MONDAY-SUNDAY 13/12-19/12-21

I am on the verge of doing some swing trading with my crypto. Like selling everything until end of February. I have capital gains taxes to pay anyways. This covid shit is getting worse again despite the vaxx. Luckily we didn't get any interest rate hikes from the FED and here in Sweden we won't have any until 2024 (this is crazy since we are printing a lot of money aswell). But the main reason is I want to focus on generating that Wi-fi money for 2022.

I have set a one-year goal to earn $5000 in total by end of 2022 through an online business. This will be tough as nails and my greatest challenge hence I want to have some "safe" money even though inflation is eating it. Also it is about facing my biggest insecurity and that is becoming mediocre or worse as a human being.
Like will I be able to contribute something to the world of value or be just like most people, an end-less consumer.
Nevertheless I will have capability to focus 100% on that.

Gym and dating will be process-oriented. I will do my workouts 2x a week with a clean bulking meal schedule and I will cold approach 1-2 hours per day. Will not improve on this actively/have some goal in mind and will just let it go since I am more than content of where I want to be gym/dating wise for now. And I am confident I will have women around me, gains in confidence and solid strength gains just by the process itself. So a lot of focus available on the business/money making side. Will talk more about doing this practically next week and my thoughts for 2022:)

Bad week approaching wise (like no more than 10 approaches) but a hell of a week anyways. I have been a bit demotivated by shitty weather and being close to the finish line. After getting my 4th cold approach lay with the Ukrainean MILF I kind of got lazy. For some reason I always become lazy before the finish line of my goals. But I was very lucky this time. The last two numbers I got from the previous week of approaching converted into lays and I also got my first instadate which went on to become my first instalay aswell from these measly 10 approaches. Then I also got one online lay from Tinder from the measly matches I got from a new account. So 3 lays within 10 days was fucking crazy and a lot of luck to be honest. Probably going to get some negative tilt later lol
Here are the "reports"

LAY #41 24 year old Swedish girl with nice ass

Warmest cold approach response I have gotten was from her where she gave me a hug out of nowhere. 1st date at a bar since she didnt want to come for dinner at my place in case I was a serial killer. Went to bar, talked, tried to pull, no dice but we did kiss which she mentioned never happened on a 1st date for her.

Scheduled dinner 4 days later. Comes to my place, prepared dinner just in time. Got drinking while sitting on my couch. No resistance, went smooth. Ass was great. Funny thing was that she like told herself "Im such an idiot" while I was undressing her. Although she later told me she was prepared for sex (like literally brought an extra pair of strings) SINCE I WAS SO FORWARD ON THE 1ST DATE. Take note guys.
Smashed her good before she had to go to a party.

LAY #42 29 year old Kurdish girl -1ST INSTALAY EVER

So I went out approaching and it was literally a shitty and cold day. Go up to the 2nd girl for the day.
-Hey youre cute, can I have your number?
She literally says:
-Thanks, no but you can take me out for a coffe

I was like damn. It is ON.
She was really chill, we walked like 10 mins to a cafe 3 mins from my place. Talked for like 15 mins while eating pastries and drinkin tea/coffe. Then I just try to do the movie pull and asked if she liked movies. She said yes and that she didnt have any plans later. Tell her lets go to my place for like 30 mins before i go to the gym. She agrees. Outside of my entrance door she said:
"We are not going to have sex so you know"
-"ok, ofc not" i tell her
I pop on netflix, choose some movie. Sit with her on the couch. Put my arm around her and later start kissing her.
No resistance but she tells me
"I am not usually a slut but feels like I have known you for weeks"
Reminder this is all within an hour of meeting her lol.
Went to my bed, smashed her.
Thats fucking it.

LAY #43 26-year old Swedish girl
Matched on Tinder. Looked good but catfished me a bit since she was chubbier. But still was a good fuck.
Had dinner at my place, watched some Youtube videos. She starts touching me and I just go and kiss her.
Went to bed and fucked two times. Funny thing she said I looked better in real life then on my Tinder pics

With this done I blew the goal I had of achieving basic social freedom. I really can say, alright that If I work on it actively I can get laid within a week with a complete stranger on the streets or from a bar. 6 months ago I couldn't even tell a girl she is cute. Now after doing a few hundred times its no issue. I am so satisfied. Its like I have completed this chasing girls phase. Not saying I will stop approaching/getting laid (will never do) but I can confidently say that I can prioritize other things which I want to do.

