
May 30, 2020
Hey guys.
I am opening this thread in the hopes we can help as many guys as possible to improve how they dress – with the ultimate goal of increasing everyone’s chances of getting laid.

I’m building this thread here because:
-I sanitise my output on a little bit, for the sake of being picked up by google and reaching a broader audience
than you randy bastards. By building a style thread here I can be more open about certain things (like dressing to get laid)
-I want to encourage other posters who are passionate about style to share their knowledge. Jake and JamalHash123 for examples. Some guys have knowledge outside my wheelhouse, in areas such as suits and smarter dress styles. So hopefully this thread can grow.

I will kick this off with some stuff I want to cover that probably won’t end up on my site or in the eBook redraft.

The style I aim for: Street style fuck boy

Back in the good ol days of GLL it was Chris’ goal to make us all dress like dirtbags. The style guides would be up to date with the latest trends, but he always wanted his readers to dress like the guys you would see leaving with hot girls from the bar. My whole aim was to recreate this with the current trends and the quickest way to get there is to go all in with street style.
The issue for a lot of you when you rock up here is that you dress like ‘Mr Boring Nice Guy’ or, slightly worse, you dress like you don’t care about what you are wearing. This is going off pics I see day to day from forum newbies.
If you have read Andy’s tinder guide then you will know the aim of your pics is to achieve a sexual vibe. You gotta look like a guy who fucks. You can do this with your style, as Andy did before the BDSM pics. As a bonus with style you also carry that sexual vibe into real life and not just your tinder profile.

Accessible instagram inspiration

Instagram accounts have made following fashion easy. Any idiot can do it as long as you pick the right guys to follow. We all have our favourites that we like to try and copy. Im going to give you some advice on how to pick your insta gurus.

I love @magic_fox as much as the rest of you – maybe more, but probably not as much as Andy. However, I want to make a bit of a nuanced point here so bear with me -
magic_fox is elite when it comes to style. As a guy far better with style than I am told me: ‘that dude never misses’ - and that’s true, you wont find an instagram pic where he looks shit. The issue is though that he is beyond elite in looks as well. He has modelled since he was a teenager. Basically no one I’ve ever seen in this community or GLL has that sort of potential. Its like aspiring to look like David Beckham, its predicated on having top % of the top % genetics. As a guy with this level of looks he can pull shit off that won’t work on you. He really is a style freak in his ability to pull every look off.

Instead I advise you focus on Instagram accounts like this one:

This dude is good looking but plenty of you can get to his level. In fact a few of you will be able to get significantly better looking. I like him because he gets simple street style bang on and I used his stuff a fair bit in my eBook – those of you who have read it probably recognise him.

Edge and accessories

The fastest way to a sexual vibe is to cultivate edge. You are probably sick of reading or hearing Andy say ‘WEAR ACCESSORIES.’ Well, you only get to feel that way if you actually took this action and bought the: watch, necklaces, rings etc that he told you to.

And I want to talk about something Chris never shut up about….


Tattoos are to girls what boobs are to men……
Let that sink in.

Now this is something of an exaggeration – they are like this to some women – but I wrote that sentence above because I want you to internalise this in its most radical form.
Getting ink changes you, you are no longer some bland wallflower that’s hung some clothes on himself, you are a badass with tattoos. Its an actual cheat code.

Cuts and fits matter way more than brands

This really needs to go in a redraft of my eBook. Its not about the brands guys. Its about the cuts and fits I am recommending which are part of the trends.

The brands I recommend meet a certain criteria
- Ones I own or have seen people I know wear in person
- Availability to my readership (internationally available/obtainable on Amazon)
- Price – I want the whole wardrobe to be affordable to anyone

Stan Smiths are the big example so far. Stan Smiths are a low top tennis shoe in white leather. Any other low top tennis shoe in white leather will be acceptable.

Nuances of fit – Slightly linked to the above is how fit can be difficult to find for the individual. I for instance have hip and inseam measurements that mostly meet a large size. But I have a waist that hits closer to most mediums. This means I must shop around a bit more for trousers. You will all probably have your areas like this. It is therefore worth checking several outlets/online shops for the items that meet your measurements. If you don’t want to do this well you aren’t putting in the required effort to get this shit right. Some of us have walked hours between shops and spent more hours trawling online just so we can look good.
And as per the above, if one of the brands I suggest doesn’t really fit you at any size then find an equivalent from another provider. Its not about brands.

Ask questions: If anyone has specific questions they want to ask fire away
If scotty was around, is there things he would need to update in his wardrobe?

I get it might be weird to critique someone legendary like scotty, but are there things about what he wore that are no longer viable?

For reference. Just look at what he's wearing in the preview:
God i love that video haha

KillYourInnerLoser was talking about obscure GLL content on a podcast the other day and that Scotty interview is my personal shout for most obscure GLL stuff

Manganiello With that level of tattooing its actually a good idea to go more simple with the clothing. His edge was his body, his tattoos and his personal vibe. Chris wrote several articles about how Scotty was a scumbag and that was what he aimed for. He nails it imo. Id advise no graphic tees though if he still dressed like that today.
Looking at your guide it seems mostly aimed towards fall/winter style. Do you have any recommendations for spring and summer time?
Spring is like winter where i live tbh, im still having to layer up and wear my hoodie under my denim jacket and its almost April

Id advise you wear the style from the guides on nights out even in the summer. Id hope you arent heading out the bars dressed for the beach

For what to wear in the daytime for summer im working on addition to the guide for that. Typically i just go t shirts, shorts and plimsolls, keep it fairly simple and light.
Radical said:
Id advise you wear the style from the guides on nights out even in the summer. Id hope you arent heading out the bars dressed for the beach
Definitely not doing this.
Radical said:
keep it fairly simple and light.
Ill keep this in mind, along with the check list you posted on your website as well. Neutral colors, some accessories, and less then 3 colors
1. How much does mask style matter? Any style guidelines for those? Noticed that some look better than others but I'm not sure why.

