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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

They look good, the only thing that always stopped me is that i have a 10/11 foot and was always afraid they would look even bigger with this kind of sneakers
THOSE ARE NICE TOO, air jordan 1, but they are huge, they look good on the model of the posing video because he has baggy jeans that covers them
working on airbnb is eye opening, i have good reviews and treat guest very well, the room and the bathroom are super clean, the problems start with female guests

when they arrive i open the door and they make this strange tense/worried face, they assumed i'm white so they're worried, i don't have a profile pic on airbnb because i would have less guests and i need the money now

later female guests try to relax and smile...super fake. they treat like a potentional rapist.

I need the money from airbnb so i just game the system as much as i can, that's why i'm called Michael on airbnb, i nedd those money for clothes and forniture if i want to bring girls home,lower and higher abs are starting to get visible, only middle abs are not visible yet i have the wrost fat distribution as a former skinny fat

i'm frankly more motivated than ever to improve and fuck girls, just like a fisherman is motivated to go fishing

the part of me that could love woman and take them seriously died, now all i can do is give them the D
Maybe they're tense because they can sense your hatred for women through your body language, eye contact, and tonality.

Pickup isn't just about low bodyfat. Vibe is very important. Until you do the true inner work of healing your brain and loving and accepting women, you will be fighting uphill.
pancakemouse said:
Maybe they're tense because they can sense your hatred for women through your body language, eye contact, and tonality.

Wow they pick up all that as soon as i open the door in 0.001 seconds. Mystique creatures, wonder why good looking criminals and handsome serial killers have so much success if woman are so good at "sensing" stuff
Thrice said:
Wow they pick up all that as soon as i open the door in 0.001 seconds

Yeah. They do.

You say this with sarcasm but they literally do. Takes them closer to 5 seconds than 0.001 obviously

Anyone who's cold approached enough has seen how much of a difference there is in how women treat you when you come in with a good vibe versus a bad one

If anything I'm really well positioned to comment because I'm very good looking (so humble) but started cold approach with basically no social skills or vibe, and got endless blowouts, weird reactions, and confrontations that I no longer get, because of the first 5 seconds of my approach

Thrice said:
Mystique creatures, wonder why good looking criminals and handsome serial killers have so much success if woman are so good at "sensing" stuff

The idea of criminals getting more success is mostly an incel meme. Overwhelmingly they're poorly socially adjusted which is why they're in prison in the first place, and most of them don't get laid like normies do. The ones who do get laid, are doing it because of a combination of just approaching more (because they're risk taking/fearless) and having lower standards (they fuck really trashy girls)

Then there's girls wanting to fuck famous serial killers, but that's because of fame not looks, and still a very very small minority of women

With that said, women aren't built to sense if you're a good person or bad person. They're built to sense if you feel high or low status.

They evolved this way because they and their children are most likely to survive if they follow the "bad" winner than the "good" loser.

We can say that's unfair, but it's also unfair for us to prefer prettier women over uglier women when that has very little influence on their personality or morality.

Ultimately if you actually want to succeed, you have to do the thing required to succeed. And here it's to improve your vibe, by doing and believing the things that make you feel like a winner.
september said:
Ultimately if you actually want to succeed, you have to do the thing required to succeed. And here it's to improve your vibe, by doing and believing the things that make you feel like a winner.

tdan187 said:
I just tell you this though to say that i get it and i've been in the exact boat but it's not good / healthy for you man and it truly is in your head.

I want to see you succeed instead of sit around bitter at girls forever.

thank you guys, i have to get rid of this toxic mindset and perfectionism, i arbitrary that it's not worth it to take it pictures before i get abs, it's been two months now, i get close and then i have a depressive breakdown and binge on carbohydrates, it's like 1 step forward and two backwards

what i think it's better to do now it's just to take pictures with my current body and see what happens, maybe getting some matches and human contact with girl will help me alleviate the depression and work toward abs with a better mindset

i'm also thinking of using something, maybe a prohormone like 4 Andro or a cutting sarm like acp 105
tdan187 said:
Why not just try to go get laid? What's stopping you from doing that now?

