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WEDNESDAY 9/2-2022

Kickboxing and gym done.

Ordered new chair (Noblechairs Hero) in order to not fuck up my back even more. The one I currently have is utter shit.

Bought driving lessons for car and motorcycle. Hopefully I can get both before summer ends.

Love bulking <3 strength is increasing.

Went all in on ROSE in the morning. Up about 4% ($85 k currently, cashed out $10k for 6 month living costs before). Living on the line here lol. Need to get fire under my feet to finish the web page for fucks sake
Good to see another guy here trying to make it in Crypto. I am slowly turning it into a full-time thing but the markets are extremely uncertain at the moment. If you want we can exchange Whatsapp numbers and bounce some ideas off of each other from time to time.

Your total portfolio size is getting to a point where it might be more lucrative to fully focus on crypto instead of building an online marketing agency. I have done the latter and while it is still one of the better business models, it becomes harder and harder every month. Whereas on the other hand, Crypto is literally the fastest growing industry in the world right now.
Following because I am very interested in starting an online business as well.

Looking forward to reading more about your adventures 👍
THURSDAY 10/2-2022

Almost finished the web page finally.
Back is getting better.
Got just a little irritated during my MMA session today.
Slacked on my mourning routine today which usually consists of a mix of mobility, meditation and cold shower.
Can"t be a robot 24/7.

AGF Sure, would be fun!

I have been contemplating it all the time if I should just spend my time researching and learning about crypto to an expert level.
Would certainly benefit investment wise but I don't know how I could do it like an entreprenueur or make it into a stable income.

Currently its just very high risk taking based on what I read from paid /free newsletter/substacks I am subscribed to and crypto twitter.

To do it full time comfy mode, I would probably need to reach at least $300k post taxes.

Shoot me your whatsapp in PM :D
FRIDAY 11/2022

Went out clubbing tonight. Crazy amount of people outside since restrictions got lifted 2 days ago. Plenty of hot girls. Several sets approached me and my friend ( must be the slim fit black t-shirt :lol: )

Although I got unlucky with two time wasters. Danced and kissed with a girl that had a boyfriend. Told her I could be her new one, still didn't pull.

Slided over to her friend that was surprisingly a pro female soccer player (blue checkmark on IG). Danced and kissed, tried to pull and make kids, but no dice. "Don't wanna leave my friends" pancakemouse . Was a fun night, no drinking needed. Felt fresh back at home. Wonders how cold approaching improves confidence so much.

There was a hilarious fight that broke out while I was outside catching some air. Out of nowhere a girl approaches a trio and spits straight into her face :lol: Bad strategy since one of the girls grabs her hair and slams her down on the floor WWE style. Crazy shitshow, at least 10 security and police officers came to break up the fight.

Lost 10% on ROSE, thought Thursday US inflation numbers for January would be lower ($73k). "Solded". Very uncertain now.
Going to wait til summer before investing again after this shitstorm calms down. Looking at the graphite company LEMSE. We'll see.
SATURDAY 12/2-2022

Workout 2h with friend, showed him the Naturally Enhanced programe I am still running. Good food. Off to hang out with UKR FB.
SUNDAY-TUESDAY 13-15/2-2022

Workout. Hanged out with Swedish (SWE) FB and scheduled date with girl that I got an Instalay with back in December lol. Been ghosting her for weeks now due to not being in the mood to hang out with her along with the other FBs but nice to have some change now.
Fucked up my sleep again and productivity has been low.

Assembled my chair that I ordered and its comfy af.
Been trying to figure out if it is something with my mindset about this whole marketing agency thing.
It feels as if I don't have everything clear on how I should proceed which makes it hard to be motivated.
I can either dig deeper into it or do kratom on a daily basis which makes me motivated to do work and perhaps it will get clearer as I progress.
I guess this is where the difficulty in entreprenuership comes along with solving problems that arise all the time.
I literally don't have any other excuses and I am writing this now to look back later to see how I was thinking.
Sprezza said:
I guess this is where the difficulty in entreprenuership comes along with solving problems that arise all the time.
I got more or less the same problem. I know exactly what to do but all of a sudden a million different things will pop up I need to take care of and before I know it I've lost focus and wasted hours.

I'm still getting used to being without a job and not being on a schedule. I'll need to discipline myself. Right now I'm staying afloat because my audience expects a new piece of content each week, so that's holding me accountable. But I'm still procrastinating and doing things barely on time, when I have zero excuses. I should have 3-4 pieces of content ready in advance instead of scrambling for time every week.

The kratom tip is actually pretty good. It's been a while since I burned some white for productivity purposes. I'll do that tomorrow and try to get a marathon work session in.
Holden said:
The kratom tip is actually pretty good. It's been a while since I burned some white for productivity purposes. I'll do that tomorrow and try to get a marathon work session in.

Some white kratom made me push out the last things needed for the web page today. Damn it really helps especially when I am off of caffeine this week. Worked 3 hours yesterday and today. Let's get it Holden!

WEDNESDAY 16/2-2022

Finished the Wordpress web page. It took me some time but could have probably been done in less then a week. A bit embarassing that it took me this much to push my ass to do it. Well, ain't gonna whine, progress is progress.
A sneak peek:

Next step is to research some payment solutions, how I should structure the business in Sweden (probably through a single-man company) and find some good guys on Fiverr to outsource the future work too.

For starters, I am thinking of doing marketing for a friend of mine who runs a very small e-commerce business selling soccer equipment. I will charge him for the services of the Fiverr guys but perhaps also some symbolic fee for myself aswell. Also its good to do it for the friend in order to set up a good system and routines.
Then its off to search for clients. Will have to tinker up some kind of strategy.
This kind of sucks when I am new to every part of this venture. Sales, contractors, taxes and everything related to organizing a business. Also this is exactly why I disliked school and college.
You don't learn to be at this discomfort, not knowing if things will work out or not or further down if its the optimal solution. But high risk and high effort for very high reward is what I want to live for.
Not writing this to whine but to reflect on it at a later stage, hopefully at a more successful one.
Sprezza said:
Holden said:
The kratom tip is actually pretty good. It's been a while since I burned some white for productivity purposes. I'll do that tomorrow and try to get a marathon work session in.
Some white kratom made me push out the last things needed for the web page today. Damn it really helps especially when I am off of caffeine this week. Worked 3 hours yesterday and today. Let's get it Holden!
I had a marathon work-day on kratom too yesterday. 10 hours of straight work. About the practical side of setting up a business: I suggest you wait until you have some monthly money coming in. Then you can simply call an accountant. Most of them will offer a free introductory conversation and you ask all you practical questions then. Don't try to figure out this shit entirely on your own, focus on building the biz and finding the clients.