STICKY: Manga's Tinder Guide - Lessons from 9 girls in 6 weeks


Jun 5, 2020
I had a good start on tinder thanks to the guys on this community. This is me giving back.

How I got 9 lays
From Tinder in the
Very first 6 weeks

Why this exists

Because I have a unique (possibly fleeting) perspective on racking lays quickly from day 1 of being online. And I want to share it.

(I'm assuming you've read all of Andy's Tinder guide and are using this as a supplement)

Who this is for

A lot of you guys don't need this...
But this is for you if:

- You're relatively inexperienced
- you want to get laid a lot
- you want to get laid a lot quickly.

Who I am:

Most of you guys know me, but for those who don't... I got into online with almost no experience.

- 2 dates in my entire life
- and 1 hookup

And then I got 9 hookups from tinder in 6 weeks.

I'm writing this as someone who is intimately familiar with the problems of being inexperienced in messaging girls, going on dates, pulling and actually banging new girls.

So I get the nervousness, not knowing what to do and even the tinge of doubt that nags you.

I felt all of that before I started swiping.

B4 We Talk Tactics

Assumptions I have about you

1. You're under 15% bodyfat.
2. You live in an area with roughly 750,000+ people
3. You're going to read Andy's Tinder Guide.

Assumptions you need to have

Just take the following points as truth even if you're not 100% convinced they're true (I wasn't sure if this was stuff was true either, but I used it anyway)

It's a bottomless pool of girls

There are endless girls to swipe on and hookup with and they replenish quickly. I had many weeks where I thought I burned through all the girls in my city only to get 5 more numbers that night.

Youre understimating how much time this will take each day

No matter how good you're pictures are. This is a numbers game and you need to assume the level of effort you have in your head to get laid off of tinder is terribly off. Whatever that level of effort you have in your head multiply it by 10.



Get FuckBoy pictures.

Not just good pictures. Having a DSLR and taking pictures on good locations with great lighting and great poses is not enough. That's what Andy preaches. And he's right... but you need to go a step further and look like a massive fuckboy. That final point is what's important. Look like a fuckboy. When in doubt look like a fuckboy.

Imagine what a giant douche looks like. That's what you need to create. I don't think of myself as a douche, but my pictures make me look that way. I created that character on my profile. You'll know the look is good if you catch girls staring at you when you're wearing those clothes in everyday life. Follow Radical's style guide for style guidance. Radical's style guide is mandatory. Just assume you don't have a fucking clue how to dress (even tho you think you do) and just follow what Radical preaches. He's thought about this stuff way more than you or I have and probably ever will. You can trust him.

Cheat by using FaceApp premium

I put roughly 1-2hrs of editing each one. Experiment with all the settings, smile, facial hair, impressions, gender (picking the masculine option, shadows, highlights, everything). Use Airbrush (an app) to remove blemishes from your face, darken muscle definitions, clarify jaw lines, and make your neck, shoulders, arms bigger and stomach smaller (within reason, you still have to show up on the date and not catfish her). With each decision you make while editing your pictures think: Is this getting me closer to looking like a guy who fucks or farther?

Take 1000+ photos

Expect to take 200-300 pictures for one useable photo. Most of my photos turned out awkward or bad.

Edit your pics to be more of a fuckboy

When looking at your pictures assess edit potential. Can I edit this to look like a fuckboy? If yes then sink time into cropping it, editting it and doing everything you need to make it look like a good picture. At the end of the day I had about 15 pictures that were good. But I only used the best 4. 2 pictures of me where i look very masculine, 1 social pic and 1 hobby pic. I probably should've had more diversity with pets and selfies. But that's what I used.


Spend $200-$300 per month

Get Tinder Platinum and Allocate $50 for boosts each week. Online dating as a guy is pay to win. This is a numbers game no matter how good you look.

I was boosting 20x per week. Swipe karma helps but it's not even close to enough. Swiping every girl nets minimal lays. Most guys on tinder swipe a lot. So you're not doing anything special when you're swiping 300x in a week. You need to pay to get shown to girls. That's just how it is. And if you don't buy into that idea you will spin your tires and not see consistent results. Mark my words.

Andy says boosting twice per week is good if you do it at 10pm on Friday and Saturday. But you need to understand that is a MINIMIM given to guys who complain about how expensive boosting is. That's not the ideal. The ideal is spamming each evening/night with boosts.

Boost 3x per night at the right times

Best times to boost have consistently been 8-11pm. I would stagger boosts so I'd boost at 8:00, 9:20 and 10:30... Boosting the instant the other one ended didn't seem to net extra marches. Where as catching girls who log into tinder at different times really helped (8,9,10)

The key to my success was boosting a LOT. Youve spent how much time reading content on getting laid, becoming a better man, going to the gym... Think about this: How important is getting laid to you right now. How much money have you spent on rent and transportation last month? Quite a bit. $50 per week on boosts isn't that much. It's probably the most efficient use of time and money if your goal is to get laid. Read that again. It's the absolute best use of your money and time to get laid. It is.

