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Hey whats up guys!
Small update.
Been doing day 40 today and yesterday with the hey youre cute, im Sprezza and high-five drills.
Doing ok, started doing stores aswell which wasn't as bad as I thought.
My foot is hurting for some reason though and I can't walk for more than 2 hours like I used to. Think its coming from some new cheap gym shoes where sole is quite narrow. Will look into it more and see if changing shoes help.
Will try to finish the whole day tomorrow. The 40 reps are quite chunky tbh so let's get it!
Having to shop while doing the AA program… my least favorite experience.
— guy with 2 pairs of shoes and jeans thanks to the AA program
Made a video for you today :)

-Completed Day 40, was tough!
-Diet has been stagnant but I'm chasing it down again. Although body looks much sexier ( no homo)
-COTI is skyrocketing, currently at $150k.
-The TInder hack with the SIM cards have been good so far. Scheduled dates tmrw and Tuesday. Still some more girls I have to schedule with
-Will focus on AA program till the end of September. What time is left, I'll put on marketing agency.
Yo guys what the fucks up?
Haven't been posting for a week, what a weak wanker I am!
So let's go for a fat update.

So I went out on a first date with this petie ginger girl, an exchange student from France. Was really kind but shy. Date went good at the bar, so we scheduled for a 2nd one yesterday. She came over to my place and we made french crepes. Really tasty and she told how she wanted to impress me while I was just standing there sipping champagne and drinking wine. We more or less talked only about food.
The girl was apparently a witch, so she brought tarot and oracle cards with her to tell my future. She told me that some do this stuff cause its trendy but that she actually had a gift :shock: . I was quite surprised when she was telling me what the cards said since most of it fit quite well into my life e.g that I wanted money, women and freedom (adventure). Although I got warned that I should be careful to not push away people after becoming rich and that I should handle some of the trauma I have (wasn't sure about this one).
Time flew, by 2AM, we sat in the couch and she put her head on my chest. I looked at her, she looked up and I went for the kiss.
Undressed a bit, lifted her and went to the bedroom. She sucked my dick really nicely you know with the deep throating.
Sex was also good. Since I get turned on by sounds mostly, I loved the way she moaned and called me daddy (1st time, felt nice).
Finished off in her mouth and went to bed. Will definetly see her again, was a really kind and interesting girl.

AA PROGRAM DAY 41/42 FINISHED & 43 11/21
So I've been doing these and they were not harder than day 40.
I was struggling on that one with the weird translation to Swedish :)
This one was actually fun. I did break the rules of not doing approaches together with the drill sometimes, although I didn't see any negative consequences. Some of the girls were so fucking hot that I had to take the opportunity. Like offwego and Chris (from the GLL audio logs) said, it is starting to get more and more exciting and having the approaching more and more a part of my lifestyle instead of being anxious. It feels so fucking cool when you realize the masculine raw potential one can have when you set your mind to it especially when 99,9% of other men will not do it. Where your brain rather wants than fears approaching.
Can't say I automatically approach everyone I want, sometimes anxiety does get to me in certain situation where I come up with BS excuse, but its dissapearing day by day.
One thing is that you start to realize that this is just the beginning, your social and sex life can become so good and I felt that I have neglected that part of life by being serious with money and work. Correct attitude in my opinion, but balance is needed.
Thought I would finish day 46 (and the program) by now, but sometimes admin stuff and shitty weather/traffic worsened the drills. So'll just continue and finish it within the next 7 days. There are less girls to approach on the last days compared to day 40, so no excuses!

My all-in crypto COTI had some really good news and has gone up 140% in the last 10 days. I am currently pending between $160-180k which feels fucking amazing. I'm starting to feel that I perhaps will make it financially in the coming 3 good months. I mean it would feel so unreal, holy fuck. Imagine, Sprezza, a fucking retired $ millionaire at the age of 25. How crazy!