I have fixed my social freedom, style, soon looks with the weight loss and skincare. It's fine I can move on.
Only regret I have was that I didn't start earlier. This was so worth it. Easily a goal I worked the hardest for. Going out almost every day from hot to rainy and now to freezing days still approaching wasn't fun at times but so rewarding. I am even considering only doing cold approach since it is the least distracting/most rewarding way of getting laid in my opinion. The confidence just keeps growing for each time after every hundred rejections you get.
Funny thing is you may become more confident after you get laid but it truly is all of the rejections you get that make you more resilient and audacious. I love this.

Lets kill my fitness goal and get the fuck on with making money with 100% focus!

Did some "looksmaxxing". Removed my white spots on my front teeth.
Also felt cool. Boring 2-hour long procedure, no painful moments though. Looksmaxing deluxe lol cost me like 500 euros for such a small detail but I have been planning to do it for a while now.

Going ok. Dates again ruined my diet but I am still on track. Thinking of doing some extra cardio besides approaching just to nail my goal no matter what. Weighing 107 and have about 10 days left to reach 105kg. Hope some of it some water weight from drinking alcohol :)
One thing I can easily conclude from this journey is that it is so easy to underestimate how much weight you need to cut to look shredded.
I am almost down 20kg/40lbs but still I am not between 8-10% bodyfat. Must be the big frame lol
That insta-lay is amazing man. Congrats on your success. Makes me want to go out and cold approach just to do the same.
Sprezza said:
One thing I can easily conclude from this journey is that it is so easy to underestimate how much weight you need to cut to look shredded.
I am almost down 20kg/40lbs but still I am not between 8-10% bodyfat. Must be the big frame lol

I feel exactly the same way. Looking back, I must have been delusional. Also, I didn't realize is how much of the payoff is backloaded until the very end. Most of the weight loss you keep the same shape, but just get smaller in size. You go down shirt/pant sizes, but you don't really look much different. Finally you start seeing changes in the overall silhouette, then at the very end actual definition and separation.
MONDAY-UNTIL 2022 20/12-31/12-21
Hello people!
This will probably be my last log post for 2021 where I will make a goal review and how I will be tackling 2022 for the future.
Quick week re-cap first

Sold my cryptos (my COTI coins) for about $82k at $0.31 on Kucoin which is about $65k after taxes. What happens day after? COTI goes up 25-30% to $0.41 lol due to some exchange listing it and buying up some COTI for liquidity. Well, as of writing this, it went down to 0.36 so I am not that pissed off :lol: . Some real uncertainty now in regards to Covid, inflation, tapering and the bull run in general. We haven't really had a small cap alt season yet and one potential positive scenario is that people will be taking profits and pour into smaller caps for fun. COTI and Cardano (ADA as you know) have a tight partnership and things could have some momentum in Q1.
On the negative note everything will slowly start to bleed through a market correction unless clown show money printing continues further.
I'll keep an eye on that.

LAY #44- 21-Year old Swedish little rich girl and me having ED for the 1st time ever
So last week on Wednesday I was out clubbing the last day for 2021 since Sweden suddenly decided to close all clubs despite an 80% vaccinated population.
I decided to treat it as a New Years Eve party and went full on, drank 6-7 units and literally approached as much as I could. It was totally fun, but the negativity the day totally wasn't. It's a devil's drug. Well, I met this hot blonde blue eyed girl, danced with her, made out n stuff. Tried to go for the pull but she was with her friends "TM" and gave me her snap. I declined and told her I only do numbers and didn't want to end up on her simp/orbiter list lol.
She eventually saw me again and told me to add her on snap. I was like whatever and did it.