Be realistic about the girls

Out of the 9 girls I banged.
5 were average
3 were cute
1 was super cute

I knew going into this that if I wanted to rack up experience quickly I needed to fuck the girls that were bangable. And not have some delusional idea that all girls will be hot. And that worked really well on my favour. I did manage to makeout with some objectively hot girls, but most of my results were average girls who took me.making out with them to get hard. Sex is fun. And banging an average girl is a more fun night than scrolling social media.


Message girls immediately.

You matched with her, now you should send her a message in 3 minutes as an ideal. Girls get bombarded with messages and matches. You need to be the one guy who actually bothered to message her right away. She's interested in lots of guys. Be the difference maker and actually be the guy who messaged her WHILE she's still on the app.

Follow Andy's script and get the phone number. For every 5 matches I got 1 number. And I attribute that to messaging girls really fucking fast. Every night I was basically doing nothing but messaging girls and staying on top of messages from 8pm to 11pm. It gets tedious after awhile. But it gets results.

Text her immediately

After you get her #, text her right away again. And setup a date. It will feel abrupt when you move that fast, but multiple girls have told me they appreciated it, because they don't like long meaningless text volleys as much as we do. And being that fast and direct is attractive to some girls.

Setup the date ASAP.

Within 3 days.

I put my schedule into 2 hour time blocks.
I'd try and get a date at 7pm first, and then 5pm and then if my schedule filled up I would put the girls at 6pm & 8pm. Girls flake a lot. More often than they showup (atleast for me). So having a stacked day of dates made me really not give a shit if one of the girl flakes. It's also how I pulled off getting 2 lays in one day. I had 5 dates on that day. And I ended up having to cancel on 2 of them. One of which had an onlyfans & 170,000 followers on Facebook. Which is cool. But getting laid was cooler.

One of my busiest weeks
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26 dates scheduled. Red, Yellow, Green and Peach are all Dates K had scheduled. I slept with two new girls on Wednesday. You will get cancelled on a lot. This is normal.

Phone Numbers

Most of your numbers won't go anywhere. This is the result of messaging girls while they're on the app. Things go in waves. So these result may not be typical. In this stretch about 1 out of every 60 matches I ended up hooking up with. But later it could be worse or even better.


This is what I did on my dates...
I was a total noob. For context. I only had two dates and one lay to my name before I went online. Yet despite that, the following stuff I did worked. There might be better advice out there. But this is what worked for me as at total noobie tryna get laid a lot in a short period of time

Your mindset should focus on sex

The days I pulled girls back, I was usually spending the day prior to the date thinking how important it was to have sex that day. Meaning I had in my mind this wasn't a casual date. This was a date for the purpose of getting laid. And I needed to remind myself of that on every date and have that as the goal. Most girls ghosted after the first date.

So odds are, you won't see the girl again after the first date either. This is your one chance. Get laid. And carry the attitude that if she is not down the date is over with. And that's ok. You're just looking for different things.

The goal is to have 0 regrets after the date

The goal I had on every date was that I could look back on the day and feel like I did everything in my power to get laid that day. Think of your dates as the same. You can't control what mood she will be in, but you can do everything in your power to get laid (being ethical obviously). And just keep in mind sometimes girls aren't feeling like sex even if you bring them home. That's ok. Just move on to the next girl. If you're doing what I said earlier you won't have a shortage of dates either.

Have the dates where it's easy to pull quickly

The following points is debatable, but I'm just giving you what's worked for me.

I pulled only twice from bar dates. And I had plenty of them. Most of my bubble tea dates I pulled on. Most of my coffee dates I pulled on. Venue matters. Why? Because you need to pull quickly.

Pull within 30 minutes

I needed to be in a position where I could pull within 30 minutes. The way bars work here is the waitress never fucking comes around and 90 minutes later you pay for the drinks at the bar and then the girl has cooled off and decided that this was a nice "rapport date". That's cool. Expect to never see her again.

Almost all of my lays came from pulling within 30 minutes. And then walking 5 minutes back to my place.

Go to a date spot that's 5 minutes away from your place.

Logistics matter. I went on 2 dates that were 10+ minutes away from my place. I pulled the girl back but she changed her mind midway through us walking back.

Not all of your pulls will lead to hookups

For every 2 girls I pulled I probably only smashed 1. I had a lot of makeouts that went nowhere. I probably couldve gotten more lays had I had more experience and could work with the girl. But that's just how it went down.


Escalate in a way that allows you to gauge the girl.

