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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety




today it was:

vocal practice with two cover linkin park for clean singing and slipknot for heavy metal singing

revovation work for my house and now work
Gym is going well, keep working man

What about taking pics? Dating profiles?

You look good boyo, you mog me into oblivion

When was ur last date?

You can succeed bro...........definitely



hello mac! i think the last and only legit date i had i was 20 yo
Bro, why????????????

You are handsome :-(

Why haven't you been on a date since 20?

This has made me quite sad.

Today was my rest day, it was just stretching and some cardio. Met with my vocal coach for my weekly lesson. Sold my old canon eos 1300D so i can buy the one andy raccomands. I have a bad tooth pain i need to see a dentist.

@ MakingAComeback had a fucked up life was super beta, discovered the redpill when i was 27 from there started to unplug completely, unfortunately i wasted another 2 years in the rage/blackpill phase with any self improvement
saturday 27/1 i was just came out from this pizza place i worked for in the past and was near the intersection across the street. I was talking to this guy and 5 minutes later a car that was trying to get to the main road makes a mistake, dosen't give way and gets hits very bad by car that was running very fast in the main road


The next day I read in the local newspapers that on the car hit there were two boys of 18 and 20 years and a girl of 17 years, all dead

I felt a shiver down my spine and a pain in my chest even though I didn’t know them personally

I went to the funeral of the 18-year-old boy, his funeral took place in the Duomo near my house

I felt a very strange feeling, when we die the world does not stop, the world goes on anyway. None of us count.

the tourists kept passing by and taking pictures of the cathedral, the boy’s schoolmates kept laughing and making jokes among themselves, only his closest friends seemed very grieved and heartbroken, The other kids, who were probably just schoolmates, didn’t cry and talked to each other normally. No one cried, not even the parents, I’m sure they felt so much pain but they didn’t cry.
the funerals here are very cold


, I felt a strange feeling, in my parents' country they scream and cry for the dead, you see hysterical scenes, maybe some of you will say that in Africa they are little "civilized", but at least they give importance to the dead crying and shouting his name until the last second.

Here the funerals are more civilized but in that fucking coffin there was an 18-year-old boy, cry or scream so you can show that human life is worth something, if you don’t believe me this is the pictures from the funeral

The fact that life is so short and we can die in a split second like that shocked me, i couldn’t stop thinking about it for two weeks.

I also felt bad for hating woman sometimes after seeing that poor 17yo half dead. She died later that night.

I want to stop beign incel and blackpill, i want to have friends, i want girls to like me, i want to be validated. I know validation seeking is not a good thing but i feel so alive when a girl gives me eye contact, and i feel bad when they break eye contact because they think i’m an immigrant creep, and this happens especially when i deliver pizza dressed like shit.

I want to be a stylish edgy guys with friends and girls. I never even had a date and could die tomorrow.

We are so lucky to be alive, but after seeing what i saw i have a sense of urgency i didn’t have before.

I hope they rest in peace. Life is an opportunity, it’s not to be taken for granted.


That is seriously traumatic, and I am sorry about this tragic loss of human life. May they rest in peace.

Bro, this is real life.

We are alive now, and nothing is guaranteed.

To be successful and to have an impact is truly the greatest blessing life can bring. Success in YOUR OWN eyes.

Let this be the moment you are galvanised into action.

You want to improve your life. Then realise you will have to begin to work constantly, every day, for a long stretch of time just to build momentum and secure a few wins.

I advise you post daily, and set yourself daily actions.

Good luck,
Thank you, you are right MAC, i need to post daily and take daily action doing without thinking so i don't fall into rumnating depression.

The problem is that i don't what to talk about if nothing major is happening, everyday is the same for now :(


1)Today was my rest day, no gym. Ate 3000kcal 150g protein 90g fat 370g carbs.

2)Did some researchs on Andy's reccomended lenses to see if it's comopatible with my entry-level canon eos 1300d...and it is! The other good news is that i can buy it from amazon in 3 instalments just 40 euro each, great, i think i will buy it next week.

3) 50 minutes vocal exercises

4) didn't do much else expect groceries for bodybulding and cleaning the house. The goal is to do more tomorrow

1) woke up early breakfast and workout, great push (and back) workout

2) streching - no, didn't have time

3) online busneness, i didn't do anything, but i did some cleaning around the house

4) online dating, no bcause i don't have the pictures yet, next week i will buy the lenses Andy reccomands and mount it on my canon 1300D

i wasted some time looking at girls profiles on instagram and daydreaming today. But followed my diet (3400kcal) and didn't do nothing damaging. Let's say it's sunday, the truth is i'm a perfectionist and i procrastinate a lot.

i want to be honest in this log, this is somethings i think:

- i'm still skinny it's useless to try OLD, i have to bulk for another 6 months, cut for 3 to have full abs and bigger upper body before taking pictures

-my apartment is OLD and ugly, it's useless to try tinder, if i have matches girls would find out i don't have a good apartement and i would be embarassed

-maybe i'm too old for the girls i like and dating girls my age it's not an option

-i have to buy a car firsts because if a girl finds out i don't have on she will see me as a loser (in Italy we don't have UBER culture)

Tommorrow i have to visit the doctor but i will still try to do more, and if i have enough money i might already buy the lenses. Amazon is great i can buy what i want and pay later hahah
Thrice said:
- i'm still skinny it's useless to try OLD, i have to bulk for another 6 months, cut for 3 to have full abs and bigger upper body before taking pictures

-my apartment is OLD and ugly, it's useless to try tinder, if i have matches girls would find out i don't have a good apartement and i would be embarassed

-maybe i'm too old for the girls i like and dating girls my age it's not an option

-i have to buy a car firsts because if a girl finds out i don't have on she will see me as a loser (in Italy we don't have UBER culture)

1) I'm also skinny, but with nice photos you can get some traction. From your profile picture, we can see that you have potential man. Get nice photos now and you'll meet some women.

