Hey whats up guys:)
Writing this on my 25th birthday lol ( it's been good :) )
So a quick update.
I have been a bit stressed lately and was completely out some days lately due to migraine.
The goals I am aiming for are difficult to gauge time wise which leads me to negative thoughts of how I am under performing all the time.
E.g. like I expect to finish one day of AA with ease but now when I have to approach 40 girls it makes me too stressed out.
I really have to set some limits.
-Started doing a morning routine for general motivation, visualisation and physical exercise/upper back mobility which takes about an hour. I want to make sure I am in the right mood each time I wake up. No more of "I'll do it tomorrow and then proceed to be on phone to watch crypto/news and ruin my momentum"
-2nd SIM card week for Tinder has been good. I uploaded some new edited pics and have currently 20 likes and about 20 matches of which 11 I see as attractive after about 2 days.
Really trying to set up one single date but as soon as I ask if they want to meet/get a drink this weekend/week its radio silence. I still have to run more numbers game I guess or am in that Tinder limbo where the girls don't give a fuck about you since you're not their top shelf alternative.
-Failed with day 39 today. Too nervous since I wanted to shortcut and just say my name immediately instead of warming up with some "Hey you are cute" s
-Re-started my meal prepping and gym is going well. Maintained my weight but I am still adamant about getting down to 110kg. Lets go!

Current Tinder pics:
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Hey guys, yesterday was a sexy day!

LAY 34
So I talked to a hot blonde on Tinder and suggested we go on a date to a bar. She said yes but around eight she asks me if I wanted to join her friends instead of which were 2 hot girls aswell. Tried to get some of my buddies, but they were all busy. Tried to push to go out alone with her but she wanted to be with her friends. Said wtf didn't have anything better to do and joined them.

I meet them up and they are all hot. We go to a bar and order drinks. I notice that the blonde had already drank some and was tired. Tried to spark some convos but it was a bit lame. However one of her friends, a brunette that was even hotter than the blonde, looked at me all the time and was talkative,
We went out for a smoke (I don't smoke unless offered is a good principe I hold on to) and started to talk a bit. We immediately noticed that we both connected quite fast. So we went back to join the others and I notice the blonde doesn't even care about talking anymore. She said that she needed to go earlier because some laser appointment in the morning :lol:

The blonde asked if I wanted to stay with her friends and I ofcourse said yes. I did find out later that she told them that she wasn't interested. Who cares I thought since her friend was definetly down to fuck and hotter like 7/10 which means really hot for me.
We order some more drinks and decide to go for another smoke. The brunette was so on to me, came closer and we kissed. So HOT!
Later she says that we should go to a cozy place :cool: We decide to go to another bar and then dropped of the 3rd girl who was quite dull and barely enjoyed herself. We turn to get the tram but it stopped a the central station so we had to take the cab. Suddenly she says that she's walking home and I told her wtf lets go in to the cab :lol: :lol:

Outside the entrance to her place she just tells me "You're not going up with me". I knew it was because she didn't want to get in conflict with the blonde girl who was her friend despite her not knowing that I went home with her and that she wasn't interested in me.
This has happened before and one cool guy once told me to just say that you want a cup op water :lol:
So after some convos back and forth we go to her apartment, she still says I should leave because of the same reason, but then she starts turning on music and going to the bathroom :lol:
I wait a bit and notice that she's quit, I asked her if she was alright since she drank quite a lot, no reply.
Wtf, was she asleep on the floor hahah? So I opened the lock and see her crouched in a hot night dress having some kind of panic anxiety which I later learned that she gets when she is angry. Weird, but then after I hugged her she just said let's go to bed.
Realizing I will get laid after a 1 year hiatus, I start undressing her, kissing her all over her body.
Undress myself and start fucking her. Great ass and body. And she really knew how to ride :cool:
Fuck her 2 more times during the night while cuddling a lot. Missed that a lot!
She tells me that she usually never cuddles or gets orgasms while hangover/drunk.
Took her IG and now I want to date her or have her as an FB since she actually was a smart, feminine and caring girl.

I am kind of writing this with some feelings hahah we'll see what happens.
Hope you enjoyed my first written lay report! I am so fucking happy that I got some progress but I noticed that I want to be more deeply stimulated. Like get laid with someone I like or do more fun stuff than just randomly.
Until I find those kind of girls that are fun to date more long-term I'll continue with my AA and online dating ofc!

BTW, also writing this with anxiety which I get from alchohol. Like how the fuck do people cope with having this after drinking? And all this while weed and mdma is strictly prohibited.
That's a good lesson in pushing man. There's so many points where you could've left it as is and not hooked up.
Manganiello said:
That's a good lesson in pushing man. There's so many points where you could've left it as is and not hooked up.

Definetly is bro. Must've been at least 4-5 different scenarios where I could have just quit. Fuckin thought the girl locked herself in the bathroom like I was some kind of rapist :lol: each time it felt my brain just wanted the easy way out and go home. Its so stressful in the moment but so important to keep pushing it.
Approached 2 girls today. One of them I took a number from. Going on a date tomorrow. Was so un-smooth hahah but sometimes it is. I think I'll have to go for numbers bcz it feel harder to just quit a conversation after saying my name and shaking hands :lol: :lol:
Some girls on Tinder also accepted to come for something to eat at my place so will schedule that. I am surprised that it works better than asking if they want to have a drink.
Whats up guys!
Remember the number close from the previous post yesterday?

