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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
I want to take pictures and try tinder, implement the advice from @NotYourAverageNerd eat less and take pictures when my face is most lean, because bodybuilding is too slow and i'm not ready to use my body and shirtless pics to attract girls, no matter how much of a surplus i eat

Never said you're not going to attract girls with your body or cant go shirtless 😂

All I said was you're not going to get huge in six months by bulking. You're already a little better than average leanness as-is (average is a little north of 20%, depending on what county you're in). If you have a good shirtless pic in a setting where it makes sense (beach, etc.) that's probably good. Even just a few % down you'll have that kind of "model" look, which is also really attractive.

Most of the guys that I know that absolutely kill it with girls are not huge - they're mostly dead-average or even a little below muscle wise. They still attract girls physically, you will too
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Never said you're not going to attract girls with your body or cant go shirtless

Ok i will try that too! the difference is that for a normal picture i can do it t 12/13 bf, for a shirtless pic where my abs are showing i'll clearly have to work harder diet/cardio-wise, all while trying to not lose to small amount of muscles i worked so hard to build!

Vice said:
How are you tracking your progress? I personally use an excel spreadsheet with a graph,

i'll try that, do write something everyday? can you give me an example? for now eveyday is the same in my case, it's mainly lifiting 5 times a week and waiting until i have enough money to buy the Eos Rp
Thrice said:
i'll try that, do write something everyday? can you give me an example? for now eveyday is the same in my case, it's mainly lifiting 5 times a week and waiting until i have enough money to buy the Eos Rp

I track my run times every time I run, and my weight weekly. I make a graph for both data points, as well as use cell highlighting rules to show me when I have a run that is in the top 10% of my best run times.

For your camera, I suggest eBay if you're not already looking on there. There are often bundle deals that come with all kinds of extras and maybe even lenses for the same price you'd get a brand new camera for.
Whats up man! Now that ramadan is finished i will start cutting to see if i can have abs, i will go even lower compared to the last time and it will be an aggressive cut, not slow like the last time

I'm treating my depression and trying to stay positive, i am not sure my goals are realitic, i like girls age 18-25 I'm afraid I'm not attractive enough

I'm happy for you, you're doing a great job! :D
Thrice said:
Whats up man! Now that ramadan is finished i will start cutting to see if i can have abs, i will go even lower compared to the last time and it will be an aggressive cut, not slow like the last time

I'm treating my depression and trying to stay positive, i am not sure my goals are realitic, i like girls age 18-25 I'm afraid I'm not attractive enough

I'm happy for you, you're doing a great job! :D

Thats good bro hope you grew spiritually in this time

I have a few Muslim brothers, man they keep training during Ramadan putting in work, its an amazing thing

Yeah that's ez work - last girls I smashed were: 25, 24, and 23. Nerd Girl is 23, youthful and lush, happy and sweet as anything.

You are saying the same shit I said during my journey.

I also had anxiety which is a serious issue and resolved it. It was very serious. I beat it.


Just take action and take baby steps

You gotta get it man, really, fix the depression and start G-G-G-G-G-G-GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINDING

Whats going on??

Talk to us.......

Daily posts are needed if you've not been making self improvement work for years and years

MakingAComeback said:
Whats going on??

Talk to us.......

Daily posts are needed if you've not been making self improvement work for years and years


Sorry i didn't see this message. I tried making money with airbnb, I'm making something like 600/700 euros/month giving away my room. It was going good but i started recieving some negative reviews so i need to fix some stuff because the apartment is old.

I'm sure once i improve my apartment i will make 1k/month at least.

Now I'm cutting, once i see my abs i will take pictures for tinder. Still trying to beat depression.

Still looking for an accountability partner if someone is interested

I wish i could log everyday i just don't know what to say
Thrice said:
I wish i could log everyday i just don't know what to say
I don't agree that you "need" to log every day to be successful. Regularly, yes, but every day isn't necessary IMO.

The way I see it, it's your log, and you can post as often as you like, in whatever format you like. Action is the main thing that will bring about change.
So i improved my room for the past 2 months and it's showing, all the latest reviews now are 5 stars. This is important for two reasons:
-airbnb suspended my listing for 5 days because i was below the average standard wich is 4.8
- now that i have a 4.5 star average i can ask more money. 1k/month will be easy. There's not many airbnb's in my area and mine is the closest to the train station.

