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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

did not workout today, i still have head ache and stuffed nose, i also beed dealing with a lot of anger to ward woman and negative self talk, i think trangers notice my tense face when i'm out buying food and having this internal redpill debates about woman sex etc, my guess is that i make tsrange faces when i argue with myself thats why i get some weird looks

i need something big to move out of this rut or i'm going nowhere, i'm too old and running out of time, i bough 4andro to increase my free test and restore my blood, i'm waiting for blood work results first, the truth is i'm a pussy scared of pinning, i have to look myself in the mirror, admit i'm a pussy, and just buy some fucking test instead of wasting my time with sarms and pro hormones

i also bought pure DMAA from predatornutrion, it's a strong stimulant and appetite suppressant, when i'm down i eat a lot of junk food and gain back all the weight i lost with hard work so i will experiment with that and see if it works

just found a brand i trust called HYDRAPHARM i will start trying some different nootropics because i'm very metally tired, really can't take it anymore, i would to live some normal life instead of always beign on survival mode
I have a new cowerker, he's 22 and seems the type of guy i can get along with and go out with. Like Andy said the ability to make friends is just a muscle you have to train so i will start practicing.

First thing first i have to create an instagram page with some normal pictures to be able to connect and keep in touch with potential friends, and i need to get rid of the vice of stalking girls with my fake profiles and show my true face to the world
Didn't workout today, it feels bad to miss workouts, muscle building is already slow as it is, but i still have stuffy nose and a little bit of diarrhea too, when you toughen up and workout in this case can worsen the symptoms

I cleaned the house, prepared the bed for the next airbnb guest and will practice photography tonight in the same parking lot, will try to take better pictures

The goal now is to get a nice haircut, nice clothes, and take some edgy pictures for instagram and tinder

I see many guys saturday night with very cute young girls and in many cases the guy is nothing special to be honest

I think i can do it if i stop overreacting and put some effort, which i didn't do till now, i have to force myself and do what i have to do and stop time watching YouTube videos and ig stories
Today i skipped workout too but I'm feeling better so i go back to the gym tomorrow and start lifting regularly again

Today i watched some tutorials on photography and booked appointment for my blood work

Once i have the results i will decide what, self trt, prohormones, sarms i don't know but i have to do something

Depression and high cortisol ruined my body and left me with very very bad fat distribution, my upper body is shredded and lower body still fat, i could battle it naturally but I'm already in my 30s and we only have one life, nothing bad about needing some chemical help

I'm also still very angry, specially when woman look away to avoid eye contact with, i have the same level of respect for them

Tomorrow i will do some photography exercises that a reddit user gave me to learn to correctly expose pictures, looking forward to do it
Thrice said:
Today i skipped workout too but I'm feeling better so i go back to the gym tomorrow and start lifting regularly again

Today i watched some tutorials on photography and booked appointment for my blood work

Once i have the results i will decide what, self trt, prohormones, sarms i don't know but i have to do something

Depression and high cortisol ruined my body and left me with very very bad fat distribution, my upper body is shredded and lower body still fat, i could battle it naturally but I'm already in my 30s and we only have one life, nothing bad about needing some chemical help

I'm also still very angry, specially when woman look away to avoid eye contact with, i have the same level of respect for them

Tomorrow i will do some photography exercises that a reddit user gave me to learn to correctly expose pictures, looking forward to do it

Just checking: Make sure you do a thorough screening as far as taking prohormones, etc. Depending on what you take, it can seriously mess with your body more than you think. You seem hyper-focused on your age, and while I believe self awareness is good, I'm curious if it's driving you to take the 'fast track' with these supps. Remember, most of your life will not be spent in your 'youth'. You will also accomplish more in less time than you think. All this isn't to say those supplements won't help, but I would seriously make sure the rest of your fitness regimen is dialed in before adding that stuff (Example: If you're not on a consistent diet/lifting regimen, those hormonal supps won't help much.)
Felt great after working out, went to buy food, an old ugly woman told me to get off the sidewalk with my bike because she's "watching the kids" i told her to fuck off and shut up, i also told to thank god she's a woman, a protected class, or i would break her skull in half, she was scared shitless, i think she learned the lesson, don't bother strange you never know how it can end up

Went to the bar, the only bar i like in all Parma because they are from Naples, the city where i was born and they know how to make good coffee...so i go there every day for coffee after workout, the young barista does the entire process making sure to never make i contact

-Ciao, one coffe
- macchiato o normale
-macchiato thanks
-pay and drink
-thanks, buye

During the entire conversation she made sure to never, for any reason, have eye contact, she was looking down up, left, right, any direction except my face... How can you not feel like a monster when you're treated like that?