Come Saturday and she snaps me "Hows life?" and I told her "its good, I am watching Star Wars". She said something about me being a nerd bla bla bla and I just replied want to go out for a drink tomorrow at 23 lol...Surprisingly she accepted.
Later comes Sunday and we actually meet at a bar by 23. Freezing cold and I had a slight fever :lol:

We go on talking for some time, she is a bit boring and cocky like all rich girls for some reason and I noticed now that I usually talk too much and hesitate with the pull to my place unless I get some form of mutual bonding with the girl. TIme flies by and the bar is closing in 10 minutes (1AM) . So with a bit of panic, I just try to pull her anyways and suggest to listen to some music back at my place. Surprisingly she agrees. I was like damn on a Sunday this late, COOL.

Back at my place, I turn on some music and sit in the couch with her. A bit tired, I tell her come lets lay down on my bed where the speakers are.
She just says "Oh is this your move?" :lol: :lol: I tell her "Yeah, got me!, nah just kidding I will not do anything". We lay down and she starts kissing me.
Here comes the fun part, I can't get my dick hard. I was like WTF and she laugs. Tbh I was a bit annoyed since I really wanted to fuck the girl hard just because she was boring :lol: So I am thinking lets make it more fun just for the sake for it. I remember that I had been gifted a Kamagra tablet from my best friend for birthday. I call him to ask if I should take the whole thing or half of it and he told me to try with half. Girl can't stop giggling. I take the tablet and within like 20 mins my dick start to get hard and I just laugh. It was the 1st time for me with boner enhancing stuff and sex felt good. The girl however couldn't orgasm and she told me that its easiest if I lick her pussy. I did that but I got bored since I don't really like doing it for more than 5 mins. We got dressed and she took a cab back to her place. Funny and a bit awkward experience but luckily my dick functioned properly in the morning day after.

Reached 105kg. Ok, this was very surprising since I got really thirsy after taking Kamagra and it could have been because of that just to notify you. Well well I am happy but I think I didn't reach 10% bodyfat maybe like 11-12%. No matter what I am a very happy Sprezza cutting down 19kg/42lbs in 6 months. Here are my final progress pics of this fantastic A3 Goal journey:

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Overall this was actually a crazy and intense 6 month period since I actually started working on these goals in July.
Loved how I just did it because I genuinely wanted to do it.

A1 Create an affiliate/e-commerce web page and earn 1$-0/1
When I think about this goal and why I failed with it, it was probably because I honestly wanted to cut weight and get good at fucking girls more than making paper this year while also actually getting more paper this year through crypto. Thats why I will only have one goal for 2022 no matter what and it will be about making that Wi-fi money. All in all I am happy I dropped this and focused on goal A2 and A3.
Financially I improved my networth about 3-4x from a 6x top with crypto and this will literally be a bit life changing if you read my thoughts for 2022 below.

A2 I can go from being unfamiliar with a girl to sex within a week (I'm socially free)
DONE A2.1 Complete AA Program
DONE A2.2 Get 5 cold approach lays (6/5)
DONE A.2.3 Conquer bar game

Couldn't be more than very happy about this one. Like back in July I literally didn't get laid for a whole year because I was working in Norway and before the restrictions fucked up everything and I didn't know how to use Tinder properly.
To accomplish this within 6 months is crazy when I think about it. I couldn't even tell a girl she is cute and now I ended up killing AA, approaching hundreds and getting laid with 11 girls since my birthday in September (this happened within 4 months, 6 from cold approach , 4 online and 1 from night game).
I really put down the effort and you can't imagine how proud I am for turning my lifestyle around with this.

A3 Cut to 10% bodyfat
DONE A3.1 Cut to 105kg (124->107.5kg now)
FAIL? A3.2 Get amazing Tinder photos taken

The results speak for themselves here.
Although like Zug said
Zug said:
You go down shirt/pant sizes, but you don't really look much different. Finally you start seeing changes in the overall silhouette, then at the very end actual definition and separation.

I will probably need to shoot for 100kg or even 97/98 but I am saving that for next summer. No point in doing that now. Focus will be on clean bulking and having energy for long work/business days. Also I am tired as fuck at being on a -1000kcal deficit by now so little more food is appreciated. All in all very solid results!