I learnt to escalate with more steps in between each move as time went on. Most girls I banged were ready to go as soon as we entered my place. So keep that in mind. Most of my lays were easy. But some girls would need to go slower and I'd have to touch her breast and check to see if she was cool with that before I went for her crotch.

My Escalation Routine

My escalation usually went like this. And bear in mind there probably is a better way than this. But this is what I did and it worked...

**Do not try and remember each step**

I'm just putting this so you guys get an idea of how I slowly did more and more sexual things over time that eventually lead to oral sex then real sex.

1. Bring her in my place.
2. Sit down and put on a show.
3. Talk for a few minutes. Just a few minutes.
4. Tell her to move closer and joke that I can't reach that far to make a move on her.
5. Put my arm around her.
6. 10 second later tilt her chin towards me and makeout.
7. Makeout for a bit and grab her hand to touch my chest as I'm making out with her.
8. Grab her throat as I'm making out.
9. Pull her legs to overlap mine. Make out.
10. Pull her to sit on top of me. Make out.
11. Grab her breast. Grab her hand so it's on the back of my head.
12. Feel up near her crotch.
13. Then go for the crotch. Keep making out.
14. Tell her to take off her shirt. Make out.
15. Then pick her up, flip her on her back on the couch. Make out with her while laying down on her.
16. Suck on her breasts.
17. Then go down to her pants. Take them off. 18. Eat her out.
19. Make her blow me.
20. Then full on sex.

That seemed to work for me as a noobie. I'm sure some guys have a better process. I'm just sharing in detail what I did. Again the steps don't matter. What's important is that you do stuff in a way that gives you an awareness of where she is on the hot-cold dtf scale (so to speak).

Once You get Results
Things to remember...

You'll likely get bored, you'll find you're still boosting a lot but not having good follow through on messaging girls, setting up dates or being in a lay-oriented mindset on the date. You need to stick to your process and be disciplined. If you only grind on the days you feel good. You'll get nothing done.

Key things you MUST remember.

Not everything I said here is of equal importance. The stuff I did that made a huge disproportional difference was the following:

Important Point #1

Take over 1000 pics and aim for fuckboy. Not good high quality pictures but pictures that make you look like a total douche. The best complement I heard from a girl was telling me I was a douche.

Important Point #2

Boost 20x per week. Yes. That much.

Important Point #3

From 8pm to 11pm do nothing but message girls. Responding quickly and setting up the date ASAP. Get back to girls when you don't feel like it.

Important Point #4

Schedule 2+ dates per day. This was the norm for me. Crisis_Overcomer , goldfish and Toast can verify that there were many many many many days where I had more than 1 date lined up.

My Profile
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And to note...

This is my take on it.
Not the best take on it.
Nor the most experienced guy's take on it.

It's just what worked for me.

I think the fact that I did well really quickly despite having next to no experience allows me to give good insights to those in a similar position.
Manganiello said:
Radical's style guide is mandatory. Just assume you don't have a fucking clue how to dress (even tho you think you do) and just follow what Radical preaches. He's thought about this stuff way more than you or I have and probably ever will. You can trust him.

Radical said:
Manganiello said:
Radical's style guide is mandatory. Just assume you don't have a fucking clue how to dress (even tho you think you do) and just follow what Radical preaches. He's thought about this stuff way more than you or I have and probably ever will. You can trust him.


It's true
Your new forum name should be Brandon Heat-o

The biggest takeaway I had from watching your OLD journey, is the need to boost a ton. Personally I'd boost once, rarely twice, per week.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I mean I literally wrote this in the fucken Tinder guide

I was following your initial footsteps, getting inspiration from your GLL log and it was enough to succeed. I don't remember you saying back then how much you boosted so this was a bit hazy for me.

Plus, I refuse to read the guide until you turn it into a book. I'm too old to read 69,462,352,431,985 words on a blog.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
is the need to boost a ton.

I mean I literally wrote this in the fucken Tinder guide

I can see how people miss it. That piece of advice is buried somewhere. I don't even remember where.

In the section about boosts it doesn't mention it at all. The most it says is doing 1-2 on Sat+Fri
So far I'm at "look like you don't have a fucking clue how to dress" and I'm dead :lol: it's so true. Thanks for the post man
Awesome guide man! Great write up and congrats on the lays.

Any thoughts on Super Boosts vs regular Boosts?
Ed_ said:
Awesome guide man! Great write up and congrats on the lays.

Any thoughts on Super Boosts vs regular Boosts?

I haven't used super boosts... Ever. So take this with a grain of salt:

Here's how I thought about it.
Regular boosts probably offer a higher ROI.

Reason being the 3hr super boost here cost 20x more than a regular boost.

If I use 20 regular boosts properly each week I would expect 100-150 likes from that.

I don't think theres enough people on tinder in my city at one point in time to generate 100 likes.

So just from that the ROI on regular boosts are better.