And if you talk about this stuff you're misogynistic because woman are angels and can do no wrong

Man have built and invented everything, woman did not do anything in our entire evolution

Woman are gross, disgusting. If the entire world becomes like saudi arabia i would be so fucking happy you have no idea

Thrice said:
Felt great after working out, went to buy food, an old ugly woman told me to get off the sidewalk with my bike because she's "watching the kids" i told her to fuck off and shut up, i also told to thank god she's a woman, a protected class, or i would break her skull in half, she was scared shitless, i think she learned the lesson, don't bother strange you never know how it can end up


You were totally in the wrong here and it’s quite worrying that you seem to enjoy bragging about this kind of behaviour on the forums.

Are you really that proud of yourself for ‘scaring an old woman shitless’?

Then you go on to threaten to break this random old woman’s skull if she wasn’t a woman?

Wow. Tough guy.

Where I’m from it’s illegal to cycle on the pavement. The only ‘lesson’ you’ve ‘taught’ here is what kind of person you are. You should be ashamed of yourself for this and seriously re-think about adjusting your attitude and behaviour towards people in the future.
Thrice said:
And if you talk about this stuff you're misogynistic because woman are angels and can do no wrong
I'm probably going to get hate for this because I know how much everybody on here hates PC terminology, but this post literally is misogynistic.

I'm gonna be honest with you, this post looks like it could've been copy and pasted from an incel forum. That isn't what KYIL is about.

But, you literally just bragged about threatening a woman, and making misogynistic comments about how she's "lucky" to be a woman or else you'd break her skull in half. Not to mention the last line of your post.

I'm not going to open the whole "do women have privilege" can of worms, but I will say, that it's pretty ironic that you're saying she should be thankful that she's a woman, yet your actions today are a clear example of the kind of shit women do have to deal with.

I understand wanting to ride bikes/scooters on the sidewalk. Yeah, it's technically illegal in some places, but it's like public drinking, technically illegal but barely enforced. I've had cops pass me while on the sidewalk and they never gave me a ticket or stopped me. However, where I'm from, most of the streets are not setup in a way that is safe for cyclists. So I'll sometimes go on the sidewalk. I've been told not to sometimes, and I ignore them every time. I always go relatively slowly and I always slow down around corners, so I am never creating an unreasonable risk of harm.

But let's think about what would've happened if you didn't react like this. You could've simply ignored the lady, what would she have done. If you really wanted to tell her to fuck off, I mean, it's unnecessary energy, but not the worst thing ever. But making a sexist comment about how she's "lucky" to be a woman or else you'd break her skull in half, that's just so unnecessary, and like Spider said, what is there to be proud of in this. Do you feel good?

The lady was probably scared because after you said that, she likely felt at risk of violence.

I don't know the laws in Italy, but what you did to that woman is actually illegal where I'm from. And it likely is where you are too.

To be honest, shit like this is why I'm generally very hesitant to confront strangers. I don't know if that stranger is going to be a hothead who will threaten to break my skull.

I understand your feelings are coming from a place of immense pain and rejection, and I imagine being a minority race in a country like Italy is very difficult. That's the thing though, I would attribute a lot of your experiences to racism honestly, given the racial makeup of your country. That's just my opinion though. You always seem to chalk it up to them being women though, which just isn't always the case.
IMO there’s one supreme way to deal with people that piss you off. (No matter whether the anger is justified or accurately placed)

Use it as fuel. Specifically for the gym.


You lift yourself up rather than degrading yourself by complaining or stooping to someone’s level. You also don’t risk getting arrested or otherwise harming yourself (which would be a victory for anyone who wishes you ill)

You level up. Putting up better numbers in the gym equals improving your physique equals becoming a higher value and more attractive man.

You ARE getting revenge. Success is the best revenge

Compared to other endeavors like building a business, working out is pure, animal aggression. While you might find it challenging to focus on more intellectual tasks while you are fuming and replaying an encounter in your mind, that raw emotion is actually incredibly valuable (maybe even necessary) for pushing yourself harder than last time in the gym and building an elite body.

You also build self discipline and the ability to keep your composure. In fact, if you can internalize and implement this trick then you you’ll start to actually appreciate when someone steps on your toes, ignores you, etc. They are doing you a massive favor by helping you to level up.