Perfectionist autistic mentality, i open new "fronts" every time and it's all in my head, 2 months ago i decided that it's not worth it to get pictures unless i get abs... Even if my rational side knows it doesn't make sense because you can try tinder with your actual look and once the body improves you can just take new pictures and reset the account and all girls in your area will see the new pictures

I wish i could efford coaching because I'm a hard case of autism
tdan187 said:
Someone who doesn't love me and just tries to abuse me

It sucks beign stuck in this toxic relationships, knowing that it's a lack of option that keeps you hooked, i think girls know when you don't have many other options and use that as levarage
It's bitterness and resentment bro, it radiates out

Some days I feel good AF, not about women, but about my life

Today I felt like that. Walked into the gym so excited because I KNOW I will built a great Chad Bod

Within 1 minute of walking in, a gorgeous lady who was using the leg press looked up, locked eyes with me and smiled

She did the same thing later on

Very cool

These subtle things happen when we feel good and are in a good space

I think this state can be more generalised to life, provided one ascends and improves enough to feel these feelings of abundance in life in general

Demons and toxicity can be solved dude, working on it, and it does get better

LOOKS are king, improving them, A LOT, I feel makes the other aspects of this journey easier because you get these little signs of hope

Thrice said:
It sucks beign stuck in this toxic relationships, knowing that it's a lack of option that keeps you hooked, i think girls know when you don't have many other options and use that as levarage
It's more complicated than that, because trauma bonds are a pretty emotionally powerful thing. It's not even just looks, there is this emotional attachment. I was starting to feel the same thing with the crazy girl I went out with.

That being said, you definitely have a valid point. Even for non-abusive relationships, a guy living in scarcity is at a major disadvantage. Holden is an excellent example of why you shouldn't live in scarcity. He has so much abundance and if a girl tries to walk on him, he won't tolerate it because he can go fuck other girls. Meanwhile, that beta who has zero options and got with a decently hot girl, will have zero leverage over the girl.

I agree that you shouldn't wait. Make a profile with the best photos you have, and keep trying to meet girls while you're working on yourself.

You don't get to complain about not getting laid if you don't even try.

The only way you're going to improve your vibe & demeanor is if you go out and spend more time with women.
MakingAComeback said:
Demons and toxicity can be solved dude, working on it, and it does get better

LOOKS are king, improving them, A LOT, I feel makes the other aspects of this journey easier because you get these little signs of hope

Agree Mac, starting to see my upper abs for the first time and it gives me hope and energy, even if beign on low calories sucks

But if i want to get rid of the negativity i have to interact with girls, even something simple like having a date and hugging a girl, the last time i did it was like 13 years ago or more

tdan187 said:
If i saw you in person we could probably dial it in significantly in just a single day. As in what it is you're actually doing wrong.

Live is different, the likelihood to find a coach here in Italy is super small, what we do is super niche, normal people consider us strange

The second best thing would be to find a cool guy to go out with and practice approaching, he doesn't have to approach, it's enough if i find a cool energetic friend to go out with

When I'm alone i look like a creep even more
Squilliam said:
It's more complicated than that, because trauma bonds are a pretty emotionally powerful thing. It's not even just looks, there is this emotional attachment. I was starting to feel the same thing with the crazy girl I went out with.

Crazy stuff, can't imagine how draining and emotionally painfull would be a relationship like that, the "good" thing about beign sexless i guess is that i never went through the trauma of toxic relationships, based and what i hear from guys on self improvement communities it can fuck you up mentally more then beign incel itself
Squilliam said:
I agree that you shouldn't wait. Make a profile with the best photos you have, and keep trying to meet girls while you're working on yourself.

Yesterday i saw a 21 yo girl, for normal guys i guess she could be a 6 or 7, for me that tight ass on those leggings is so painfull to watch, i start thinking that if i don't get some experience i will always have this void inside of me

The other week i talked with a 37yo guys that works in a supermarket near college, he told me he sees a lot of hot girls everyday, i asked if he approaches he said no, if he wants to go out on weekends or hit the gym together he said no

He seems relaxed and content (and not angry) just like that, is happy saying "i saw a lot of hotties today" and that's it, it's like normal for him to not even try

For me it's different, it i don't get it out of my system i will regret it forever and stalk young girls on ig even when I'm 70

I need to improve logistics though, I'm lucky enough to have my own apartment near the center city but i work as a pizza delivery

This job is lower status even compared to working on mcdonalds, girls just see an ethnic guy delivering pizza, they see no value

Imagine having a date and telling a girl i deliver pizza for a living

I'm proud of myself, i have sever depression for 10 years and was homeless, that when i found this job, i used to wake up at 3pm that's why i needed a night job to survive and it's best job to make money and have a lot of free time to build muscle, build online business ecc

But girls don't know and don't care, they don't want a guy that delivers pizza, it's disgusting for them
Thrice said:
Live is different, the likelihood to find a coach here in Italy is super small, what we do is super niche, normal people consider us strange

Daygame is niche and strange everywhere. Not just Italy. Though if anything isn't "natural" daygame more common in Italy? I heard women travelers always get hit on there more than any other country in europe.

Anyway, daygame is niche, but walking up to someone you find cute and saying hi is normal.

The difference between the two is that we're low status nerds who systematized the shit out of talking to people. Meanwhile, cool naturals strike up conversations with strangers all the time for whatever reasons and no one finds that weird.

