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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

I received the new programme from my coach and the new diet, he made some changes, they don't understand, deadlift went from 4x6 to 5x5...why? It's completly useless, now i'm doing 4x6@111kg, why waist an entire workout just to figure out whats the weight on 5x5 thats equivalent to 111kg on 4x6?

it's a waist of time, i will just follow the diet and do the same programe, also he changes the squat from 4x6 to 5x5, he didn't ask me whats the weight i am using and if i stalled or not, he just sent me the new program, this goes to show that they do it to keep clients hooked. The problem is, i already told him i'm now that type of client and he changed some stuff anyway

i told him i am not that retarded to believe in "muscle confusion" and he didn't listen. Imagine wasting a workout every 3 weeks just to convert the weight from 4x6 to 5x5. on top of that you will never know if you got stronger if you don't keep everything the same

today was my pull day, i did 4x6 as usual and i tried to add 1 pound, it was a hell of a workout and i had a dopamine pump out of it. According to my coach i should've wasted 40 minuted doing trial and error until i find a weight on 5x5 thats equivalent to 111kg on 4x6 and THAN add 1 pound...thats a retarded thing to do and waste of time.

I kept everything the same and i am sure i got strong because i was able to add that 1 pound more and complete the 4x6, it was a painful yet very satisfying experience. Thats what i want from a workout, the pain and pleasure in adding that 1 pound, not wasting time converting from 4x6 to 5x5 every 3 weeks like a fucking retarded

But i need the coach mainly for the diet, so its ok, i am sill very happy i got this coach! :arrow_up: :o i'll just make him believe i am doing 5x5 so he dosent get offended hahahah

today i had a mental breakdown and i almost cried, i will be 33 in two months and i was thinking about my life, a strange fucking life, i don't have a lot of beautifull memories, i basically wasted all my youth.

I found GLL on 2013 and didn't achieve my goals, kept living as an incel untill now, no one can gime me my 20s back and this hurt me so much, at work i see girls age 17/25 everyday, i know they all have sex and doing all kinds of experiences, it's fucked how easy is for them and how difficult is for me.

Whats so easy for them for me was so difficult that i developed depression, nearly killed myself, fucked up my dopamine system with porn, changed view of the world and went from romantic idealistic bluepill guy to a redpilled mysoginist conservative...lack of female interaction shaped my destiny and my view of the world and my belief system...all this for something that girls can get in 5 minutes with tinder...i was thinking about how fucked this is and i couldn't sleep

i woke very tired and angry, the thought of skipping the workout crossed my mind, but i said no, i didn't skip a workout in 1.5 years, if i do it now just because i didn't sleep, i wont be able to look at myself in the mirror, so i just took a cup of coffe and did my workout and was able to add weight too

the guys who grew up with me have wives and kids, they look very happy, i am not jelous at all, their wives are old woman and the dad is the beta bux, statisticly at least half of them will get divorce raped by their ugly wife, but this make me think about how much different i am from normal people my age, they i have wife and kids, i'm building muscle and improving my style to get girls, they are working 8 to 5 jobs, i am building online bisness

it feels strange to be so different from normal people, sometimes i doubt myself, maybe i ave this crazy goals because i'm crazy :cry:

Bill gates is getting divorced, Obama has a wife that looks more musculine than him, Will smith is cuck, even the most powerfull man in the world who could live like Dan Bilzerian and fuck a new 19 yo every day are not like us..

So when i'm hurting so much i try to think "my situation is not that bad, i am just part of a group of very different type of man who care more about this stuff"
Thrice said:
So when i'm hurting so much i try to think "my situation is not that bad, i am just part of a group of very different type of man who care more about this stuff"

Normal people only give you normal results.
- Louie Simmons

Check out the westside barbell podcast if you're ever in need for lifting motivation, and also if you want to entertain the rationale for why to change up workouts.
That said, my friend has done the same routine for a year and he's crazy strong now. Then again he's an endomorph so it's easy for him to get strong, but also why he still doesn't have abs.

From all the guys I've seen become successful on GLL, it only takes 2 years if you really go all in (and probably have the mental side of things already sorted out). So don't worry about being 33 - you still have tons of time to accomplish your goals. But of course, better to get there sooner than later to start enjoying the rewards of all the hard work you've already put in over the years.
Thrice Just off your last post, it might help to keep in mind that most average men can stay attractive (with consistent effort) and muscular/lean into their 50s, where as most average women will lose their hotness around mid 30s. So you can catch up on their 15 year headstart banging eventually. Just keep at it
it's been exactly 3 months with my new coach, first month went from 3300 to 3000 calories, secondo month 2700calories, this month 2500calories, i think i've had good results, lost fat and even build some new muscle.