I’ve had PLENTY of times where I’ve been treated rudely (or maybe it was just something like a girl not holding eye contact with me) and I get pissed off about it. Within hours I’m able to step into the gym and work all of that anger out of my system while being productive and improving myself. I’ve never, ever found anything remotely as effective. I’ve watched friends and family members self-destruct when they are treated badly and exposed to prolonged suffering (like a contentious divorce, for example). The one thing these people all have in common is they don’t have a healthy outlet for their pent up rage - like a structured weight training program approached with purpose.

Stick to a daily, structured weight training program, geared toward consistently getting stronger. Write down your numbers (weight, reps, sets) for every exercise and aim to improve a little each workout

I like a low volume, high intensity approach.

A few of my favorite compound exercises to channel my rage into -

Bulgarian split squats. I’m up to 90lb dumbbells in each hand. I’ve done these before while imagining that I was stomping on someone’s head (don’t ask) with each rep.

Weighted chin ups (up to 115lbs plus bodyweight). I hit bodyweight plus 100lbs (a huge personal achievement, years in the making) almost immediately after I overheard some dude talking shit about me.

Incline bench press. One of the best moves IMO for an aesthetic upper body. Same story here, something happens in my life that pisses me off and shortly thereafter I hit a PR. I think the last major weight increase on this exercise came after I got stood up on a tinder date.

The end result of all this (so-far anyways, I’m no where near done) is that I now get more respect from guys (and everyone, really), more pussy and attention from girls, and I feel 100% more confident and in control with regards to dealing with stressful situations or rude behavior.

I won’t really comment on the specific situation with the old lady and the barista, as both Squilliam and Spider Jerusalem made good points there. I just wanted to pop in and offer up a piece of potentially life changing advice, since for me personally this was such a pivotal realization in my own life.
Oof brother - This isn't it.

Give this a read, then reset tomorrow:

Thrice said:
Felt great after working out, went to buy food, an old ugly woman told me to get off the sidewalk with my bike because she's "watching the kids" i told her to fuck off and shut up, i also told to thank god she's a woman, a protected class, or i would break her skull in half, she was scared shitless, i think she learned the lesson, don't bother strange you never know how it can end up

Went to the bar, the only bar i like in all Parma because they are from Naples, the city where i was born and they know how to make good coffee...so i go there every day for coffee after workout, the young barista does the entire process making sure to never make i contact

-Ciao, one coffe
- macchiato o normale
-macchiato thanks
-pay and drink
-thanks, buye

During the entire conversation she made sure to never, for any reason, have eye contact, she was looking down up, left, right, any direction except my face... How can you not feel like a monster when you're treated like that?

And if you talk about this stuff you're misogynistic because woman are angels and can do no wrong

Man have built and invented everything, woman did not do anything in our entire evolution

Woman are gross, disgusting. If the entire world becomes like saudi arabia i would be so fucking happy you have no idea


Your conduct here, was appalling, and also illegal. Threads of physical violence against another, entirely unprovoked.

You cannot conduct yourself like this.


It is truly a shameful act, to behave like this towards an old person. Most humans like old people. I do. You will NEVER see me behave in this way with an older person. I am always happy to help them, to do them some small favours, and they sense my warm friendly energy and are happy to reach out to me. I have plenty of positive memories assisting them, taking time out of my day to walk them to the elevator on the London Underground due to their vision issues, etc.

This is normal behaviour from people whose mind is functioning properly.

What you have posted here, is totally mad. As you can see from the response of the community - this was a disgusting act you performed.

No more of this. You have fucked up this time. You must never do this to someone, ever again.

You must address your mental health, and emotional problems, and work on healing yourself.

You have a MIND problem. Nothing else. It is trauma and mental health issues that are causing your failures and losses in life.

......What are you doing about these?


The world is your mirror.

If girls are repulsed and not making eye contact, that is on YOU.

They also did this to me. For a long time.

I persisted and did the work.

Now, they give me big beaming smiles, and it's really lovely.

Guys talk to me, strike up conversations with me, ask me questions, and so on.

Because I am Confident, Intelligent, Assertive, and very peaceful, grounded, and warm.

This happened through WORK.

I, too, used to get treated like a total scrub. I have received infinitely worse treatment than you will in 10 lifetimes.

I dealt with it and did the work anyway.