And it should be noted that most people use tinder at night. So any super boost that's longer than 3 hrs would mean your boosting when nobody's actually on the app.

I live in a city with roughly 1.3 million people in the vicinity, and I think that really effects how many girls can see my profile during a boost.

I know Reservoir had achieved over 100 likes from a single regular boost. But he lives in paris.
Fucking legendary!

Also ... yeah boosting is the only way to win on tinder. I just wish it was cheaper. The 10 packs are about $70 for me. Also I'm much more broke as peasant this year than I was last year so I gotta budget that shit. I think I might opt for more regular boosts as opposed to the super boost. I would do a 12 hour one once a month usually on a Saturday night or Sunday morning. Sunday boosts in the morning always got me some likes. I think this month will be the last month I'll keep my hidden age as 19 and next month try maybe 25. Also I need better pics so I'll be shooting more shots when I drop a little weight.

Legendary thread, of endless value.

Can we make this a sticky post or forum announcement?

Congrats! 26 dates crammed into a single week on top of a full time job is some insane shit. Gotta respect the work ethic.

It's striking that only half your makeouts convert to lays though. I can't help but think that the conversion can be improved somehow.
MakingAComeback said:

Legendary thread, of endless value.

Can we get a sticky post or forum announcement?


Lol thx.

That's Radical decision.

If it gets stickied I'll edit this more and flush out a few details.

Reservoir said:
Congrats! 26 dates crammed into a single week on top of a full time job is some insane shit. Gotta respect the work ethic.

It's striking that only half your makeouts convert to lays though. I can't help but think that the conversion can be improved somehow.

Thanks dude.

There's definitely a few girls that come to mind where that was possible.

I made minimal effort to see girls twice.
And the lesson was to gauge girls more once they're back...

But at the same time idk.

If I hooked up with every girl I made out with that would mean ~ 20 lays. Or 1 hookup per 30 matches. Seems a little high.
Great stuff!

What do you do when you propose the date and get ghosted, and what do you do when the date is set and you get flaked for whatever reason? Do you try again?
Lema said:
Great stuff!

What do you do when you propose the date and get ghosted, and what do you do when the date is set and you get flaked for whatever reason? Do you try again?

If I get ghosted. I wait a few days and send Andy's line:

"Hmmm I wasn't expecting you to ghost to be honest... any feedback so I know why? thx"

If she cancels I ask when she's free again.

This works like 1/20x.

You need to appreciate how normal ghosting and cancelling is.

It is by FAR the DEFAULT female response.

Like pretty much most girls will reject you, and then those who give their number... Majority will ghost... Then those who agree to meetup majority will cancel... Then those who show up maybe the slight majority won't hookup.

Just get used to it.

If you fail to internalize that reality this entire process will feel like torture and you'll be a guy who gets down about rejections.

I get flaked on so much I don't even care anymore.

And I don't care because I boost so much, match so much, get numbers so much, and get dates so much that any individual girl is irrelevant.

Play the numbers game.

I've gotten 800+ matches. Maybe messaged 600 of them and hooked up with 10. So you need to appreciate that your success rate will be in the low single digit %.

I did a podcast with Andy that talks about this subject. She be the next video he puts up, in less than a week or so.
Awesome guide bro!

Mind if I ask what outfit do you often wear on the dates? Do you have try to your best to match what you look like in your profile pics? (cap backward, tight fit black/white clothes, etc...) . I don't often wear the "new" douchey style as much at work (for comfortability reason), only wear for the pics. I'd imagine I feel a bit uncomfortable wearing them on the date because I don't feel it represents myself. May need to get used to wearing them perhaps.
diamondbackbike said:
Mind if I ask what outfit do you often wear on the dates? Do you have try to your best to match what you look like in your profile pics?

I do. Couldn't tell you if it makes a difference. But my line of thought is if she liked the guy in the pics then I better reflect that in real life.

So the attire in wear on dates is either exactly or very similar to the attire in my pics.

It's a nice ego boost sometimes cuz when I walk to the dates I'll get stared at by other girls. So it's like a reminder that I'm attractive girls enough to pull the girl I'm seeing. It's like a confidence boost.

diamondbackbike said:
May need to get used to wearing them perhaps

Exactly this ya.

I dress pretty douchy now by habit. But yes it was uncomfortable at first because it didn't reflect how I saw myself. Felt like an act. but that goes away after awhile.
diamondbackbike said:
I'd imagine I feel a bit uncomfortable wearing them on the date because I don't feel it represents myself. May need to get used to wearing them perhaps.

Take comfort in the fact you are not alone in feeling like this

I wrote one of my first style articles about this phenomenon

From my experience the no 1 thing you can do to get rid of that feeling is walk around in public and cold approach in your new style. Within a couple of weeks you dont feel like its 'not you' anymore.

Also important to keep wearing them when you hang out with friends.