2. Is there outerwear that goes well with athletic shorts? When I wear shorts I usually just put on a black or white T-shirt but sometimes it gets too windy for that.
Radical said:
God i love that video haha

It's super obscure.

Toast said:
Tattoos are to girls what boobs are to men……
Let that sink in.

Fuck, OK. I guess I definitely need some tattoos then.

How big do the tattoos need to be? I mean I could get a full sleeve or something simple on my forearm. Is there an important difference between size or placement,
thunderwang said:
1. How much does mask style matter? Any style guidelines for those? Noticed that some look better than others but I'm not sure why.

2. Is there outerwear that goes well with athletic shorts? When I wear shorts I usually just put on a black or white T-shirt but sometimes it gets too windy for that.

1. Im not big on masks in general. I just wear the disposable ones when i have to. Only thing you can really do is go for the fabric ones and match the colour to your outerwear or shirt colour.

2. If you are going to wear active/sports wear casually then its best to make the outerwear also active/sports wear. Think like training tops/tracksuit tops. Something lightweight that you could also train in if it were cold. Plain hoodies work fine too

A black hoodie is my personal go to with tracksuit pants or gym shorts
Manganiello I usually recommend forearm as a place to start yeah. The goal is really to get something visible. Not much point having hidden ink for what we want. I have small ones on both forearms, but I intend to get one of my forearms sleeved after the restrictions here end.
endless333 said:
Yoyo! Is this outfit good then? The coat folds a little weird maybe


This is good yeah, everything looks like a decent fit.

Get a better camera though lol, its hard for me to tell the quality of your clothes in the pics you've posted me so far
I'm only here to say I love this video from Scotty as well.

The one where Chris is hitting on a mannequin, PUA-style is also amazing.
I'm firing from the hip right now, but here's a few contributions I have:

1. You can get high quality fake tattoos that last for about 2 weeks from InkBox. I have a job that makes it not a good idea for me to have tattoos, so this is a great way for me to get the same benefits.

2. I realized over one year ago that the majority of people in my area wore dark, bland clothing. In an effort to stand out during night game, I started incorporating bolder, brighter colors so that I catch women's eyes, and can be easily spotted by those looking for me. During the summer I try to wear white or bright, bold blue/pink shirts (nothing pastel). For the winter time I have a red leather jacket and a separate white leather jacket that perhaps command too much attention, to the point where I have to tone down the rest of the outfit, lest I look like I'm trying too hard. Also, leather jackets are timeless.

3. It's definitely best to just find the overlap between the Instagram dudes that Andy recommends and your own personal style, and just rip that off. I tried my own fashion for a few years and it was hit and miss, and looking back I should have remembered that women mindlessly scroll through Instagram and are socially conditioned to react to certain styles. Side note: fuck that reddit mensfashionadvice forum, it's for fucking nerds who want to look safe.

4. Your "nightclub" outfit may not be appropriate for daygame. I know that my sexy red leather jacket look is way too unrelatable in the morning at the coffeeshop. I'm still personally developing a good look that commands the attention and sex-worthiness of that look, but is toned down and appropriate for the environment. It would be like a girl wearing a sexy little black dress with glitter to the coffee shop on a weekday morning. Not a look that I would complain about or be against normalizing,

5. If your night game outfit is appropriate for day game, get a new fucking night game outfit.

Some interesting points

I dont recommend bold colours (like red) to newbies because im trying to minimise mistakes they could make. And id wager the majority of guys that dont know how to put together an outfit will fuck up bold colours. Equally these colours dont suit certain skin tones at all and again concerned newbies dont spot this

Agree on your disdain for pastels though, for me those sort of shirts scream boring boyfriend material cause of how safe it is.

I prefer guys stick to the stronger neutral colours or try the all-black look out. These are easily mixed and matched which gives a small wardrobe more viable combinations in total

Leather jackets have a big place in my heart and are indeed timeless. However certain styles of leather jacket are more in fashion than others. Recently (last couple years) double riders became the big thing everyone had to have. I think if your jacket style is pretty basic (like a bomber leather jacket) it will always be viable.

I have no experience in stick on tattoos, not something im interested in but if it works go for it. Typically if you stick to above the cuff line and below the neck line with ink you wont have much trouble finding work. In Australia i wore short sleeves in summer and no one cared.
Radical said:
I prefer guys stick to the stronger neutral colours or try the all-black look out. These are easily mixed and matched which gives a small wardrobe more viable combinations in total
Always a solid option when going clubbing. Although I prefer to add a splash of white for contrast (e.g., white shirt under black leather jacket w/ white+black shoes).

Radical said:
However certain styles of leather jacket are more in fashion than others. Recently (last couple years) double riders became the big thing everyone had to have. I think if your jacket style is pretty basic (like a bomber leather jacket) it will always be viable.

I feel like one point that gets understated (more so for dressing to trends compared to basics) is to pay attention to how other guys dress where you're at - if you're LA fresh in rural Michigan people aren't going to think your fly, more like out of place. Conversely, college frat boy style doesn't look too hot in a fashion capital like Miami.
RogerRoger Chris had a good way of saying it: 'dress for the scene you are in'

having said that, because i like to play up the travelling foreign guy thing i do basically try and dress like i live in London wherever I am
What are some common mistakes that most guys make with fashion? Particularly ones they think are good advice but that actually isn't...