My youtube project is going well also, playing Valheim while streaming and recording muself, the goal is finish the game and then start doing a "how to" series about it, this way once this new game becomes popular in italy i will be able to use it to grow my channel

I only work part time now so i can focus on training and building online buseness during the day

i have moments where i feel sad and lonely and i'm less productive those days, i never skip the workout but when i'm sad i just working and go to work, without playing valheim, practicing guitar and singing

recently i came across a question in this facebook group called "alpha woman italy", the question was "what age did you lose your verginity", 90% of girls replied between 15 and 18, most males replied they were still virging

i was very angry after reading this, we have redpill examples everywhere and yet man that don't even fuck are considered "pigs" and woman are considered angels

Thrice said:
recently i came across a question in this facebook group called "alpha woman italy", the question was "what age did you lose your verginity", 90% of girls replied between 15 and 18, most males replied they were still virging

i was very angry after reading this, we have redpill examples everywhere and yet man that don't even fuck are considered "pigs" and woman are considered angels
No point getting angry. It's not a secret that the dating game nowadays is very asymetric. Instead of getting angry at how things are, you are better going with it and learning how to be succesful in that enviroment.

Anyway, incredible progress man!
You may not be shredded, or very muscular, but you will be in no time if you don't give up. The change in your face is astounding!
cot damn there was some fiery anger in me last night, lmao, that post was a bit OTT....I took a day off and got my head back, nothing to see here gents
Thrice good job man.

MakingAComeback said:
cot damn there was some fiery anger in me last night, lmao, that post was a bit OTT....I took a day off and got my head back, nothing to see here gents

My thoughts exactly when I read your post. It was clear there was some emotional turmoil inside you.
I am back to being level headed and calm now, I needed time off yesterday and it helped so god damn much, this is a tough journey at the start and it feels like an impossible task to change yourself. There is still no justification for that level of anger, that is quite shameful, lmao! Of course you know I don't actually feel that way. I have to laugh at that post now, fucking hell lol.

Adam said:
Huge progress man. I can see the difference in your pictures. What's the weight difference between those pics?

i was 81kg now i'm 77kg, the coach told me i still need to lose some weight
My goal this month is to create my podcast so i can make money with patreon, i will completely rearrange the room to create a cool background.

The idea is to do a non politically correct conservative podcast. Meanwhile i keep working hard on my gaming channel, i'm halfway through valheim, once i finish the game i will launch my channel doing tutorials on it. If Valheim becomes the next Minecraft there's a lot of money to be made.
If Valheim doesen't take off in Italy no problem, i will still have gained tons of experience with video editing, photo editing, gaming tutorials etc that i will be able to use on the next game i will feel it's worth to invest on and create a channel about.

I'm 77kg now and my coach told me i still need to lose some weight, i don't have much muscle but i still have to do what he told me, that why i pay him.

I'm so frustrated and angry sometimes because after working very hard in the gym and lifting heavy bone crushing weights i still look like shit, muscles grow very very slow, slower than you think.

I'm not attractive enough for tinder, i don't have friends and a social circle, i don't have a car, i'm 33 and i don't even have a real job.

Money is a huge issue, i have to make money. Money=car=social circle etc. So i have to make money, a lot of it.

I have anger issues, i see all the girls avoiding eye contact with me, and i remember it randomly during the day and get angry. I know very well why woman do that and specially to who.

I will still practice taking pictures, i have a 20 days vacation so i will go to the park everyday and practice taking pictures at golden hour, this vacation is the only time i can do it because i usually work at night so i can't practice taking pictures at golden hour.

I'm also very disappointed with my family, they all got the vaccine, they do what the government tells them to do like animals, without thinking twice.

Sometimes i go on facebook and find my old friends, they are all married. My best friend when i was 15 is married and has 2 kids. I also found out that a guy that was a chad slayer when we were 17 is married with two kids now, he's not a chad anymore, gained a bunch of weight, lost his hairs and his wife has nothing to do with the hot girls he used to fuck when we were 17, she's average at best. And post wall.

He is one of the guys that redpilled me, hearing him talking about how he easily had anal sex with girls back then, when we were 17 girls used to go to his house to have sex just because he was good looking, and they barely knew him.

As a beta incel who considered woman "angels" it was a harsh redpill awakening back then. he even fucked in the ass the girls i had a "crush" on.

But their lives look boring and nothing special, so i'm ok with beign a creep who works on getting laid. We are pretty unique.

