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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
Fuck it i will go out to this club tomorrow, it's only 15/20 walk distance from my house. I feel anxious and scared just thinking about it but the opposite of going is just to rot in my house until I'm too old and full of regret anyway

No goals, no approaches, just go there and listen to music, when everybody will be talking to each other i will just be standing there awkward, who cares at least it's proof i have some balls. Time is running out. Need to feel some adrenaline, felt dead inside for too long.

I talked about therapy with my doctor last week and said pretty much the same things you just said, she also said that she knows some very good therapist and can ask him for a discount If i want to do it

See you tomorrow for an update, let's hope i have some balls

Fuck it i will go out to this club tomorrow, it's only 15/20 walk distance from my house. I feel anxious and scared just thinking about it but the opposite of going is just to rot in my house until I'm too old and full of regret anyway

No goals, no approaches, just go there and listen to music, when everybody will be talking to each other i will just be standing there awkward, who cares at least it's proof i have some balls. Time is running out. Need to feel some adrenaline, felt dead inside for too long.

I talked about therapy with my doctor last week and said pretty much the same things you just said, she also said that she knows some very good therapist and can ask him for a discount If i want to do it

See you tomorrow for an update, let's hope i have some balls


Love to see it!

Are there any popular bars around too? If you're not with the promoters or bringing a big groups of your own, clubs kinda suck for actually meeting girls unless you're like 6'5" and wildly attractive, at least around here, though could be totally different in Italy (you're in italy, right?).

Most people come with a big group that they're not leaving. Definitely go to the club and get used to it, they're GREAT for exposure. If you can get used to being alone at a club, then a bar will be even easier.

Bar I'm at is only kinda clubby on the weekends, and still like friday/saturday is the worst time for individual guys to come in and get laid.

I'd try going out late on a couple weekday nights, (around here sunday is best, probably varies though) and see where's popular. Become a regular there (again you don't have to drink, just tip the bartenders for their time serving you, don't be a dick, and the staff will like you) and make friends with some of the other regulars and staff. If they're not total assholes they'll clue you in on how it works around there.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
there any popular bars around too? If you're not with the promoters or bringing a big groups of your own, clubs kinda suck for actually meeting girls unless you're like 6'5" and wildly attractive, at least around here

Yea here club sucks and bars suck even more, everyone has their group in a club, in bars even more and usually just older girls go in bars and younger girls with their (super tight) groups

NotYourAverageNerd said:
Become a regular there

I wanted to add that here is best to become a regular in a club not bars, we don't have that here you would just look like a creep in a bar, but maybe I'm just beign autistic so if there's any italian user or someone who practiced night game in Italy I'm happy to hear their opinion.

But I'm 100% sure we don't have that kind of bars you talk about
In a club you can become a regular, get to know the crew and dj, if they see you often and your stylish enough the photographer will take pictures of you for promotion and ask you to pr etc.
Saturday went out and it was a great night, after many years of lonely Saturday nights i felt alive even if i went out alone



I went to two night clubs, paid 2 times, i don't usually do that but after staying in one club untile 3 am i was still energitic and exited enough so i went to another club known for playing heavy metal, less girl but i like that.

The first club had more girls but didn't approach and didn't make eye contact

I was in a good mood, i felt not attractive enough but i also decided that i don't to rot in my own house and get eaten by my own cats so i will keep doing this.

I will keep going out by myself while looking for friends to go out with, i will not procrastinate waiting for that friend, i will keep keep going out alone.

I will keep improving my style and get new pictures, so i can connect with potention friend on instagram and girls on tinder, the goal is to look edgy and stylish, the kind of guy guys wanna befriend and woman wanna fuck... Again, i don't believe it will happen, but there's no point in dying slowly in my own house. If i stay in my house and do nothing i will just have more memories of loneliness for future depression

Didn't update on sunday because the retarted bitch i talked about last time gave me a bad review ob airbnb, i replied in a way that mitigates the damage, basically i made her look like a psycho, but in a very polite and professional way

This job shows you how disgusting woman can be, they write this long paragraph with bad review with subjective details that no one nptoced before to damage your business
This happens because woman don't know what hard work is, they don't realise like us that we are interconnected and we shouldn't damage each other, they are grown kids who don't directly compete for resources but for the best male that can provide those resources. And the older they get the wrost they become, another reason why i like girls 18-24 more, it's just looks, it's also because those younger girls did not lose their femininity and devoleped those bad traits her.
I don't if i will be ever able to get laid or not, one thing for sure is i will never marry, not for me
That's a solid step forward bro! You look good, man. Honestly. And I believe that you can succeed. I wish you weren't so redpilled but I think that will change when you start getting success. Are you planning on taking more photos? You def look good enough to get some results on tinder.
almost30 said:
That's a solid step forward bro!