Diet was kind of ok this month. I am still around 113-114 kg / 250lbs. So in the last 3 months I have dropped weight optimally but I could have gone down more tbh but my body looks better anyways. I don't rely entirely on the scale. Also, I didn't tell you this but I was in a 90 day competition where you were supposed to make the biggest transformation. I got the 3rd place and won $50 which I will invest into more fitness knowledge. I got beat by 50 year olds who made sick fat loss transformations. 1st place got $3200 ( paid in crypto) and 2nd got $100. There is a 2nd continuation round for the same competition starting and I will try to snatch 1st place this time by taking it even more seriously.

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Awesome progress man. I took part in the competition as well, lost 15 pounds, looks like I didn't make the cut though.
Sprezza said:
your social and sex life can become so good and I felt that I have neglected that part of life by being serious with money and work

Same post:

Sprezza said:

Bruh you have a seriously different definition of neglecting your sex life ;)

Awesome progress man, can't wait for you to finish the program and go all-out on approaching.
Hello people! Been really busy with dating and AA program.
Let's start off with the most positive news!
AA PROGRAM 44/45/46
I have finally finished the program. What a fucking accomplishment. Can't really say how grateful I am for going through this while also realizing this is just the beginning to a much better social and sex life. After 3 months of intense approaching, dating, I can safely say that I can do basic approaches of girls and groups of girls that I find attractive without being anxious as fuck. Ofcourse sometimes I will not be in the mood due to stuff happening in life such as being cancelled by two girls at the same time (which happened a week ago) or being rejected by the bouncer for being a dude, but all in all I never expected to come this far. I tried the program several times, as early as 2018 which you can see in my old GLL log:
and then each summer until I really completed it this year.
It was definetly worth it. I feel so much better and more free. It is so sad though that this is not normal in our society nowadays, it definetly should be. My only regret with this was that I didn't complete it earlier.
If you're a dude reading this post and feel that you should do it, go for it. It is life changing and definetly something everyone should do.
I used to hesitate going all in with the things I wanted to do such as becoming a real player and earning money through some form of online business and instead finishing college ( which I didn't ) and getting a great job (which I quit).
Just go for the things you YOU REALLY want to do and not what YOU THINK YOU SHOULD do, especially when it comes to girls and money. Thats my two cents ;) Also a huge thanks to all of the guys that posted on my log from times to times and specially to KillYourInnerLoser for continuing the GLL legacy with this forum and ofcourse a lot of thanks to offwego and CainGettingLaid for encouraging me and giving me tips while I was having some bad ass anxiety ( I will not forget that ;) )

Some tips I can give for those that want to do this:
-Try to do something everyday if you can to keep the momentum going and anxiety lower
-DO NOT do the drills as real approaches. I did this the last week and it put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me. You simply do the drill, that's it. You'll have tons of good times to approach for real later ;)
-I wouldn't recommend to do several days in a row unless it is very very easy. Why? Getting that social momentum at the start of every day is important and sometimes some drills actually demand more of it. So definetly do not rush through the program. Take your time. It will definetly increase the odds of you actually finishing it.
-Try setting up a nice online dating profile. Take some nice basic photos and follow Andy's guide (on Tinder) or try doing the thing I did with the SIM-cards. Going out on dates and actually getting laid was very encouraging and beneficial during the program.
-Do not focus on other major goals you want to accomplish at the same time. Gym/Diet is fine but not trying to run an online business and reach 7 figures. It is demanding and trust me there will be a lot of time for that later. Just kick start your basic sex life by finishing the program and doing online dating before switching over to some other major goals.

Soo what's the next big thing for Sprezza? Well, to start with I am definetly staying in this forum ( reach out if you need help/support for the AA program). I will now do more random approaching on girls I find attractive while using Tinder and the SIM-card trick (it definetly works!) to get dates and perhaps aim to get 5 cold approach lays until end of the year.
However, during the remainder of the year I will focus on doing my digital marketing business (can't rely on crypto saving my ass and making me rich) and dieting down to shredness ;) and then later take really good photos for Tinder (since I still have a bloted face lol).