I didn't manage to take online photos for Tinder since I honestly don't see the point if I am out cold approaching every day. I will probably get laid on a weekly basis if I just do cold approach which is more than enough for me :lol: I will park online dating for now since I see much more benefit in cold approaching.
Its not just about getting laid but it also has health benefits and a lot of confidence improving involved. Online you kind of hide behind a screen and never sustain that confidence you get from approaching. I should also mention that it spreads into other life areas which is important. You get BOLDER in general, not questioning that for sure.

GOALS 2022
Throughout the last two weeks I have been thinking a lot on what I wanted to do for next year and life in general.
I came to the conlusion that I don't have much left to experience and learn at the position I am in Sweden.
I am tired of seeing these years (except this one obviously) repeat themselves all the time without me growing. I hope you understand what I mean.
There is literally not much I can do to improve girl or gym wise massively while If I improve my financial position/income acquiring position I can do much more.

I literally want to 10x my life and for that I will need to beat a 10x challenge.
And what could be harder than creating a livable online location independent income?
So that will basically be my only and biggest priority that will take up a lot of time to do maybe not only for 2022 but even more years. I am dedicating my years from 25 to 30 to this, no matter what. I am not gonna get fucked by some virus or some new world order lol.

While planning this I also came to the conclusion that I will need to have at least some "DoNothingTime" as well where I actually enjoy my life without thinking all the time If this is productive or not (which I have unfortunately been doing most of my life). I will focus hard to plan something fun at least twice a month like Chris from GLL said.
So basically "Allow myself to have time for hobbies such as learning a new language, reading/listening to something interesting"

And here comes a fun and scary thing I want to do in 2022. While focusing on these goals above I would love to re-locate to Spain at least during the colder months because Sweden is so fucking dead during Oct-April. Nothing to do. Why would I live more expensive while I can live in warmer weather, warmer people, better food and cheaper in places such as Alicante like Mafia does especially if I am going to live on my crypto gains until I get my online income up? Friends and family will visit and I will for sure fly to Sweden when its too hot during the summers here :)

Summary of my goals for 2022:

----Have an online independent business netting me 5000$ in total

----Allow myself to have time for hobbies such as learning a new language, reading/listening to something interesting (0/12 months)
----Get the fuck out of Sweden during bad months

This is how it will roughly look like

Get dressed, shower and skin care, take some kratom and vitamins.
Eat breakfast
Work on online business work
Approach girls/walk 10k steps
Be on a date with a girl or workout in gym. Business work unless I don't (notice how motivated I will be to go on dates or go to gym if I need to do more business work haha)
-Free time/DoNothingTime (e.g watch movie, hang out with girl or friends, read a book on something interesting)
-Planning the next days or week
-Get ready for bed
Looks like you had an amazing year bro. You love to see it. I have no doubt you'll crush your money goals in 2022.

I know how you feel about not being able to "level up" your sex life in Sweden. That's why I personally am going for the harem/threesome thing in 2022, but I know what you mean: 10X'ing your cash will change your life more than 10X'ing your laycount.

Just wanted to let you know there's ways to level up in the sexual domain.
Damm I remember seeing you on GLL. Good to see you're still at it. Physique is decent. yeah get cut by march/ April and you'll be good to go. I'm probably gonna start cutting in February and try and be cut by April. Sucks getting ED I remember one time I got it a little with this girl and I think she was used to it so she said I think something along the lines of take your time. Ahhh how times have changed. Anyway keep it up I like the New Years goals
Holden said:
Looks like you had an amazing year bro. You love to see it. I have no doubt you'll crush your money goals in 2022.

I know how you feel about not being able to "level up" your sex life in Sweden. That's why I personally am going for the harem/threesome thing in 2022, but I know what you mean: 10X'ing your cash will change your life more than 10X'ing your laycount.

Just wanted to let you know there's ways to level up in the sexual domain.

