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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
I don't wanna be blackpill but i don't believe in game to be honest, I don't want to discourage other guys, we are here to stay positive and help each other, but my experience is that only looks matters

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Sorry bro you're just plain wrong. Your experience MIGHT have taught you something, but I doubt you have enough experience to categorically say this. This blackpill shit is so bad for your mental health and developing a masculine frame, which you NEED to get girls.

There is some truth to it - Yes, a 6'4, naturally muscular, chiselled jaw chad will have an easier time getting girls attracted to him. But you know what? If he has a weak frame, shit game and no confidence, they won't sleep with him.

A fat, ugly dude that has an awesome personality, is the king of his social circle, has super tight game and a rock solid frame WILL pull hot girls. Look at Patrice O'Neil.

So you think you're ugly (which you're not) - So what? Get jacked, get a killer style, get some cool as shit hobbies and friends.

Oh and learn about game, it is fucking important my guy. No point having all this other shit if you can't game a girl. They NEED that to get wet.

At the end of the day, we are men, we have complete control over the way our body looks, our hobbies, careers, wealth, social circle, intellect, etc. And ALL OF THIS contributes to building a masculine frame that will attract girls.

If you want to resign yourself to this blackpill train of thought, go ahead and do just that - You'll be stuck in a hole forever, angry at the world and make no progress in life.

These forums are about making ourselves better men, not complaining about shit we have no control over. And if all you focus on is this toxic mentality of "nothing matters cause blackpill said so" then you're never going to live the life you want. I hate to be this hard on you man, but I can't stand these kind of toxic philosophies.
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Yes, every guy who has little to no experience and just reads blackpill forums generally concludes that "only looks matter".

The idea that a girl already saw you and is not attracted, than you say/do something and she becomes attracted... That's what i don't believe, i can't lie about it, look at the milion youtube videos of people pretending to teach what to say to girls to get them... I will never buy one of those courses, and you won't either...

You're strawmanning Game.

People who teach Game don't believe this. It's about amplifying a girl's attraction to you, not turning a strong no into a yes.

Case in point: your looks are more than good enough now to have girls attracted to you, but I'd bet you wouldn't know what to do to turn that into sex. That's where Game comes in.
I thought good looking loser and Andy have both covered already that game is bullshit?

Using techniques and tactics to bed a girl literally does not help you pull at all.

Outside of screening heavily and being extremely aggressive for the lay, game is completely bullshit
The most powerful weapons you will ever find in your journey are:

(2) GAME

You failing to be open to this is a detriment to only you.

All of my lays required game, apart from #1 which was Danish Girl.

She got bored of me and I didn't understand WTF happened. Just ghosted.

I then had it explained to me a little, and I began to understand.

I then had 30-40 dates from Jan to April with no lays. I did no game.

I then broke down and asked for help, Pancake above and also Rags2Bitches helped me with a few things, also a forum user who is no longer active who was called countingsheep7878 helped me understand a few ideas.

I then got lay #2 which to date was the only genuinely attractive girl I've been with on my journey and something I chase daily....


If I didn't learn, I would still be at 1 lay.

It is absolutely mission-critical.

Andy & GLL have a tremendous product and there will always be a large market share for white guys with edge. GLL was a GIGA CHAD btw so using his example is simply unrealistic.

Mohammad looks wise is pretty good and game could help him.

No one who is serious in this community agrees that game is BS. So many guys tried this stuff without learning game, and failed tremendously.

We no longer tell people game is BS...........It is not anywhere close to BS, rather, it is a fucking life saver.

If you're drowning and someone throws you a life preserver, if you discard this, you deserve to fucking drown........

The posters above are really smart and helped our boy get his head straight a lot.

It makes me happy to see this shit.......

Obv we expect this from Master Pancake, but kratjeuh and Drama posting very intelligent and valuable things here. Good job gentlemen.

I am a very community-centred person and it makes me proud to see men help other men like this.