LAY #35
So we went out on a date, ate some nice pasta and drank some beer.
We went back to my place, talked some more. The girl had a cute face but was a bit chubby (4/10 :cry: ), I don't know what the fuck I was thinking when I took her number, but I guess I was a bit stressed out/nervous and didn't take a better look. She was quite tall as well, like 6'2 / 188cm.
One nice thing was that she was a yoga teacher and showed some great exercises for my upper back which I have implented in a routine of mobility and stretching exercises according to one of my goals forthis month.
Nevertheless, I told her I am going to sleep in my bed since I was tired and thought I don't want to waste time.
She joined me and then slowly started to turn her on.
We fucked but it was quite bad, she didn't suck so good and I was a bit discouraged to fuck her since I wasn' t that attracted. Nice tits though.
Anyways, I am happy that I could pull it off from approach to lay within 24 hours. Let's continue with the AA program and slay it by end of September.

Going out with the Hungarian girl tomorrow for sushi.
Tinder is going better. Some girls are keen to meet this week. Just need to set it up.
Slowly but surely things are going better with dating and my A2 goal so I can put more and more time on creating my digital marketing agency,

Diet is going well. I am below 115kg so I'll keep shredding. One good thing with 1000kcal deficit is that you can be quite flexible with your diet e.g you're going to a bar to have some drinks and still go down in weight.
Congrats on you first cold approach lay. Fucking awesome milestone.

I also noticed that both you, @offwego and I are at a similar point of the AA program and all want to finish the day 46 milestone before the end of September. Let's do it together.
Awesome job. Was she wearing a mask when you approached? All the more respect if she wasn’t… shows your lack of overthinking.
Nice job bro. Nother dude with Cold Approach lay. Good job.

Curious how did you feel about it afterwards?
CainGettingLaid said:
Congrats on you first cold approach lay. Fucking awesome milestone.

I also noticed that both you, @offwego and I are at a similar point of the AA program and all want to finish the day 46 milestone before the end of September. Let's do it together.

Hold hands and cross the finish line.
Thanks bro! yes, let's fucking kill this and change our lifestyles forever!
offwego No, no mask. Here in Sweden nobody gives a fuck. Restrictions are being lifted by the end of September.
Manganiello Yes! Felt like "ain't doing this again". Like she asked me afterwards if we are going to meet more, told her I am dating others but we'll keep in touch ( didn't want to hurt her, didn't actually know what I should say, any advice?). She can be a good friend but no fucking for sure.

BTW how do you multi-quote people? Like do I have to copy paste your posts within the quote tag?
Sprezza said:
BTW how do you multi-quote people? Like do I have to copy paste your posts within the quote tag?

Select the text as if you're going to copy it. And then a box shows up to quote it.

Sprezza said:
Manganiello Yes! Felt like "ain't doing this again". Like she asked me afterwards if we are going to meet more, told her I am dating others but we'll keep in touch ( didn't want to hurt her, didn't actually know what I should say, any advice?). She can be a good friend but no fucking for sure.

That's super interesting. I felt like I broke the universe. Cloud 9. I was so excited about the lay. I thought every cold approach lay would feel like that. But I think there were a number of factors that made it feel special.
Manganiello said:
Select the text as if you're going to copy it. And then a box shows up to quote it.
Mind. Blown. Thx!
Manganiello said:
That's super interesting. I felt like I broke the universe. Cloud 9. I was so excited about the lay. I thought every cold approach lay would feel like that. But I think there were a number of factors that made it feel special.
Hmm, cool! I'll definetly go for hotter girls in the future. I believe it happens when you take a girl home which you never thought would be possible. Quite exciting!
Congrats! First one is always amazing. Just goes to show that the work you have been putting in is actually working.
Hey guys!

Yesterday was such a busy life admin day. Had to buy and pickup stuff for my skin ( expanding to use retinal and real sun screen). Changing my moisturizer and cleanser, also bought some really nice perfume for my apartment. Some small stuff aswell. In overall small improvements :)
Did 1 rep of day 39. Told myself that I can at least do 1 rep.

During the evening I went for sushi with the Hungarian girl. She is really nice, went back to my place later. Told me she has to work ( hot feminine career women, I get so turned on by them) and had to go home earlier. I knew her position so I was like fine with it, but then when she got home she told me to come over with more drinks :lol: . Went there in the rain and we fucked (her volleyball ass is sick! Also getting fake tits soon :cool: ). Got a bad headache the whole day after since I dank coffee which really fucks me up when I'm cutting and sleeping bad. So today was quite fucked. just meal prepped and planning my food shopping list.