Thanks man!
For sure just by reading your log, I see I am just at the basics.
What I'm thinking is if I can actually do something more actively to improve my sex game rather than the process-oriented approach I have now of simply cold approaching every day during rush hour? I figure a better sex life with threesomes, fuckbuddies and more kinky girls will just come with time and doing cold approach /OLD regulary.

Now my volume sucks balls, I barely approached more than 5 girls per day due to shitty and cold weather. More actively I am thinking of moving to Spain during cold months to get better volume but it is a bit tricky with the "flu" going on. In normal times it should be sufficient to get laid regularly, but perhaps I will need to combine it with OLD after all.
Although not a priority for this year. Let's just see what happens by just approaching it habitually.

Jacobpalmer123 said:
Damm I remember seeing you on GLL. Good to see you're still at it. Physique is decent. yeah get cut by march/ April and you'll be good to go. I'm probably gonna start cutting in February and try and be cut by April. Sucks getting ED I remember one time I got it a little with this girl and I think she was used to it so she said I think something along the lines of take your time. Ahhh how times have changed. Anyway keep it up I like the New Years goals

Many thanks man! :) I was thinking to lean bulk half a pound until end of March and cut down to 225 in April/May,
Yeah, ED surprised me but I got together with the same girl again on new years day and my dick worked normally this time, feeew!
Btw do you have any advice on creating workouts where I prioritize certain body parts? My chest, biceps and traps suck compared to other muscles.
Should I work less on the other muscles until I balance it out or will it balance out if I work the lacking muscles first during each workout?
An update on what I am working on.
I had zero ideas on how I could make money except investing more in crypto or continuing with creating an online digital marketing agency.
Decided to pick up where I left with creating an online digital marketing agency by following the Clone My Business course I bought before (you can read about in logs of Oct/Nov 2021)
I have created a pricing structure with packages to sell ( the classical $499/599/999) and a business plan where I wrote down answers to these questions:

Business Plan:
What is your company name?
What is your company tagline?
What services do you provide? What problem do you solve?
Who is your target audience or what does your ideal client look like?
What is your USP?
How much do you charge?
What is your monthly revenue goal?
How many new or repeat clients do you need to achieve this goal?
How do you get new clients?
How will you fulfill your services? Who makes up your production team?
How will you measure success (number of clients, monthly revenue, etc)?

Further work
The Ukrainean milf which is more or less a plate now is going to help me with designing a logo. (kind of fun how cold approach can help in other ways ;) )
Also I am going to ask one of the previous girls ( the angel girl that smoked pot) to help me take photos for my new linkedin page since she is doing photography as a hobby for many years.
Going to discuss a future web page with two of my close friends who work as developers on Sunday. Could make a web page myself but would rather spend that time on getting a potential client or doing other stuff that needs to be fixed.

Random thoughts
I am full of self doubt and not knowing how this will end up but I am pushing it. Kratom definetly helps with productivity and motivation/feeling good.
Love burning Green Maeng Da and White Bali. I like Red Thai aswell :)
Burning about 3.5 g each time on an empty stomach once a day so far. Rotating strains every day with a caffeine day in between. So far so good.
Keen on trying more strains.

January Goals 2022
-Get more detailed package solutions and services I am going to offer and outsource through contractors
-Create a simple and good looking web page
-Contact at least 200 potential clients ( let's see if that is too low or too high, no idea)

-Do something fun/memorable two times!
Sprezza said:
What I'm thinking is if I can actually do something more actively to improve my sex game rather than the process-oriented approach I have now of simply cold approaching every day during rush hour? I figure a better sex life with threesomes, fuckbuddies and more kinky girls will just come with time and doing cold approach /OLD regulary.
Hah, no, I don't think so. It really is all about volume and screening at the end of the day. I'm in the process of trying to find shortcuts using IG, but fundamentally there's no difference. There are ways to make each step in the process more efficient, but at the end of the day, it's all the same process. Just like bodybuilding is at the end of the day all about sets and reps, even if there are tricks and shortcuts like steroids.