So happy and more driven now when I am actually doing and progressing on things I really want to do!
So far diet has been good (about 112,5 kg from a 125kg starting point) and crypto has been a bit stagnating (roughly $140-150k from a $180k top). Im fearing that BTC and ETH will run the show the coming weeks before have a real alt season. we'll see!

Will make a better post about the last two weeks and upcoming goals tomorrow!

Have a good Saturday!
I demand a 10% share of all forthcoming approach pussy in exchange for those 30 days of moral support.
CainGettingLaid said:
Sprezza said:
your social and sex life can become so good and I felt that I have neglected that part of life by being serious with money and work

Same post:

Sprezza said:

Bruh you have a seriously different definition of neglecting your sex life ;)

Awesome progress man, can't wait for you to finish the program and go all-out on approaching.
Congrats Sprezza!!! You earned this hard and well.

Sprezza said:
Just go for the things you YOU REALLY want to do and not what YOU THINK YOU SHOULD do, especially when it comes to girls and money.

SPEECH. Your future is yours
The last two weeks of dating, partying and doing the AA program has been distracting me from doing other goals I had such as diet and business.
I'm fine with that since it made me complete the program and get the online dating going.
Thought I would clear up my mind and write down some goals I will hit for October.
Get down to 110kg/242 lbs
Was supposed to be here by end of September but my discipline got hit by above mentioned activites which made me unorganized.
I have about two weeks to hit the goal and I have roughly 2.5kg/5lbs left to cut. To make sure I hit the goals, I will stop doing new recipes and stick to food I already know how to make. Otherwise I have noticed it gets a bit difficult to gauge needed macros/satiety which in turn leads me to eat garbage food to compensate for the hunger.
Approach at least 5 girls/day
So eager for this one. I will try to do it everytime I am outside and I see a hot girl, but definetly during daily 30-60 min walks around the city center. Bonus would be to get laid from cold approaching at least 1 time.
Will do this along with basic guy online dating.
Do marketing business related work for at least 2 hours
I need to get going with this once again. I will start easy before going full time in November.
From previous goal setting I have learned that I need to start slowly or else it usually gets too intense too fast.
This will be the 1st time I try doing something slowly in the beginning lol
Todays update 19/10-21
-Diet well with calories and protein. Decided to eat oatmeal with berries or a fruit for breakfast.

-Unfortunately terrible weather when I went out to approach. Got 0 approaches done. I am quite picky on the girls I approach. They need to be at least 6/10 and today wasn't my day.
I don't have a need for lays, I just measure it for some kind of trackable progress. Im rather looking for girls that are very attractive and girls that will stay as fuckbuddies/fulfill my bucket list of sexual fantasies.
One good update is that the French girl (lay #37) I have been seing lately is sticking around and even asked her friend to join on a threesome (both of them are bisexual) so at least something positive in this area. Hopefully we can do it next week.

-Did also succesfully work on my business for 2 hours. Can definetly say it feels better with a small start than to all of a sudden put in 8h of work.
WEDNESDAY 20/10-21
Worked 2 hours today on the marketing business. I will buy this course from a guy on Fastlane Forum to learn faster and get that money in.
Will go through some free basic stuff first though!
What do you think?
Also figured out some kind of 5 year goal and some strengths weaknesses related to it.

By starting a digital marketing agency, I aim to learn everything related to marketing and sales for digital busineses.
Within 5 years I'll have at least $1m to start my journey as a technology investor and bring out great ideas in tech to life.
More deeply to learn what great minds can offer to the world in a positive way and help them further while getting exposed to new experiences, ways of thinking interesting/hard-working people.

My strenghts:
-Being able to analyze and summarize complex stuff in a comprehensive way for people that are not deeply involved in the technology sector.
-Great ability to hang around people with any kind of background.

My weaknesses:
-Not good at reading people socially.
-No that good in sales or convincing people yet. I am more into being real and let people come to me naturally.

Did 3 basic guy approaches yesterday at day time. One married, two passed me by. I need to be more in their way when approaching and not stop by the side, right CainGettingLaid ?. Also my voice got a bit high during one approach. Will think about it today. I will also only stick to the main avenue, random stores and the closest shopping mall during shitty weather. Really bad traffic otherwise.
Also tonight I went out with my friend to this nightclub that was open on Wednesdays.
It is quite cheap to drink and you get free pizza.
Here I actually approached about 6-7 girls with the "Hey, you're cute" and then later on talked about general stuff.