With 1k from airbnb, 800 from my part time job it will be easy to buy a car, camera and renew the rest of the house. Now i sleep in the attic where i also have the gyn, it's my batcave... I just have to get rid of all the cockroaches🤣😂

Still trying to improve my depression, i take my meds and visit the doctor one a month, i have low libido, rumination and negative self talk, specially now that i turned 34 and start thinking it's too late for this shit, also i don't accept my appearance and think it will an obstacle for getting the girls i want.

I crave fun and validation from girls, not sure i will ever be able to get that, at the same time there's nothing i can do except try. I'm not able to go back to the bluepill world marry a 30yo woman that started fucking at 13 and be her betabux for life. I'd rather keep trying to get what i want and fail, i would still be happier, at least I'm free.

I stopped going to the gym for a month, i was too stressed, unable to do two things at the time, i had to suspend the gym and improve my room to be readmitted on airbnb and start making money again, and it was the right choice, i was too fatigued from depression, 2 tasks were too much.

Now back to the gym, 2000/1500 kcal untill i have full abs.

Also I'm looking for a sking routine, I'm 34, don't wanna start looking too old for young girls. Meanwhile i use sunscreen twice a day.

Still looking for an accountability partner if you're interested, it's been a lonely journey.
Sometimes i think that all this would be 100x easier if only i have that one cool friend that we all had growing up as teens. 🗿🏴‍☠️
Thrice said:
Still looking for an accountability partner if you're interested, it's been a lonely journey.

Yeah, man, I also would like an accountability partner. It has been a lonely journey (life in general lol) as well for me. We can figure this out over dms.

Thrice said:
Also I'm looking for a sking routine

I think this guy knows what he is talking about



His advice is concordant with what the guy at https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction say. So I think it's good.
Tomorrow i will start updating my new accountability partner, it's the first time i have one, we'll use discord. I will break my big goals into smaller daily goals.

I think right the best thing for me is to find friends, get a girlfriend, play music /start a band.
It's not the time to spam approach or things like that, i have to feel normal first and learn to socialize. Even one girl can have this therapeutic effect. One i get rid of depression and stop beign awkward around girls i can start thinking about reaching a specific lay count.
Today wasn't an easy day, i woke up early as scheduled, stretch, get the room ready for the airbnb guest and go take a walk to the park.

Even if nothing happened it ended up beign one of the toughest day. I just saw many girls and many couples and it started eating me inside.

I saw many girls not even wanting eye contact, i just developed so much hatred toward woman.

I didn't do anything, i cooked chicken breast but didn't eat it because i had my stomach in a knot. Just drank whey protein.

I didn't want to waste the day either so i did laundry, cleaned the room. Down another day

I decided to do something productive anyway
When you feel that rage, it's the ideal time to pracrice letting go. Check out the Fearless Man on YouTube, he;s a guy who has done a lot of work on himself via releasing/the sedona method, and has found a lot of healing.

The anger comes out for me sometimes too, but I have been releasing it for a while. It gets weaker bro and I can see it even going away one day.

Weight 73kg

Next goal is to buy camera e take pictures, the goal ia to have at least one date



Tried the canon eos rp for the first time, used the canon app for remote trigger but couldn't do continuos shooting, only one picture at the time so i have to keep the phone in my hand and press again

The camera is amazing, no wonder i couldn't do shit with the canon 1300d i had

I took this pictures


Let me tell you, it was tough, really tough, i couldn't look at my face, I'm not used to, i don't like. The nose it's all over the place, Dumbo ears, face completely asimettric, i started questioning everything and asking myself if i really should be doing this.

When i look at my self i understand why girls try to avoid eye contact, they turn their head the other way, the idea of a casual eye contact with me its scary for them.

Just ate a bunch of junk food, couldn't workout. Wonder if this going to work and if it does not what should i do. I don't particular goals, i don't even like making money to be honest, not as a sexless man certainly not as coping strategy.

All i can do is go to work, after go sleep and wake up and see how my brain is functioning tomorrow and what it suggests. I'm in a lot of emotional pain.

Tomorrow i might go to H&M and try some outfits, and take pictures without buying just to post them and ask for advice, i will need good sneakers too, H&m doesn't have that, also a good hair cut.