Moving to Spain should be fun. For me personally, I really want to try this stuff outside of Europe. Our cities are so small compared to American ones. I regularly get the "there's no one in your area" message of Tinder. Imagine what could happen if I lived in a city of 3 million?
Sprezza said:
Many thanks man! :) I was thinking to lean bulk half a pound until end of March and cut down to 225 in April/May,
Yeah, ED surprised me but I got together with the same girl again on new years day and my dick worked normally this time, feeew!
Btw do you have any advice on creating workouts where I prioritize certain body parts? My chest, biceps and traps suck compared to other muscles.
Should I work less on the other muscles until I balance it out or will it balance out if I work the lacking muscles first during each workout?

So I've heard a couple ideas here. certainly you could work them less or just maintain them. Maintenance seems easier. But I would say find out what part of your chest is weak, weather its inner chest lower chest find that out, then I would say do 10-20 sets of chest per week time permitting of course.

Biceps, I've heard that working back can count as a half set for biceps so 4 sets of rows are 2 sets of biceps. But same thing 10-20 sets though biceps are interesting. Greg Doucette has a good video on the best exercises.

I find for traps, well I don't care about traps funny enough but deadlifts I think are good and shoulder press. I know shrugs are the go to exercise and sure they overload the muscle but if you do them, best to do them at the end because more often then not you can overload the muscle with less weight and not need as much recovery

I say do 10 sets a week on your stronger body parts or slightly less is fine. And 10-20 on weaker body parts. Over time you'll see how your body responds and fix it accourdinly.
We met at a nice bar close to my place, ordered drinks and talk some. I find out she actually has a daughter and is 29 years old, I get to think oh is she looking for some new provider (since I certainly aint and will not be lol) but then I notice that she is quite receptive to me playing with her hand. After some talk she wants to go to some other place, I tell her I happen to live close and that we can share a bottle of wine there. She agrees for a walk and we head my way to my apartment. There I just take out the wine bottle, we sit down in my two seater and start listening to music. We talk and I start to kiss her. She gets on top off me and hesitates a bit, saying "this is going so fast :) we just met " and then suddenly she says "FUCK IT" and gets completely wild taking her shirt off and undressing me hahah

FUCK are you serious, this is what I like to hear. This is the movie shit right there. Now Its my turn.

We go to my bed and I feel like I am the one getting fucked since she starts to ride me like I was the last man on the planet. Not bad for a 29-year old MILF. We had sex 4 times throughout the night and 2 more times in the morning lol. Volume record lol! Felt good.

I don´t know how you do it if you mean that you came 6 times in that period? Cause for me max 2 (3 in hot summers) even if i didnt fuck in a week.

One interesting thing was that she told how the most attractive thing I did was that I approached her in the middle of the street and how brave it seemed.

OMG this is what I need to hear fuck almost tearing up. Because you dont know I have been logging but not sharing. Damn son.

1 more cold approach lay left for the year, let's fucking get it! Have one date setup on Monday with a girl that I cold approached and later gave me a hug, so cuute!

Jacobpalmer123 said:
So I've heard a couple ideas here. certainly you could work them less or just maintain them. Maintenance seems easier. But I would say find out what part of your chest is weak, weather its inner chest lower chest find that out, then I would say do 10-20 sets of chest per week time permitting of course.

Biceps, I've heard that working back can count as a half set for biceps so 4 sets of rows are 2 sets of biceps. But same thing 10-20 sets though biceps are interesting. Greg Doucette has a good video on the best exercises.

I find for traps, well I don't care about traps funny enough but deadlifts I think are good and shoulder press. I know shrugs are the go to exercise and sure they overload the muscle but if you do them, best to do them at the end because more often then not you can overload the muscle with less weight and not need as much recovery

I say do 10 sets a week on your stronger body parts or slightly less is fine. And 10-20 on weaker body parts. Over time you'll see how your body responds and fix it accourdinly.

Alright, I have re-ordered some exercises and increased volume for weaker parts (visual wise). Upper chest is weak as fuck. I do forearm exercises before biceps in order to encourage the biceps to work more during curls e.g. I have put in more flies as well. The thing is since I am more advanced, I need to rotate exercises every week or every second week and this takes a bit of time to organize, but lets start with these small changes.

