh the tab. With this you don't even need to swipe. Wait for the likes to come in and then use the method.
You can also use multiple accounts across multiple browsers so imagine you can actually get around 100 matches if you use 5 SIM-cards at the same time.
Sure, a few of the likes/matches you get will overlap but all in all more benefit to you.
Also I found an operator Lycamobile ( I believe its a worldwide operator) that allows you to receive messages without having to pay for any subscription.
Basically that means it is possible to do this for free! I grabbed about 20 SIM cards for free which I will go through this month and see what happens.

offwego said:
Guess we both had a hard time with Day 39. It's my second time completing it. I recommend only doing it on stationary women so you don't have the extra pressure of stopping them. Gonna do it in train stations tomorrow rather than the mall.

Where I live 1200-1700 is the best time for malls because there are more single women. After that you get a flood of couples and girls.

Sprezza said:
Shit day for AA Day 39 today. Had to hit the gym so was finished by 19:30. It was really bad traffic. Will simply continue tomorrow at 17.
Seems like the time between 17-19 is the best time to do the drills outside. Probably between 12-17 in the malls.

You should be able to kill it on the dating apps.

Ah yes, it is a bit more difficult than I thought since in Swedish you can't really say "I'm Sprezza" in a casual way. It sounds weird, so I have to take out my hand and say "Sprezza" instead which is a bit more daunting but doable for sure.

Thanks bro, will try that!
Master said:
Looking good man! Great progression! You've shed a lot of fat off, in no time we should see the abs! Keep grinding brother 💪💪💪
Honestly you should already be good to go on a nice photoshoot and get tons of matches even if you are not at your peak, you can still get ton of matches I'm pretty sure!

Thanks man!
I don't know to be honest. On all photos with a DSLR my face looks so puffy and not like yours e.g.
I do have "fat" cheeks and dimples naturally but I'll see after a month or two if my face starts to slim down"inwards" after losing additional 5-10kg's
My goals for SEPTEMBER:
-Get down to 110kg /242lbs
-Set up the minimum thing I can start doing in digital marketing. What will that be? I'll have to find out
-Complete the AA program
-Take basic profile pictures for Tinder with my DSLR
-Start doing some upper back mobility exercises. I have noticed my posture is getting worse and I have looked in to 4-5 exercises I'll try doing on a daily basis.

Now I'm going off to a rave. See you!