A note though, I like her and want to date her more, but on the other hand I still want to fulfill my goals.
It takes away my focus but I will finish this. Tomorrow I will be dedicated to finish day 39. No fucking excuses, its Friday

Continuing the night now to do more work for the marketing agency!
Good stuff happened this Weekend so let's get on to it!
So this girl was one of the girls I had matched on Tinder with last week when I was with Hungarian girl (Lay #34). As usually now, I asked her if she wanted to come by my place to cook food and share a bottle of wine. She told me she was fine with it but then said that she wanted to meet somewhere else to decide what kind of type I was lol. I was thinking like whatever and added her on Snapchat. Then Friday comes and I video call her on Snap around lunch half-naked in my bathroom, but she didn't answer :lol: .

She later calls me and we try to do some small talk before I tell her I'll be busy doing stuff ( wanted to do AA Day 39 ) but that I'll call her later to see what's up. Bear in mind I didn't give a fuck since she felt as a flake already and was really fucking cocky like telling me I sound like an 18-year-old and asking a bunch of stuff regarding where I live, what I do for a living...basically an insecure gold digger.
Evening comes and I am getting ready to do some approaches for the AA program. Just for fun I call her and we talk about setting up a date with a bottle of wine on a shared terrace in my apartment complex ( quite nice with a good view) . She rabbles on about what I do and how she is used to luxury and people treating her good. I try to go along and after some calls back and forth she says that she'll come.

Thinking she was bullshitting I put on my jacket and go to the meeting place 5 minutes away. Surprisingly she shows up and she really looks good (7/10).
We go to my apartment while talking about some random stuff. She was like the most pretentious girl ever. I never believed that the rumors about rich Swedish girls being completely out of touch with reality being true until I met this one :lol: :lol:
We continue up to my terrace with the wine and start drinking. She asks me how my last Tinder date was so I tell her how I met the Hungarian girl :lol: on which she replies how "dirty" it was like she never got dick on the first date.

After some more talking, I suggest we go down to listen to some music. She turns on Bachata music and starts to teach me how to dance. Was quite fun since its a very near contact dance and I could kind of keep up. We sit down on my couch to rest and I start massaging her upper back which she really enjoyed ( I have a good touch ;) ) We go to my bed where I continue to undress her and keep doing the massage.
Both are now in underwear and I start to kiss her. This is where the hard part started. She was really persisting me touching her pussy and tits since she told how she didn't want to sleep with me since we went to same school and I had a closed DSLR laying on a shelf (like I was trying to record her :lol: )
Realizing how stupid/drunk she is I tell her I never attend school ( which I don't because I am just registered to keep my student apartment) and put the camera in a cabinet. Like for real she was that insecure.

We go back to bed to cuddle and this time I really take things slow starting with touching her pussy on top of her string. Then later I finger her around the pussy, in the pussy and eventually start to lick her. Pull down my boxers and start to fuck her slowly. She told me before that her pussy is a school-book example of how it should be. And by God was it fucking amazing. Was a long time ago I had such a nice pussy :cool: and the ass was great as well.
She loved how I threw her around the bed and slightly choked her ( called me papi :cool: ) I showered her with cum and she told how fucking hot it was.

Escorted her back to the tram and went back to my bed feeling very content. She was keen on going to a rave next week and trying MD_MA but we'll see. I never encourage or advertise anyone on doing it unless they are well informed.
Here is a sneak peak for the wankers:
Went out around 7PM to do the drills. Was so fucking bad the first 2 hours. offwego and CainGettingLaid tried to encourage me (we are in a group chat together, thanks bros) but I felt low until I got furious. I went around the same block and literally passed a girl staring at me twice. Phone dies and I start to think what the fuck I was doing, am I going to be such a pussy after all of this? Slowly I start to approach by simply just doing it without any excuses, The night turns out from shit to me approaching 22 girls + getting invited to drink by some guys who saw me do the last approach to a couple of hot girls. I join them and inside the bar was a lot of girls. Can't say all of them were good looking but enough for me to do the drill on 5 of them. Also I did take 4 snaps from some girls I found to be really fucking cute and will message tmrw to see what's up. All in all a great fucking weekend.
Finished the remainder 2 reps since Sunday is a really shitty day to approach here. Could have rather jerked off in my bedroom and waited for the girls to pass by my window. Happy that I am finally done with this day. The amount of reps have been tough. I liked the reactions though since most of them were positive and I got contacts from some of the girls without trying too hard. Feeling more and more ready to approaching as a lifestyle. Hopefully week 6 will nail this down to the T with the amount of reps left!
Did a small photoshoot session today aswell. Currently uploading photos to Google Photos.

Weighing around 114 kg. September has been a bit of a slack off due to dating and drinking, but still going down in weight. Lets reach at least 112 by the end of month but preferrably 110kg if a miracle happens. Perhaps I'll do more MMA and burn that fat off :lol: ?
Seeing my face change and more girls looking, even some gym girls which has never happened to me before. So excited to reach 105kg,will be a god walking among the peasants ( just joking!)

With this small success that has happened the last 10 days with dating, I have to admit I haven't put in as much time as I wanted into learning about marketing. Especially when I reached a new high in net worth from crypto yesterday ( roughly $130k but now around $110k) , it's like a curse motivating you but also making you a bit lazier.
It was Day 42 where I felt like the approach lifestyle was a real thing. First real day IMO. Gotta slug it out a bit longer.