2) This is seeing too far away, 1st you need to think about the 1st step, then you'll think about bringing women home, and you can always make your apartment looks better. ;)

3) Andy already answered that in a video

4) If you're in a big city with public transport, a car is not that important.

I'm sure you know but none of these are valid excuses not to try to put yourself out there. You can do it man, just need to work for it
had a car accident monday 14, nothing bad happened but i had a mental breakdown, started asking myself why my life sucks, why i'm doing this shitty job, why it's been so long that i'm trying to improve my dating life without success

i decided i can't take it anymore living like a lone wolf and called my family after 5 years and asked them for help, i have to say that they told me they love me and support me. My father is helping me improving my apartment now, and he is way faster than me. this is shows how much i procrastinate and move very slowly because of depression.

In 5 days he did what i did in 3 months. It's proof that i'm clearly depressed that's why i'm always stuck thinking and procrastinating. I went to the doctor and he gave me Zoloft, i'm gonna try it for 1 month and see what happens.

I ordered the lenses i will recieve the order on monday.

sometimes i have this feelings of giving up, i ask myself if all this shit makes sense but i remember what Andy said about giving up, stopping self improvement means starting eating junk food, playing video games, hookers and masturbation as the only option for sexual relief and a life time of regrets

Might as well keep trying...

i have to find that ONE friend to feel so lonely, so that all of this start feeling more as an adventure instead of a lonely journey of an incel trying to get laid. That one friend that has my same taste and hobbies, so we can go out, take pictures, approach, maybe even play music if he's into metal. But i don't know were to start to find that one friend.

- workout out, push day
- i met my mother today after years and years decided to let the past go and let go the anger, she cried when she saw me and told me i'm handsome, i didn't see her for 5 years and i noticed she's visibly older, i noticed it on her face, it's scary how time flys

I think i made the right choice to forget the past and re establish a relationship with my parents again, one day they won't be here, it dosent make sense to hold the grudge forever

they are very forgiving too and they told me they want to help me for everything

i'm at 3400kcal on training days and 3000kcal on rest days, i train 5 times a week, i feel i'm starting to devolep love handels and some gut, as an ex skinnyfat i don't to over do it. I also want to be able to cut easly now that i'm learning to take pictures

recieved the new lenses today, tried to take some pictures and i already see a big difference, i didn't know that lenses make such a difference, worked with my father on my apartment and now going to Reggio Emilia for my weekley singing lessons

workout 1.5h, + 10min cardio + 10 min stretching

ate 3400kcal

-worked on improving the house, didn't do much else, i watched the news all day when i heard the war started, but should be limited to that region, worried for my family , i also wasted some time on instagram checking out girls, it's an addiction i can't rid of

tomorrow i will try to do more, the goal of course is to start practicing taking pictures with the new lens
With regards to the title of your thread;

Do you know what BF % you are at atm? Also, is your avatar your latest form/physique-pic?
Hard2Focus said:
With regards to the title of your thread;

Do you know what BF % you are at atm? Also, is your avatar your latest form/physique-pic?

That pic is lower, this are the new pics, i actually don't know my bf, i have a bodyfat caliper i bought from amazon last year but i still don't know how to use it
I see. Welp, I've realized it might not be of much use to know your bf% at the time being anyways, honestly, seeing how you're mostly skinny fat from the looks of it.

More questions:

  • What's you diet like?
Do you track your calories? I'd go so far as to say that's 100% necessary if you want to either gain muscle or lose fat, no matter how hard you train.
Eat clean with lots of veggies? Junkfood/soda/candy?

  • What's your workout regime like?
Do you you follow any program, get your base lifts in every week (deadlift, squat, bench)?

  • How long have you been training for?
This might be detailed earlier in your log, but I have to admit I haven't been following it.

Short answer;
I'd say go for a caloric deficit/cut (hence why you need to track calories), but don't go crazy and aim for something ridiculous like 1200kcal/day.
Find out your BMR with a calculator and cut 200-300kcal off your maintenance rate.

For what it's worth, I'm paraphrasing this article from moreplatesmoredates
Hard2Focus said:
What's you diet like?

Basically on page one you can see the body i had, after that i started cutting, with the help of my online coach, he added a small deficit every month and than rever diet, on December he put me on a bulk but we parted ways because he asked too much this time.

So the bulk is not my choice, he said enough cutting you re ready to bulk

I'm still doing he's programme Push Pull Legs Upper lower

Now earing 3400 kcal, 150g protein, 400 carbs 90g fats, no sugar, no weat, rice meat fish veggies egs olive oil etc

I already found anothet online coach i like but i still don't have the money yet

-workout 1.5h, 10min cardio, 10min stretch +3400kcal

-workout on my apartment as usual

-practiced usisng the camera with the new lenses with the app, i would like to ask some questions to more experienced guys

- what does the +/- button do? red
- what do the arrows under the shutter button do? yellow

- is the correct to use auto focus (option quick) for portraits? my face should be within the dots right?