This is how he looked when i was 17 and how he looks now, (https://imgur.com/ORL5OSL ) can't believe i've been bullied and redpilled by a guy that looks like that now, but i was a bluepill simp back then and woman selection creates hierarchy and he was on top of it.

Here is a list of things that are going well:

-i've been training consistently for 1.8year and i'm beign coached from a bodybuilding coach, i have made visible changes, still not big and ripped but i did a lot. I used to look skinnyfat/sick. I have to accept that this stuff is slow and recognise that i did a lot of improvment in my home gym. I train and eat like and athlete now and i will soon look like it. I like to push my limits but i'm also not against sarms and aas. But not in the near future, i want to see what i can do naturally.

- i never took pictures of myself and now i'm taking pictures and even doing videos for youtube/podcast. When i found the redpill for the first i was so ashamed of my image, now i'm more comfortable looking at myself in pictures/videos.

-i'm improving my guitar and singing skills and soon i will be able to have and instagram page with my covers, i will also use it to meed people/tinder. I've also been the strange guy without social media because he hasn't anything to show, i'm looking to change that and upgrade my social media game.
]22/10/2021[/b] Update

It's been 7 m23onths with my new coach. All I did with him is losing weight, we didn't bulk, i just lift (lifted?Left? lol) heavy weight while on a caloric deficit. At first i was disappointed, i wanted to bulk, i didn't understand why a professional coach would keep a new client on a caloric deficit for the first 7 months, but there's a reason why he's a professional and i'm not.

Like Andy said, if you don't know how to do something just shut up and do what the expert is telling you. Here's what i know now:

-i went from 81 kg to 73 kg, lost 8 kg (16 pounds), yes you can do it in a month but you would have a lot of problems like loose skin, etc. Thats why coaches do thing slow and steady.

- he increased my deficit very slowly, subtracting 200 kcal every month or so, this has a lot of benefits:

+ the body has the time to adapt so the new weight becomes the new normal metabolical state, this doesn't happen if you do an aggressive deficit and lose 7 kg in a month...if you lose too much all at once the body is shocked and bounces back to the old weight.

* a slow calorie deficit gives the time to hormones to adapt, you avoid insulin resistance and stuff like that

* slow caloric deficit gave me the ability to build muscle while losing weight, i can't prove that, i would need a scan, but you can clearly see i'm fuller, and i made progress with the weights. People who lose weight with aggressive and fast deficit do not look fuller or more vascular like i do, you tend to look all sucked and beat up when you lose all the weight at once.

So overall i'm happy, i'm learning. Monday i will start bulking FINALLY, i'm so exited to see what real bulking with a professional coach looks like!

I'm expecting a very moderate surplus, this coach does ent like fat at all, and i'm happy for that...we always say that in this community that fat kills your hormones, ruins your skin and it's detrimental for your overall attractiveness. So i'm happy i have this type of coach. He has a very lean a slow approach. This means that i won't get much fat while bulking and i will still be able to take pictures.

What i'm doing now:

-i'm working on improving my old disgusting apartment, so i can invite girls and friends.
- i play and record valheim, once i finish the game i will have a lot of recorded material, like many many hours, all that material will be used to lear video editing, i have premiere pro. Once i finish the game, it will be me learning video editing to create a youtube channel base on Valheim.

I don't even care if valheim dies and does not become the next big game for creators on youtube, all that experience will be used to pick the next big game. Thats why i'm finishing Valheim even if the game is going down on trends, the goal here is to learn and make at least 100 videos on youtube on Valheim. I'm not going to watch trends everyday and lose time waiting fr the next big thing. Valheim is my "workout gym", i will learn everything doing it, even if the game it's exploding. It sold 7 million copies and then stop it, but 7 million are a lot. You can still become a content creator with a game like that.

-After improving my house, I will learn to use my reflex and take pictures, so i can try OLD while working on other stuff. My body still needs work to be attractive. I can barely see the lower ab line and only in certain light condition and only at empty stomach, this stuff takes ages, it takes two lives to build a perfect body lol

God only knows how much hard work i did and i don't even see my abs yet and my arms are not big enough to look good in a sleeveless shirt.

I feel i'm slower than i should be, thats why i'm looking for an accountability partner. I decided to commit more to this log too, yes nothing significant happens but i've decided to log at least once a week, Friday.

Friday is my rest day, it's also my cheat meal day, to day i enjoy a pizza or a hamburger and watch some UFC fights. Thats why i've decided to log every Friday to keep myself accountable and ask for advice.

I'm doing the same things everyday but sure there's some things i could be doing faster and if i don't log and talk about my goal and what i'm doing at least once a week i will never know what i could be doing faster.