This is why KYIL is very important to me. I hope we can be a very positive space for all men, of all stripes, who are willing to take elite level action, make no excuses, and really set themselves up for an elite life. Not just men, but women too if they want to - they are welcome and according to Andy's last video, he may want to work with more women, I for one will welcome anyone who comes here and shuts up, doesn't bullshit, and works with every ounce of energy and strength that is in their mind body and soul. Like so many of us who come here EVERY DAY.

Mohammad, we WILL help you and will walk with you all the way, dude.

We won't give up on you as you already know.

I believe in my heart of hearts that you will one day succeed.

I am telling you today to be more open minded to game, OK? That is all....you have read my log for gods sake, you know what game did for me, and right now my game is weak (just beyond beginner, or as The Dom said, it's about 3/10).

psmasher said:
I thought good looking loser and Andy have both covered already that game is bullshit?

Outside of screening heavily and being extremely aggressive for the lay, game is completely bullshit
Game is definitely real. The reason why KYIL and GLL articles are not focused on game is because their strategies are primarily about screening hard for a small subset of "Yes" girls.

For those kinds of girls, yes, game doesn't really matter. However, for a lot of guys, screening that hard will not yield you many options. If you're really attractive and drowning in options it's effective, but not if you're struggling to find matches.

Looks are #1 obviously, but game definitely matters.

By that logic, a socially uncalibrated guy with almost no social skills should do as well as a super charismatic guy who knows game, assuming they're equally as good looking.

I actually used to think the same thing, game is definitely real.

tdan187 said:
Also my crib is a piece of shit currently too, so is my car. And I've fucked girls in both. My place literally smells bad and is a fucking dump. Never stopped me from fucking in it.

I need to get a new one but don't have the money yet.
It might not stop you from getting laid but it will definitely affect retention.

It's one thing if you don't have a big place or a lot of money for a fancy apartment. But you can at least keep your place clean & smelling nice.

I'm not the neatest person myself, I'm usually super cluttered, but I always vacuum & tidy up before a girl comes over.
pancakemouse said:
People who teach Game don't believe this. It's about amplifying a girl's attraction to you, not turning a strong no into a yes.

Well if this is the definition of game I've always agreed with that! :D :lol:

MakingAComeback said:
No one who is serious in this community agrees that game is BS. So many guys tried this stuff without learning game, and failed tremendously.

Thank you Mac, i have no problem trying everything and applying all advice once i reach that point

tdan187 said:
It's like learning to fight and only focus on kicking. Do literally everything you can and don't close your mind off to stuff without experience / prematurely

Agree thank you, I'm definitely open to everything, now i take pictures for tinder, in the future i will be open to try everything, in fact i want to do both: try tinder during the week and appraoch/game on weekends

Tried the interval timer today, the goal was to take a batch of 10 pictures with the app but it didn't work, the interval timer on the canon eos rp works only if you press the shutter button manually not on remote, it sucks because i wanted to use the app, i don't to press the shutter button and having to quickly run in front of the camera
Solid looks.


It's going to be the following that unlock success for you:


MakingAComeback said:
The most powerful weapons you will ever find in your journey are:

(2) GAME

You failing to be open to this is a detriment to only you.

All of my lays required game, apart from #1 which was Danish Girl.

She got bored of me and I didn't understand WTF happened. Just ghosted.

I then had it explained to me a little, and I began to understand.

I then had 30-40 dates from Jan to April with no lays. I did no game.

I then broke down and asked for help, Pancake above and also Rags2Bitches helped me with a few things, also a forum user who is no longer active who was called @countingsheep7878 helped me understand a few ideas.

I then got lay #2 which to date was the only genuinely attractive girl I've been with on my journey and something I chase daily....


If I didn't learn, I would still be at 1 lay.

It is absolutely mission-critical.

Andy & GLL have a tremendous product and there will always be a large market share for white guys with edge. GLL was a GIGA CHAD btw so using his example is simply unrealistic.

Mohammad looks wise is pretty good and game could help him.

No one who is serious in this community agrees that game is BS. So many guys tried this stuff without learning game, and failed tremendously.

