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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
Hard2Focus said:
What's you diet like?

Basically on page one you can see the body i had, after that i started cutting, with the help of my online coach, he added a small deficit every month and than rever diet, on December he put me on a bulk but we parted ways because he asked too much this time.

So the bulk is not my choice, he said enough cutting you re ready to bulk

It's always your choice, lol, sounds like you're splitting with him anyway - dont follow his stupid plan.
You really never want to do a "true" bulk (if you're going to 3400 calories it *probably* is, unless you're crazy active, like running or biking or swimming hours a day) if your goal is aesthetics.

You're only just barely under 20% bf as is, quick guess (if you've got a few more pictures in different poses, flexing/not flexing its easier to tell), is you're probably like 18 or so. You wouldn't want to *really* bulk unless you're too LOW to maintain easily. Get ripped first THEN put on muscle. You look good through the WHOLE PROCESS (which takes many months to see any significant change, and YEARS to get to a high level) rather than looking like crap until right up at the end.
I've got a huge post in the "losing fat" section of the forum on what to do.
You'll be WAY smaller than you thought, before you start getting bigger. At this point jnless you're barely training, you're probably not losing muscle.
Again if the goal is to look good for girls (and if you're here it probably is) being small is BETTER than being fat. A year ago I cut way down to like 150 (5'10" with decent muscle mass) and looked WAY, WAY better than at 194 even though I had a shit ton more muscle at that weight.

Edit: also just looked at your face in the pictures, holy SHIT dude if you look like that close to 20%, get that shit closer to 10% and you'll have girls falling over themselves on that alone. Your face already looks like someone who's super lean, your "upper bound" there is going to be incredible.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
A year ago I cut way down to like 150 (5'10" with decent muscle mass) and looked WAY, WAY better than at 194 even though I had a shit ton more muscle at that weight.

I just read your post on the fat loss section, you are on TRT, that makes things completly different, specially since you're american, US trt doctors are known in europe for giving their patiants big doses.

you are thicker and with more muscle mass, i have cut down to 158 lbs and i'm 6 ft and didn't look ripped and didn't see my abs exept the obliques a little bit

I need more muscle to be able to cut and look like you or go under 158 and risk looking like a zombie, i already felt so skinny and frail at 158


-rest day, didn't workout, grocery shopping for the week, workout with my father and cleaned the house

i didn't procrastinate or checked girls on ig, but i still didn't have time to practice taking pictures
Thrice said:
-practiced usisng the camera with the new lenses with the app, i would like to ask some questions to more experienced guys
I'd suggest getting a physical remote. The canon apps tend to be buggy and self portraiture is a lot better with it.
Thrice said:

-workout 1.5h, 10min cardio, 10min stretch +3400kcal

-workout on my apartment as usual

-practiced usisng the camera with the new lenses with the app, i would like to ask some questions to more experienced guys

- what does the +/- button do? red
- what do the arrows under the shutter button do? yellow

- is the correct to use auto focus (option quick) for portraits? my face should be within the dots right?

I stopped using the app a long time ago. It's so buggy.

That said, I hate the remotes too...

There's a setting where you can get your camera to take 1 photo every second.

It's called the Interval Timer.

I use this for every self-photo. Here's one I took using this method:

For the EOS RP you can find it on page 176 of this manual: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/lit_files/527662.pdf
Squilliam said:
Thrice said:
-practiced usisng the camera with the new lenses with the app, i would like to ask some questions to more experienced guys
I'd suggest getting a physical remote. The canon apps tend to be buggy and self portraiture is a lot better with it.

still looking for a remote trigger for my model, i have a eos 1300D, it's a bit old. I'm looking for a bluetooth remote trigger not the one with the cable, i don't even know if they exist for my model.