Thank you brother! Yea it's been 3 months with my canon rp and didn't use it yet, so i will have to take more pictures, I'm thinking of suspending bnb for a month and practice taking pictures the entire December, but I'm not sure because i need money, but December it sould be a month with not many bookings anyway i guess

A lot of mental masturbation going on can't shut down my brain hahahah
Woke up early today, workout, groceries and cleaned the house, the actual guest will stay for a week, after him i will have to decide if i want to suspend airbnb and just lift and take pictures

When i rent i don't have time to take pictures
Woke early, did some work to improve the gym, cleaned the house, no workout it's my rest day
Hahahhahah i was to remove the bad review that bitch gave, I'm a fucking genius hahhaha

So this is how it went, knowing she will give me a bad review i gave her a bad review too, after that i talked with many airbnb reps from india, europe, US, i called at different times to talk with reps in different time zone. Nothing worked, i didn't convince any of them to remove the review that bitch gave me... So i had an idea, i removed my own review i gave her on her profile and sent her something like this "t
I removed the bad review i gave you, sorry i should have never posted that, i don't spread negativity and influence your future hosts, i am not asking you to remove yours though, i just wanted to remove mine because I felt bad after posting it" she replied and said it was a nice jesture and that she will remove hers too, she went on and removed it... I'm a fucking genius hahhaha
This is how you do business, now i only have to ise this skills to get girls😅🤣
Thrice said:
Hahahhahah i was to remove the bad review that bitch gave, I'm a fucking genius hahhaha

So this is how it went, knowing she will give me a bad review i gave her a bad review too, after that i talked with many airbnb reps from india, europe, US, i called at different times to talk with reps in different time zone. Nothing worked, i didn't convince any of them to remove the review that bitch gave me... So i had an idea, i removed my own review i gave her on her profile and sent her something like this "t
I removed the bad review i gave you, sorry i should have never posted that, i don't spread negativity and influence your future hosts, i am not asking you to remove yours though, i just wanted to remove mine because I felt bad after posting it" she replied and said it was a nice jesture and that she will remove hers too, she went on and removed it... I'm a fucking genius hahhaha
This is how you do business, now i only have to ise this skills to get girls😅🤣



MY FUCKING GUY MO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dude we have fuckin got this

Shitty day, i woke up late, i watched too much internet before sleeping and it made me oversleep, i woke up 5am to take a piss and it was hard to fall asleep again

The only good thing is i followed the diet and had a nice workout, see you tomorrow
This two days sucked, the only good thing is that i was able to remove 2 bad reviews and my listing went back to 4.5*

I didn't go out yesterday because it was too cold, tried some jackets at zara but didn't buy, i wasn't convinced

Until i have a car, i will have to find some cool outfit for the winter, it tends to be very cold and even if the only two clubs that i can go to are close to my house i need a good jacket

Decided to suspend the listing for December, i started airbnb on my, its 7 months now

At first i didn't know how to do it, had very bad reviews, my listing was even suspended two times, i improved the old room and bathroom with DIY methods, with a small budget and watchings tutorials on youtube i made the room look new and clean, the closest ikea to my house is 10 km, i went there many times on foot to buy new matress, rugs ect, many times

Took advice from airbnb forums, implemented it and learned, now airbnb is a stable source of income i can suspend and go back to

After 7 months of sleeping in the gym, December i rest, regroup, and only lift and take pictures, i will still have the money from the part time job at the pizza place, is not that i will be doing this with zero money

I'm frustrated and disappointed, younger girls like older guys if they have a car and they own apartment, my apartment looks like shit and i don't have a car, to get the money i need airbnb, but when i do airbnb i can't do almost nothing else except workout, it sucks

Lets see what happens with a month of just taking pictures

Also i cheat a lot on my diet, not sweets thanks god but greasy protein like kebab, my brain needs that dopamine hit, that's why i need to stop and only focus on tinder, maybe even fucking an average will get me out of this mental state of cravings and sudden breakdowns
Time to grow some balls, i have been procrastinating taking pictures, just like going out saturday, from now on will go practice once a day, next week will also buy a nice jacket from hem for Saturday nights, it's getting very cold here that's why i didn't go to the club Saturday

But most importantly i need to grow some balls and take pictures even if people passing by are looking and it looks weird
Thrice said:
I'm frustrated and disappointed, younger girls like older guys if they have a car and they own apartment, my apartment looks like shit and i don't have a car, to get the money i need airbnb, but when i do airbnb i can't do almost nothing else except workout, it sucks

Young girls like older guys when they're hot and have game.