One notable approach was when I was standing in line to the bathroom. I see a girl looking at me. I pull out my fist, get a fistbump and she just tells me "I usually don't say this but, you're really hot". We go dancing and her friends who were also hot pushed us to the wall to kiss. She had really nice lips. Ask her to follow me back home. She says maybe and goes to dance. Later on we meet and she tells me that she has friends living at her place but that she would love to meet another time. Took her number. I think she is more into having a boyfriend, we'll see. This time I really had fun and made up for the approaches I didn't do yesterday. Will definetly go there next Wednesday, also quite easy to go there alone aswell. The place is quite laidback, 3 floors, mixed music.

Tinder has been shit from Sunday to Wednesday. Put in a new SIM card but got about 15 likes. 5 nice matches. One bitch complaining about me inviting her to cook some food and would rather have a more "appropriate date suggestion and a neutral location". Instant umatch :lol:


Cooked a simple but good meal for dinner. Basically pasta, minced meat, spinach, garlic, tomato sauce and cream with 15% fat.
Will stick to that for the sake of the October goal.

Crypto is mooning guys. Get the fuck in here!
THURSDAY 21/10-21
Decided to buy the course I mentioned on Wednesday. Better to save time on researching a lot of random stuff and rather be guided in the right direction directly with the ability to ask questions to some kind of "mentor". Did about 1.5 hours of work.
Drank a bit more than 3 units of alchohol which made me a bit down today. Tried to approach but nothing. Went out to another nightclub but it was surprisingly dead. Although I did approach about 4-5 girls. I do the "Hey you're cute" and cheers with drinks, but I have noticed my conversations suck. Even I think they are boring since they are just standard stuff like what do you do, have you been here before etc.
So I need help with that? Anyone that has some nice pointers or basic guy conversation topics that are more direct/sexual?
Did a nice intensity/power workout. Ate more carbs than fat this day and damn the body looks so much better from all the fullness you receive. I think I'll try to eat more carbs than fat on workout days since it helps me perform better. Counting calories strictly including being flexible for having 3-4 drinks. It's tough, but i'm motivated to get shredded! I've never got looks from women that I consider 7+ before so I'm really looking forward it to once I really get shredded.

FRIDAY 22/10-21
Didn't do shit today. Disappointed.
Had full focus on going to the same night club as yesterday. We got there earlier around 21PM at some after-work with free food. Goal is to get to know people that work on the inside and perhaps find easy ways to get ourselves on the guest lists for fridays/saturdays:) why? Well, then we can do night game more efficiently 😁 by just arriving around 00 and stay until 02, check for dtf girls, maybe take some #s and then bounce home + that we save money.
Most of my lays have been from night game/party game, but I still don't understand approaching girls dancing together. Any pointers on that since my wingman literally told me that 10-15 girls looked at me ( I'm usually the tallest and biggest guy) ? I usually look for eye contact but its so weird since I don't get it while they re dancing. The same girls look at me while passing them at stairs or by the bar.
So just before going home yesterday one girl looked at me, I stopped higher by the stairs and told her that "she was really cute TM", she said "Likewise" and I kissed her. Asked her to follow me home but she just went away and told me her snap name. I told her that I will not add her since I know its pointless especially during night game. Like the girl I kissed from Wednesday didn't even reply to my texts so why would one reply to a snap :lol:
Approached at least 5 girls today aswell during the night.
Keeping at it. Strict discipline of not eating after a night out. Easy to just splurge on tons of calories.
SATURDAY 23/10-21
I planned in a time slot today but didn't execute. I had a friend come over to chill. This has happened before where you get taken in the moment and just agree for them to come. My fault!
Went out with my close friend from above^^ to a night club, this being my 4th night in a row which didn't happen before in my hometown. There was supposed to be some rap artist but he cancelled which then just turned into an ordinary Sunday night out. Not that I was going for him anyways ;) The club was filled with people between the age of 18-21 and this was the first time I felt like the best, tallest and the most muscular guy in a club and you could see it. There were easily and obviously 6-7 pairs of girls approaching us dancing, but I felt so clueless on what to do since I was still confused from the day before. Now when I read more about it, girls are actually quite discrete with eye contact so it is pointless to wait for it. The same behaviour showed up where they didn't look at me at the dance floor but did when passing me at the bar. Should have taken massive action here since even the hottest girls looked at me a bit further away.
From now on, I will be using the drill from the AA programe where you squeeze the girl on the arm and tell her she is cute. If at the dance floor I'll try with high fives, spin around and then tell her that she is hot. I also approached 3 girls in the day but no numbers :(
Still strict diet. Hovering around 112.5-113kg. Lets get it! God damn, can't wait to get shredded.