We no longer tell people game is BS...........It is not anywhere close to BS, rather, it is a fucking life saver.

If you're drowning and someone throws you a life preserver, if you discard this, you deserve to fucking drown........


Do you have any examples by what you mean with game?

Look, I'm open to the idea that this game thing exists, but in my experience it doesn't work.

All of the girls I've hooked up w, I've noticed that they've given me some clue that they are into me. The very last one was on the phone with her friend and I heard her say "he's well established... but not exciting", i guess talking about some other guy shes dating, while looking at me. At that point I just knew it was my signal and I swooped in.

Girl before that was at a bar and I noticed her sit right next to me, alone. Something just felt right and I knew that she sat there because of me, so I went and sat next to her, left the bar with her after like 5 minutes.

Another girl I was shopping at the mall, literally walking around mindlessly trying to get the courage to cold approach, when I notice a girl following me. I go down the escalator, she goes down the escalator. Eventually im like huh is she following me and I talk to her and get her number

and I could go on

So all of my experiences have been that the girl has done something to show me that she's into me.. like I just get a strange feeling and like 90% of the time I'm correct.

So I'm not sure where game comes a long with this. Am I doing game without knowing? Maybe. But I dont think I am. usually I just have a completely normal convo. Basic ass questions, basic ass answers for the most part. I try to get their dating history, ask when was the last time you had sex. Then I pitch going over to her place.

Majority of the time im not touching her at all, only when we're alone and we start making out and you know how it goes from there. Usually get no resistance for the lay, only the girl not being warmed up

So yeah like I said, if this can help me I'm all for it. Maybe I dont know what game is? Just based on experience it seems more likely that if youre trying to get laid, its much better to find the girls that give you some sort of signal and to pursue them
Sure bro, if you start a progress log on the forum, we can talk about it and explore whatever is to be explored.

We're focusing on helping Thrice on this thread :)

But you are welcome to start a progress log, if you're open to that, and we can discuss there.

Thrice said:
Tried the interval timer today, the goal was to take a batch of 10 pictures with the app but it didn't work, the interval timer on the canon eos rp works only if you press the shutter button manually not on remote, it sucks because i wanted to use the app, i don't to press the shutter button and having to quickly run in front of the camera

With a canon dslr, use the camera connect canon app to be able to use your phone as a shutter release, and it’ll allow you to set as many parameters as you want (such as time delay). Better yet, you can see a live preview so you can adjust yourself easily before taking shots.
The Canon Connect app is shit. Super buggy.

I use 2 camera bodies on shoots, both the RP and the R and have experience with the app and this alternative solution:

I'd get the Canon BR-E1 or a chinese knockoff. It's a bluetooth remote. Amazon also makes their own at half the price. I personally use a knockoff that works perfectly.
Myelinated said:
With a canon dslr, use the camera connect canon app to be able to use your phone as a shutter release, and it’ll allow you to set as many parameters as you want (such as time delay).

No the interval timer function does not work while on wifi with the app
MILFandCookies said:
I'd get the Canon BR-E1 or a chinese knockoff. It's a bluetooth remote. Amazon also makes their own at half the price. I personally use a knockoff that works perfectly.

It disconnects frequently but the problem for me is that the inerval timer does not work while on wifi with the app, can you confirm that this cheap remotes allow me to set the interval timer to take 10 or 20 shots at the time?

The original canon remote costs double, i have no problem buy it but if the cheaper ones do the same thing why waste money
Thrice said:
Myelinated said:
With a canon dslr, use the camera connect canon app to be able to use your phone as a shutter release, and it’ll allow you to set as many parameters as you want (such as time delay).

