T0NY M0NTANA's cold approach daygame log


3 approaches today, slept like shit and felt dead today so I was initially going to skip out... but a friend text me saying he was out to do daygame and asked if I was out too. Figured I'd go instead of weaselling.

[3] approach, [2] blowout, [1] conversation, [1] number

1. 7/10 Latina in the mall, stopped from the side, opened direct, thanked me and walked away before I could stack.
2. 8/10 Blonde in the mall, stopped from the side, opened direct, tried to stack forward about the luggage she was carrying, she was moving away, thanked me and left.
3. 7/10 Brunette outside the mall, was chatting with my friend then she storms past us with earphones in and head down, saw her face from the side and her phenomenal ass, ran after her, textbook daygame front stop, she's shocked but I manage to settle her down. Said she distracted me because she was cute, she smiles, we talked for 5 mins. Number closed.

Takeaways: Felt good today being out with a mate, we always have a laugh and good vibes which makes the approaches alot easier

Date with this one today.

7. 8/10 Brunette in primark, opened direct, ended up talking for 15 mins. Number closed. - from 19/11/2022

Walk around for an hour in the city centre talking, we were being physical with each other (light touches) there was lots of sexual inuendos and deep eye contact. Went into Caffe nero for hot chocolate, she was grabbing my arms (did the imfamous GLL bodyguard shtick lol) tried to kiss her, she pulls away. Stayed unreactive, walked around a bit more, decided to head off on the train. She walks with me to the station, kissed her twice before I left.

Takeaways: Maybe left it a bit too long to kiss her intially, probably should of capitalised on the physicallity early but whatever might see her again, might not. We'll see. Good experience in the bank anyway. Also I gotta stop fucking around and sort out real venues, could tell she was uncomfortable walking around with me in heels lol.
We back on the cold approach grind boys. Went out about a week ago and tried to approach, only managed to do one in 2 hours - AA was back with a vengeance after a month break or so. Went out on saturday looking for redemption. Got 7 done.


[7] approach, [2] blowout, [4] conversation, [0] number

1. Brunette 7/10. Blown out, came in too weak and timid.
2. Blonde 6/10. 1 min awkward convo, BF objection.
3. Blonde 8/10. 16yo
4. Indian 8/10. Relationship
5. Blonde 7/10. Saw her walking on the phone. thought fuck it and tried to stop her anyway. Got an angry "get away from me!" LOL
6. Iranian 8/10 few mins conversation, tried to close. BF objection
7. Middle eastern 7/10 1 min conversation, she randomly excused herself and walked away.

Takeaways: Everything was a bit rusty due to the break but happy I managed to do 7.
Hey good work man, glad to see someone going for like 7 to 10 approaches in a day, thats the right kinda volume
Haven't posted been kinda busy! Since last post I've probs done about 30 approaches -> 7 numbers -> 2 of which have accepted dates this weekend. Whether or not they'll happen remains to be seen, but whatever happens I'll post how they go (or don't go lol).

I'll do some daygame before the dates just to warm up and to shake off a bit of anxiety and I'll make a real post about how those go
Was out in the city center for a couple of hours today.


[5] approach, [1] blowout, [4] conversation, [3] number

1. 6/10 Blonde, opened direct, chatted for 5 mins, number closed.
2. 8/10 Brunette, opened direct, chatted for 3 mins, tried to close, bf objection
3. 6/10 Blonde, opened direct, talked for 20 seconds, she was slowly backing away and make an excuse to leave
4. 8/10 Blonde lithuanian, opened direct, chatted for 5 mins, number closed
5. 7/10 Middle eastern, opened direct, seemed pretty frosty and uninvested but stayed in the conversation for a few mins, number closed.

Takeaways: Good session overall, conversations felt smooth, definately getting alot more comfortable with sitting in the awkwardness and not rejecting myself by leaving early and going to the close regardless. Gonna use this momentum and do a mega-session on saturday.

