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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thank you guys! I recieved the new diet today, it's 3000kcal, i hope i don't get too fat again hahah
Adam said:
Looking good, man! If you don't mind saying: How did you find your bodybuilding coach? Was he a guy you followed online for fitness advice already? Recommendation from a friend? The first result from a google search?

Hello man, i followed him on ig!

woke early today and i'm very proud because i was able to get out of bed immediately, had my coffee and my 90 minutes workout, had my breakfast at 1 am

stretching, practeced taking pictures and learning how to pose and smile, my smile feels unnatural, i feel dum but i have to practice it everyday until it starts feeling natural

i still feel awkward taking pictures, i feel like an ugly guy pretending to be a cool model, but i will keep faking it till i make it. At the end of the day, thats what woman do everyday when they put their makeup on

used my phone, i will have to start using my DSLR next time, it's mode difficult to use so i will keep practicing with my phone a little bit while reading tutorials to start using the DSLR, it will take sometime, for now the pcitures i took with my DSLR are worst compered to the ones i took with my phone, i guess the learning curve is higher

-talked with coach a little bit on watsap, showed some exercises and he gave me some advice on form, i'm very happy with this coach, online coaches dont do much, but they're usefull, they give you what to do and eat so you dont have to think about anything

-worked on my room for about an hour, i'm painting the doors now

I looked at the pictures and noticed bad skin quality and dark circles under the eyes, i will start researching a skin routine ans stick with it before it's too late. Also i need a new haircut, i need to get rid of this "quarantine hair", they make me look like a homeless lol
See if you can find a secluded outdoor location and take some DSLR photos there. The indoor photos very much give "taking photos of himself in his bedroom" vibes.

It also looks like you are hunching forward. Try to broaden your shoulders and bring your head up and straight.
Thrice said:
I looked at the pictures and noticed bad skin quality and dark circles under the eyes, i will start researching a skin routine ans stick with it before it's too late. Also i need a new haircut, i need to get rid of this "quarantine hair", they make me look like a homeless lol

good start. the circles under eyes/folds/whatever are barely noticeable and look fine but yea a skincare routine is good regardless. the facial expressions in the 1st and 3rd pic aren’t bad at all. i don’t like beanies for people with hair unless you have hair visibly sticking out from under it.

as pancakemouse said, unless you’re doing a specific activity, portraits should generally be outside.

edited one of them for boredom/practice

I wouldn't worry too mucb about the eyes, I feel like there's a ton of attractive AF guys, especially british ones, that have that look but rock it. As far as I can tell (i e. as a guy 🙃) you've got a great face for it
decided to take outside pictures once a week, every Wednesday, it's the only day i don't work so i can take pictures at sunset, golden hour

today was my first try, didn't care about outfit, hair etc, the goal here was to learn to turn on the camera and do the basics. I have a canon eos 1300d, the cheapest one i found on amazon warehouse, i don't know if this camera can do those pictures with blurry background, i will keep learning and practiing outside once a week
View attachment 2

the goal is to do a picture with blurred background like this one

i tried manuel mode this time, is about 1800, shutter speed in the middle range, i tried the 3 focus modes the camera have but i didn't notice any difference, i didn't hear the camera focus even when i slowly pressed halfway, i have to look into that. I used the countdown timer to take shots not the best solution because i have to sprint in position and my guess is that the camera stops detecting faces once the coundown starts

I also have the option to use the canon app

i didn't do much this week except lifting and working, i think all day but i dont do much, i always think of taking big action because i feel life is slipping away from my heads, meaning if i don't take massive action i might find myself 40 years old still delivering pizza at night and half assing self improvement daytime

just to give you an example 2 weeks ago i decided to post a vlog everyday here, so i keep myself accountable and improve my english, i understand english very well but i'm not fluent, if i vlog i improve my english so i can create an english version of my gaming channel, this way i have 2 streams of income, but i din't do it. i didn't post everyday...

this is what i mean when i say i think stuff i dont do, and it's been like that for years now, i'm improving but at a very small pace

i will also seek medical help, maybe i have clinical depression and treatment would improve my life. I think there is no shame in that, i am not talking about feeling sad, i'm talking about real chemical imbalance in the brain, if i have that and i don't treat it would be like shoting myself in the foot, because everybody is improving themselves with a normal brain and i'm not

the problem is to find a good doctor, a bad doctor would give an anti depressant even if you don't have real depression. In my case i only want to take if i have a real imbalance, if i'm just sad from past experiences and don't have real chemical imbalance i will just keep pushing

i also would like to be coached and do exactly what the coach tells me to do, just like bodybuilding if you have someone telling you what to do is easier, but i can't afford it, right i make something like 800/900 euros a month
damn bro, the first pic of you in the flannel looking off into the distance is a winner.

As for feeling the need to take BIG steps...not true. Take baby steps everyday so that it gradually becomes the BIG step you want.
PinchePendejo said:
damn bro, the first pic of you in the flannel looking off into the distance is a winner.

As for feeling the need to take BIG steps...not true. Take baby steps everyday so that it gradually becomes the BIG step you want.

hahaha it's not me, it's an example of what i'm trying to achieve, that guy was tagged in the same park i was practicing and the same exact spot, it's funny you did not notice it's two different people :lol:
I'll let someone else comment on the technical aspects of how to improve with the camera, don't know much about that.

I know for a fact though that you need to practice more than once a week, doesn't matter if it's golden hour or just normal daylight.

Your transformation into a guy who gets laid may be "slow" but fitness is the most time consuming part, and in 2 years you went from a sickly disgusting looking guy to clearly above average. Now you just need to show that in 6 photos.

You are a good looking guy Thrice.

Get your mind right, and you will slay in this life.

Many people overcame depression. I have had all sorts of mind issues over my lifetime but I smashed them to pieces for the most part. Wellness practices can really, really heal you deeply and restore balance.

I was writing an article a day on the topic before The Phoenix Project. If you want a steer towards ideas related to getting your mind where you need it so you can make solid progress on self improvement, happy to make some suggestions for you to work with and try out.

MakingAComeback said:

You are a good looking guy Thrice.

Get your mind right, and you will slay in this life.

Many people overcame depression. I have had all sorts of mind issues over my lifetime but I smashed them to pieces for the most part. Wellness practices can really, really heal you deeply and restore balance.

I was writing an article a day on the topic before The Phoenix Project. If you want a steer towards ideas related to getting your mind where you need it so you can make solid progress on self improvement, happy to make some suggestions for you to work with and try out.


IS IT ABOUT MEDITATION and stuff like that?
I have decided to start this "post everyday for 6 months project", i never kept myself accountable in my self improvement journey, i tend to disappear and come back with some news, i want to learn to do something everyday, like posting a video.

It's about building habits and getting rid of old habits like wasting time looking at girls on instagram and masturbating or reading endless redpill posts or watching youtube.

I'm bulking now, currently at 3400 kcal, working out 5 times a week + 10 minutes cardio post every workout.

The goal is to have full abs at the end of this bulk, i think it's possible, who knows, it's my first clean bulk.



You're unfocused during the RDLs. Don't turn your head left and right. You can experiment with extending it when you lower the weight (you pull it back so you can look in front of you) or keeping it fixed during all the reps. Are you chewing gum btw? If so, spit it out and clench your teeth (not hard, but firmly)
the problem with RDLs is that i have a hart time feeling glutes and hams going to failure!

no i wasn't chewing gum! i wasen't bracing enough also