This is if my mood improves, not I'm just hurting too much
Thrice said:
ora forum.jpgHello guys, i have been on the GLL forum for many years, the great advice in that site didn't improve my life because i was very depressed and blackpilled.

in 2013 i was 25 and i made this thread there https://tinyurl.com/djhf7znd talking about thinking its too late for me, in 2016 i started doing tinder experiments https://tinyurl.com/ybdky2rk that got me blackpilled

i wasen't able to do anything, the blackpill was like post traumatic stress, i kept doing tinder experiments with male models, the girls kept inviting me over to have sex and i was so depressed i couldn't even wake up, i woke up like 3pm, i was hiding in my bed from the world, i couldn't believe that all i knew since childhood was a lie, i couldn't accept that that was real woman nature, i was thinking why bother improving myself, woman fall in love with a pretty face and they attribute good qualities to goodlookung man without even knowing them.

I have that i never gave up, the reason i didn't end up homeless or dead is because i kept trying stuff, looking for a job, for a home, it's strange because i have nothing to prove that, i am just a 32 yo guy working in a pizza place trying to get ripped to fuck woman, from the outside i'm just a failure, but consider i couldn't even wake up to eat and shower.

Now i have my own house, a home gym, a online bodybuilding coach, instruments, a vocal coach -online also because of covid- ( i want to join a metal band).

I look such a looser, no girlfiriend, no wife, no friends, i work as the delivery guy for a pizza place, the reason is because when i couldn't wake i need a part time job to buy food, so i started delivering pizza at night, i survived with this job because i couldn't wake up until 3pm. I would be dead without this simple, low status, part time job.

Now i can wake, depression improved, but i keep deliverind pizza full time because it allows me to work on my goals, i lift from 9 to 11am, i go to work, i come back home at 3 pm, i stretch, eat, pratice guitar and singing and work on my online business, i go back to work from 7 to 10.30pm, eat my last meal and go to bed.

I told my story so you don't laugh at me for beign a pizza delivery guy, my life was way worse when i need it this job to eat, i kep improving at a very slow pace like a child, like 1% a month, until i found a house, built a home gyms, learned to wake up, shower and lift everyday. Now a "normal" job would limit me, because i need time to lift, work on my hobbies and online business.

After that blackpill nightmare i redifined whats normal for me, a post wall wife and 8to5 job dosent cut it for me.

I want to make friend, fuck cute girls in their prime, make money online, and also i would like to become a popular dj in my area, i would like to enjoy the night life. I want to do the things i couldn't do when i was blackpilled.

Since society lied to and i got almost destroyed, now i want to improve my life and have fun.

I have been lifiting for the last 1.4 year this is how i look now , i still don't look great but i started out very skinny fat, super thin upper body and large lower body ( depression = cortisol = no protein intake = skinnyfat) now at least i went to normal. I'm working with a professional BB coach now so i don't make mistakes

i also have a hooker addiction, i feel i don't really like the sex with them and i'm wasting my money, but sometimes i miss intimacy and skin to skin contact with woman and i go looking for a hooker, wasting money i could use to improve myself
Thrice said:
Tried the canon eos rp for the first time, used the canon app for remote trigger but couldn't do continuos shooting, only one picture at the time so i have to keep the phone in my hand and press again

The camera is amazing, no wonder i couldn't do shit with the canon 1300d i had

I took this pictures


Let me tell you, it was tough, really tough, i couldn't look at my face, I'm not used to, i don't like. The nose it's all over the place, Dumbo ears, face completely asimettric, i started questioning everything and asking myself if i really should be doing this.

When i look at my self i understand why girls try to avoid eye contact, they turn their head the other way, the idea of a casual eye contact with me its scary for them.

Just ate a bunch of junk food, couldn't workout. Wonder if this going to work and if it does not what should i do. I don't particular goals, i don't even like making money to be honest, not as a sexless man certainly not as coping strategy.

All i can do is go to work, after go sleep and wake up and see how my brain is functioning tomorrow and what it suggests. I'm in a lot of emotional pain.

Tomorrow i might go to H&M and try some outfits, and take pictures without buying just to post them and ask for advice, i will need good sneakers too, H&m doesn't have that, also a good hair cut.

This is if my mood improves, not I'm just hurting too much

Well, I can gladly tell you that your insecurities are "all in your head"/mental health related, because you look GREAT in photo 4.
Thrice, ya look good bruh.

You just have head issues.

I am working through my own.

Keep making money, invest in help - group therapy, a psychologist, books, journalling, whatever healing you can do.

Your mind will keep you stuck at a certain level. Mine did. Krakow trip taught me it's time to sort my head out, and so I've been working on that.

Mind is primary and it controls everything. It fucks you in ways you can't believe.

You have potential to find a nice gal, trust me on this. You just need to focus on healing and mental health.