Dates didnt happen but went out for a session with some mates out in the city center today

[9] approach, [3] blowout, [5] conversation, [1] number

1. 7/10 Blonde, Side stopped in mall, direct compliment, instant bf objection
2. 6/10 Latina, direct compliment, blowout
3. 7/10 Blonde, direct compliment, looked at me wierd and walked away
4. 6.5/10 Rainbow hair girl, direct compliment, instant bf objection
5. 7/10 Petite Blonde, direct compliment, instant bf objection
6. 7/10 Black haired girl with tattoo's, 4 min conversation, tried to close, bf objection
7. 6/10 Milf, 2 min conversation, tried to close, bf objection, told her "I don't want to be your bf, but I do think you're cute and I'd like to see you again" number closed. lol
8. 9/10 Brunette, 3 mins conversation, engaged. - Easily the hottest girl I saw all day
9. 7.5/10 Indian, 7 min conversation, held her hand for 30 seconds, tried to close, wouldn't give number only IG. Said I dont want to be her IG follower and persist but she refused and left.

Takeaways: Good session overall but the start was kinda rocky - walked around for about 45 mins not doing anything before the 1st approach then got started. Got sick of the bf objections after approach to nowhere #6 so decided to push it. Same bf shit on #7 but experimented and it worked. Whether or not she actually does or not who cares.

Felt chill today, very little AA once I got started and good conversations. Might go out tomorrow and try do 4-5 more sets.

If anyones in the UK and wants to do daygame PM me.

Few approaches today.

[4] approach, [1] blowout, [3] conversation, [0] number

1. 7/10 Latina, tried to side stop, looked at me with a bitchy face and kept walking.
2. 7/10 Latina, stopped her in primark, chatted for 1 min, married.
3. 7/10 Greek chick, chatted for 2 mins, married
4. 6/10 Middle eastern girl on the train, chatted for 2 mins, tried to close, not interested.

Takeaways: Felt shit going in, didn't get much sleep and this probably reflected the poor conversations today, or maybe not who knows - maybe I just ran into 'no' girls. missed a few chances early but whatever, atleast I showed up and tried. Onto the next one!

2 approaches running errands today.

[2] approach, [0] blowout, [2] conversation, [0] number

1. 6/10 Alt chick in tesco, 3 min convo, tried to close, bf objection
2. 6/10 Petite middle eastern, 1 min convo, wasn't from here and was on the way to the station heading back to london.

Takeaways: Missed a few chances before this but solo is tough, probs should have tried to close #2 regardless but whatever.

4 approaches in the city today

[4] approach, [0] blowout, [4] conversation, [1] number

1. 8/10 Blonde, saw her in the mall. Opened direct, fun chat for 5 mins, number closed
2. 7/10 Brunette in mall, opened direct, 2 min convo, tried to close, taken
3. 8/10 Indian, opened direct, 3 min convo, tried to close, bf objection
4. 6/10 Blonde, opened direct, 5 min convo, tried to close, married

Takeaways: Number closed the hottest girl I saw today, went a bit downhill after that maybe an adrenaline dump. Still got some in and feel pretty good about them.
Just had a date with a 19yo, she was very shy to physicallity in public. She wouldn't hold my hand and seemed uncomfortable with me playing with her nails but told me later she wants to come over to my place and smoke weed with me next week. So maybe in private she's a freak. We'll see...

2 approaches today while I was in town

[2] approach, [0] blowout, [2] conversation, [0] number

1. 6/10 blonde in gym gear, front stopped, opened direct, 1 min conversation, she said she was in a rush, tried to close, bf objection]
1. 7/10 milfy blonde, walked past me with a stone face, front stopped, opened direct, she liked the compliment and said I was really brave but she has a BF.

Takeaways: Nothing to say really, very little AA. Saw hot girl, walked towards hot girl, spoke to hot girl. Monkey see, monkey do

Fucked the 19yo, she came over. We talked for about 45 mins, then got to it, used the magic wand on her and she went insane lol. We were going at it for about 2 hours.

Also did 4 approaches today while I was in town earlier.

