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Syd's Progress Log

It's only a bump in the road to success. I've been fortunate enough to not experience any kind of depression or PTSD, except for pretty heavy high school bullying that I grew out of eventually, so I couldn't fully understand how you feel or react to certain events. I certainly hope you get better and keep crushing it. Don't give up we are always here if you want any help and don't worry about tagging me, since it's pretty hard keeping track of everyone's log and shit while also doing my stuff. Hope you get well soon friend. Get a massage if you can like Andy's said in one of his last videos, I'll get one soon too.

UPDATE 30: 30/05/2021

Weight: 11 Stone 1 lb.

Hey folks

After my week from hell, (see previous posts) and taking a weekend off to recover from the general drama I’ve experienced this past month, I am now ready to get back on it.

I left the house this morning after being shut up in my bedroom all weekend feeling depressed. I took a shower, got changed and then went to my local McDonalds. I had a coffee and sat outside on a bench in the sunshine.

With my earphones in playing some relaxing ambience from my favourite Xbox game, I sat and reflected on things whilst I drank my coffee.

I realised that the only person getting hurt by moping around is myself. Sitting around reading comic books and thinking about shit that wasn’t my fault will just halt my progress towards my personal goals.

Plus, I’m letting these people win by doing this.

Getting in the gym, studying, reading and running however will get me towards my goals.

I am done being a victim and feeling inadequate all the time.

I’m not ready to start dating yet, but will focus on the above first for a couple months and then review it. Had too much of a nightmare with things recently to want to jump straight back in.

Being stood up, cheated on and almost given the clap has put me off for a while to say the least!

I shall be going to the Gym tomorrow and will make this my mission. I will also try to go for a run/jog/walk depending on how I feel.

I’m now in bed typing this post up and will get an early night as soon as this is submitted.

I have weighed myself as per above as I said I would do this every Sunday.

I shall start taking photos again from tomorrow for accountability purposes.

Here’s hoping I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to hit it.

Thanks for reading - I wouldn’t be ready to hit it again without the support from some of the guys on here.


UPDATE 31: 31/05:2021

Hey folks

I went to the gym today. Was still pretty depressed but I went anyway and I’m taking little steps towards getting better.

Got work tomorrow and I’m gonna try and be as productive as I can be.

Update to follow


UPDATE 32: 01/06/2021

Felt a lot better today, but still a bit down. Want to make sure I’m fully recovered so I don’t slip back and lose my progress.

Taking each day as it comes.

Did a few hours work but that’s about it for today. When I feel 100% I’ll get back on things.


UPDATE 33: 02/06/2021

Good news - I have passed my final University project attaining the top band in my degree.

This is a welcome bit of good news after the week I’ve had last week.

Hopefully this carries on and things will get better and be okay from now.

1 down.