SUNDAY 24/10-21
Forced myself to put in 2 hours of work by alternating it with reading some GLL articles/forum posts from GLL legends ( funny how I find it rewarding)
French girl was supposed to come tonight but had an exam the day after in the morning so we re-booked to Tuesday.
Tinder was shit this week. I don't know why but for some reason both me and my friend that introduced me to the SIM card trick have been receiving low amount of likes for every new card/account we made. I know there was some foolish update lately on Tinder where you got rewarded on some progress bar for putting in as much info about you but now I see it is removed. Maybe that was the limiting factor?
Still good. Ate some fitness ice cream late at night, but still managed to keep the calories in check. Ughhh, you get so tempted at night time. I literally don't have any kind of fast food, sweets or high-caloric food in my fridge. I will eat it all :evil:

MONDAY 25/10-21
Did 4 hours of work today, I am proud. Completed about 40% of the course so far by listening on 1.5-2x speed. So I basically compensated the lost hours I didn't put in with the momentum I got from doing it forcefully yesterday. So far so good with the material!
Activated a new card yesterday and only got 7 likes. This is getting shittier and I don't know the reason since I do edit the pictures in order to get new picture files and I don't use wi-fi (to avoid detection and shadow banning). Could be some girls reporting lol! Next step would be to put in completely new pictures :?
Went out to the mall and did 2 approaches. Read some more GLL articles on approaching average girls and decided it is pointless to just cold approach hot girls. It will take too much time and leave me jerking off most weekends :lol:
So I will from now on start to approach girls I at least find cute aswell
Was ok. -500kcal deficit instead of the regular 1000. Had to attend a family dinner tonight but didn't have calories in reserve :lol: so will probably be a slight weight loss day I hope
Sprezza said:
Activated a new card yesterday and only got 7 likes. This is getting shittier and I don't know the reason

How many times have you created a new account?
Manganiello said:
Sprezza said:
Activated a new card yesterday and only got 7 likes. This is getting shittier and I don't know the reason

How many times have you created a new account?
I have created about 10-15 accounts. I do remove each account after I stop getting likes though!
TUE/WED/THUR 26-28/10-21
Completed the course finally. Was straightforward and I liked it.
Got a checklist to work on. So tomorrow the real work starts.
Approaching has been shit. I got some anxiety since I have gotten nasty red outbreaks all over my beard area. Quite visible. Was doable on Monday but now its kind of killing my self esteem. Feels as if every girl will see it and auto-reject me.
Not gonna let it stop me though, but it does kill my mood. Gonna make up for it on Friday.
On a positive note I had French girl over for pizza and Squid Game (damn the series was over hyped :)
She is really nice to hang out with although always shy in the beginning :D
Nice fuck and she me told she'll check with her friend so we can do a threesome. God damn would be amazing!
Tinder has been a bit on hold. I have burned through my data plan for this month already. It wasnt due to Tinder, but me watching charts, videos and other stuff (like porn which I have stopped doing from today, kills my drive I have noticed). So will probably make a new account on Sunday when I get my monthly data.
Have been ok, but damn dating really fucks up my discipline with food and sleep. I went back to 115 but I believe its mostly water weight since I do look better in the mirror and my mid-abs are starting to show. Will perhaps make it to 111 at least by Sunday.
Back starting to hurt on deadlifts, believe due to bad posture. Need to do the mobility routine I have more often tbh.
FRI/SAT/SUN 29-31/10-21
Started checking off stuff from the included checklist of the course:
-"Look up “online marketing company” and check out the first few sites – the goal is to get a feel for what they do and what you’ll be doing."
-Start thinking about your business brand including your business name. Think about what kind “feel” you want your businessto have. Write out at least 10 possible names.
-Consider taking a class or two on Udemy.com or Lynda.com to get an overview of the online marketing world. Strongly consider also going to QuickSprout.com/University

