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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety


Apr 9, 2021
Hello guys, i have been on the GLL forum for many years, the great advice in that site didn't improve my life because i was very depressed and blackpilled.

in 2013 i was 25 and i made this thread there https://tinyurl.com/djhf7znd talking about thinking its too late for me, in 2016 i started doing tinder experiments https://tinyurl.com/ybdky2rk that got me blackpilled

i wasen't able to do anything, the blackpill was like post traumatic stress, i kept doing tinder experiments with male models, the girls kept inviting me over to have sex and i was so depressed i couldn't even wake up, i woke up like 3pm, i was hiding in my bed from the world, i couldn't believe that all i knew since childhood was a lie, i couldn't accept that that was real woman nature, i was thinking why bother improving myself, woman fall in love with a pretty face and they attribute good qualities to goodlookung man without even knowing them.

I have that i never gave up, the reason i didn't end up homeless or dead is because i kept trying stuff, looking for a job, for a home, it's strange because i have nothing to prove that, i am just a 32 yo guy working in a pizza place trying to get ripped to fuck woman, from the outside i'm just a failure, but consider i couldn't even wake up to eat and shower.

Now i have my own house, a home gym, a online bodybuilding coach, instruments, a vocal coach -online also because of covid- ( i want to join a metal band).

I look such a looser, no girlfiriend, no wife, no friends, i work as the delivery guy for a pizza place, the reason is because when i couldn't wake i need a part time job to buy food, so i started delivering pizza at night, i survived with this job because i couldn't wake up until 3pm. I would be dead without this simple, low status, part time job.

Now i can wake, depression improved, but i keep deliverind pizza full time because it allows me to work on my goals, i lift from 9 to 11am, i go to work, i come back home at 3 pm, i stretch, eat, pratice guitar and singing and work on my online business, i go back to work from 7 to 10.30pm, eat my last meal and go to bed.

I told my story so you don't laugh at me for beign a pizza delivery guy, my life was way worse when i need it this job to eat, i kep improving at a very slow pace like a child, like 1% a month, until i found a house, built a home gyms, learned to wake up, shower and lift everyday. Now a "normal" job would limit me, because i need time to lift, work on my hobbies and online business.

After that blackpill nightmare i redifined whats normal for me, a post wall wife and 8to5 job dosent cut it for me.

I want to make friend, fuck cute girls in their prime, make money online, and also i would like to become a popular dj in my area, i would like to enjoy the night life. I want to do the things i couldn't do when i was blackpilled.

Since society lied to and i got almost destroyed, now i want to improve my life and have fun.

I have been lifiting for the last 1.4 year this is how i look now , i still don't look great but i started out very skinny fat, super thin upper body and large lower body ( depression = cortisol = no protein intake = skinnyfat) now at least i went to normal. I'm working with a professional BB coach now so i don't make mistakes

i also have a hooker addiction, i feel i don't really like the sex with them and i'm wasting my money, but sometimes i miss intimacy and skin to skin contact with woman and i go looking for a hooker, wasting money i could use to improve myself
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Welcome buddy, I've read some of your posts on GLL and you seems to have a different mindset now, good job buddy! Now it's time to take action and stay consistent, better yourself little by little every day. Yes life is unfair, we don't start from the same starting line, but there's nothing that working hard enough towards your goal wont solve in the end, you probably read Andy's story, you have your proof there. Hope to see you around here alot!
Do you have any way of working on difficulties waking up? Things that help you with that?
Now i have my own house, a home gym, a online bodybuilding coach, instruments, a vocal coach -online also because of covid- ( i want to join a metal band).
All great stuff - you've come a long way!

I want to make friend, fuck cute girls in their prime, make money online, and also i would like to become a popular dj in my area, i would like to enjoy the night life.
Solid goals too! What's your concrete plan of action? What's your first step?
Lostcause said:
Do you have any way of working on difficulties waking up? Things that help you with that?

Hello man, it's always better to seek expert advice, i can't give advice i can only tell you what i did.