[4] approach, [0] blowout, [4] conversation, [0] number

1. 7/10 Brunette, side stopped in the mall. Opened direct, chatted for 2 mins. She started walking away. Used the famous "One more thing before you go" line, then tried to close. BF objection
2. 7/10 Brunette, spotted her in the mall straight after the previous one, did a 180 and followed her into a shop, opened with "hey, bit random just I noticed you as I was walking out and thought you looked cute" she smiles, chatted for 5 mins. Tried to close. BF objection
3. 6/10 Blonde, opened direct, started off fun and light but turned quite confrontational when I asked her how serious it was when she said she was "seeing someone". left with a bad taste in my mouth.
4. 7/10 Brunette milf in yoga pants, open directed, chatted for 2 mins, she started to move away, I tried to close, Taken.

Takeaways: No dice today... what can you do boys, atleast I got into some conversations. Better than being blown out lol.
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
3. 6/10 Blonde, opened direct, started off fun and light but turned quite confrontational when I asked her how serious it was when she said she was "seeing someone". left with a bad taste in my mouth.

Something I do to turn it more playful:
"Oh yeah, how long ya'll been together?"
<whatever she says>
"oh, so not that serious then ;-)"

Learned this from Ultimate Man Project.
pancakemouse said:
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
3. 6/10 Blonde, opened direct, started off fun and light but turned quite confrontational when I asked her how serious it was when she said she was "seeing someone". left with a bad taste in my mouth.

Something I do to turn it more playful:
"Oh yeah, how long ya'll been together?"
<whatever she says>
"oh, so not that serious then ;-)"

Learned this from Ultimate Man Project.

I normally do try and be fun with it, dunno what was up with me today... Next time I'll use this though. Thanks

3 approaches in the city today

[3] approach, [0] blowout, [3] conversation, [1] number

1. 7/10 Blonde, opened direct and she seemed into it, then some beggar comes into the interaction and kinda freaks the girl out and she leaves...
2. 7/10 Ginger, opened direct, chatted for 2 mins, number closed
3. 8/10 Blonde in gym gear in the station, opened direct, said she was in a rush to catch a train, tried to close anyway, bf objection.

Takeaways: Not really a good day. That beggar fucking up the first set pissed me off quite a bit... Didn't really see anything I liked after the 3rd set, walked around for another hour and it was all big group sets of girls (3+) so I just called it off.

Walked into town today to run a few errands, did 2 approaches

[2] approach, [0] blowout, [2] conversation, [1] number

1. 6/10 Brunette, front stopped, opened direct, made a comment on her face tattoo, she said it was for international women's day or something then went on some feminist rant about how women are so underappreciated, I entertained it for a minute or two then just left.
2. 7/10 Blonde in grocery store, opened direct, fun conversation for 3-4 mins, number closed but didnt feel fully invested. Will run my usual texting model and see what happens...

Takeaways: Could of done a few more but didn't pull the trigger, gonna do a big session with a mate on Saturday.

Big session in the city today with a wing

[8] approach, [4] blowout, [4] conversation, [1] number

1. 7/10 Brunette in train station, front stopped, opened direct, 1 min conversation, kinda rejected myself here. Ran out of things to say because she looked very vanilla, with nothing particularly that stood out and wasnt giving me much back to rif on so I just left. Should of atleast tried to close.
2. 6/10 Brunette Ukrainian, Front stopped in mall, opened direct, light conversation for 5 mins, number closed
3. 6/10 Blonde, Side stopped in mall, opened direct, instant bf objection
4. 7/10 Blonde in store, opened direct, she just seemed low interest, wouldnt make eye contact, slowly moving away, so I just left
5. 6/10 Redhead, opened direct, didn't say anything and just walked away
6. 7/10 Bulgarian Brunette, very similar to #4, no interest so I just left after trying to make conversation for a minute.
7. 7/10 Brunette in station, front stopped, opened direct, good conversation but she was only here for one day to see a friend so I just left.
8. 8/10 Brunette outside mall, Front stopped, Opened direct, instant BF objection.

Takeaways: Felt pretty good today, did what I could. Should of tried to close girl #1 and #7 regardless - but whatever, learning points ABC, always be closin'