By the way the good thing about using the app is that you can see yourself on the phone
MILFandCookies said:
There's a setting where you can get your camera to take 1 photo every second.

i still dont have the money for the eos rp, using the 1300D right now, i will look at the manuel to see if it has the interval timer so i can try different teciques thanks!
Thrice said:
still looking for a remote trigger for my model, i have a eos 1300D, it's a bit old. I'm looking for a bluetooth remote trigger not the one with the cable, i don't even know if they exist for my model.
I got this for my camera. Mine doesn't have Bluetooth support either, check this out. It works by plugging in a receiver instead of a wired remote.
Squilliam said:
Thrice said:
still looking for a remote trigger for my model, i have a eos 1300D, it's a bit old. I'm looking for a bluetooth remote trigger not the one with the cable, i don't even know if they exist for my model.
I got this for my camera. Mine doesn't have Bluetooth support either, check this out. It works by plugging in a receiver instead of a wired remote.

my camera is listed as compatible, i'll check it out! By the way why so many of you are against the app? i didn't start shooting yet but it looks fine and you can see yourself to check if you're centered or not in the phone, something you can't do with a remote trigger
Thrice said:
Squilliam said:
I'd suggest getting a physical remote. The canon apps tend to be buggy and self portraiture is a lot better with it.

still looking for a remote trigger for my model, i have a eos 1300D, it's a bit old. I'm looking for a bluetooth remote trigger not the one with the cable, i don't even know if they exist for my model.

By the way the good thing about using the app is that you can see yourself on the phone
MILFandCookies said:
There's a setting where you can get your camera to take 1 photo every second.

i still dont have the money for the eos rp, using the 1300D right now, i will look at the manuel to see if it has the interval timer so i can try different teciques thanks!

It's a simple feature, all cameras should have it. I'd suggest trying that first before you get the remote. I got the remote and I never use it - this feature is much more convenient and effective

You don't have to hide the remote in the photo for instance, and taking photos over and over at an interval - like 1 per second - gets you more poses and candid poses too since you're not 100% expecting the photo.
Thrice said:
By the way why so many of you are against the app? i didn't start shooting yet but it looks fine and you can see yourself to check if you're centered or not in the phone, something you can't do with a remote trigger
Try shooting with the app for an hour and you'll see why. It's super buggy.

The centering issue is easily mitigated by turning on live view and taking a few practice shots.

What is nice about the remote is that it allows you to take a lot of photos very quickly. I took like 200-300 photos in under an hour just by spamming the button with different poses.
Thrice said:
I just read your post on the fat loss section, you are on TRT, that makes things completly different, specially since you're american, US trt doctors are known in europe for giving their patiants big doses.
I've done this on absolutely nothing, WITH super low (~300 ng/dl) test, on clomid (which is all I was on at the time I wrote that), low-dose TRT (100mg/wk, put me right around a dead-average 700) and only now (last couple months) am I on superphysiological TRT (140mg).
I works THE SAME on anything - all that's different is how much muscle you can get at any level. Most of the pictures of me here (and all of them in those posts) are NOT on TRT.

Thrice said:
you are thicker and with more muscle mass, i have cut down to 158 lbs and i'm 6 ft and didn't look ripped and didn't see my abs exept the obliques a little bit

I need more muscle to be able to cut and look like you or go under 158 and risk looking like a zombie, i already felt so skinny and frail at 158
Yeah, I'm thicker because I've been working my ass off at this for almost four years now.
When I started out I was tiny.

You look MORE muscular (and just better in general) with less fat REGARDLESS of how much muscle you have. If you're small you don't look "like a zombie", you look like a model. Most of the non-sports/fitness models are fucking tiny but STILL look good. Chris himself said that if you don't have a bunch of muscle, the next best thing is to get to that "model" look rather than skinny-fat.
If you're 6' you're pretty big overall anyway, you're not going to look small even if you are skinny.

Most people dramatically underestimate their bodyfat and overestimate their muscle - you're doing the same. If you cant see definition in most of your body - you've got pretty high body fat, even with very little muscle.

158 is NOT that small either, scaling it down to my height (cube law), that's about 145, when I cut down close to 10% last year I was 151 while maintaining significant muscle mass. With where you're at, you should be shooting for right around (or even a little UNDER) 150 to get within striking distance of single-digit bodyfat.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Yeah, I'm thicker because I've been working my ass off at this for almost four years now.

ok i didn't knew you start using trt only recently
NotYourAverageNerd said:
158 is NOT that small either, scaling it down to my height (cube law), that's about 145, when I cut down close to 10% last year I was 151 while maintaining significant muscle mass. With where you're at, you should be shooting for right around (or even a little UNDER) 150 to get within striking distance of single-digit bodyfat.

i have to compromise between this and building more muscle, just like you did in the last 4 years. I have to gain some weight on the building phases, otherwise there is NO may to know if i'm building muscle or not.