I get it. You're angry and embittered. I too still carry jadedness, still have wounds, still have pain, and still live in scarcity with regards to women. I too long to be treated in the way I would like to be treated, and to be loved and accepted.

The difference is, I treat both women (and men) VERY well and am a very positive, loving, respectful guy. Even when they treated me like fucking SHIT, I was always 100% good to them.

An eye for an eye turns the world blind. Someone must break the cycle of pain.

Let it be you..........

Work on HEALING your damn self, dude. It pays dividends.

Thanks guys for your feedback, i have read all of your comments.

Today woke up early, leg day was a success
-leg curl
-bulgarian squat
-leg extensions
-leg press
- hyperextensions on roman chair

Skipped on abs and calves because i had an airbnb guest to take care of, she will stay for 3 days so i will have time to practice photography without having to wash bed sheets ect

Tomorrow will get new pair of jeans, earrings, shirt, and practice photography

I'm also dreaming about buying a small cable crossover, that's the only thing i miss in my home gym, i found one from bodysolid, a brand i trust, bought the leg press, the let curl/extension and the roman chair from them

They have a very cool cable crossover, still not available in europe

Today i also listened to some sad songs and cried, some memories from the past still hurt, but all we can do os move forward.
Rest day, no workout, bought new jeans, slim fit
Practiced some photography and used a paid service to ask a professional to edited, i want to get used to look at myself in pictures without freaking out and feeling ugly, I'm waiting for the result

Tonight will practice in the parking lot again
practiced in the parking lot again, this time no flash and used manual mode, actually i was able to get a better picture this time, last time i used auto setting and when i added flash because the picture was too dark the pic got that orangy look

this time i used manual settings, found the right exposure and took the pic without a flash, way better

gradually improving

next week hair cut and new clothes

btw i improved compared to last time but at iso 25600(!!!) the picture is too grainy, i'm sure you're not supposed to take pictures at such high iso, so will keep practice
Congratulations--your looksmaxxing journey is over, and was a resounding success: you look and present like a male model. You may even want to hit up an agency and try to get some jobs. You look that good.

Now you must spend 100% of your energy in becoming happy or at least mitigating negativity: THAT is now the rate-limiting step in your life.
klondike said:
Congratulations--your looksmaxxing journey is over, and was a resounding success: you look and present like a male model. You may even want to hit up an agency and try to get some jobs. You look that good.

Thank you for r your support Kondlike!
I'm banned on tinder, i don't even know what the fuck i did, once i have like 5 or 6 pictures i will test them, my fear is i will need to buy a new used smartphone, new sim card and new credit card even... Fuck hahahah

But even if i have zero matches you are right, i need to adress the nagativity and my mental game, unfortunately I'm really depressed

Today was pull day, had a killer workout

Prepared the room for the new airbnb guest, i don't have many booking if it keeps going to be like that the entire summer t it means I'm fucked

Tonight i will practice again in the parking lot and tomorrow will practice at the park
Now manual mode is less scary, i like to mess around with settings until i find the best exposure, parking lots are great, i don't have that pressure i have during the day with people looking so i'm able to try different things while at ease

jakeD thanks brother, like i said i need to fix my hair and style and get 5/6 pics, buy aother phone and sim card, to be able to try gold without beign banned again i might even need another credit card number

i don't if it's true that i have been poisoned by the redpill, because the things i talk about here really happen, of course i might magnify what i percieve because my brain is already fucked up hahah

after seeing the results of people who worked 100 times harder than me and have legit fashion magazine quality pictures i'm really scared i might not make it, the goal then would be accept i won't fuck hot young girls or live a miserable life in regret
Thrice said:
after seeing the results of people who worked 100 times harder than me and have legit fashion magazine quality pictures i'm really scared i might not make it, the goal then would be accept i won't fuck hot young girls or live a miserable life in regret

A big bottleneck of yours might be the location. If you can, visit an Asian country for a week and see what's the response there. Personally, I'm done thinking I gotta make things work in my 4th world country.
Thrice said:
Now manual mode is less scary, i like to mess around with settings until i find the best exposure, parking lots are great, i don't have that pressure i have during the day with people looking so i'm able to try different things while at ease

@jakeD thanks brother, like i said i need to fix my hair and style and get 5/6 pics, buy aother phone and sim card, to be able to try gold without beign banned again i might even need another credit card number

i don't if it's true that i have been poisoned by the redpill, because the things i talk about here really happen, of course i might magnify what i percieve because my brain is already fucked up hahah

after seeing the results of people who worked 100 times harder than me and have legit fashion magazine quality pictures i'm really scared i might not make it, the goal then would be accept i won't fuck hot young girls or live a miserable life in regret

Firstly, you know I love and care about you, and every damn member of this forum.