No the interval timer function does not work while on wifi with the app

Works fine for me with a 77D body

ok this is a solid improvement. i edited and added a bit of a squinch.


please post outfit here for approval before you attempt to take the full body style pic

i also think silver colored studs or silver stud on one side + silver dangling earring on the other side works much better with brown skin tones than a black earring
Rags2Bitches said:
ok this is a solid improvement. i edited and added a bit of a squinch.



please post outfit here for approval before you attempt to take the full body style pic

i also think silver colored studs or silver stud on one side + silver dangling earring on the other side works much better with brown skin tones than a black earring

Thrice, I dare you to create a profile with just this photo to prove to yourself that you are attractive enough to be having sex with women right now. Because I guarantee you will get matches.
Do you have any examples by what you mean with game?

Look, I'm open to the idea that this game thing exists, but in my experience it doesn't work.

All of the girls I've hooked up w, I've noticed that they've given me some clue that they are into me. The very last one was on the phone with her friend and I heard her say "he's well established... but not exciting", i guess talking about some other guy shes dating, while looking at me. At that point I just knew it was my signal and I swooped in.

Girl before that was at a bar and I noticed her sit right next to me, alone. Something just felt right and I knew that she sat there because of me, so I went and sat next to her, left the bar with her after like 5 minutes.

Another girl I was shopping at the mall, literally walking around mindlessly trying to get the courage to cold approach, when I notice a girl following me. I go down the escalator, she goes down the escalator. Eventually im like huh is she following me and I talk to her and get her number

and I could go on

So all of my experiences have been that the girl has done something to show me that she's into me.. like I just get a strange feeling and like 90% of the time I'm correct.

So I'm not sure where game comes a long with this. Am I doing game without knowing? Maybe. But I dont think I am. usually I just have a completely normal convo. Basic ass questions, basic ass answers for the most part. I try to get their dating history, ask when was the last time you had sex. Then I pitch going over to her place.

Majority of the time im not touching her at all, only when we're alone and we start making out and you know how it goes from there. Usually get no resistance for the lay, only the girl not being warmed up

So yeah like I said, if this can help me I'm all for it. Maybe I dont know what game is? Just based on experience it seems more likely that if youre trying to get laid, its much better to find the girls that give you some sort of signal and to pursue them

There's a great book on this called Undercover Sex Signals. The premise is basically girls choose, it's your job to know when she's picked you. Even in these cases you use game after you realise you've been picked. When you go after a girl that's picked you, it's just super easy.
Rags2Bitches said:
ok this is a solid improvement. i edited and added a bit of a squinch.



please post outfit here for approval before you attempt to take the full body style pic

i also think silver colored studs or silver stud on one side + silver dangling earring on the other side works much better with brown skin tones than a black earring


Drop whatever you are doing and focus on what this guy says as a priority


Thrice said:
can you confirm that this cheap remotes allow me to set the interval timer to take 10 or 20 shots at the time?

I don't know if it works with interval timer - I think it does. You'd still have to manually tell the camera to turn on interval timer every time. Tip - set the number of photos to take to "00" it'll just take them until you tell it to stop, no remote needed.

Alternatively you can buy the remote and set it up to be a 2-sec delay so you can press it, then pose, then repeat as many times as you like.

Play around with these methods and see which you like the most.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
My thoughts on "game" (I'm putting it in "quotes" because "game" is a vague term that can mean a lot of different things to different people):

Game vs Raw Honesty - Why Game is Superstitious Nonsense (How Do I GET What I Want?)

TL;DR: Until you've tried "game" for 4 years, and then tried raw honesty (with zero smoothness) for 4 years, have a bit of humility and admit you don't actually know.

Thanks Andy! Seems like I was on the right track then, this has been my experience with game as well (even though the term remains undefined)

I initially started off doing what I would call "game" (smoothe speech, worrying about PUA tactics like push pull, rapport, etc). It was an awful way to view girls because if something wrong happened.. it must have been my "game"

As opposed to... "hmm, you know, maybe she didnt actually like me, and maybe she never actually wanted to sleep with me in the first place. As a matter of fact, she probably just wanted to was my time and get attention from me. How about I try talking to a shit load of girls and finding the ones that I dont have to battle with to get some pussy"

The very fact that you have to game a girl shows that you are the one that's chasing, as an old playa told me growing up when I asked him what were his secret to getting bitches "I let them come to me"