If sleep and nutrients are on points, effort on training is good with at least the last set to failure, what you need to be 100% that you're building muscles and not spinnng your wheels is to gain some wheight, otherwise you'll never know. So i need a balance between the two

of course on shooting days i'll be at my minimum weight, now i'm just learning how to use the camera!


lets call it rest day, the fucking cat didn't allow me to sleep, at 5 am he start destrying everything like a maniac, i woke up two times, was so tired, i did my workout anyway +10 cardio

lunch with my family

i did the bare minimum today which is working out
Thrice said:
i have to compromise between this and building more muscle, just like you did in the last 4 years. I have to gain some weight on the building phases

Not really, the way to go is to stay lean and SLOWLY build muscle - muscle building natty is an EXTREMELY SLOW process, generally in terms of a few pounds per YEAR.

I did not really understand this at first and would put on 10 or 15 or 20 pounds in a few months and just get fat, even eating super clean AND working out religiously for two hours four days a week. This is a SUPER TYPICAL bulk, what most guys do starting out. Doing a bulk and cutting after, I'd basically just be right back where I started and be fat half the time.

I wasted a ton of time intentionally bulking and cutting and mostly spun my wheels doing it - you REALLY don't need to compromise, keeping a low bodyfat isn't going to hold you back until you're shredded and pretty close to as much muscle as your body can hold onto.

The most effective periods in my training have been mid-lockdown when I was dieting religiously and actually steadily LOSING weight overall, and more recently after I came BACK from getting fat last march, again, LOSING weight (albeit VERY slowly - to the tune of a pound or so a month).

Thrice said:
otherwise there is NO may to know if i'm building muscle or not.

That is simply not true. It's called a mirror. Or those calipers you said you bought. There's literally instructions in the box and 10,000 videos and guides online. Even if you don't get a percentage (which will be inaccurate anyway, no method is perfect and most start getting WAY less accurate below about 15%), literally just pinch some fat *somewhere* (I go right next to my bellybutton) and measure it. If that number goes down you're losing fat. If not you're not, exact percentage be damned. If you lose fat and have the SAME weight, or your fat is going down fast and your weight going down SLOW then you're gaining muscle.

Thrice said:
If sleep and nutrients are on points, effort on training is good with at least the last set to failure, what you need to be 100% that you're building muscles and not spinnng your wheels is to gain some wheight, otherwise you'll never know. So i need a balance between the two
Again, yes, you CAN be pretty sure. Are your lifts going up (either weight OR reps)? Then you're gaining muscle. Or look in a mirror once in a while. Just because you're gaining weight DEFINITELY doesn't guarantee you're putting on muscle. It is VERY easy to just get fat, and your weight is dictated by your eating - there's no way to eat and train and everything such that you'll only gain weight if you're gaining muscle but not if it would just be fat.

Besides, who gives a rats ass if you are "100% sure"? All of this, no matter HOW meticulously you track it, is a guess. You figure it out as you go - I'm pointing you in the direction of DONT BULK AND CUT, that is how you waste a bunch of your life looking fat.
I'll attach some pics (don't think I can embed on mobile), I look MORE muscular at 151 pounds than at 194!! The ones where I'm lean were all taken the same day and my body here is TINY even though I look pretty jacked - look at my body proportions relative to my head.
I'm smaller sure, but every frickin muscle fiber is visible, even with more muscle, at a higher bodyfat it's LESS APPARENT so you just look worse.
View attachment 1View attachment 2

The main thing that's often missed in this discussion is: THIS IS A SLOW PROCESS
MUSCLE BUILDS VERY SLOWLY (unless you do a cycle, or your first couple months on trt or something). ESPECIALLY relative to body fat. In a life or death level situation, you could probably lose around a pound of body fat a DAY, not eating and working pretty hard. Muscle you'd have to be a genetic 1%-er to put on a pound in less than a few weeks (again natty, and not de-trained that's a whole other thing).
Even newbie gains are less, and come more slowly, than most would like.
If EVERYTHING isn't on point (and lets be real, who DOES have everything perfect? not 99% of us and that's FINE), the average person could REALISTICALLY put on probably put on 5 or 6 pounds of muscle in a year, maybe 8 or 10 if they've got good genetics and hard-ass it. Dropping that kind of body fat could be done in two or three MONTHS. Point being, doing everything right AND GETTING GOOD RESULTS, the scale will be going DOWN until you get close to a good body fat level. Most guys want to get big - so did/do I - problem is that fat doesn't "count" towards your overall size unless you get REALLY fat. You look bigger even if you're smaller because being lean shows off the muscle you DO have, whereas fat covers it up. You're also not going to be "big" for YEARS (especially staying natty), or might never be. Keep in mind you ALSO gain/lose fat in your face, and what you do have RIGHT NOW is a face that's already awesome and girls will get fucking hypnotized by and dream about sitting on if you can cut down close to single digits. Play to your strengths rather than sabotaging it trying to cover up a much more minor weakness.