Fuck a car, fuck an apartment.

I noticed no difference in results from when I was living in a 5-person shared house with just a room, to now when I have my own luxury one-bedroom.

My wing has fucked over one hundred 18-22 year olds in bushes, alleys, and public bathrooms.

Fix your head, learn game.

The photos you just took are more than suitable to spin up an app profile, though I would squinch a bit more to hide your upper eyelid exposure.
pancakemouse said:
Young girls like older guys when they're hot and have game.

Agree but if i had those looks i wouldn't be here, i know girls will fallow a hot guy to fuck in a forest

I don't wanna be blackpill but i don't believe in game to be honest, I don't want to discourage other guys, we are here to stay positive and help each other, but my experience is that only looks matters

Now i don't have a huge experience to prove that but all that happened in my life proved that girls choose based on looks only

The only 2 times woman wanted to fuck me in a club was based on looks, i didn't talk to them, one of them sold me the tickets and approached me later after a couple of drinks, i asked her... Who the fuck are... She was talking to me like we knew each other, she said I sold you the ticket, do you remember

So literally i didn't talk to the few girls that had interest in me, quite literally...

Thanks for the advice, i didn't know about the squinch tecnique, I'm looking for tutorials on youtube

The practice is to be able to use the camera so the pictures are not good yet, no pose, no outfit, ugly hat and old jacket, no haircut and accessories, learning another thing or two about the tecnical aspects and than i will start taking real pictures, of course i won't use that ugly hat and coat, i need some shopping hahahah
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Young girls like older guys when they're hot and have game.

Agree but if i had those looks i wouldn't be here, i know girls will fallow a hot guy to fuck in a forest

I don't wanna be blackpill but i don't believe in game to be honest, I don't want to discourage other guys, we are here to stay positive and help each other, but my experience is that only looks matters

Now i don't have a huge experience to prove that but all that happened in my life proved that girls choose based on looks only

Yes, every guy who has little to no experience and just reads blackpill forums generally concludes that "only looks matter".

Meanwhile you have tons of examples of this forum alone, that isn't even a Game forum, that disprove that.

It's a convenient cope for not taking life into your own hands and learning game and fixing your mindset.
pancakemouse said:
Yes, every guy who has little to no experience and just reads blackpill forums generally concludes that "only looks matter".

The idea that a girl already saw you and is not attracted, than you say/do something and she becomes attracted... That's what i don't believe, i can't lie about it, look at the milion youtube videos of people pretending to teach what to say to girls to get them... I will never buy one of those courses, and you won't either...

But I'm here to do what i have to do anyway, if my looks don't cut it and get no matches i will learn game, whatever it means...

Got the lights shut off yesterday, i forgot to pay the bills, i even had an airbnb guest, i had to cancel on him, i told airbnb i had a short circuit, thank god they believed me and i didn't get a fine

What a fucking life, when you don't fuck everything is so stressful

Tomorrow i will have no guests, i will take pictures and buy a jacket

I also emailed the nearest local clubs asking them if they need a photographer, i spent 1k on the canon eos rp, so i want to use, being a photographer is cool, not as cool as the dj but you're still surrounded with hot young girls, so i hope they call me :twisted: :evil: :cry: :roll:
Thrice said:
The idea that a girl already saw you and is not attracted, than you say/do something and she becomes attracted... That's what i don't believe, i can't lie about it, look at the milion youtube videos of people pretending to teach what to say to girls to get them... I will never buy one of those courses, and you won't either...

But I'm here to do what i have to do anyway, if my looks don't cut it and get no matches i will learn game, whatever it means...

Attraction is so much more than your face.

First of all you have your body that you have total control over. Yes it won’t magically make your face a 10/10 chad but it will elevate every average guy to atleast chadlite + reveal better facial features.

The way you carry yourself is easily 50% of how girls look at you. I got my hottest lay when I was 1 month into self improvement (I look so much better now than at that time) but I was having fun with all the guys in the hostel, played some beer pong with cute girls, danced with groups at the club and then she hit on me.

You said yourself you are still kinda anxious and lonely, girls feel this and you can’t fake it. It’s hard to grasp now but once you start feeling more comfortable with yourself, you’ll notice that almost everyone starts treating you better.

Blackpill is there to show you how easy good looking people have it, not to make you bitter.

Now you need to be really serious and honest about improving yourself. You can get there like other dudes who’ve worked their ass off. Keep the expectations low to start and the work rate high