You wouldn't find it weird to be approached by a dude with a super happy vibe who's super well calibrated and in tune with your emotions, and depending on the context, acknowledges the approach as being a little weird, but brings a fun energy and engages you in a conversation, right?

You'd just think that's some really cool social well-calibrated dude.

That's who we're trying to become in daygame.

Anyway, you don't need to find a coach, just wings. Find a Game Global telegram group for the nearest city in Italy and meet up with wings from there and try to absorb their vibes.

Thrice said:
When I'm alone i look like a creep even more

creep = low status (= uncool)

there's literally no difference between these terms

try to think about why you believe it's low status to be alone. Surely cool guys walk around alone sometimes right?

Thrice said:
Imagine having a date and telling a girl i deliver pizza for a living

girl: hey so what do you do
guy: *timidly* uhmm... I... well... I'm working at a pizza place... *looks away* I deliver pizzas... yeah... *nervous chuckle* I know I know it sucks, I wish I wasn't doing it... *rubs back of head*


girl: hey so what do you do
guy: *serious face* I'm the CEO of Balenciaga
girl: really?/come oooon
guy: no/yeah I'm just fucking with you. I'm actually out there saving the world by delivering one pizza at a time. What about you? You look like you're in fashion

basically the difference is VIBE and FRAME. The objective reality of who you are barely matters compared to how you feel about it.

I'm going to quote myself because I'm a genius:

september said:
When you "fail" at something like this, like 5% of the damage is done by the actual thing, and 95% is done by your reaction to it. So just setting up and maintaining a good frame avoids 95% of the damage.

as for:

Thrice said:
But girls don't know and don't care, they don't want a guy that delivers pizza, it's disgusting for them

I'm not saying they care 0%, but girls care about beta traits way less than you think. Girls don't WANT to be attracted to alpha traits like status, looks, social skills, confidence, etc. So they only ever talk about how they value beta traits like having a job, good relationship with family, and so on. Which makes us nerds think that's all they're attracted to, until we get redpilled. But in reality they barely give a shit about beta traits when it comes to who they're fucking, especially the younger they are.

But hold on isn't pizza delivery low status? And girls are attracted to status?

yes, to a 5% extent it harms you that you deliver pizzas.


People's brains are wired to be lazy, and to avoid actually doing the hard work of figuring out if you're high or low status, they instead judge you on two things:

- how do you treat yourself?
- how do others treat you?

there aren't other people on an online/cold approach date (except for serving staff, which is why it's so important to treat them well and be liked by them). So basically how she views your status is almost solely based on how you treat yourself.

So if you think delivering pizzas is shameful, and no one will ever date you because of it... she'll pick up on that. She'll think, wow he can't even be confident around ME, a SILLY LITTLE GIRL - there's no way he'll hold his own socially in a larger mixed gender group - no way he thinks of himself as a leader - my body is giving me a disgust response to any sexual threat he displays, to make me avoid having sex with him - I better run away and go find an alpha chad to fuck.

If instead you think delivering pizzas is the most awesome thing in the world, and you'd confidently be able to fire back at any argument someone tried to make against your job while smiling and remaining unbothered - then she'll think, wow this guy is really cool. I guess pizza delivery is cool too, since a cool guy is doing it!


So basically just believe in yourself. Which means doing the actual work of rewiring away all the negative beliefs and working towards being more positive and awesome with regards to yourself and your abilities.
september said:
Thrice said:
Live is different, the likelihood to find a coach here in Italy is super small, what we do is super niche, normal people consider us strange

Daygame is niche and strange everywhere. Not just Italy. Though if anything isn't "natural" daygame more common in Italy? I heard women travelers always get hit on there more than any other country in europe.

Anyway, daygame is niche, but walking up to someone you find cute and saying hi is normal.

The difference between the two is that we're low status nerds who systematized the shit out of talking to people. Meanwhile, cool naturals strike up conversations with strangers all the time for whatever reasons and no one finds that weird.

You wouldn't find it weird to be approached by a dude with a super happy vibe who's super well calibrated and in tune with your emotions, and depending on the context, acknowledges the approach as being a little weird, but brings a fun energy and engages you in a conversation, right?

You'd just think that's some really cool social well-calibrated dude.

That's who we're trying to become in daygame.

Anyway, you don't need to find a coach, just wings. Find a Game Global telegram group for the nearest city in Italy and meet up with wings from there and try to absorb their vibes.

Thrice said:
When I'm alone i look like a creep even more

creep = low status (= uncool)

there's literally no difference between these terms

try to think about why you believe it's low status to be alone. Surely cool guys walk around alone sometimes right?