I started taking gaba for sleep, made sure to sleep in perfect condition, dark room, right temperature, right humidity, clean bed, started lifting, removed wheat and sugar. When i want deeper sleep i currently use gaba or phenibit and i cycle mk677, 10mg before sleep
this is my first week workout doing the programme my new coach gave me, i'm eating less because he told me i have to lose weight, i still don't have abs and flat belly, but i still made so much progress because like some users from the GLL forum told me i was so skinnyfat i looked sick, now i look somewhat normal, but i still have lower body larger than upper body and its disgusting

**11/4/21 A**

Bench 6x68kg + 6x66kg + 6+6x65kg

Croci manubri 10+10+10x8kg

Spinte manubri 15+15+15@8kg

Dip 5 + 6 + 6 xbw


Alzate laterali 10 + 10 + 10 x2kg

french press 6+ 6+ 6x4kg


Face pull 6 + 6 + 6 x4kg

**12/4/21 B**

Deadlift 6 + 6+ 6 x117kg 2x110kg

Pull up 5+ 5 + 5 xbw

Rematori 10 + 10 + 10 x8kg

Curl manubri seduto 8 +8 +8 +8 x8kg

Curl cavo basso 10 + 10 +10 x10kg

**13/4/21 C**

Squat 6+ 6+ 6+ 6x75kg

Leg press 10 + 10 +10 x70kg

Lunges 15x 6kg

Leg curl 10 + 10 +10 +10 x12.5kg

RDL 8 +8 +8 x50kg

**15/4/21 D**

Spinte panca 10+ 10+ 10x10kg

Pull up 5+ 5+ 5

Croci panca 45gradi 8+ 8+ 8x9kg

Chin up 6+ 5+ 5

Curl bilanciere 8 +8 +8 +8 x22kg

Curl panca 10+ 10+ 10x6kg

French press 10+ 10+ 10x4kg

Dip 5+ 5+ 6xbw

**16/4/21 E**

Squat bulgaro 10+ 10+ 10xbw

Squat low bar 6+ 6+ 6 x70kg

Leg curl 10+ 10+ 10+ 10 x12.5kg

calf raise 10+10+10x30kg

alzate laterali 8+ 8+ 8 x4kg

alzate busto 90gradi 10 + 10 + 10x1kg
RogerRoger said:
Solid goals too! What's your concrete plan of action? What's your first step?

this is a good question because i don't know what to do right now and sometimes i feel desperate, liek i'm wasting my entire life

this is my week right now

-monday tuesday wake up 8am workout 9-11am, work 11:30-15 pm, back home, eat, stretch, practice singing from 4to 5pm, back to work 6:30-10:30 pm

-wednsday free day

-thursday friday saturday same like monday and tuesday

-sunday free day almost, i only work from 6.30 to 10.30pm

i barely make 1000euros like that, but i don't have enough time to work on my online busness, a brave think to do is to stop work on the pizza place and just work on my online buseness until i make it...like a die or survive thing

it would be a crazy thing to do because when i run out of money i wont be able to pay the bills and buy food, but i need something like that, i don't feel alive at all, i don't have friends, sex, a car, nothing, i will be 33 soon i feel like i'm wasting my life

i'm always angry, i always have an internal dialogue, like "redpill discussions" with myself, stuff like its not normal that girls have easy acess to sex and we don't, also i start counting the years i went without sex sex and intimacy and get angry

i also get angry when i look at my pictures because it takes ages to build muscle and i have dark circles under eyes, nasiolabial folds ecc, i also waste time looking at instagram, i use a fake profile to look at cute girls to see what they're doing and it's a real addiction i have to get rid of, i'm wasting so much time i could use to make money online

lifting weight is second nature now, i don't need motivation to do it, specially now that i have a coach, my fitness goal is to get abs and be able to wear a top like this guy, and get both sleeved tattooed, but the fact that natural muscle building is so slow makes me depressed

i don't know how to structure my self improvement from now on, any advice?
i saw the last video from Andy, i sometimes think that doing the AA programme would be a good thing, i stumbled on GLL many years ago and never did it, it would be great to do it, it's so unique and special. It's like therapy for redpilled guys created by Chris, something that no one will understand.