Mafia said:
FUCK are you serious, this is what I like to hear. This is the movie shit right there. Now Its my turn.

Hahah its awesome! You already have stories in your log that inspire me :)

Mafia said:
I don´t know how you do it if you mean that you came 6 times in that period? Cause for me max 2 (3 in hot summers) even if i didnt fuck in a week.
Crazy! It was 4 times during the night like from 19-02. I regenerate fast :lol: and then twice after we woke up in the morning. I am still seeing her, but nowadays its like 2-3 times max
Mafia said:
OMG this is what I need to hear fuck almost tearing up. Because you dont know I have been logging but not sharing. Damn son.
Yeah please do log more. I like reading your journal :)
Cold approach is just amazing when done every day. Thought before it was just another way to get girls, but it does so much for confidence in general and I bet you can learn a whole language by just practicing cold approach :lol: !
Hey whats fucking up people. Some updates here:
The Ukrainean girl finished my logo. Turned out nice.
My friends couldn't help me with the web page because they are "busy" or just fucking lazy.
So decided to do it myself, but through WordPress. Really not keen on doing everything from scratch with html/css especially when the web page is mostly for coming through as serious and not some random dude on the internet. Bought the domain and hosting. Learning to tinker with Wordpress themes. Hopefully I can finish it fast and starting calling people. Tinkered with my Linkedin profile as well. I believe its enough with Linkedin and web page for now since I willl be going B2B.

Still full of self doubt. Just makes you think how fucking worthless school actually is. Like literally prepares you zero for this kind of shit. Everything I do now I have to learn and experiment with.


Diet is going ok, been overdoing some days. Currently clean bulking at 3400 kcal aiming for 0.25kg gain / month.
It mostly looks like this:
-100-150 g oatmeal with 2x portions of whey
-Pasta/rice with chicken and some sauce (I try to substitute for some recipes from the Anabolic Cooking book when I have time)
-Berry protein smoothie.

Have some small goals of reaching 150/200/250 in bench/squat/deadlift. Energy and strength levels are definetly up nowadays.

I have been out approaching sporadically from 0-5 approaches per day. Volume is still dry. It will probably pick up soon. Nowadays I am just having fun with the Ukrainean milf and the Swedish girl from the night club ( I am surprised she still hangs out with me, she's really cocky towards me :lol: )
I recently started doing boxing/muay thai/MMA and aim to do it 3x week. So 2 hours before the class I go out approaching before taking the tram to the martial arts facility. Good way to combine, huh ;) Feels great to do some real cardio again hahah!

Also invested back everything in COTI again at the same price lol. Some positive stuff is coming out soon for end of January/February.
After that I am out since I am certain the FED will raise interest rates in March.
My strategy is to buy back in June when they realize everything will crash eventually and cut the interest rates back before mid-term elections in 2022.

I am trying to relax more. Not everything needs to be optimal, sometimes I just wanna chill for one more hour. Need to get used to that and remove this background stress feeling I have in the back of my head all the time.

Been burning kratom. It is fucking great. Just gives you this spurr of motivation when I am not feeling it.

Have had some issues with getting a proper sleeping schedule. Big priority now. No bullshitting. At bed 00, up from bed 08 sharp.

Sorry for wordpasta, sometimes I just can't bother to structure/explain everything as good as CainGettingLaid ;)
Sprezza said:
Been burning kratom. It is fucking great. Just gives you this spurr of motivation when I am not feeling it.

Maybe I should finally try Kratom. It is the only thing I have not tried from GLL.
I take red strains before sex to relax and to last longer in bed. White strains for long workdays. Sometimes a green strain to fuck around. I do find it really dehydrates me, and especially when combined with alcohol (and physically exhausting coitus) I wake up with bad hangovers if I don't properly hydrate.
Sup guys. Been almost 3 weeks since I wrote something here. Thought I would do a quick post on what has been happening.
January was shit business wise. I didn't pull myself to do work. I don't know why. Probably due to not having clarity on how things will unfold the more work I get done. As I said before I really doubt myself on this area. Also had big issues with sleep schedules
For February I'll keep the same goals, but this time I will try to track the amount of work I do each day. Need to get this rolling ASAP. No more fucking around.
And I didn't do anthing memorable for January.