I'm still an ex blackpill guy and now i'm fully redpill, i need to talk about what i'm doing to receive an extra point of view and not live inside my head and go back to my old black pill tendencies.

Cheers, Keep hammering (yes i copied that hahah) :evil:

You're legit sexy.

Listen brother, you have accomplished an amazing goal here, I am so happy for your success.

Rather different from your current avatar, you've leaned yourself into a different dude. Well done!
Thrice said:
]22/10/2021[/b] Update

It's been 7 m23onths with my new coach. All I did with him is losing weight, we didn't bulk, i just lift (lifted?Left? lol) heavy weight while on a caloric deficit. At first i was disappointed, i wanted to bulk, i didn't understand why a professional coach would keep a new client on a caloric deficit for the first 7 months, but there's a reason why he's a professional and i'm not.

Like Andy said, if you don't know how to do something just shut up and do what the expert is telling you. Here's what i know now:

-i went from 81 kg to 73 kg, lost 8 kg (16 pounds), yes you can do it in a month but you would have a lot of problems like loose skin, etc. Thats why coaches do thing slow and steady.

- he increased my deficit very slowly, subtracting 200 kcal every month or so, this has a lot of benefits:

+ the body has the time to adapt so the new weight becomes the new normal metabolical state, this doesn't happen if you do an aggressive deficit and lose 7 kg in a month...if you lose too much all at once the body is shocked and bounces back to the old weight.

* a slow calorie deficit gives the time to hormones to adapt, you avoid insulin resistance and stuff like that

* slow caloric deficit gave me the ability to build muscle while losing weight, i can't prove that, i would need a scan, but you can clearly see i'm fuller, and i made progress with the weights. People who lose weight with aggressive and fast deficit do not look fuller or more vascular like i do, you tend to look all sucked and beat up when you lose all the weight at once.

So overall i'm happy, i'm learning. Monday i will start bulking FINALLY, i'm so exited to see what real bulking with a professional coach looks like!

I'm expecting a very moderate surplus, this coach does ent like fat at all, and i'm happy for that...we always say that in this community that fat kills your hormones, ruins your skin and it's detrimental for your overall attractiveness. So i'm happy i have this type of coach. He has a very lean a slow approach. This means that i won't get much fat while bulking and i will still be able to take pictures.

What i'm doing now:

-i'm working on improving my old disgusting apartment, so i can invite girls and friends.
- i play and record valheim, once i finish the game i will have a lot of recorded material, like many many hours, all that material will be used to lear video editing, i have premiere pro. Once i finish the game, it will be me learning video editing to create a youtube channel base on Valheim.

I don't even care if valheim dies and does not become the next big game for creators on youtube, all that experience will be used to pick the next big game. Thats why i'm finishing Valheim even if the game is going down on trends, the goal here is to learn and make at least 100 videos on youtube on Valheim. I'm not going to watch trends everyday and lose time waiting fr the next big thing. Valheim is my "workout gym", i will learn everything doing it, even if the game it's exploding. It sold 7 million copies and then stop it, but 7 million are a lot. You can still become a content creator with a game like that.

-After improving my house, I will learn to use my reflex and take pictures, so i can try OLD while working on other stuff. My body still needs work to be attractive. I can barely see the lower ab line and only in certain light condition and only at empty stomach, this stuff takes ages, it takes two lives to build a perfect body lol

God only knows how much hard work i did and i don't even see my abs yet and my arms are not big enough to look good in a sleeveless shirt.

I feel i'm slower than i should be, thats why i'm looking for an accountability partner. I decided to commit more to this log too, yes nothing significant happens but i've decided to log at least once a week, Friday.

Friday is my rest day, it's also my cheat meal day, to day i enjoy a pizza or a hamburger and watch some UFC fights. Thats why i've decided to log every Friday to keep myself accountable and ask for advice.

I'm doing the same things everyday but sure there's some things i could be doing faster and if i don't log and talk about my goal and what i'm doing at least once a week i will never know what i could be doing faster.

I'm still an ex blackpill guy and now i'm fully redpill, i need to talk about what i'm doing to receive an extra point of view and not live inside my head and go back to my old black pill tendencies.

Cheers, Keep hammering (yes i copied that hahah) :evil:

Nice man! Update your avatar so you can enjoy your fat loss!

Slow and steady is the way. Plus I appreciate you saying kcal instead of just cal... Little known fact, "Calories" is capitalized on purpose. Every Calorie is 1,000 calories, or 1 kilocalorie (kcal) I appreciate you being accurate on this front. It bothers the fuck out of me when people use the lowercase c "cal"