At the same time, i have to work and lift, i don't have much free time, my schedule is busy and i'm trying to figure out whats best for me. I also don't know if i'm in a good place mentally to do something so hard like the AA programme, sometimes when girls look the other to avoid eye contact i get so angry and upset and i start thinking that they oly do that with unattractive low status ethnic guys like me. I have too much redpill knowledge in my head and it fucks me up, all it takes for me to get angry and start thinking about how unattractive i am is a girl avoiding eye contact, so i don0't know if i'm strong enough to start doing the aa programme
Thrice said:
RogerRoger said:
Solid goals too! What's your concrete plan of action? What's your first step?

this is a good question because i don't know what to do right now and sometimes i feel desperate, liek i'm wasting my entire life

this is my week right now

-monday tuesday wake up 8am workout 9-11am, work 11:30-15 pm, back home, eat, stretch, practice singing from 4to 5pm, back to work 6:30-10:30 pm

-wednsday free day

-thursday friday saturday same like monday and tuesday

-sunday free day almost, i only work from 6.30 to 10.30pm

i barely make 1000euros like that, but i don't have enough time to work on my online busness, a brave think to do is to stop work on the pizza place and just work on my online buseness until i make it...like a die or survive thing

it would be a crazy thing to do because when i run out of money i wont be able to pay the bills and buy food, but i need something like that, i don't feel alive at all, i don't have friends, sex, a car, nothing, i will be 33 soon i feel like i'm wasting my life

i don't know how to structure my self improvement from now on, any advice?

Hey dude! I feel your frustration on gaining muscle being so slow - I've gained 30 lbs in the past 6 years, still need to gain at least 10 more lbs (but probably 20+ since I want to be lean at +10 lbs). I've been natural this whole time but starting to slightly think about trying creatine or other things. Not that I necessarily recommend that. Your gym routine you posted from your new coach sounds great so hopefully that helps. I started a new gym routine recently and won't be trying anything more than creatine for at least a few months to see if the new gym routine is enough.

Back to your goals and how to achieve them.
This was from your initial post:

I want to make friend, fuck cute girls in their prime, make money online, and also i would like to become a popular dj in my area, i would like to enjoy the night life.

Which goal do you think about the most throughout your day? In particular, what goal(s) do you most fervently dream about 1) when you wake up in the morning, 2) while showering, 3) while eating, 4) while working, 5) before going to sleep? I've had the most success achieving goals that are most inline with what I most deeply, truly desire.

Also, it doesn't have to be a goal you mentioned before of course, just whatever goal you care about most right now.

Then, think about the most concrete, simple steps you can take to achieve them.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts. You are the master of your own destiny. Whatever you decide to achieve I hope go all out for it.
Thrice said:
i have dark circles under eyes, nasiolabial folds ecc

Didn't notice either of these until you brought it up man, you look alright. I have the same things in addition to having fuck all for a chin, definitely not the end of the world.

My cousin looks similar to me, is much shorter than me and has been laid several more times I have been in my lifetime by the time he hit my age. Was just good at approaching (naturally, never learned game or anything).

You seem to have a fair few negative thoughts propping up as well. Andy recommends a book called 'You Don't Have the Luxury of a Negative Thought'. I just got the copy I bought in the mail yesterday and I'm keen to start it and try and take as much as I can onboard with it.

RogerRoger said:

Creatine is a good start to boost performance and strength, you will get fuller looking muscles on it too due to a higher water retention, but it goes away after you stop so you may feel smaller than you started it even when you are bigger. I like this article on Mark Ripptoe's website regarding natty supps. First five is probably all you need (can probably omit Beta Alanine as well). Ditch the caffeine if your sleep is utter shit like mine too. Just don't ever follow Ripptoe's diet advice ahead of Andy's advice of get lean first.
RogerRoger said:
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. You are the master of your own destiny. Whatever you decide to achieve I hope go all out for it.

Thrice said:
RogerRoger said:
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. You are the master of your own destiny. Whatever you decide to achieve I hope go all out for it.


Hey dude, just wanted to let you know the video is private so wasn't able to watch it. If you make it unlisted then only people with the link can watch it.

my gaming channel, will suck many many times until i make it :arrow_up: ;) :evil: :twisted:

Awesome that you got started on your gaming channel! And I feel you on the perfectionist mindset. Something I've started to shake but need to keep working on.
Today i paid the coach for another 6 months, i like his programe, and I like his diet. I was beating myself too much at the gym, too much stress, his programe is pure bodybuilding so i like it. I like his diet ideas too so i paid fpr another 6 months.
The problem is that he wants me to switch things up, i am not playing this game. I know they do it because they one to keep the client, i told him I'm not that type of client, i dont believe in "muscle confusion", i only believe in adding weight till death, until i really stall. You don't need do give me a new programme every month to keep me hooked. I only need a check once a month of condition and tecnique... No new exercise. I hope he understands... I did the old program for a year, and i want to do this one for another year at least...
It's your money so he owes it to you to give you what you want, especially when you're being perfectly reasonable and even reducing the amount of work he has to do.