I make ONE post in despair, but you ignore the 4000 before that that have been incremental progress and compounding improvements, wins and successes?

I am human, I am VERY early on my journey, 2 years is NOTHING when you started from where I did, and because I push myself to the very limits of the human animal, sometimes, yes, I will crack.

But that is NO reflection on the wisdom of the forum, and I myself am a student here here. I am a brother of the community trying to improve, and have my moments, like every other human in this world.

Look at the fruits of your labour, look how proud we are of you, look how far you have come? Look at this photo, Mo....I am beyond proud of you, and I knew you had the potential, now we finally get to see it. You wanna know something?









Provided you do what Andy always says:


When I have mental breakdowns on the forum, it hurts me SO BAD when other guys make posts like this

This makes me almost want to cry and this causes me true emotional pain to read

I have not had a mental breakdown on the forum for 7 months and it came due to challenges to my personal life (I am a true grinder and when I take Ls in life I can go a little insane because I desire victory so bad it is palpable), being physically spent to the limit (working 7 days a week 5am-11pm most days, networking, hustling like HELL). and then, my photos not performing pushed me over the edge - turns out my account was fucking shadow banned because pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, and september have run my account in their locations and the profile performed!

I apologise to Andy and Radical for my recent post and for shaking the faith of other members I am truly so sorry about this kyil_andy Radical

I have already been verbally destroyed on the phone by The Dom for my actions (@AskTheDom) and I did speak to Radical on the phone and explain how sorry I am

This is entirely my fault, accept my sincere apologies as a brother in the community and a friend

You, and me both, will make it Thrice.

We will not allow you to fail.

I will have your back until the bitter end and will not give up on you, provided you just trust the wisdom of the community and keep taking action.

I myself, dude, will make it: I am excelling across every possible metric. Look at me. I went from obese monster to tall, dark handsome stud, the women of Krakow were giving me their numbers with laughable ease, 4 of them I was scheduling a drink with (they were replying), one wanted me to go straight to her house and sent her address (1am booty call, didnt materialise, I was fucking spent anyway).

The Dom said I have improved. He is a mean bastard and will just tell you like it is. He said, in 6 months, I went from HORRIBLE at this shit, to showing real, genuine signs of improvement. He said himself, I am 25% there, but he said the next 6 months will see me get to 50%, but it will probably be even harder than before. And him, Andy, and Radical have all told me to STFU and double down on biz. I won't be posting anything about dating man. Back to biz.

In life, to get success, you just eliminate all other possibilities and FOCUS on the metrics that matter and work consistently, and wait, for as long as it takes.


Do not have fear about your future from looking at my recent post, for God's sake, listen to people like pancakemouse, AskTheDom, kyil_andy, Radical who assure you, success is possible for both of us, OK?

I do not think these guys would be wrong on this subject, dude..........

I am grinding biz, but in the future, when I start slaying some excellent lays on my travels, I am going to tag you on those lay reports.

Can we move past this now dude?

Thrice said:
Now manual mode is less scary, i like to mess around with settings until i find the best exposure, parking lots are great, i don't have that pressure i have during the day with people looking so i'm able to try different things while at ease

@jakeD thanks brother, like i said i need to fix my hair and style and get 5/6 pics, buy aother phone and sim card, to be able to try gold without beign banned again i might even need another credit card number

i don't if it's true that i have been poisoned by the redpill, because the things i talk about here really happen, of course i might magnify what i percieve because my brain is already fucked up hahah

after seeing the results of people who worked 100 times harder than me and have legit fashion magazine quality pictures i'm really scared i might not make it, the goal then would be accept i won't fuck hot young girls or live a miserable life in regret

You are done practicing your photography in the parking lot. You have a couple of extremely good main pics which I'm honestly jealous of. In terms of completing your Tinder profile, your job is to get a couple of other pics in more social areas and also some of you doing things you love.

It's urgent for you to look for a hobby where other people are involved. It's a good way to meet new people who have a similar interest which makes it easier to bond with them. You might make some new friends, you might not. At least you'll get out of your room and witness the world.

A lot of people on this forum would wish to have your facial bone structure. You have a lot of potential if you figure out a way to release the toxic mindset.