So I am currently reading up on different digital marketing subjects and I am going to see what is currently popular and easy to sell. Feels nice to start taking action. I will definetly have competition, but I believe I can get clients. Need to put in more hours though so new goal for November is to up the daily workload to 3-4 hours of business. I did work almost 2 hours every day since 20th of October so I am happy about it, but definetly not enough for doing something serious as this.

My face looked much better. Went to night clubs friday/saturday. On Friday, I literally performed my best. Squeezed at least 10 girls and told them they re cute. Tried to find a DTF girl but no luck this time. All in all succesful perfomance. 2 hot Swedish girls also approached me and my friend while we were sitting down, told us we were hot and that we should meet them upstairs later. What a confidence boost! My friend fucked it up a little since he was quite anxious. Unfortunately they went home quite early. Although what I liked with this club is that it was already full by 22 PM so I can actually start escalating with a girl by 01 instead of going home late and fucking up my sleep.
Saturday was also good, but had to go earlier since my friend felt bad after I gave him a too strong "snus" (nicotine pouch) since he wanted to try. Met some girl I have fucked before moving to Norway, will try to contact her to perhaps see if she wanna be a FB.

After my friend got home around 02, I bought tickets for a cheap price for Genesis, Sweden's best psy trance ( a music genre, think rave) event. First time I was there, god damn it was really good. The girls looked so fucking good, the music was amazing (even though I prefer hardstyle more) but didn't really feel the vibe since I was there alone though. People and especially the girls were so chill to talk to.
Saw some girl that I kissed while I was on E at a hardstyle event, think I wrote about it. She saw me but didn't say hi and instead wrote to me several times on snap but my data plan was finished for the month :lol: Said hi to some girl that I also dated couple of weeks ago but she didn't seem DTF. I love girls that go to raves though, maaan they really dress up so fuckin hot. My ideal girl would be one that loves to party, try new stuff and kind in general but not stupid.

Approaching has been ok since 20th of October but approaching 2,3,4,5 girls each day is not nearly enough to give results.
I'll up it to 10/day instead. Need to do more day game though!
Night game works so much better for me. A bit easy when youre the most muscular and usually tallest. But still random if you take home a girl. I think its more realistic to take home 1 girl each 3 night outs
Although night game is so inefficient tbh unless the music is really good its much better to do online and then day game

On a random note, I have stopped watching porn and started NoFap. Usually I do 2-3x a day lol, but I am quitting now. Before I was reasoning that "hornyness is distracting me so I'll just be quick ", but it does actually decrease productivity since the dopamine gets released and you are not as "driven for success" anymore (especially when you want to go out approaching!) . I don't know if its placebo or my diet, but I do feel more alert at least. We'll see the difference in a couple of months.
I did relapse with the fap on Sunday though, god damn felt like an addict trying to resist crack, but I didn't watch porn. So angrily, I restarted NoFap again.
Diet has been going good, but I didn't reach 110kg so I am around 111.3kg now. Slight progress! I am sure I will cut to 105 by end of year.
Got motivated by Andy's post "about 2 months left of the year".
Back starts to hurt on smaller back exercises, have to adress this ASAP.

GOALS for November
-Work 3 hours on business related task on a daily basis
-Approach 10 girls/day and get laid at least 2 times from cold approach.
-Get down to at least 107kg and fix my lower back mobility.