Okay that was a bit of a tirade but this (thinking I needed to bulk or that I was a "hardgainer" or whatever) is something that I wasted a TON of time and money and effort on and tons of other people ALSO constantly waste time and life and effort on and is TOTALLY UNNECESSARY.
So kinda more an angry message to my past self for thinking what you are and trying to get huge overnight, rather than taking the more patient and boring, but effective path.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Keep in mind you ALSO gain/lose fat in your face, and what you do have RIGHT NOW is a face that's already awesome and girls will get fucking hypnotized by and dream about sitting on if you can cut down close to single digits. Play to your strengths rather than sabotaging it trying to cover up a much more minor weakness.

Ok i agree with you 100% and thank you for the advice!

Just a few points so you why i don't start cutting now.
Basically i started this log with cut, you can see it in my first page, 6 months or more without a calorie surplus until the goal was reached, it was a great experience, i proved to myself I'm able to cut, it wasn't even difficult, but at 158 lbs i still didn't see my abs, decided to get some thickness instead of keeping going down

Now i asked on reddit/fitness my bodyfat, and their answers ranged from 13 to 15%...not 18%.

And they told me i don't have enough muscle or fat to benefit from a cut

And it must be true because i got the same result with my caliper, 15%.

Of course it's not accurate but it looks I'm far from 18%.

That's why i want to get thicker, my logistic to meet girls and pictures are not ready yet anyway. I'm on 3400kcal on training days and 3000 on rest day, thats 3200 weekly average, it's a tiny surplus, just enough extra calories to recover from physical e neurological stress lifting heavy puts on the body and have good recovery, while gaining a small amount of weight per month... I think I'm gainig half a pound per month.

That's to say i basically agree with you, it's just that I'm not really at 18% bodyfat yet!

It was a beautiful sunny day in Italy (the most beautiful country in the world anyway hahah), what i miss the most is one friend to go out with in this beautiful pre spring days

_ workout, viscous leg day + 10 min cardio + 10 min stretching

-worked on the bathroom, started painting the window

-1 hour singing practicing, started working on a cover, From yesterday from 30seconds to mars. It will be my first cover i publish on my instagram and youtube channel

Wanted to practice taking pictures but i have this perfectionist idea popping out about the fact thats better finish bulking, cut and then take pictures.

I have a lot of procrastination and perfectionism problems to work with

-workout 1.5h + 10min cardio + 10 min stretch
-vocal exercises... Fail
-practice taking pictures... Fail
-still working on the bathroom

Keep working bro. Keep working.

Every day just keep posting. We will get you like a machine, just small tasks every day bro, just small tasks, but CONSISTENCY.


-workout 1.5 h + 10min cardio + 10 min stretching
-singing lesson with my coach

some errands, got a hair cur and not much else
i'm a bit embaressed to admit that i have been stuck with depression lately, i just think things that i don't do.

To be honest i never felt motivated logging my routine, maybe because i'm not native english and dosen't feel real, so maybe more human interaction would help.

I want to take pictures and try tinder, implement the advice from NotYourAverageNerd eat less and take pictures when my face is most lean, because bodybuilding is too slow and i'm not ready to use my body and shirtless pics to attract girls, no matter how much of a surplus i eat

i need someone to unstuck each other to be able to reach our goals faster, if your the type of guy that needs an external point of view to stop ruminating and start acting immediatly we can help each other

Of course you don't have to be advanced, because in that case you won't need me, but you don't have to be the new guy that signs up writes 10 posts and disappears within the first week either hahaha
How are you tracking your progress? I personally use an excel spreadsheet with a graph, and it's be extremely helpful tracking my actual progress over time. It really gives some tangible results over time that lets my logical brain know that what I'm doing is indeed working. Progress photos also help a lot for a similar reason. Give it a try if you haven't