February Goals 2022
-Get more detailed package solutions and services I am going to offer and outsource through contractors
-Create a simple and good looking web page
-Contact at least 200 potential clients ( let's see if that is too low or too high, no idea)

-Do something fun/memorable two times!

Positive things during January.

I believe I have all my routines set now.

-I fixed my sleep schedule. In bed by 00 and awake by 08.

-Created a daily supplement stack:
-Vitamine D- 5000 UI
-Omega 3 2 caps; 1920mg where 960 mg is EPA and 720 mg is DHA
-Multi-vitamine 2 caps
-EAA and Creatine
-Whey and caseine powder

-Finalized skin care routine
-AM: Cleanser, hyraulonic acid, vitamine C, moisturizer, sun screen
-PM: Cleanser, hyraulonic acid, retinol/blood mask, moisturizer

-Took care of my diet
-Bulking clean on about 3700kcal

-Started doing MMA/Kickboxing/Submission wrestiling at least 3x week

-Doing daily cold approach/day game for 1-2 hours when the weather is clear and volume has finally started to increase. Although approaching during January has been weak. Still with my 2 FBs though.

-Bought a SMIC membership from Caleb Jones. Will try to go hard at it for February. Maybe I will just go through the content and then just take a refund if there are no bigger benefits to it.

-Definetly planning to move to Spain in October. Going to start with Alicante and see how it feels. Until then business will be my main focus-

-Net worth wise I increased from 82 to 92 from a 105k top in January. Luckily I sold my COTI the same morning the big crash happened in January.
Currently on the side lines waiting for a better entry. Also keeping my eye on ROSE and a Swedish graphite mining company that looks very promising along with very promising macro numbers for the demand needed in the coming years due to booming EV industry. Hopefully I can make some good money this year despite upcoming rate hikes.

Alright, thats it guys. Will try to log as much as I can.

Holden I use the strains in the same way. Love the white one for work.
Mafia Yeah its definetly beneficial, especially when stupid anxiety and doubt comes in the way of the mind.
WEEKEND 5-6/2-2021

Worked out at gym and did MMA. Met with Ukrainean FB. She gifted me a nice canvas she made since she is doing art as a hobby. Fits perfectly in my apartment.
Planning to get my car driving license and upgrade my motorcycle license from A2->A (EU)

Planning to do a couple of business hours tomorrow. Writing it for accountability.

Said goodbye to my best friend who moved to another city to pursue a carrer in MMA/kickboxing. Inspiring never the less!
MONDAY 7/2-2022

0/5 approaches today. Lame, but there are no excuses for volume and weather anymore. I just didn't dispose enough time. I do it 1-2 hours before MMA/kickboxing.

Crypto seem to be picking up again. Lets see how it is in the morning. I am looking to buy ROSE or COTI. More and more adoption on the way and rate hikes seem to be priced in.
Never the less It is a risk. Could well be a relief rally.

Finally worked more on my web page. Details to fix everywhere. But happy I did 2-3 hours of work.

Bought "some" liquid egg whites lol

Going cold turkey on caffeine for at least 2 weeks. Can't waste precious dopamine on that shit unless for work or gym. Also need to do it for snus, the Volt thing in the picture (nicotine pouches only legally sold in Sweden and Norway).
Fucked up my sleep yesterday and woke up too late today. Probably due to the nicotine. Stopped taking it in the afternoon.

Had my old back issue come up again after todays MMA session. Finally figured out what it was. It is due to a quite stiff hip flexor and only the left one.
Although I did stretch it every day lately but the real thing was that I had to massage it with a trigger ball by laying flat on the ground with the ball right avbove the quad where tightness is felt. Instant relief.
Going to do it until it disappears and perhaps I can start doinh heavy deadlifts again.

Gonna work 1-2 hours on the web page now.
Saw that crypto dumped a little, going to wait a bit more before buying.