Thrice said:
Imagine having a date and telling a girl i deliver pizza for a living

girl: hey so what do you do
guy: *timidly* uhmm... I... well... I'm working at a pizza place... *looks away* I deliver pizzas... yeah... *nervous chuckle* I know I know it sucks, I wish I wasn't doing it... *rubs back of head*


girl: hey so what do you do
guy: *serious face* I'm the CEO of Balenciaga
girl: really?/come oooon
guy: no/yeah I'm just fucking with you. I'm actually out there saving the world by delivering one pizza at a time. What about you? You look like you're in fashion

basically the difference is VIBE and FRAME. The objective reality of who you are barely matters compared to how you feel about it.

I'm going to quote myself because I'm a genius:

september said:
When you "fail" at something like this, like 5% of the damage is done by the actual thing, and 95% is done by your reaction to it. So just setting up and maintaining a good frame avoids 95% of the damage.

as for:

Thrice said:
But girls don't know and don't care, they don't want a guy that delivers pizza, it's disgusting for them

I'm not saying they care 0%, but girls care about beta traits way less than you think. Girls don't WANT to be attracted to alpha traits like status, looks, social skills, confidence, etc. So they only ever talk about how they value beta traits like having a job, good relationship with family, and so on. Which makes us nerds think that's all they're attracted to, until we get redpilled. But in reality they barely give a shit about beta traits when it comes to who they're fucking, especially the younger they are.

But hold on isn't pizza delivery low status? And girls are attracted to status?

yes, to a 5% extent it harms you that you deliver pizzas.


People's brains are wired to be lazy, and to avoid actually doing the hard work of figuring out if you're high or low status, they instead judge you on two things:

- how do you treat yourself?
- how do others treat you?

there aren't other people on an online/cold approach date (except for serving staff, which is why it's so important to treat them well and be liked by them). So basically how she views your status is almost solely based on how you treat yourself.

So if you think delivering pizzas is shameful, and no one will ever date you because of it... she'll pick up on that. She'll think, wow he can't even be confident around ME, a SILLY LITTLE GIRL - there's no way he'll hold his own socially in a larger mixed gender group - no way he thinks of himself as a leader - my body is giving me a disgust response to any sexual threat he displays, to make me avoid having sex with him - I better run away and go find an alpha chad to fuck.

If instead you think delivering pizzas is the most awesome thing in the world, and you'd confidently be able to fire back at any argument someone tried to make against your job while smiling and remaining unbothered - then she'll think, wow this guy is really cool. I guess pizza delivery is cool too, since a cool guy is doing it!


So basically just believe in yourself. Which means doing the actual work of rewiring away all the negative beliefs and working towards being more positive and awesome with regards to yourself and your abilities.

Damn. You deserve a Nobel Prize for this response lol. 100% spot on
I used to deliver pizzas.

I could go on but pizza delivery is NOT a low status job. There’s so much you can learn from your customers. I used to carry a nifty change holder to spool out pennies and coins to get people to tip me and it would get conversations going. Ive read about guys who travelled to all the popular pizza shops nationally, learned the trade (never met them personally though) and then opened up their own shops. Millionaires.

Pizza shops are a low overhead, high margin profit shop. I swear there’s guys out there running these joints making more bank than me.

He’s right, believe in yourself. Get rid of your limiting beliefs and the skies the limit.

The book is Pizza Camp by Joe Beddia.
tdan187 said:
Besides how do you know it is? How many girls have you really tried to fuck who rejected you for that reason?

i didn't try but it's clear by the way they look at me when i'm on the job, thank you for your advice, will try for sure

september said:
So basically just believe in yourself. Which means doing the actual work of rewiring away all the negative beliefs and working towards being more positive and awesome with regards to yourself and your abilities.

Thank you September, will try to implement your advice, i have to do it, no other option anyway, can't believe you have this knowledge at just 23 yo!

Squilliam said:
You don't get to complain about not getting laid if you don't even try.

this is true, will take at least 3/4 pictures ASAP

MakingAComeback said:
LOOKS are king, improving them, A LOT, I feel makes the other aspects of this journey easier because you get these little signs of hope

this is true, i see my upper abs and i already feel more confident, can't get rid of the last fucking fat in lower abdomen area haha

thank you guys, your words means so much to me
Pizza delivery is a social job which means you'll easily have stories to tell. People working in the restaurant industry always have stories about their clients, colleagues, boss, staying up late to drink in the bar of a friend of the boss, etc
It's a loser thing only if you think of it as a loser thing.

"I'm delivering pizza and stacking the cash because I have the project of doing [cool project]"
"I'm working in a restaurant to learn about the restaurant business because I want to open mine"

+ "I can come to your place with a hot pizza after I'm done working tonight" gives you a 90% chance of getting your dick sucked, doesn't it?
took new pictures, felt awkward as fuck, like the nerd guy trying to look sexy, but still stayed and didn't pussy out